
## 话多无益的句子 (65 句)

**P1.** 一言既出,驷马难追。
**P2.** 少说多做,胜过夸夸其谈。
**P3.** 沉默是金,少说为佳。
**P4.** 言多必失,慎言为上。
**P5.** 花言巧语,无益于事。
**P6.** 巧舌如簧,不如实干。
**P7.** 空话连篇,徒费口舌。
**P8.** 多言易失,守口如瓶。
**P9.** 言不尽意,心照不宣。
**P10.** 话不投机半句多。
**P11.** 沉默是智慧,多言是愚蠢。
**P12.** 说得多,不如做得多。
**P13.** 言多必失,行胜于言。
**P14.** 君子一言,驷马难追。
**P15.** 少说,多听,多思考。
**P16.** 三思而后行,慎言慎行。
**P17.** 嘴甜心苦,不可轻信。
**P18.** 话多不如行动,行动胜于雄辩。
**P19.** 言过其实,无益于事。
**P20.** 言不及义,徒费口舌。
**P21.** 言简意赅,胜过长篇大论。
**P22.** 少说多做,才是真本事。
**P23.** 口若悬河,不如实事求是。
**P24.** 空口说白话,不如脚踏实地。
**P25.** 言多必失,沉默是金。
**P26.** 言出必行,胜过口头承诺。
**P27.** 少说多做,行胜于言。
**P28.** 言语谨慎,避免失言。
**P29.** 沉默是金,少说多听。
**P30.** 言简意赅,胜过夸夸其谈。
**P31.** 说话要真诚,不要虚情假意。
**P32.** 话多伤人,少说为佳。
**P33.** 言多必失,谨慎为上。
**P34.** 言行一致,胜过空口说白话。
**P35.** 少说多做,才是真正的强者。
**P36.** 说话要得体,避免失礼。
**P37.** 言出必行,才是信用的保证。
**P38.** 少说多听,才能学到更多。
**P39.** 言简意赅,才是真正的智慧。
**P40.** 话多不如行动,行动胜过言语。
**P41.** 言过其实,只会让人反感。
**P42.** 言不及义,只会浪费时间。
**P43.** 说话要真诚,不要虚伪。
**P44.** 少说多做,才能取得成功。
**P45.** 说话要谨慎,避免惹怒别人。
**P46.** 言简意赅,才能让人印象深刻。
**P47.** 话多不如行动,行动才能证明一切。
**P48.** 言过其实,只会让人失去信任。
**P49.** 言不及义,只会让人觉得无聊。
**P50.** 说话要真诚,不要欺骗别人。
**P51.** 少说多做,才能赢得尊重。
**P52.** 说话要得体,避免造成误解。
**P53.** 言出必行,才能体现你的责任感。
**P54.** 少说多听,才能了解更多。
**P55.** 言简意赅,才能让人明白你的意思。
**P56.** 话多不如行动,行动才是最好的证明。
**P57.** 言过其实,只会让人觉得虚假。
**P58.** 言不及义,只会让人觉得浪费时间。
**P59.** 说话要真诚,不要说谎。
**P60.** 少说多做,才能实现你的目标。
**P61.** 说话要谨慎,避免伤害别人。
**P62.** 言简意赅,才能让人记住你的话。
**P63.** 话多不如行动,行动才是最有效的沟通。
**P64.** 言过其实,只会让人失去信心。
**P65.** 言不及义,只会让人感到失望。

## 英文翻译

**P1.** A word once spoken cannot be taken back, even by a team of four horses.
**P2.** Actions speak louder than words.
**P3.** Silence is golden, less is more.
**P4.** Too much talk leads to mistakes, be cautious with your words.
**P5.** Sweet talk is useless.
**P6.** A silver tongue is not as good as hard work.
**P7.** Empty talk is a waste of breath.
**P8.** Too much talk leads to mistakes, keep your mouth shut.
**P9.** Words cannot express everything, understanding comes from the heart.
**P10.** When words don't flow, there's no need to say more.
**P11.** Silence is wisdom, talkativeness is folly.
**P12.** Talk is cheap, action is worth more.
**P13.** Too much talk leads to mistakes, deeds are more powerful than words.
**P14.** A gentleman's word is his bond.
**P15.** Talk less, listen more, think more.
**P16.** Think before you act, be cautious with your words and actions.
**P17.** Sweet words hide a bitter heart, don't be easily deceived.
**P18.** Talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words.
**P19.** Exaggeration is useless.
**P20.** Meaningless talk is a waste of breath.
**P21.** Concise language is better than lengthy speeches.
**P22.** Action speaks louder than words, it's the real skill.
**P23.** A silver tongue is not as good as honesty.
**P24.** Empty talk is not as good as hard work.
**P25.** Too much talk leads to mistakes, silence is golden.
**P26.** Actions speak louder than words, it's better than promises.
**P27.** Action speaks louder than words, deeds are more powerful than words.
**P28.** Be cautious with your words, avoid saying the wrong things.
**P29.** Silence is golden, talk less, listen more.
**P30.** Concise language is better than boasting.
**P31.** Be sincere in your words, don't be insincere.
**P32.** Too much talk hurts, less is more.
**P33.** Too much talk leads to mistakes, be cautious.
**P34.** Actions speak louder than words, it's better than empty talk.
**P35.** Action speaks louder than words, it's the true sign of a strong person.
**P36.** Be appropriate in your words, avoid being impolite.
**P37.** Actions speak louder than words, it's the guarantee of trust.
**P38.** Talk less, listen more, you can learn more.
**P39.** Concise language is the true sign of wisdom.
**P40.** Talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words.
**P41.** Exaggeration will only make people dislike you.
**P42.** Meaningless talk will only waste time.
**P43.** Be sincere in your words, don't be hypocritical.
**P44.** Action speaks louder than words, it's the key to success.
**P45.** Be cautious with your words, avoid angering others.
**P46.** Concise language makes a lasting impression.
**P47.** Talk is cheap, action is the best proof.
**P48.** Exaggeration will only make people lose trust in you.
**P49.** Meaningless talk will only make people feel bored.
**P50.** Be sincere in your words, don't deceive others.
**P51.** Action speaks louder than words, it's the way to earn respect.
**P52.** Be appropriate in your words, avoid misunderstandings.
**P53.** Actions speak louder than words, it reflects your sense of responsibility.
**P54.** Talk less, listen more, you can learn more.
**P55.** Concise language helps people understand your meaning.
**P56.** Talk is cheap, action is the most effective communication.
**P57.** Exaggeration will only make people think you're fake.
**P58.** Meaningless talk will only make people feel disappointed.
**P59.** Be sincere in your words, don't lie.
**P60.** Action speaks louder than words, it's the way to achieve your goals.
**P61.** Be cautious with your words, avoid hurting others.
**P62.** Concise language makes people remember your words.
**P63.** Talk is cheap, action is the most effective communication.
**P64.** Exaggeration will only make people lose confidence in you.
**P65.** Meaningless talk will only make people feel disappointed.

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