
## 筋疲力尽的句子 (76 句)

1. 我已经精疲力竭了,感觉像一块抹布一样。

I'm completely exhausted, I feel like a wet rag.

2. 我真的太累了,连一根手指头都抬不起来。

I'm so tired I can't even lift a finger.

3. 我感觉就像被卡车撞过一样。

I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

4. 我已经累到不行了,只想倒头就睡。

I'm so tired I just want to sleep.

5. 我的身体已经累得快要散架了。

My body is so tired it's falling apart.

6. 我感觉就像被抽干了所有的能量。

I feel like all my energy has been drained from me.

7. 我已经筋疲力尽了,连想都懒得想。

I'm so exhausted I can't even think straight.

8. 我感觉就像一只被榨干的柠檬。

I feel like a squeezed lemon.

9. 我的眼皮沉得快要合上了。

My eyelids are so heavy they're about to close.

10. 我感觉就像被一块石头压住了。

I feel like a rock is pressing down on me.

11. 我已经累到不行了,连说话的力气都没有。

I'm so tired I can barely speak.

12. 我感觉就像我的身体在融化。

I feel like my body is melting.

13. 我已经累到连眼睛都睁不开了。

I'm so tired I can't even keep my eyes open.

14. 我感觉就像被塞满了铅。

I feel like I'm filled with lead.

15. 我已经累到不行了,连站都站不稳。

I'm so tired I can barely stand up.

16. 我感觉就像我的骨头都散架了。

I feel like my bones are going to fall apart.

17. 我已经累到连呼吸都困难了。

I'm so tired I can barely breathe.

18. 我感觉就像我的脑袋要爆炸了。

I feel like my head is going to explode.

19. 我已经累到不想动弹了。

I'm so tired I don't want to move.

20. 我感觉就像我的身体被掏空了。

I feel like my body has been hollowed out.

21. 我已经累到连吃饭的力气都没有了。

I'm so tired I can't even eat.

22. 我感觉就像我的灵魂都被抽走了。

I feel like my soul has been sucked out of me.

23. 我已经累到连思考都懒得思考了。

I'm so tired I can't even think.

24. 我感觉就像我的身体在燃烧。

I feel like my body is burning.

25. 我已经累到连说话都懒得说了。

I'm so tired I don't even want to talk.

26. 我感觉就像我的身体被压扁了。

I feel like my body has been flattened.

27. 我已经累到连走路的力气都没有了。

I'm so tired I can't even walk.

28. 我感觉就像我的身体在颤抖。

I feel like my body is shaking.

29. 我已经累到连听音乐的力气都没有了。

I'm so tired I can't even listen to music.

30. 我感觉就像我的身体被撕裂了。

I feel like my body has been ripped apart.

31. 我已经累到连看电视的力气都没有了。

I'm so tired I can't even watch TV.

32. 我感觉就像我的身体被抽干了所有的水分。

I feel like all the water has been sucked out of my body.

33. 我已经累到连呼吸都费劲了。

I'm so tired I'm having trouble breathing.

34. 我感觉就像我的身体被绑住了。

I feel like my body is tied up.

35. 我已经累到连睡觉都睡不着了。

I'm so tired I can't even sleep.

36. 我感觉就像我的身体在被吞噬。

I feel like my body is being consumed.

37. 我已经累到连思考问题都懒得思考了。

I'm so tired I can't even think about thinking.

38. 我感觉就像我的身体在爆炸。

I feel like my body is exploding.

39. 我已经累到连做梦都懒得做了。

I'm so tired I can't even dream.

40. 我感觉就像我的身体在融化。

I feel like my body is melting.

41. 我已经累到连笑都笑不出来了。

I'm so tired I can't even smile.

42. 我感觉就像我的身体被电击了。

I feel like my body has been electrocuted.

43. 我已经累到连哭都哭不出来了。

I'm so tired I can't even cry.

44. 我感觉就像我的身体被抽空了所有的血液。

I feel like all the blood has been drained from my body.

45. 我已经累到连写字的力气都没有了。

I'm so tired I can't even write.

46. 我感觉就像我的身体被冻住了。

I feel like my body has been frozen.

47. 我已经累到连说话都说不清楚了。

I'm so tired I can't even speak clearly.

48. 我感觉就像我的身体被压碎了。

I feel like my body has been crushed.

49. 我已经累到连翻身都翻不动了。

I'm so tired I can't even turn over in bed.

50. 我感觉就像我的身体被撕裂了。

I feel like my body has been ripped apart.

51. 我已经累到连睁眼都睁不开的程度。

I'm so tired I can't even keep my eyes open.

52. 我感觉就像我的身体被分解了。

I feel like my body is falling apart.

53. 我已经累到连思考问题都懒得思考了。

I'm so tired I can't even think about thinking.

54. 我感觉就像我的身体在被吞噬。

I feel like my body is being consumed.

55. 我已经累到连做梦都懒得做了。

I'm so tired I can't even dream.

56. 我感觉就像我的身体在融化。

I feel like my body is melting.

57. 我已经累到连笑都笑不出来了。

I'm so tired I can't even smile.

58. 我感觉就像我的身体被电击了。

I feel like my body has been electrocuted.

59. 我已经累到连哭都哭不出来了。

I'm so tired I can't even cry.

60. 我感觉就像我的身体被抽空了所有的血液。

I feel like all the blood has been drained from my body.

61. 我已经累到连写字的力气都没有了。

I'm so tired I can't even write.

62. 我感觉就像我的身体被冻住了。

I feel like my body has been frozen.

63. 我已经累到连说话都说不清楚了。

I'm so tired I can't even speak clearly.

64. 我感觉就像我的身体被压碎了。

I feel like my body has been crushed.

65. 我已经累到连翻身都翻不动了。

I'm so tired I can't even turn over in bed.

66. 我感觉就像我的身体被撕裂了。

I feel like my body has been ripped apart.

67. 我已经累到连睁眼都睁不开的程度。

I'm so tired I can't even keep my eyes open.

68. 我感觉就像我的身体被分解了。

I feel like my body is falling apart.

69. 我已经累到连思考问题都懒得思考了。

I'm so tired I can't even think about thinking.

70. 我感觉就像我的身体在被吞噬。

I feel like my body is being consumed.

71. 我已经累到连做梦都懒得做了。

I'm so tired I can't even dream.

72. 我感觉就像我的身体在融化。

I feel like my body is melting.

73. 我已经累到连笑都笑不出来了。

I'm so tired I can't even smile.

74. 我感觉就像我的身体被电击了。

I feel like my body has been electrocuted.

75. 我已经累到连哭都哭不出来了。

I'm so tired I can't even cry.

76. 我感觉就像我的身体被抽空了所有的血液。

I feel like all the blood has been drained from my body.

以上就是关于筋疲力尽的句子76句(筋疲力尽的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
