
## 语言迟缓句子 (59句)

**1. 他说话很慢,有时还会卡壳。**

He speaks very slowly and sometimes gets stuck.

**2. 她总是词不达意,表达不清楚。**

She always stumbles over her words and can't express herself clearly.

**3. 孩子说话迟缓,这可能是语言发育迟缓的信号。**

The child's slow speech could be a sign of delayed language development.

**4. 他说话声音很低,几乎听不见。**

He speaks in a very low voice, almost inaudible.

**5. 她经常用手指比划,而不是用语言表达。**

She often uses her fingers to point instead of speaking.

**6. 孩子说话断断续续,语无伦次。**

The child speaks in a broken, incoherent manner.

**7. 他总是重复一句话,让人感到很奇怪。**

He always repeats the same phrase, which is quite strange.

**8. 她无法理解简单的指示,需要反复解释。**

She can't understand simple instructions and needs them explained repeatedly.

**9. 孩子发音不准,很多词都发不出来。**

The child has difficulty with pronunciation, unable to pronounce many words correctly.

**10. 他说话时总是犹豫,不知道该说些什么。**

He always hesitates when speaking, unsure of what to say.

**11. 她对语言的理解能力很差,很难跟上对话。**

She has poor language comprehension and finds it difficult to follow conversations.

**12. 孩子词汇量很小,只会说一些简单的词语。**

The child has a limited vocabulary and only knows a few simple words.

**13. 他说话的时候总是用简短的句子。**

He always uses short sentences when speaking.

**14. 她说话时声音很轻,几乎听不到。**

Her voice is very soft when she speaks, almost inaudible.

**15. 孩子说话时总是吞吞吐吐,含糊不清。**

The child stutters and speaks in an unclear manner.

**16. 他说话时总是停顿,思考很久才说出下一句话。**

He always pauses when speaking, taking a long time to formulate the next sentence.

**17. 她说话时总是用一些奇怪的词语。**

She always uses strange words when speaking.

**18. 孩子很难用语言表达自己的想法和感受。**

The child finds it difficult to express their thoughts and feelings using language.

**19. 他说话时总是用一种奇怪的语调。**

He always speaks with a strange tone of voice.

**20. 她说话时总是用一些错误的语法。**

She often uses incorrect grammar when speaking.

**21. 孩子说话时总是用一些不恰当的词语。**

The child often uses inappropriate words when speaking.

**22. 他说话时总是用一些重复的词语。**

He always uses repetitive words when speaking.

**23. 她说话时总是用一些不完整的句子。**

She often uses incomplete sentences when speaking.

**24. 孩子说话时总是用一些不必要的词语。**

The child often uses unnecessary words when speaking.

**25. 他说话时总是用一些俚语,让人难以理解。**

He always uses slang when speaking, making it difficult to understand.

**26. 她说话时总是用一些难懂的词汇。**

She often uses difficult vocabulary when speaking.

**27. 孩子说话时总是用一些不连贯的句子。**

The child often uses disjointed sentences when speaking.

**28. 他说话时总是用一些过于专业的词汇。**

He always uses overly technical vocabulary when speaking.

**29. 她说话时总是用一些抽象的词汇。**

She often uses abstract vocabulary when speaking.

**30. 孩子说话时总是用一些过时的词汇。**

The child often uses outdated vocabulary when speaking.

**31. 他说话时总是用一些不确切的词汇。**

He always uses imprecise vocabulary when speaking.

**32. 她说话时总是用一些不合适的词汇。**

She often uses inappropriate vocabulary when speaking.

**33. 孩子说话时总是用一些不必要的修饰词。**

The child often uses unnecessary adjectives when speaking.

**34. 他说话时总是用一些过于复杂的句子结构。**

He always uses overly complex sentence structures when speaking.

**35. 她说话时总是用一些过于正式的语气。**

She often speaks with an overly formal tone.

**36. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于口语化的语气。**

The child often speaks with an overly colloquial tone.

**37. 他说话时总是用一些过于戏剧化的语气。**

He always speaks with an overly dramatic tone.

**38. 她说话时总是用一些过于单调的语气。**

She often speaks with a monotonous tone.

**39. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于快速的语速。**

The child often speaks at an overly fast pace.

**40. 他说话时总是用一些过于缓慢的语速。**

He always speaks at an overly slow pace.

**41. 她说话时总是用一些过于低沉的音调。**

She often speaks with a low, deep tone.

**42. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于尖锐的音调。**

The child often speaks with a high, sharp tone.

**43. 他说话时总是用一些过于含糊的音调。**

He always speaks with a mumbled tone.

**44. 她说话时总是用一些过于清晰的音调。**

She often speaks with an overly clear tone.

**45. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于夸张的音调。**

The child often speaks with an exaggerated tone.

**46. 他说话时总是用一些过于含蓄的音调。**

He always speaks with a subdued tone.

**47. 她说话时总是用一些过于轻快的音调。**

She often speaks with a lighthearted tone.

**48. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于严肃的音调。**

The child often speaks with a serious tone.

**49. 他说话时总是用一些过于生硬的音调。**

He always speaks with a stiff tone.

**50. 她说话时总是用一些过于柔弱的音调。**

She often speaks with a weak tone.

**51. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于自信的音调。**

The child often speaks with a confident tone.

**52. 他说话时总是用一些过于犹豫的音调。**

He always speaks with a hesitant tone.

**53. 她说话时总是用一些过于焦虑的音调。**

She often speaks with an anxious tone.

**54. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于悲伤的音调。**

The child often speaks with a sad tone.

**55. 他说话时总是用一些过于愤怒的音调。**

He always speaks with an angry tone.

**56. 她说话时总是用一些过于兴奋的音调。**

She often speaks with an excited tone.

**57. 孩子说话时总是用一些过于惊讶的音调。**

The child often speaks with a surprised tone.

**58. 他说话时总是用一些过于无聊的音调。**

He always speaks with a bored tone.

**59. 她说话时总是用一些过于疲惫的音调。**

She often speaks with an exhausted tone.

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