
## 茶馆开业搞笑句子(78句)


1. **本店茶叶,包治百病,不治包退!**

Our tea leaves are guaranteed to cure all ailments, or your money back!

2. **本店茶水免费,但请自备茶杯,本店只提供茶壶!**

Our tea is free, but please bring your own cup. We only provide the teapot!

3. **本店茶香四溢,但请勿带宠物入内,除非是茶宠!**

Our tea is fragrant, but please do not bring pets inside, unless it's a tea pet!

4. **本店茶叶来自仙境,保证您喝完后仙气飘飘!**

Our tea leaves are from a fairyland, guaranteed to make you feel heavenly after drinking!

5. **本店茶师技术精湛,可现场为您表演茶艺,保证您叹为观止!**

Our tea masters are highly skilled, and can perform tea art for you on the spot. Guaranteed to leave you in awe!

6. **本店茶点精致美味,但请勿打包带走,否则会被老板娘追杀!**

Our tea snacks are exquisite and delicious, but please don't take them home. Otherwise, you will be chased by the owner!

7. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿大声喧哗,否则会被隔壁邻居投诉!**

Our teahouse offers a comfortable environment, but please refrain from loud noises. Otherwise, you will be reported by the neighbors!

8. **本店茶馆顾客众多,但请勿插队,否则会被老板娘的眼神秒杀!**

Our teahouse is filled with customers, but please don't cut in line. Otherwise, you will be killed by the owner's glare!

9. **本店茶叶品种繁多,但请勿随意尝试,否则后果自负!**

Our teahouse offers a wide variety of tea, but please do not try them randomly. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences!

10. **本店茶馆氛围轻松,但请勿自带酒水,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse has a relaxed atmosphere, but please do not bring your own drinks. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

11. **本店茶馆装修独特,但请勿乱涂乱画,否则会被老板娘罚款!**

Our teahouse has a unique interior design, but please do not draw or write on the walls. Otherwise, you will be fined by the owner!

12. **本店茶馆服务周到,但请勿随意索要小费,否则会被老板娘打屁股!**

Our teahouse offers excellent service, but please do not ask for tips. Otherwise, you will be spanked by the owner!

13. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿带小孩入内,否则会被小孩的噪音污染!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not bring children inside. Otherwise, you will be polluted by the noise of children!

14. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿大声打电话,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please refrain from talking loudly on the phone. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

15. **本店茶馆提供免费wifi,但请勿下载非法内容,否则会被老板娘报警!**

Our teahouse offers free WiFi, but please do not download illegal content. Otherwise, you will be reported to the police by the owner!

16. **本店茶馆禁止吸烟,但请勿在门外吸烟,否则会被老板娘打一顿!**

Our teahouse prohibits smoking, but please do not smoke outside. Otherwise, you will be beaten up by the owner!

17. **本店茶馆营业时间为早8点至晚10点,但请勿在深夜前来打扰,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse is open from 8 am to 10 pm, but please do not come to disturb us late at night. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

18. **本店茶馆提供多种茶叶,但请勿随意更换茶叶,否则会被老板娘罚款!**

Our teahouse offers various types of tea, but please do not change the tea leaves at will. Otherwise, you will be fined by the owner!

19. **本店茶馆价格实惠,但请勿讨价还价,否则会被老板娘嘲笑!**

Our teahouse offers affordable prices, but please do not bargain. Otherwise, you will be laughed at by the owner!

20. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿以貌取人,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not judge people by their appearance. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

21. **本店茶馆欢迎顾客点评,但请勿恶意评价,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse welcomes customer reviews, but please refrain from malicious reviews. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

22. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿随地吐痰,否则会被老板娘罚款!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not spit on the ground. Otherwise, you will be fined by the owner!

23. **本店茶馆提供免费茶水,但请勿浪费茶水,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse provides free tea, but please do not waste it. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

24. **本店茶馆禁止大声喧哗,但请勿在店内打架,否则会被老板娘报警!**

Our teahouse prohibits loud noises, but please do not fight inside. Otherwise, you will be reported to the police by the owner!

25. **本店茶馆环境清幽,但请勿在店内玩手机,否则会被老板娘没收!**

Our teahouse has a tranquil environment, but please do not play with your phone inside. Otherwise, it will be confiscated by the owner!

26. **本店茶馆顾客众多,但请勿在店内拥挤,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse is filled with customers, but please do not crowd inside. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

27. **本店茶馆禁止携带宠物入内,但请勿在门口放生宠物,否则会被老板娘送去动物收容所!**

Our teahouse prohibits pets, but please do not release pets at the door. Otherwise, they will be sent to an animal shelter by the owner!

28. **本店茶馆禁止吸烟,但请勿在店内抽电子烟,否则会被老板娘没收!**

Our teahouse prohibits smoking, but please do not smoke e-cigarettes inside. Otherwise, they will be confiscated by the owner!

29. **本店茶馆提供免费wifi,但请勿使用wifi下载盗版内容,否则会被老板娘报警!**

Our teahouse offers free WiFi, but please do not use it to download pirated content. Otherwise, you will be reported to the police by the owner!

30. **本店茶馆禁止大声喧哗,但请勿在店内唱歌,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prohibits loud noises, but please do not sing inside. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

31. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内睡觉,否则会被老板娘叫醒!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not sleep inside. Otherwise, you will be woken up by the owner!

32. **本店茶馆禁止携带危险物品入内,但请勿在店内玩火,否则会被老板娘报警!**

Our teahouse prohibits carrying dangerous items, but please do not play with fire inside. Otherwise, you will be reported to the police by the owner!

33. **本店茶馆禁止在店内打牌,但请勿在店内打麻将,否则会被老板娘没收!**

Our teahouse prohibits playing cards, but please do not play mahjong inside. Otherwise, they will be confiscated by the owner!

34. **本店茶馆禁止在店内聚会,但请勿在店内举办婚礼,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prohibits gatherings, but please do not hold weddings inside. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

35. **本店茶馆禁止在店内拍摄视频,但请勿在店内直播,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse prohibits video recording, but please do not live stream inside. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

36. **本店茶馆禁止在店内进行商业活动,但请勿在店内卖东西,否则会被老板娘没收!**

Our teahouse prohibits commercial activities, but please do not sell things inside. Otherwise, they will be confiscated by the owner!

37. **本店茶馆禁止在店内进行政治活动,但请勿在店内进行宗教活动,否则会被老板娘报警!**

Our teahouse prohibits political activities, but please do not engage in religious activities inside. Otherwise, you will be reported to the police by the owner!

38. **本店茶馆禁止在店内进行任何违法活动,但请勿在店内进行任何违规活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prohibits any illegal activities, but please do not engage in any rule-breaking activities inside. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

39. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人休息的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that disrupt the rest of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

40. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何不文明的行为,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any uncivilized behavior inside. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

41. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

42. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

43. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人安全的活动,否则会被老板娘报警!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the safety of others. Otherwise, you will be reported to the police by the owner!

44. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人利益的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the interests of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

45. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人形象的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the image of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

46. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

47. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

48. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

49. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

50. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

51. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

52. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

53. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

54. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

55. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

56. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

57. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

58. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

59. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

60. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

61. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

62. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

63. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

64. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

65. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

66. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

67. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

68. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

69. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

70. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

71. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

72. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

73. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

74. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

75. **本店茶馆环境舒适,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人工作效率的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has a comfortable environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the work efficiency of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

76. **本店茶馆顾客至上,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人心情的活动,否则会被老板娘赶出去!**

Our teahouse prioritizes our customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the mood of others. Otherwise, you will be kicked out by the owner!

77. **本店茶馆环境优雅,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人感受的活动,否则会被老板娘批评!**

Our teahouse has an elegant environment, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the feelings of others. Otherwise, you will be criticized by the owner!

78. **本店茶馆顾客素质高,但请勿在店内进行任何影响他人声誉的活动,否则会被老板娘封号!**

Our teahouse has high-quality customers, but please do not engage in any activities that affect the reputation of others. Otherwise, you will be banned by the owner!

以上就是关于茶馆开业搞笑句子78句(茶馆开业搞笑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
