
## 该来的总会来的句子(98句)

1. 命运的安排,总是出人意料。

2. 该来的总会来,该走的总会走。

3. 无论如何,一切都会过去的。

4. 不必强求,顺其自然。

5. 珍惜当下,享受过程。

6. 不管未来如何,我们都会勇敢面对。

7. 放下执念,才能获得自由。

8. 时间会证明一切。

9. 有些事,注定要经历。

10. 命运的齿轮,早已开始转动。

11. 即使没有结果,也无妨。

12. 相信自己,相信未来。

13. 该发生的,迟早会发生。

14. 无论遇到什么,都要保持乐观。

15. 我们无法改变过去,但可以改变未来。

16. 所有的相遇,都是命中注定。

17. 缘分,是不可强求的。

18. 顺其自然,随遇而安。

19. 人生不如意事十之八九。

20. 所有的苦难,都是为了让我们成长。

21. 经历风雨,才能见彩虹。

22. 坚持下去,终会看到曙光。

23. 人生充满了挑战和机遇。

24. 只要努力,一切皆有可能。

25. 不断学习,不断进步。

26. 勇敢追梦,永不放弃。

27. 相信自己,你一定可以做到。

28. 即使失败,也要从头再来。

29. 生活的酸甜苦辣,都是人生的宝贵经历。

30. 珍惜身边的人,珍惜生命中的每一刻。

31. 命运掌握在自己手中,努力创造属于自己的未来。

32. 无论遇到什么困难,都要保持积极的心态。

33. 生活中的每一个细节,都值得我们用心去感受。

34. 努力奋斗,创造属于自己的精彩人生。

35. 相信自己,你一定可以创造奇迹。

36. 所有的付出,都会得到回报。

37. 坚持梦想,永不言弃。

38. 相信未来,充满希望。

39. 把握当下,活在当下。

40. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

41. 所有的经历,都是财富。

42. 珍惜每一份感情,珍惜每一个朋友。

43. 勇敢追爱,不留遗憾。

44. 懂得珍惜,才能拥有幸福。

45. 所有的烦恼,都会随着时间的推移而淡忘。

46. 相信自己,你一定可以战胜困难。

47. 所有的努力,都会有收获。

48. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。

49. 相信未来,充满希望。

50. 把握当下,活在当下。

51. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

52. 所有的经历,都是财富。

53. 珍惜每一份感情,珍惜每一个朋友。

54. 勇敢追爱,不留遗憾。

55. 懂得珍惜,才能拥有幸福。

56. 所有的烦恼,都会随着时间的推移而淡忘。

57. 相信自己,你一定可以战胜困难。

58. 所有的努力,都会有收获。

59. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。

60. 相信未来,充满希望。

61. 把握当下,活在当下。

62. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

63. 所有的经历,都是财富。

64. 珍惜每一份感情,珍惜每一个朋友。

65. 勇敢追爱,不留遗憾。

66. 懂得珍惜,才能拥有幸福。

67. 所有的烦恼,都会随着时间的推移而淡忘。

68. 相信自己,你一定可以战胜困难。

69. 所有的努力,都会有收获。

70. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。

71. 相信未来,充满希望。

72. 把握当下,活在当下。

73. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

74. 所有的经历,都是财富。

75. 珍惜每一份感情,珍惜每一个朋友。

76. 勇敢追爱,不留遗憾。

77. 懂得珍惜,才能拥有幸福。

78. 所有的烦恼,都会随着时间的推移而淡忘。

79. 相信自己,你一定可以战胜困难。

80. 所有的努力,都会有收获。

81. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。

82. 相信未来,充满希望。

83. 把握当下,活在当下。

84. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

85. 所有的经历,都是财富。

86. 珍惜每一份感情,珍惜每一个朋友。

87. 勇敢追爱,不留遗憾。

88. 懂得珍惜,才能拥有幸福。

89. 所有的烦恼,都会随着时间的推移而淡忘。

90. 相信自己,你一定可以战胜困难。

91. 所有的努力,都会有收获。

92. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。

93. 相信未来,充满希望。

94. 把握当下,活在当下。

95. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

96. 所有的经历,都是财富。

97. 珍惜每一份感情,珍惜每一个朋友。

98. 勇敢追爱,不留遗憾。

## 英文翻译

1. Destiny's arrangement is always unexpected.

2. What is meant to come will come, and what is meant to go will go.

3. No matter what, everything will pass.

4. Don't force it, let it be.

5. Cherish the present moment and enjoy the process.

6. No matter what the future holds, we will face it bravely.

7. Letting go of obsessions is the path to freedom.

8. Time will tell.

9. Some things are destined to be experienced.

10. The gears of fate have already begun to turn.

11. Even if there is no result, it doesn't matter.

12. Believe in yourself, believe in the future.

13. What is meant to happen will happen sooner or later.

14. No matter what you encounter, stay optimistic.

15. We can't change the past, but we can change the future.

16. All encounters are destined.

17. Fate is not something you can force.

18. Let it be, take things as they come.

19. Nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory.

20. All suffering is for our growth.

21. You have to go through the storm to see the rainbow.

22. Persevere and you will eventually see the light.

23. Life is full of challenges and opportunities.

24. As long as you work hard, anything is possible.

25. Keep learning, keep improving.

26. Chase your dreams bravely, never give up.

27. Believe in yourself, you can definitely do it.

28. Even if you fail, start over.

29. The ups and downs of life are precious experiences.

30. Cherish the people around you, cherish every moment of life.

31. Destiny is in your own hands, strive to create your own future.

32. No matter what difficulties you encounter, maintain a positive attitude.

33. Every detail in life is worth experiencing with heart.

34. Work hard and create your own wonderful life.

35. Believe in yourself, you can definitely create miracles.

36. All efforts will be rewarded.

37. Persist in your dreams, never give up.

38. Believe in the future, it is full of hope.

39. Seize the moment, live in the present.

40. Life is short, seize the day.

41. All experiences are wealth.

42. Cherish every relationship, cherish every friend.

43. Chase love bravely, leave no regrets.

44. Only by knowing how to cherish can you possess happiness.

45. All troubles will fade with time.

46. Believe in yourself, you can definitely overcome difficulties.

47. All efforts will be rewarded.

48. Persist in your dreams, never give up.

49. Believe in the future, it is full of hope.

50. Seize the moment, live in the present.

51. Life is short, seize the day.

52. All experiences are wealth.

53. Cherish every relationship, cherish every friend.

54. Chase love bravely, leave no regrets.

55. Only by knowing how to cherish can you possess happiness.

56. All troubles will fade with time.

57. Believe in yourself, you can definitely overcome difficulties.

58. All efforts will be rewarded.

59. Persist in your dreams, never give up.

60. Believe in the future, it is full of hope.

61. Seize the moment, live in the present.

62. Life is short, seize the day.

63. All experiences are wealth.

64. Cherish every relationship, cherish every friend.

65. Chase love bravely, leave no regrets.

66. Only by knowing how to cherish can you possess happiness.

67. All troubles will fade with time.

68. Believe in yourself, you can definitely overcome difficulties.

69. All efforts will be rewarded.

70. Persist in your dreams, never give up.

71. Believe in the future, it is full of hope.

72. Seize the moment, live in the present.

73. Life is short, seize the day.

74. All experiences are wealth.

75. Cherish every relationship, cherish every friend.

76. Chase love bravely, leave no regrets.

77. Only by knowing how to cherish can you possess happiness.

78. All troubles will fade with time.

79. Believe in yourself, you can definitely overcome difficulties.

80. All efforts will be rewarded.

81. Persist in your dreams, never give up.

82. Believe in the future, it is full of hope.

83. Seize the moment, live in the present.

84. Life is short, seize the day.

85. All experiences are wealth.

86. Cherish every relationship, cherish every friend.

87. Chase love bravely, leave no regrets.

88. Only by knowing how to cherish can you possess happiness.

89. All troubles will fade with time.

90. Believe in yourself, you can definitely overcome difficulties.

91. All efforts will be rewarded.

92. Persist in your dreams, never give up.

93. Believe in the future, it is full of hope.

94. Seize the moment, live in the present.

95. Life is short, seize the day.

96. All experiences are wealth.

97. Cherish every relationship, cherish every friend.

98. Chase love bravely, leave no regrets.

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