
## 85句讽刺修心句子


1. 修心?修的是什么心?修的是一颗七窍玲珑心,还是一颗死气沉沉的心?

Cultivate your heart? What kind of heart are you cultivating? A heart that's full of wisdom and cunning, or a heart that's cold and lifeless?

2. 修心修成什么样?修成佛祖,还是修成魔头?

What kind of person do you become after cultivating your heart? A Buddha, or a demon?

3. 修心修的是什么?修的是放下,还是修的是执着?

What are you cultivating when you cultivate your heart? Are you letting go, or are you clinging?

4. 修心修了多久?修成正果,还是修成心魔?

How long have you been cultivating your heart? Have you reached enlightenment, or have you become possessed by your own demons?

5. 修心是为了什么?是为了成仙成佛,还是为了逃避现实?

What is the purpose of cultivating your heart? Is it to become a celestial being or a Buddha, or is it to escape reality?

6. 修心修得越深,越觉得这世界是虚幻的,还是越觉得这世界是真实的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize the world is an illusion, or the more you realize the world is real?

7. 修心修得越久,越觉得内心平静,还是越觉得内心躁动?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the calmer you become, or the more restless you become?

8. 修心修得越多,越觉得人生是痛苦的,还是越觉得人生是美好的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize life is suffering, or the more you realize life is beautiful?

9. 修心修得越精,越觉得世事无常,还是越觉得世事如常?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize the impermanence of things, or the more you realize the constancy of things?

10. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人生是短暂的,还是越觉得人生是漫长的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize life is short, or the more you realize life is long?

11. 修心修得越久,越觉得人与人之间是平等的,还是越觉得人与人之间是不平等的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that people are equal, or the more you realize that people are unequal?

12. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是自由的,还是越觉得人是受束缚的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are free, or the more you realize that humans are bound?

13. 修心修得越深,越觉得人生是无意义的,还是越觉得人生是有意义的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is meaningless, or the more you realize that life has meaning?

14. 修心修得越精,越觉得人生是苦难的,还是越觉得人生是幸福的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that life is suffering, or the more you realize that life is happiness?

15. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人生是虚假的,还是越觉得人生是真实的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that life is false, or the more you realize that life is real?

16. 修心修得越久,越觉得爱情是美好的,还是越觉得爱情是痛苦的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that love is beautiful, or the more you realize that love is painful?

17. 修心修得越多,越觉得亲情是温暖的,还是越觉得亲情是负担?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that family is warm, or the more you realize that family is a burden?

18. 修心修得越深,越觉得友情是宝贵的,还是越觉得友情是脆弱的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that friendship is valuable, or the more you realize that friendship is fragile?

19. 修心修得越精,越觉得人生是充满希望的,还是越觉得人生是充满绝望的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that life is full of hope, or the more you realize that life is full of despair?

20. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人生是值得珍惜的,还是越觉得人生是无足轻重的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that life is worth cherishing, or the more you realize that life is insignificant?

21. 修心修了半天,难道就是为了让自己变得更加虚伪吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more hypocritical?

22. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无情吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more heartless?

23. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加冷酷吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more cold-blooded?

24. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加自私吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more selfish?

25. 修心修得越久,越觉得人生是孤独的,还是越觉得人生是热闹的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is lonely, or the more you realize that life is lively?

26. 修心修得越多,越觉得人都是自私的,还是越觉得人都是善良的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that people are selfish, or the more you realize that people are kind?

27. 修心修得越深,越觉得人都是虚伪的,还是越觉得人都是真诚的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that people are hypocritical, or the more you realize that people are sincere?

28. 修心修得越精,越觉得人都是贪婪的,还是越觉得人都是满足的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that people are greedy, or the more you realize that people are content?

29. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人都是愚蠢的,还是越觉得人都是智慧的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that people are foolish, or the more you realize that people are wise?

30. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无知吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more ignorant?

31. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加麻木吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more numb?

32. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加冷漠吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more indifferent?

33. 修心修得越久,越觉得人生是充满希望的,还是越觉得人生是充满绝望的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is full of hope, or the more you realize that life is full of despair?

34. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是渺小的,还是越觉得人是伟大的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are small, or the more you realize that humans are great?

35. 修心修得越深,越觉得世界是美好的,还是越觉得世界是丑陋的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that the world is beautiful, or the more you realize that the world is ugly?

36. 修心修得越精,越觉得生命是珍贵的,还是越觉得生命是廉价的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that life is precious, or the more you realize that life is cheap?

37. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人是值得尊重的,还是越觉得人是可悲的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are worthy of respect, or the more you realize that humans are pathetic?

38. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加消极吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more negative?

39. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加悲观吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more pessimistic?

40. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无助吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more helpless?

41. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加软弱吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself weaker?

42. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加懦弱吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more cowardly?

43. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加胆小吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more timid?

44. 修心修得越久,越觉得人生是充满乐趣的,还是越觉得人生是枯燥乏味的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is full of joy, or the more you realize that life is boring and tedious?

45. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是快乐的,还是越觉得人是痛苦的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that people are happy, or the more you realize that people are in pain?

46. 修心修得越深,越觉得人是自由的,还是越觉得人是受束缚的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are free, or the more you realize that humans are bound?

47. 修心修得越精,越觉得人是幸福的,还是越觉得人是痛苦的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that people are happy, or the more you realize that people are suffering?

48. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人是值得爱的,还是越觉得人是不可爱的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are worthy of love, or the more you realize that humans are unlovable?

49. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无情吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more heartless?

50. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无欲吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more desireless?

51. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无念吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more thoughtless?

52. 修心修得越久,越觉得人是孤独的,还是越觉得人是充满希望的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are lonely, or the more you realize that humans are full of hope?

53. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是无助的,还是越觉得人是充满力量的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are helpless, or the more you realize that humans are full of strength?

54. 修心修得越深,越觉得人是无情的,还是越觉得人是充满爱的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are heartless, or the more you realize that humans are full of love?

55. 修心修得越精,越觉得人是虚伪的,还是越觉得人是真诚的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are hypocritical, or the more you realize that humans are sincere?

56. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人是可悲的,还是越觉得人是伟大的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are pathetic, or the more you realize that humans are great?

57. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加麻木不仁吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more callous?

58. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加冷血无情吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more cold-blooded and heartless?

59. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加自私自利吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more selfish and self-serving?

60. 修心修得越久,越觉得人生是充满苦难的,还是越觉得人生是充满幸福的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is full of suffering, or the more you realize that life is full of happiness?

61. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是孤独的,还是越觉得人是充满爱的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are lonely, or the more you realize that humans are full of love?

62. 修心修得越深,越觉得人是无助的,还是越觉得人是充满力量的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are helpless, or the more you realize that humans are full of strength?

63. 修心修得越精,越觉得人是虚伪的,还是越觉得人是真诚的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are hypocritical, or the more you realize that humans are sincere?

64. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人是可悲的,还是越觉得人是值得尊重的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are pathetic, or the more you realize that humans are worthy of respect?

65. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加心如止水吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more emotionless?

66. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加波澜不惊吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more stoic and unperturbed?

67. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加淡泊名利吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more indifferent to fame and fortune?

68. 修心修得越久,越觉得人生是充满意义的,还是越觉得人生是毫无意义的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is meaningful, or the more you realize that life is meaningless?

69. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是善良的,还是越觉得人是邪恶的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are kind, or the more you realize that humans are evil?

70. 修心修得越深,越觉得人是真诚的,还是越觉得人是虚伪的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are sincere, or the more you realize that humans are hypocritical?

71. 修心修得越精,越觉得人是幸福的,还是越觉得人是痛苦的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that people are happy, or the more you realize that people are suffering?

72. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人是值得尊重的,还是越觉得人是可悲的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are worthy of respect, or the more you realize that humans are pathetic?

73. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加孤独吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more lonely?

74. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无助吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more helpless?

75. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加麻木不仁吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more callous?

76. 修心修得越久,越觉得人生是充满希望的,还是越觉得人生是充满绝望的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is full of hope, or the more you realize that life is full of despair?

77. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是自由的,还是越觉得人是受束缚的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are free, or the more you realize that humans are bound?

78. 修心修得越深,越觉得人是善良的,还是越觉得人是邪恶的?

The deeper you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are kind, or the more you realize that humans are evil?

79. 修心修得越精,越觉得人是幸福的,还是越觉得人是痛苦的?

The more you refine your heart cultivation, the more you realize that people are happy, or the more you realize that people are suffering?

80. 修心修得越妙,越觉得人是值得爱的,还是越觉得人是不可爱的?

The more exquisite your heart cultivation, the more you realize that humans are worthy of love, or the more you realize that humans are unlovable?

81. 修心修了那么久,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无欲无求吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more desireless and unambitious?

82. 修心修了这么多年,难道就是为了让自己变得更加清心寡欲吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so many years, is it just to make yourself more detached and indifferent to worldly desires?

83. 修心修了这么长时间,难道就是为了让自己变得更加无情无义吗?

You've been cultivating your heart for so long, is it just to make yourself more heartless and unprincipled?

84. 修心修得越久,越觉得人生是充满希望的,还是越觉得人生是毫无希望的?

The longer you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that life is full of hope, or the more you realize that life is hopeless?

85. 修心修得越多,越觉得人是自由的,还是越觉得人是受制于命运的?

The more you cultivate your heart, the more you realize that humans are free, or the more you realize that humans are subject to fate?

以上就是关于讽刺修心句子85句(讽刺修心句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
