
## 诡秘之主摘抄句子 (50句)

**1. “世界是无情的,而人,终究是渺小的。”**

“The world is merciless, and humans, after all, are insignificant.”

**2. “命运,有时候是条狗,你越是怕它,它越是会缠着你。”**

“Fate, sometimes, is like a dog. The more you fear it, the more it will cling to you.”

**3. “我从未见过如此狂热的信仰,也从未见过如此冰冷的绝望。”**

“I have never seen such fervent faith, nor such frigid despair.”

**4. “生命只有一次,但有些东西,却值得用一生去追寻。”**

“Life is only once, but some things are worth pursuing with your whole life.”

**5. “即使身处黑暗,也别放弃希望,因为总会有黎明。”**

“Even in the darkness, don't give up hope, because there will always be dawn.”

**6. “真正的强者,不是能打败别人,而是能战胜自己。”**

“True strength lies not in defeating others, but in conquering yourself.”

**7. “当你凝视深渊的时候,深渊也在凝视你。”**

“When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”

**8. “我不会向命运低头,我会用自己的双手,开辟属于我的未来!”**

“I will not bow to fate. I will use my own hands to carve out my own future!”

**9. “有些秘密,一旦被揭开,就再也无法掩盖。”**

“Some secrets, once revealed, can never be concealed again.”

**10. “每个人都有自己的故事,也有自己的命运。”**

“Everyone has their own story, and their own destiny.”

**11. “你所经历的,都是你生命的一部分,即使是痛苦,也是你的一部分。”**

“Everything you experience is part of your life, even the pain, is a part of you.”

**12. “不要因为过去的失败而沮丧,因为你还有未来。”**

“Don't be discouraged by past failures, because you still have a future.”

**13. “永远不要低估人的潜力,也永远不要放弃自己的梦想。”**

“Never underestimate the potential of humans, and never give up your dreams.”

**14. “有些事情,你无法改变,但你可以选择如何面对。”**

“There are some things you cannot change, but you can choose how to face them.”

**15. “真正的朋友,是即使你身处逆境,也依然会陪在你身边的人。”**

“True friends are those who stay by your side even when you are in adversity.”

**16. “人生就像一场游戏,你永远不知道下一秒会发生什么。”**

“Life is like a game, you never know what will happen next.”

**17. “我们每个人都是独一无二的,都有自己的价值。”**

“We are all unique and have our own value.”

**18. “不要害怕去尝试,因为失败也是一种收获。”**

“Don't be afraid to try, because failure is also a gain.”

**19. “你所做出的每一个选择,都会影响你的未来。”**

“Every choice you make will affect your future.”

**20. “当你感到迷茫的时候,就问问自己,你想要成为怎样的人。”**

“When you feel lost, ask yourself, what kind of person do you want to be.”

**21. “命运掌握在自己手中,只要你敢于拼搏,就能创造属于你的奇迹。”**

“Fate is in your own hands. As long as you dare to strive, you can create your own miracles.”

**22. “即使世界变得黑暗,也要保留心中那一点光亮。”**

“Even if the world becomes dark, keep the light in your heart.”

**23. “真正的强者,不会被困难打倒,而是会从困难中成长。”**

“True strength is not being defeated by difficulties, but growing from them.”

**24. “不要害怕孤独,因为孤独也是一种修行。”**

“Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a kind of practice.”

**25. “每个人都有自己的故事,也都有自己的秘密。”**

“Everyone has their own story and their own secrets.”

**26. “我们都是孤独的旅行者,在命运的长河中漂泊。”**

“We are all lonely travelers, drifting in the river of destiny.”

**27. “不要为了得到别人的认可而改变自己,因为真正的你,才是最珍贵的。”**

“Don't change yourself to gain recognition from others, because the real you is the most precious.”

**28. “人生苦短,不要把时间浪费在不值得的事情上。”**

“Life is short, don't waste time on things that are not worth it.”

**29. “不要害怕去爱,因为爱是这世界上最美好的东西。”**

“Don't be afraid to love, because love is the most beautiful thing in the world.”

**30. “有些事情,你无法选择,但你可以选择如何面对。”**

“Some things you can't choose, but you can choose how to face them.”

**31. “永远不要放弃希望,因为希望是支撑我们前行的动力。”**

“Never give up hope, because hope is the driving force that supports us to move forward.”

**32. “你所经历的,都是你生命的一部分,即使是痛苦,也是你的一部分。”**

“Everything you experience is part of your life, even the pain, is a part of you.”

**33. “不要被过去束缚,因为未来掌握在自己手中。”**

“Don't be bound by the past, because the future is in your own hands.”

**34. “你所做出的每一个选择,都会影响你的未来。”**

“Every choice you make will affect your future.”

**35. “每个人都有自己的故事,也都有自己的命运。”**

“Everyone has their own story, and their own destiny.”

**36. “有些事情,你无法改变,但你可以选择如何面对。”**

“There are some things you cannot change, but you can choose how to face them.”

**37. “不要害怕去尝试,因为失败也是一种收获。”**

“Don't be afraid to try, because failure is also a gain.”

**38. “永远不要低估人的潜力,也永远不要放弃自己的梦想。”**

“Never underestimate the potential of humans, and never give up your dreams.”

**39. “不要因为过去的失败而沮丧,因为你还有未来。”**

“Don't be discouraged by past failures, because you still have a future.”

**40. “你所经历的,都是你生命的一部分,即使是痛苦,也是你的一部分。”**

“Everything you experience is part of your life, even the pain, is a part of you.”

**41. “不要害怕去爱,因为爱是这世界上最美好的东西。”**

“Don't be afraid to love, because love is the most beautiful thing in the world.”

**42. “人生就像一场游戏,你永远不知道下一秒会发生什么。”**

“Life is like a game, you never know what will happen next.”

**43. “真正的朋友,是即使你身处逆境,也依然会陪在你身边的人。”**

“True friends are those who stay by your side even when you are in adversity.”

**44. “有些事情,你无法选择,但你可以选择如何面对。”**

“Some things you can't choose, but you can choose how to face them.”

**45. “当你感到迷茫的时候,就问问自己,你想要成为怎样的人。”**

“When you feel lost, ask yourself, what kind of person do you want to be.”

**46. “命运掌握在自己手中,只要你敢于拼搏,就能创造属于你的奇迹。”**

“Fate is in your own hands. As long as you dare to strive, you can create your own miracles.”

**47. “即使世界变得黑暗,也要保留心中那一点光亮。”**

“Even if the world becomes dark, keep the light in your heart.”

**48. “真正的强者,不会被困难打倒,而是会从困难中成长。”**

“True strength is not being defeated by difficulties, but growing from them.”

**49. “不要害怕孤独,因为孤独也是一种修行。”**

“Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a kind of practice.”

**50. “每个人都有自己的故事,也都有自己的秘密。”**

“Everyone has their own story and their own secrets.”

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