
## 论点通用句子 (56句)


1. 首先,**毫无疑问**,... 是至关重要的。

First, **it goes without saying that**... is crucial.

2. **不可否认**,... 对... 至关重要。

**Undeniably**, ... is essential for ...

3. **众所周知**,... 是... 的关键因素。

**As it is well known**, ... is a key factor in ...

4. **显而易见**,... 在... 中发挥着重要作用。

**It is evident that** ... plays a significant role in ...

5. **毋庸置疑**,... 的重要性不容忽视。

**There is no doubt that** ... is of paramount importance.

6. **此外**,... 还具有以下优势。

**Furthermore**, ... also has the following advantages.

7. **更重要的是**,... 可以带来... 的好处。

**More importantly**, ... can bring the benefit of ...

8. **从另一方面来说**,... 可以... 。

**On the other hand**, ... can ...

9. **值得注意的是**,... 对... 的影响不可小觑。

**It is noteworthy that** ... has a significant impact on ...

10. **总而言之**,... 是... 的最佳选择。

**In conclusion**, ... is the best choice for ...


11. 然而,**我认为**,... 的弊端不容忽视。

However, **I believe that** ... has its drawbacks.

12. **相反**,... 可能导致... 的问题。

**On the contrary**, ... might lead to the problem of ...

13. **另一方面**,... 会带来以下弊端。

**On the other hand**, ... can bring the following disadvantages.

14. **更令人担忧的是**,... 会造成... 的负面影响。

**More worrisome is that** ... may have negative consequences for ...

15. **因此**,... 并非最佳选择。

**Therefore**, ... is not the best option.

16. **此外**,... 也会引发其他问题。

**Moreover**, ... can also lead to other problems.

17. **值得注意的是**,... 可能会造成... 的风险。

**It is worth noting that** ... could pose a risk to ...

18. **简而言之**,... 的弊端 outweigh its advantages.

**In short**, ... has drawbacks that outweigh its advantages.

19. **最终**,... 并非解决问题的最佳方案。

**Ultimately**, ... is not the best solution to the problem.

20. **总之**,... 弊大于利。

**In conclusion**, ... has more disadvantages than advantages.


21. **首先**,...

**First**, ...

22. **其次**,...

**Secondly**, ...

23. **第三**,...

**Thirdly**, ...

24. **此外**,...

**Furthermore**, ...

25. **更重要的是**,...

**More importantly**, ...

26. **另一方面**,...

**On the other hand**, ...

27. **与此同时**,...

**Meanwhile**, ...

28. **总而言之**,...

**In conclusion**, ...

29. **总之**,...

**In summary**, ...

30. **简而言之**,...

**In short**, ...


31. **也就是说**,...

**That is to say**, ...

32. **换句话说**,...

**In other words**, ...

33. **更确切地说**,...

**To be more precise**, ...

34. **例如**,...

**For example**, ...

35. **举例来说**,...

**To illustrate**, ...

36. **例如**,...

**For instance**, ...

37. **因此**,...

**Therefore**, ...

38. **结果**,...

**As a result**, ...

39. **这表明**,...

**This suggests that**, ...

40. **这证明了**,...

**This proves that**, ...


41. **与... 相比**,...

**Compared with ...**, ...

42. **与... 不同**,...

**Unlike ...**, ...

43. **另一方面**,...

**On the other hand**, ...

44. **相反**,...

**On the contrary**, ...

45. **与... 相反**,...

**In contrast to ...**, ...

46. **虽然... ,但...**

**While ... , ...**

47. **尽管... ,但...**

**Although ... , ...**

48. **尽管如此**,...

**Nevertheless**, ...

49. **然而**,...

**However**, ...

50. **但是**,...

**But**, ...


51. **我认为**,...

**I believe that**, ...

52. **在我看来**,...

**In my opinion**, ...

53. **我认为**,...

**I think that**, ...

54. **从我的角度来看**,...

**From my perspective**, ...

55. **我认为**,...

**I argue that**, ...

56. **我主张**,...

**I advocate that**, ...

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