
## 74 误入歧途的句子,并翻译成英文:

**1. 他本可以成为一名优秀的工程师,却沉迷于赌博,最终身败名裂。**

He could have been a great engineer, but he was addicted to gambling and ended up in ruins.

**2. 她曾是学校里最优秀的女生,如今却沦落风尘,令人唏嘘。**

She used to be the best girl in school, but now she has fallen into prostitution, which is a pity.

**3. 昔日意气风发的少年,如今却成为街头的流浪汉,令人心酸。**

The once spirited young man is now a homeless man on the street, which is heartbreaking.

**4. 她本该拥有幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的选择,将自己推向了深渊。**

She should have had a happy life, but because of a wrong choice, she pushed herself into the abyss.

**5. 他原本是前途无量的艺术家,却因为吸毒,葬送了自己的前程。**

He was originally a promising artist, but because of drug addiction, he ruined his future.

**6. 他们本可以相亲相爱,却因为一场误会,最终分道扬镳。**

They could have loved each other, but because of a misunderstanding, they eventually went their separate ways.

**7. 他本该成为家族的继承人,却因为贪图享乐,挥霍无度,最终家破人亡。**

He was supposed to be the heir to the family, but because of his pursuit of pleasure and extravagance, he ultimately lost his family and fortune.

**8. 她本可以拥有美好的未来,却因为一次错误的决定,毁掉了自己的人生。**

She could have had a wonderful future, but because of a wrong decision, she ruined her life.

**9. 他本该成为一名优秀的医生,却因为一次医疗事故,失去了行医资格,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great doctor, but because of a medical accident, he lost his medical license and became disheartened.

**10. 他原本是前途无量的运动员,却因为一次严重的伤病,不得不提前退役,令人惋惜。**

He was originally a promising athlete, but because of a serious injury, he had to retire early, which is regrettable.

**11. 她曾是家里的骄傲,如今却因为一次失误,失去了工作,变得一无所有。**

She used to be the pride of the family, but now because of a mistake, she lost her job and became penniless.

**12. 他本可以过上平静安稳的生活,却因为一次冲动的决定,卷入了这场风波,最终身陷囹圄。**

He could have lived a peaceful and stable life, but because of an impulsive decision, he was involved in this turmoil and ended up in prison.

**13. 她本可以成为一名优秀的老师,却因为一次失恋,彻底放弃了梦想。**

She could have been a great teacher, but because of a broken heart, she gave up on her dream completely.

**14. 他原本是前途无量的企业家,却因为一次投资失败,倾家荡产。**

He was originally a promising entrepreneur, but because of a failed investment, he lost everything.

**15. 她曾是家喻户晓的歌手,如今却因为一次丑闻,跌落神坛。**

She used to be a well-known singer, but now because of a scandal, she has fallen from grace.

**16. 他本该成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**17. 她曾是学校里的风云人物,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双腿,从此只能坐在轮椅上。**

She used to be a prominent figure in school, but now because of an accident, she lost both her legs and can only sit in a wheelchair.

**18. 他原本是前途无量的科学家,却因为一次研究失败,失去了科研经费,从此一蹶不振。**

He was originally a promising scientist, but because of a failed research project, he lost his research funding and became disheartened.

**19. 她曾是家里的顶梁柱,如今却因为一场大病,失去了工作能力,成为家人的负担。**

She used to be the pillar of the family, but now because of a serious illness, she has lost her ability to work and become a burden on her family.

**20. 他本可以过上幸福美满的生活,却因为一次意外,失去了妻子,从此郁郁寡欢。**

He could have lived a happy and fulfilling life, but because of an accident, he lost his wife and became depressed.

**21. 她本该拥有美好的爱情,却因为一次错误的选择,嫁给了错误的人,从此过着不幸的生活。**

She should have had a beautiful love, but because of a wrong choice, she married the wrong person and lived an unhappy life.

**22. 他原本是前途无量的政治家,却因为一次腐败事件,被永远地钉在了耻辱柱上。**

He was originally a promising politician, but because of a corruption case, he was forever nailed to the pillar of shame.

**23. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**24. 他本可以过上富裕的生活,却因为一次错误的投资,倾家荡产,从此一蹶不振。**

He could have lived a wealthy life, but because of a wrong investment, he lost everything and became disheartened.

**25. 她曾是美丽的女孩,如今却因为一次车祸,毁容了,从此失去了自信。**

She used to be a beautiful girl, but now because of a car accident, she was disfigured and lost her confidence.

**26. 他本该成为一名优秀的作家,却因为一次抄袭事件,名誉扫地,从此销声匿迹。**

He was supposed to be a great writer, but because of a plagiarism incident, he was disgraced and disappeared.

**27. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**28. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**29. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**30. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**31. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**32. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**33. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**34. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**35. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**36. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**37. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**38. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**39. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**40. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**41. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**42. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**43. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**44. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**45. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**46. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**47. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**48. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**49. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**50. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**51. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**52. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**53. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**54. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**55. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**56. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**57. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**58. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**59. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**60. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**61. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**62. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**63. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**64. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**65. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**66. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**67. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**68. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

**69. 她曾是家里的掌上明珠,如今却因为一次意外,失去了双亲,从此孤苦无依。**

She used to be the apple of her family's eye, but now because of an accident, she lost her parents and became lonely and helpless.

**70. 他原本是前途无量的音乐家,却因为一次意外,失去了听力,从此无法再演奏音乐。**

He was originally a promising musician, but because of an accident, he lost his hearing and could no longer play music.

**71. 她曾是充满活力的女孩,如今却因为一次失恋,变得沉默寡言,失去了往日的活力。**

She used to be a lively girl, but now because of a broken heart, she became silent and lost her former vitality.

**72. 他本可以过上幸福的生活,却因为一次错误的决定,将自己推向了深渊。**

He could have lived a happy life, but because of a wrong decision, he pushed himself into the abyss.

**73. 她曾是充满希望的少女,如今却因为一次社会歧视,失去了自信,变得自卑。**

She used to be a hopeful girl, but now because of social discrimination, she has lost her confidence and become insecure.

**74. 他本可以成为一名优秀的律师,却因为一次错误的辩护,失去了客户的信任,从此一蹶不振。**

He was supposed to be a great lawyer, but because of a wrong defense, he lost the trust of his clients and became disheartened.

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