
## 丢脸搞笑句子 (81句)**1.** 我今天出门的时候,以为自己穿的很潮,结果走到街上发现,只有我一个人这么穿。

I thought I was wearing the latest fashion when I went out today, but when I got to the street, I realized I was the only one wearing it.

**2.** 我刚刚在电梯里放了个屁,然后假装是手机铃声。

I just farted in the elevator and pretended it was my phone ringing.

**3.** 我今天早上起床的时候,以为我手机没电了,结果发现它只是卡在了一个表情包上。

I woke up this morning thinking my phone was dead, only to find it stuck on an emoji.

**4.** 我今天去超市买了个西瓜,结果拿回家发现是冬瓜。

I bought a watermelon at the supermarket today and when I got home I realized it was a winter melon.

**5.** 我今天和朋友聊天,突然发现自己说错了一个字,然后尴尬地解释说:“我,我,我今天脑子有点短路。”

I was chatting with a friend today, and suddenly I realized I said the wrong word, and then I awkwardly explained,"I, I, I'm having a little brain fart today."

**6.** 我今天走在路上,看到路边有一只猫,然后我忍不住想:“如果我把它抱起来,它会不会把我当成它妈妈?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a cat by the side of the road, and I couldn't help but think,"If I pick it up, will it think I'm its mother?"

**7.** 我今天在公交车上,不小心把手机掉到了地上,然后一个小朋友过来捡起来,还问我:“叔叔,你手机掉了,是不是在玩手机游戏啊?”

I was on the bus today and accidentally dropped my phone on the floor, then a little kid came over and picked it up and asked me,"Uncle, you dropped your phone, were you playing a mobile game?"

**8.** 我今天去银行取钱,结果发现我带错了银行卡。

I went to the bank to withdraw money today, only to realize I brought the wrong bank card.

**9.** 我今天去买菜,结果发现我忘记带钱了。

I went to buy groceries today, only to realize I forgot to bring money.

**10.** 我今天在家做饭,结果把盐当糖放了。

I was cooking at home today and accidentally put salt instead of sugar.

**11.** 我今天去理发店剪头发,结果理发师把我头发剪成了“爆炸头”。

I went to the barbershop to get a haircut today, and the barber cut my hair into a"blowout".

**12.** 我今天去游泳池游泳,结果忘记带泳衣了。

I went swimming at the pool today, only to realize I forgot to bring my swimsuit.

**13.** 我今天去参加朋友的婚礼,结果把新娘的名字叫错了。

I went to a friend's wedding today and accidentally called the bride by the wrong name.

**14.** 我今天去相亲,结果发现对方是我小学同学。

I went on a blind date today, only to realize it was my elementary school classmate.

**15.** 我今天去面试,结果发现面试官是我前女友。

I went for an interview today, only to realize the interviewer was my ex-girlfriend.

**16.** 我今天在路上,看到一辆车,然后我忍不住想:“如果我跳起来,能碰到它的车顶吗?”

I was walking down the road today and saw a car, and I couldn't help but think,"If I jump up, can I reach the roof of the car?"

**17.** 我今天在家看电视,结果发现遥控器不见了。

I was watching TV at home today and realized the remote control was missing.

**18.** 我今天去超市买东西,结果发现购物车不见了。

I went to the supermarket to buy things today, only to realize the shopping cart was missing.

**19.** 我今天去朋友家吃饭,结果发现我穿错衣服了。

I went to a friend's house for dinner today and realized I was wearing the wrong clothes.

**20.** 我今天去参加同学聚会,结果发现自己成了“老阿姨”。

I went to a classmate reunion today and realized I had become an"old aunt".

**21.** 我今天在街上,看到一个帅哥,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去跟他搭讪,他会喜欢我吗?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a handsome guy, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up to him and chat him up, will he like me?"

**22.** 我今天在朋友圈发了一条状态,结果发现自己发错了。

I posted a status on my WeChat Moments today and realized I had posted the wrong one.

**23.** 我今天在网上买了一件衣服,结果收到货后发现尺寸不对。

I bought a piece of clothing online today, and when I received it, I realized the size was wrong.

**24.** 我今天在公司开会,结果发现自己忘记带笔记本电脑了。

I was in a meeting at work today and realized I forgot to bring my laptop.

**25.** 我今天在餐厅吃饭,结果发现自己把手机落在了桌子上。

I was eating at a restaurant today and realized I left my phone on the table.

**26.** 我今天在路上,看到一个小孩摔倒了,然后我忍不住想:“如果我过去扶他,会不会被讹?”

I was walking down the road today and saw a child fall down, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go over and help him, will I be cheated?"

**27.** 我今天在家做家务,结果把洗洁精当洗手液用了。

I was doing housework at home today and accidentally used dish soap as hand sanitizer.

**28.** 我今天在路上,看到一对情侣在吵架,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去劝架,会不会被他们打?”

I was walking down the road today and saw a couple arguing, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go over and try to mediate, will they beat me up?"

**29.** 我今天去买彩票,结果发现自己中奖了,但是奖金只有一块钱。

I went to buy a lottery ticket today and realized I won, but the prize was only one yuan.

**30.** 我今天在家,突然听到有人敲门,然后我忍不住想:“如果我开门,会不会是歹徒?”

I was at home today and suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, and I couldn't help but think,"If I open the door, will it be a robber?"

**31.** 我今天去健身房锻炼,结果发现自己忘记带运动服了。

I went to the gym to exercise today, only to realize I forgot to bring my workout clothes.

**32.** 我今天去超市买东西,结果发现自己买了一堆没用的东西。

I went to the supermarket to buy things today, and realized I bought a bunch of useless things.

**33.** 我今天去参加朋友的生日聚会,结果发现自己忘记带礼物了。

I went to a friend's birthday party today, only to realize I forgot to bring a gift.

**34.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己被锁在门外了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I was locked out.

**35.** 我今天在路上,看到一个乞丐,然后我忍不住想:“如果我给他一块钱,他会拿去买酒喝吗?”

I was walking down the road today and saw a beggar, and I couldn't help but think,"If I give him a yuan, will he spend it on alcohol?"

**36.** 我今天去银行取钱,结果发现自己忘记带身份证了。

I went to the bank to withdraw money today, only to realize I forgot to bring my ID card.

**37.** 我今天在公司,不小心把咖啡洒在了老板的电脑上。

I was at work today and accidentally spilled coffee on my boss's computer.

**38.** 我今天去参加面试,结果发现自己穿错了衣服。

I went for an interview today, only to realize I was wearing the wrong clothes.

**39.** 我今天去参加朋友的婚礼,结果发现自己穿错了鞋子。

I went to a friend's wedding today, only to realize I was wearing the wrong shoes.

**40.** 我今天在路上,看到一辆车,然后我忍不住想:“如果我把它踢一脚,会怎么样?”

I was walking down the road today and saw a car, and I couldn't help but think,"What will happen if I kick it?"

**41.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己被蚊子咬了,然后我忍不住想:“如果我把它抓起来,会不会把它打死?”

I was at home today and suddenly realized I was bitten by a mosquito, and I couldn't help but think,"If I catch it, can I kill it?"

**42.** 我今天在公司,不小心把水杯打翻了,然后我忍不住想:“如果我赶紧把它擦干净,老板会不会发现?”

I was at work today and accidentally knocked over my water cup, and I couldn't help but think,"If I quickly wipe it clean, will my boss notice?"

**43.** 我今天去超市买东西,结果发现自己忘记带购物袋了。

I went to the supermarket to buy things today, only to realize I forgot to bring a shopping bag.

**44.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把手机落在出租车上了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I left my phone in the taxi.

**45.** 我今天在街上,看到一个流浪汉,然后我忍不住想:“如果我给他一元钱,他会拿去买什么?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a homeless man, and I couldn't help but think,"If I give him a yuan, what will he buy with it?"

**46.** 我今天去参加朋友的聚会,结果发现自己喝多了。

I went to a friend's gathering today and realized I was drunk.

**47.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去跟她搭讪,她会不会把我当成变态?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up to her and chat her up, will she think I'm a pervert?"

**48.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己忘记关窗户了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I forgot to close the window.

**49.** 我今天在公司,不小心把电脑上的文件删掉了。

I was at work today and accidentally deleted a file on my computer.

**50.** 我今天在路上,看到一个小孩在玩耍,然后我忍不住想:“如果我过去和他一起玩,会不会显得我很幼稚?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a child playing, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go over and play with him, will it make me look childish?"

**51.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把钥匙锁在房间里了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I locked my keys inside the room.

**52.** 我今天在公司,不小心把水杯掉在了地上,然后我忍不住想:“如果我赶紧把它捡起来,会不会有人看见?”

I was at work today and accidentally dropped my water cup on the floor, and I couldn't help but think,"If I quickly pick it up, will anyone see?"

**53.** 我今天去超市买东西,结果发现自己买了很多不需要的东西。

I went to the supermarket to buy things today, only to realize I bought a lot of things I didn't need.

**54.** 我今天在路上,看到一个老人在走路,然后我忍不住想:“如果我过去扶他一下,会不会显得我很虚伪?”

I was walking down the street today and saw an old man walking, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go over and help him, will it seem hypocritical?"

**55.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把电视遥控器丢在沙发下面了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I had thrown the TV remote under the sofa.

**56.** 我今天在公司,不小心把手机掉进了水杯里。

I was at work today and accidentally dropped my phone into my water cup.

**57.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女在打电话,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去问她要电话号码,会不会被她拒绝?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman on the phone, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up to her and ask for her phone number, will she reject me?"

**58.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己忘记关煤气了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I forgot to turn off the gas.

**59.** 我今天在公司,不小心把老板的咖啡洒在了他的衣服上。

I was at work today and accidentally spilled my boss's coffee on his clothes.

**60.** 我今天在路上,看到一个小孩在哭,然后我忍不住想:“如果我过去安慰他,他会觉得我是在骗他吗?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a child crying, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go over and comfort him, will he think I'm trying to fool him?"

**61.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把钥匙锁在车里了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I locked my keys in the car.

**62.** 我今天在公司,不小心把电脑上的文件复制到错误的文件夹里了。

I was at work today and accidentally copied a file on my computer to the wrong folder.

**63.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女在唱歌,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去给她鼓掌,会不会显得我很奇怪?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman singing, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up to her and applaud her, will it seem strange?"

**64.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把手机充电器落在酒店了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I left my phone charger at the hotel.

**65.** 我今天在公司,不小心把公司的打印机卡纸了。

I was at work today and accidentally jammed the company's printer.

**66.** 我今天在路上,看到一个小孩在玩泥巴,然后我忍不住想:“如果我过去和他一起玩,会不会被家长投诉?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a child playing in the mud, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go over and play with him, will the parents complain?"

**67.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把家里的保险丝烧断了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I blew a fuse in my house.

**68.** 我今天在公司,不小心把同事的电脑病毒了。

I was at work today and accidentally gave my colleague's computer a virus.

**69.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女在哭,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去安慰她,会不会显得我很自作多情?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman crying, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go over and comfort her, will it seem like I'm being presumptuous?"

**70.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把电饭煲的电源线弄坏了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I had broken the power cord of my rice cooker.

**71.** 我今天在公司,不小心把老板的咖啡杯打碎了。

I was at work today and accidentally broke my boss's coffee cup.

**72.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女在跳舞,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去和她一起跳,会不会被她嘲笑?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman dancing, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up and dance with her, will she laugh at me?"

**73.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把家里的马桶堵住了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I had blocked the toilet in my house.

**74.** 我今天在公司,不小心把公司的门锁坏了。

I was at work today and accidentally broke the lock on the company's door.

**75.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女在看手机,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去问她手机型号,会不会显得我很无聊?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman looking at her phone, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up to her and ask her what model phone she has, will it seem boring?"

**76.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把家里的灯泡烧坏了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I had blown a bulb in my house.

**77.** 我今天在公司,不小心把公司的空调遥控器丢了。

I was at work today and accidentally lost the company's air conditioner remote control.

**78.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女在吃东西,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去问她什么牌子的零食,会不会显得我很土?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman eating, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up to her and ask her what brand of snacks she's eating, will it seem like I'm uncultured?"

**79.** 我今天在家,突然发现自己把家里的水龙头弄坏了。

I was at home today and suddenly realized I had broken the faucet in my house.

**80.** 我今天在公司,不小心把公司的文件弄丢了。

I was at work today and accidentally lost the company's files.

**81.** 我今天在路上,看到一个美女在看风景,然后我忍不住想:“如果我上去和她一起看,会不会显得我很唐突?”

I was walking down the street today and saw a beautiful woman looking at the scenery, and I couldn't help but think,"If I go up to her and look at it with her, will it seem too forward?"

以上就是关于丢脸搞笑句子81句(丢脸搞笑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
