
## 第一课 草原 重点句子 (71 句)


1. 广阔无垠的草原,像一块巨大的绿色地毯,铺展开去,一直延伸到天边。

The vast and boundless grassland stretches out like a giant green carpet, extending to the horizon.

2. 一望无际的草原,像海洋一样,波澜壮阔。

The endless grassland, like the ocean, is vast and magnificent.

3. 草原上,绿草如茵,鲜花遍地,美不胜收。

The grassland is covered with lush green grass and wildflowers, making it a breathtaking sight.

4. 微风吹过,草原上泛起层层波浪,像是绿色的大海在翻滚。

A gentle breeze sweeps across the grassland, creating waves that resemble a rolling green sea.

5. 夕阳西下,草原披上一层金色的霞光,显得格外迷人。

As the sun sets in the west, the grassland is bathed in a golden glow, making it even more enchanting.

6. 远处的山峦,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外雄伟壮观。

The distant mountains, illuminated by the setting sun, appear majestic and awe-inspiring.

7. 草原上,牛羊成群,悠闲地吃着青草。

On the grassland, herds of cattle and sheep graze leisurely on the green grass.

8. 偶尔,几只野兔从草丛中窜出,在草原上跳跃奔跑。

Occasionally, a few wild rabbits dart out of the bushes, hopping and running across the grassland.

9. 夜幕降临,草原上空,繁星闪烁,如同点缀在黑夜中的珍珠。

As night falls, the sky above the grassland is dotted with twinkling stars, like pearls scattered across the darkness.

10. 草原上的夜晚,静谧而安详,只有蟋蟀的鸣叫声,在夜空中回荡。

The nights on the grassland are peaceful and tranquil, with only the chirping of crickets echoing through the night sky.


11. 草原上的人们,热情奔放,生活简单淳朴。

The people on the grassland are warm and outgoing, with simple and honest lives.

12. 他们世代生活在这里,与草原息息相关。

They have lived here for generations, their lives inextricably linked to the grassland.

13. 草原上的人们,以放牧为生,过着日出而作,日落而息的生活。

The people on the grassland make a living by herding livestock, living a life of sunrise to sunset.

14. 他们骑着骏马,在广阔的草原上奔驰,自由自在,无忧无虑。

They ride their horses across the vast grassland, free and carefree.

15. 草原上的人们,热爱生活,乐观向上,即使生活艰苦,也从不抱怨。

The people on the grassland love life and are optimistic, never complaining even in the face of hardship.

16. 他们用勤劳的双手,创造着美好的生活。

They create a good life with their hardworking hands.

17. 他们热情好客,待人真诚,总爱用歌声和舞蹈来表达他们的快乐和热情。

They are hospitable and sincere, expressing their joy and enthusiasm through song and dance.

18. 草原上的人们,淳朴善良,乐于助人,他们懂得珍惜生命,热爱自然。

The people on the grassland are simple, kind, and helpful. They know how to cherish life and love nature.

19. 他们与大自然和谐相处,共同维护着草原生态的平衡。

They live in harmony with nature, jointly maintaining the ecological balance of the grassland.

20. 草原上的人们,有着悠久的历史和文化,他们用自己的智慧和勤劳,创造了独特的草原文化。

The people on the grassland have a long history and culture. They have created a unique grassland culture with their wisdom and hard work.


21. 我站在草原上,感受着微风拂过脸颊,感受着阳光照耀在身上,心中充满了宁静和喜悦。

Standing on the grassland, I feel the gentle breeze on my face and the sun shining on my body, filling me with peace and joy.

22. 我爱草原,爱它的广阔无垠,爱它的生机勃勃,爱它的纯朴自然。

I love the grassland, its vastness, its vitality, and its simple and natural beauty.

23. 草原,是我心灵的归宿,它让我感到放松和自由。

The grassland is the sanctuary of my soul, where I feel relaxed and free.

24. 我喜欢在草原上漫步,感受着脚下柔软的草地,倾听着耳边风声,看着远处的天空。

I enjoy wandering on the grassland, feeling the soft grass beneath my feet, listening to the wind in my ears, and watching the distant sky.

25. 我喜欢在草原上骑马,感受着马背上的颠簸,感受着速度带来的快感。

I love riding horses on the grassland, feeling the bumps on the horseback and the thrill of speed.

26. 我喜欢在草原上仰望星空,感受着夜的宁静,感受着宇宙的浩瀚。

I love gazing at the stars on the grassland, feeling the quietness of the night and the vastness of the universe.

27. 草原,是一个充满生机和希望的地方,它让我感受到生命的活力和美好。

The grassland is a place full of life and hope. It makes me feel the vitality and beauty of life.

28. 草原,是人类的宝库,它为我们提供了丰富的资源,也让我们感受到了大自然的恩赐。

The grassland is a treasure trove for humanity, providing us with rich resources and making us feel the blessings of nature.

29. 我相信,草原会永远保持着它的美丽和生机,它将永远是我们心灵的港湾。

I believe that the grassland will forever maintain its beauty and vitality, forever being a haven for our hearts.

30. 我愿化作草原的一株青草,与草原一起成长,一起繁荣,一起迎接未来的希望。

I would like to be a blade of grass on the grassland, growing, thriving, and embracing the future with the grassland.


31. 骏马在草原上奔驰,像黑色的闪电一样,飞快地掠过。

The steeds race across the grassland, like black lightning, swiftly passing by.

32. 骏马的嘶鸣声,在草原上回荡,显得格外雄壮。

The neighing of the steeds echoes across the grassland, sounding particularly majestic.

33. 牛羊在草原上悠闲地吃草,它们是草原的主人。

Cattle and sheep graze leisurely on the grassland, they are the masters of the grassland.

34. 偶尔,几只野兔从草丛中窜出,在草原上跳跃奔跑,它们的身影,在阳光下闪着金色的光芒。

Occasionally, a few wild rabbits dart out of the bushes, hopping and running across the grassland, their figures flashing golden in the sunlight.

35. 鹰隼在草原上空盘旋,它们的眼睛锐利,可以轻易地发现猎物。

Hawks and falcons soar over the grassland, their keen eyes easily spotting prey.

36. 狼群在草原上游荡,它们是草原的霸主,它们的眼神,充满了野性。

Wolves roam the grassland, they are the rulers of the grassland, their eyes filled with wildness.

37. 草原上,还有许多其他的动物,它们共同构成了草原的生态系统。

On the grassland, there are many other animals, together forming the grassland ecosystem.

38. 它们都是草原的一部分,它们共同维护着草原的平衡,共同创造着草原的生机。

They are all part of the grassland, jointly maintaining the balance of the grassland and creating the vitality of the grassland.

39. 每一种动物都有着自己的生活方式,它们在草原上自由自在地生活着。

Each animal has its own way of life, living freely and happily on the grassland.

40. 它们是草原的灵魂,它们让草原充满着活力和生机。

They are the soul of the grassland, they fill the grassland with vitality and life.


41. 草原上,绿草如茵,像是给大地铺上了一层厚厚的绿毯。

On the grassland, the green grass is like a thick green carpet spread over the earth.

42. 一阵风吹过,草浪翻滚,像是绿色的大海在起伏。

A gust of wind blows, the waves of grass roll, like a green sea undulating.

43. 草原上,生长着各种各样的野花,它们颜色鲜艳,美丽动人。

On the grassland, various wildflowers grow, their colors are bright and beautiful.

44. 野花在阳光下盛开,像是给草原增添了一片片色彩。

Wildflowers bloom in the sunshine, adding splashes of color to the grassland.

45. 野花散发着清香,引来蜜蜂和蝴蝶,它们在花丛中飞舞,构成了一幅美丽的图画。

Wildflowers emit a sweet fragrance, attracting bees and butterflies, which dance among the flowers, creating a beautiful picture.

46. 草原上的植物,适应了这里的气候和环境,它们顽强地生长着,为草原增添了一片生机。

The plants on the grassland are adapted to the climate and environment here, they grow tenaciously, adding a touch of life to the grassland.

47. 它们是草原生态系统中不可缺少的一部分,它们为草原上的动物提供了食物和栖息地。

They are an indispensable part of the grassland ecosystem, providing food and shelter for the animals on the grassland.

48. 草原上的植物,有着独特的生命力,它们在恶劣的环境中也能顽强地生长。

The plants on the grassland have a unique vitality, they can grow tenaciously even in harsh environments.

49. 它们是草原的象征,它们代表着草原的坚韧和顽强。

They are the symbol of the grassland, representing the resilience and tenacity of the grassland.

50. 我爱草原上的植物,爱它们的美丽,爱它们的坚强,爱它们的生命力。

I love the plants on the grassland, their beauty, their strength, and their vitality.


51. 春天,草原上,万物复苏,绿草如茵,鲜花盛开,一片生机勃勃的景象。

In spring, the grassland comes alive with new life. The green grass is lush, the flowers are in full bloom, a vibrant scene.

52. 夏天,草原上,阳光明媚,绿草葱葱,野花争奇斗艳,到处充满了生机和活力。

In summer, the grassland is bathed in bright sunshine. The green grass is dense, wildflowers bloom in all their glory, everywhere is full of life and vitality.

53. 秋天,草原上,金风送爽,草色金黄,野花凋零,一片金色的海洋。

In autumn, the grassland is swept by a cool breeze. The grass turns golden, wildflowers wither, a golden sea.

54. 冬天,草原上,银装素裹,一片白茫茫的景象,虽然寒冷,但依然充满了希望。

In winter, the grassland is covered in snow, a vast expanse of white. Although cold, it is still full of hope.

55. 草原的四季,变化无常,但它始终保持着它的美丽和生机。

The four seasons of the grassland are ever-changing, but it always maintains its beauty and vitality.

56. 我喜欢草原的每一个季节,每一个季节都有它独特的魅力。

I love every season of the grassland, each season has its unique charm.

57. 春天,我爱草原的生机盎然,夏天,我爱草原的热情奔放,秋天,我爱草原的金黄灿烂,冬天,我爱草原的宁静祥和。

In spring, I love the vibrancy of the grassland, in summer, I love the passion of the grassland, in autumn, I love the golden splendor of the grassland, in winter, I love the peace and tranquility of the grassland.

58. 草原的四季,是我永远的眷恋,它是我生命中不可缺少的一部分。

The four seasons of the grassland are my eternal affection, it is an indispensable part of my life.

59. 我愿与草原一起走过四季,感受着它四季的变化,感受着它生命的律动。

I want to walk through the four seasons with the grassland, feeling its changes and the rhythm of its life.

60. 草原的四季,是一首动人的歌,一首赞美生命的歌,一首赞美自然的歌。

The four seasons of the grassland are a moving song, a song in praise of life, a song in praise of nature.


61. 草原是人类的宝库,我们应该珍惜它,保护它。

The grassland is a treasure trove for humanity, we should cherish it and protect it.

62. 我们要保护草原的生态环境,保护草原的生物多样性。

We must protect the ecological environment of the grassland and protect the biodiversity of the grassland.

63. 我们要反对过度放牧,反对乱砍滥伐,反对污染环境。

We must oppose overgrazing, oppose deforestation, and oppose environmental pollution.

64. 让我们共同努力,让草原永远保持着它的美丽和生机。

Let us work together to ensure that the grassland forever maintains its beauty and vitality.

65. 保护草原,就是保护我们自己的家园。

Protecting the grassland is protecting our own home.

66. 让我们从现在做起,从身边做起,为保护草原贡献自己的一份力量。

Let us start now, start from around us, and contribute our part to protecting the grassland.

67. 草原是生命的摇篮,我们应该用行动来保护它,让它永远生机勃勃。

The grassland is the cradle of life, we should protect it with action, so that it will forever be full of life.

68. 让草原的美丽永远留存,让草原的生机永远延续。

Let the beauty of the grassland be forever preserved, let the vitality of the grassland forever continue.

69. 草原是我们共同的家园,让我们共同守护它,让它永远充满着希望。

The grassland is our shared home, let us guard it together, let it forever be full of hope.

70. 让我们行动起来,为保护草原而努力,为保护我们的家园而努力。

Let us act, work hard to protect the grassland, and work hard to protect our home.

71. 我们要相信,只要我们共同努力,草原的未来一定更加美好。

We must believe that as long as we work together, the future of the grassland will be even better.

以上就是关于第一课草原重点句子71句(第一课草原重点句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
