
## 荆江告急,78句

**1.** 荆江告急,水位暴涨,形势危急。
**2.** 洪水肆虐,荆江告急,人民生命财产安全受到严重威胁。
**3.** 荆江大堤告急,决堤在即,灾情刻不容缓。
**4.** 荆江水位持续攀升,已超过警戒线,形势严峻。
**5.** 荆江告急,抗洪抢险刻不容缓,人民团结一心,共克时艰。
**6.** 荆江水势汹涌,防洪压力巨大,需要全社会共同努力。
**7.** 荆江告急,防汛抗洪工作任重道远,需加强防汛措施。
**8.** 荆江告急,各级政府应高度重视,全力做好防汛工作。
**9.** 荆江告急,人民群众应提高防洪意识,做好安全防范措施。
**10.** 荆江告急,需要各方力量协同作战,共同抗击洪灾。
**11.** 荆江告急,防汛救灾物资紧缺,亟待援助。
**12.** 荆江告急,志愿者积极参与,帮助受灾群众。
**13.** 荆江告急,各部门密切配合,全力以赴抗洪抢险。
**14.** 荆江告急,人民群众生命安全至关重要,需全力保障。
**15.** 荆江告急,防汛抗洪工作需要科学指导,合理安排。
**16.** 荆江告急,新闻媒体应及时报道,提高社会关注度。
**17.** 荆江告急,社会各界应积极捐助,帮助受灾地区重建家园。
**18.** 荆江告急,我们要铭记历史,吸取教训,加强防灾减灾工作。
**19.** 荆江告急,要做好应急预案,及时转移群众,确保安全。
**20.** 荆江告急,我们要坚定信心,迎难而上,战胜洪灾。
**21.** 荆江告急,我们相信,在党和政府的领导下,人民群众一定能够战胜洪灾。
**22.** 荆江告急,我们要团结一致,众志成城,共渡难关。
**23.** 荆江告急,让我们共同行动起来,为抗洪抢险贡献力量。
**24.** 荆江告急,我们要积极学习防汛知识,提高自我保护意识。
**25.** 荆江告急,我们要关心帮助受灾群众,传递爱心和希望。
**26.** 荆江告急,我们要保持冷静,沉着应对,避免恐慌。
**27.** 荆江告急,我们要相信科学,听从指挥,有序撤离。
**28.** 荆江告急,我们要加强巡查,及时发现险情,做好防范工作。
**29.** 荆江告急,我们要做好防洪物资储备,确保救灾物资充足。
**30.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水利设施建设,提高防洪能力。
**31.** 荆江告急,我们要加强宣传教育,提高全民防洪意识。
**32.** 荆江告急,我们要加强应急演练,提高应急处置能力。
**33.** 荆江告急,我们要加强监测预警,及时发布预警信息。
**34.** 荆江告急,我们要加强信息沟通,及时掌握灾情信息。
**35.** 荆江告急,我们要加强国际合作,共同应对洪灾。
**36.** 荆江告急,我们要加强科技创新,提高防洪科技水平。
**37.** 荆江告急,我们要加强生态保护,维护水生态平衡。
**38.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水资源管理,节约用水,提高水资源利用效率。
**39.** 荆江告急,我们要加强基层防汛工作,提高基层防洪能力。
**40.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水利工程建设,提高防洪能力。
**41.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水文监测,及时掌握水情信息。
**42.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防洪物资储备,确保救灾物资充足。
**43.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防汛队伍建设,提高抗洪抢险能力。
**44.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防洪宣传,提高全民防洪意识。
**45.** 荆江告急,我们要加强应急演练,提高应急处置能力。
**46.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防汛工作,确保人民生命财产安全。
**47.** 荆江告急,我们要积极参与防汛抗洪工作,为战胜洪灾贡献力量。
**48.** 荆江告急,我们要团结一致,众志成城,共克时艰。
**49.** 荆江告急,我们要坚定信心,迎难而上,战胜洪灾。
**50.** 荆江告急,我们要相信科学,听从指挥,有序撤离。
**51.** 荆江告急,我们要加强巡查,及时发现险情,做好防范工作。
**52.** 荆江告急,我们要做好应急预案,及时转移群众,确保安全。
**53.** 荆江告急,我们要关心帮助受灾群众,传递爱心和希望。
**54.** 荆江告急,我们要加强信息沟通,及时掌握灾情信息。
**55.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水利设施建设,提高防洪能力。
**56.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水文监测,及时掌握水情信息。
**57.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防洪物资储备,确保救灾物资充足。
**58.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防汛队伍建设,提高抗洪抢险能力。
**59.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防洪宣传,提高全民防洪意识。
**60.** 荆江告急,我们要加强应急演练,提高应急处置能力。
**61.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防汛工作,确保人民生命财产安全。
**62.** 荆江告急,我们要积极参与防汛抗洪工作,为战胜洪灾贡献力量。
**63.** 荆江告急,我们要团结一致,众志成城,共克时艰。
**64.** 荆江告急,我们要坚定信心,迎难而上,战胜洪灾。
**65.** 荆江告急,我们要相信科学,听从指挥,有序撤离。
**66.** 荆江告急,我们要加强巡查,及时发现险情,做好防范工作。
**67.** 荆江告急,我们要做好应急预案,及时转移群众,确保安全。
**68.** 荆江告急,我们要关心帮助受灾群众,传递爱心和希望。
**69.** 荆江告急,我们要加强信息沟通,及时掌握灾情信息。
**70.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水利设施建设,提高防洪能力。
**71.** 荆江告急,我们要加强水文监测,及时掌握水情信息。
**72.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防洪物资储备,确保救灾物资充足。
**73.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防汛队伍建设,提高抗洪抢险能力。
**74.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防洪宣传,提高全民防洪意识。
**75.** 荆江告急,我们要加强应急演练,提高应急处置能力。
**76.** 荆江告急,我们要加强防汛工作,确保人民生命财产安全。
**77.** 荆江告急,我们要积极参与防汛抗洪工作,为战胜洪灾贡献力量。
**78.** 荆江告急,我们要团结一致,众志成城,共克时艰。

## 英文翻译

**1.** The Jingjiang River is in urgent need of help, the water level has risen sharply, and the situation is critical.

**2.** Floods are raging, Jingjiang is in dire straits, and the safety of people's lives and property is seriously threatened.

**3.** The Jingjiang embankment is in danger, it is about to break, and the disaster situation is urgent.

**4.** The water level in the Jingjiang River is continuously rising, exceeding the warning line, and the situation is severe.

**5.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, flood control and rescue efforts are urgent, the people are united as one, and they will overcome difficulties together.

**6.** The Jingjiang water is surging, the flood control pressure is enormous, and the whole society needs to work together.

**7.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, the task of flood control and disaster relief is arduous and long, and flood control measures need to be strengthened.

**8.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, all levels of government should attach great importance to the situation and do everything possible to carry out flood control work.

**9.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, the people should raise their awareness of flood prevention and take safety precautions.

**10.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, all parties need to work together to fight the floods.

**11.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, flood control and disaster relief materials are in short supply and urgently need assistance.

**12.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, volunteers are actively participating to help the affected people.

**13.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, all departments are coordinating closely to make every effort to control the floods and rescue efforts.

**14.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, the safety of the people is paramount and must be fully protected.

**15.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, flood control and disaster relief work requires scientific guidance and reasonable arrangements.

**16.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, the news media should report in a timely manner to raise public awareness.

**17.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, all sectors of society should actively donate to help the affected areas rebuild their homes.

**18.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must remember history, learn lessons, and strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation work.

**19.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must prepare contingency plans, evacuate people in time, and ensure safety.

**20.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must be determined, face the challenge head-on, and overcome the floods.

**21.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we believe that under the leadership of the Party and the government, the people will surely overcome the floods.

**22.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must unite as one, work together with a common purpose, and overcome difficulties together.

**23.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, let us all act together to contribute to flood control and rescue efforts.

**24.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must actively learn flood prevention knowledge and improve our self-protection awareness.

**25.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must care for and help the affected people, convey love and hope.

**26.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must remain calm, respond calmly, and avoid panic.

**27.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must believe in science, follow instructions, and evacuate in an orderly manner.

**28.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen patrols, promptly identify risks, and take preventive measures.

**29.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must prepare flood control materials and ensure that disaster relief materials are sufficient.

**30.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen water conservancy infrastructure construction and improve flood control capabilities.

**31.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen publicity and education to raise public awareness of flood prevention.

**32.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen emergency drills to improve emergency response capabilities.

**33.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen monitoring and early warning and issue warning information in a timely manner.

**34.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen information communication and obtain disaster information in a timely manner.

**35.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen international cooperation to jointly respond to floods.

**36.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen scientific and technological innovation to improve flood control technology.

**37.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen ecological protection to maintain water ecological balance.

**38.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen water resource management, save water, and improve water resource utilization efficiency.

**39.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen grassroots flood control work and improve grassroots flood control capabilities.

**40.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen water conservancy engineering construction and improve flood control capabilities.

**41.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen hydrological monitoring and obtain water situation information in a timely manner.

**42.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control material reserves and ensure that disaster relief materials are sufficient.

**43.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control team construction and improve flood control and rescue capabilities.

**44.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control publicity to raise public awareness of flood prevention.

**45.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen emergency drills to improve emergency response capabilities.

**46.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control work to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

**47.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must actively participate in flood control and disaster relief work and contribute to overcoming the floods.

**48.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must unite as one, work together with a common purpose, and overcome difficulties together.

**49.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must be determined, face the challenge head-on, and overcome the floods.

**50.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must believe in science, follow instructions, and evacuate in an orderly manner.

**51.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen patrols, promptly identify risks, and take preventive measures.

**52.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must prepare contingency plans, evacuate people in time, and ensure safety.

**53.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must care for and help the affected people, convey love and hope.

**54.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen information communication and obtain disaster information in a timely manner.

**55.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen water conservancy infrastructure construction and improve flood control capabilities.

**56.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen hydrological monitoring and obtain water situation information in a timely manner.

**57.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control material reserves and ensure that disaster relief materials are sufficient.

**58.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control team construction and improve flood control and rescue capabilities.

**59.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control publicity to raise public awareness of flood prevention.

**60.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen emergency drills to improve emergency response capabilities.

**61.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control work to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

**62.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must actively participate in flood control and disaster relief work and contribute to overcoming the floods.

**63.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must unite as one, work together with a common purpose, and overcome difficulties together.

**64.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must be determined, face the challenge head-on, and overcome the floods.

**65.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must believe in science, follow instructions, and evacuate in an orderly manner.

**66.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen patrols, promptly identify risks, and take preventive measures.

**67.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must prepare contingency plans, evacuate people in time, and ensure safety.

**68.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must care for and help the affected people, convey love and hope.

**69.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen information communication and obtain disaster information in a timely manner.

**70.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen water conservancy infrastructure construction and improve flood control capabilities.

**71.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen hydrological monitoring and obtain water situation information in a timely manner.

**72.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control material reserves and ensure that disaster relief materials are sufficient.

**73.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control team construction and improve flood control and rescue capabilities.

**74.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control publicity to raise public awareness of flood prevention.

**75.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen emergency drills to improve emergency response capabilities.

**76.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must strengthen flood control work to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

**77.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must actively participate in flood control and disaster relief work and contribute to overcoming the floods.

**78.** Jingjiang is in urgent need of help, we must unite as one, work together with a common purpose, and overcome difficulties together.

以上就是关于荆江告急的句子78句(荆江告急的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
