
## 该留留该滚滚经典句子 (71句)

**1. 该留留该滚滚,自在逍遥**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, and live freely.

**2. 该留留,该滚滚,别扭就滚蛋**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, if it's awkward, just go.

**3. 识时务者为俊杰,该留留该滚滚**

A wise man adapts to the times, stay if you should, leave if you must.

**4. 该滚就滚,该留就留,何必瞻前顾后**

Leave if you should, stay if you must, why look back and hesitate?

**5. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,都是自己的选择**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all your own choice.

**6. 该留留,该滚滚,人生的选择有很多**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, there are many choices in life.

**7. 该滚就滚,别留恋,该留就留,别犹豫**

Leave if you should, don't linger, stay if you must, don't hesitate.

**8. 该留留该滚滚,人生就是一场修行**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, life is a journey of self-cultivation.

**9. 滚就滚,留就留,都是最好的选择**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's the best choice either way.

**10. 该留留该滚滚,不要为难自己**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't make it hard on yourself.

**11. 该滚就滚,不要强留,该留就留,不要强求**

Leave if you should, don't force it, stay if you must, don't demand it.

**12. 该留留该滚滚,顺其自然就好**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, just let it be.

**13. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,随心所欲就好**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, just do whatever you feel like.

**14. 该留留该滚滚,一切随缘**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all about fate.

**15. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要放弃**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't give up.

**16. 该留留该滚滚,人生就是一场冒险**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, life is an adventure.

**17. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是过**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all the same in the end.

**18. 该留留该滚滚,不要为过去而停留**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't dwell on the past.

**19. 该滚就滚,不要回头,该留就留,不要后悔**

Leave if you should, don't look back, stay if you must, don't regret.

**20. 该留留该滚滚,一切都是最好的安排**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all for the best.

**21. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是自己的选择**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all your own choice.

**22. 该留留该滚滚,不要害怕失去**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't fear loss.

**23. 该滚就滚,不要拖泥带水,该留就留,不要患得患失**

Leave if you should, don't drag your feet, stay if you must, don't worry about gain and loss.

**24. 该留留该滚滚,一切随缘**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all about fate.

**25. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是人生**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all life anyway.

**26. 该留留该滚滚,不要为别人而活**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't live for others.

**27. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要后悔**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't regret.

**28. 该留留该滚滚,一切随心所欲**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, just do whatever you want.

**29. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是过**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all the same in the end.

**30. 该留留该滚滚,不要让自己太累**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't tire yourself out.

**31. 该滚就滚,不要强留,该留就留,不要强求**

Leave if you should, don't force it, stay if you must, don't demand it.

**32. 该留留该滚滚,不要为难自己**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't make it hard on yourself.

**33. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是自己的选择**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all your own choice.

**34. 该留留该滚滚,一切随缘**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all about fate.

**35. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要放弃**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't give up.

**36. 该留留该滚滚,不要害怕失去**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't fear loss.

**37. 该滚就滚,不要拖泥带水,该留就留,不要患得患失**

Leave if you should, don't drag your feet, stay if you must, don't worry about gain and loss.

**38. 该留留该滚滚,一切都是最好的安排**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all for the best.

**39. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是人生**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all life anyway.

**40. 该留留该滚滚,不要为别人而活**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't live for others.

**41. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要后悔**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't regret.

**42. 该留留该滚滚,一切随心所欲**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, just do whatever you want.

**43. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是过**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all the same in the end.

**44. 该留留该滚滚,不要让自己太累**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't tire yourself out.

**45. 该滚就滚,不要强留,该留就留,不要强求**

Leave if you should, don't force it, stay if you must, don't demand it.

**46. 该留留该滚滚,不要为难自己**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't make it hard on yourself.

**47. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是自己的选择**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all your own choice.

**48. 该留留该滚滚,一切随缘**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all about fate.

**49. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要放弃**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't give up.

**50. 该留留该滚滚,不要害怕失去**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't fear loss.

**51. 该滚就滚,不要拖泥带水,该留就留,不要患得患失**

Leave if you should, don't drag your feet, stay if you must, don't worry about gain and loss.

**52. 该留留该滚滚,一切都是最好的安排**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all for the best.

**53. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是人生**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all life anyway.

**54. 该留留该滚滚,不要为别人而活**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't live for others.

**55. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要后悔**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't regret.

**56. 该留留该滚滚,一切随心所欲**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, just do whatever you want.

**57. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是过**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all the same in the end.

**58. 该留留该滚滚,不要让自己太累**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't tire yourself out.

**59. 该滚就滚,不要强留,该留就留,不要强求**

Leave if you should, don't force it, stay if you must, don't demand it.

**60. 该留留该滚滚,不要为难自己**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't make it hard on yourself.

**61. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是自己的选择**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all your own choice.

**62. 该留留该滚滚,一切随缘**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all about fate.

**63. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要放弃**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't give up.

**64. 该留留该滚滚,不要害怕失去**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't fear loss.

**65. 该滚就滚,不要拖泥带水,该留就留,不要患得患失**

Leave if you should, don't drag your feet, stay if you must, don't worry about gain and loss.

**66. 该留留该滚滚,一切都是最好的安排**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, it's all for the best.

**67. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是人生**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all life anyway.

**68. 该留留该滚滚,不要为别人而活**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, don't live for others.

**69. 该滚就滚,不要犹豫,该留就留,不要后悔**

Leave if you should, don't hesitate, stay if you must, don't regret.

**70. 该留留该滚滚,一切随心所欲**

Stay if you should, leave if you must, just do whatever you want.

**71. 滚就滚吧,留就留吧,反正都是过**

Leave if you must, stay if you want, it's all the same in the end.

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