
## 五台山求佛句子 (69句)


1. 愿佛祖慈悲,保佑我及家人平安健康,无病无灾。

May Buddha be merciful and protect me and my family from all harm, illness and misfortune.

2. 祈求佛祖加持,消灾解厄,身心安康。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to eliminate misfortune, resolve difficulties, and maintain good health and well-being.

3. 愿佛光普照,护佑我及家人一生平安喜乐。

May Buddha's light shine upon us, protecting me and my family with happiness and peace throughout our lives.

4. 祈求佛祖慈悲,赐予我健康的身体,快乐的心情。

I pray to Buddha for compassion and the gift of a healthy body and a joyful heart.

5. 愿佛陀指引,让我在人生道路上健康顺利,平安喜乐。

May Buddha guide me on my path, leading me to health, success, peace and happiness.


6. 愿佛祖保佑,我工作顺利,事业蒸蒸日上。

May Buddha bless me with smooth sailing in my work and continuous success in my career.

7. 祈求佛祖加持,让我学业有成,前途无量。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to achieve academic excellence and a bright future.

8. 愿佛光普照,指引我找到人生方向,实现梦想。

May Buddha's light illuminate the path, guiding me to find my purpose in life and achieve my dreams.

9. 祈求佛祖慈悲,赐予我智慧和勇气,克服困难,成就梦想。

I pray to Buddha for compassion, wisdom and courage to overcome challenges and achieve my dreams.

10. 愿佛陀指引,让我在人生道路上事业顺利,学业有成。

May Buddha guide me on my path, leading me to success in my career and academic achievements.


11. 愿佛祖保佑,我早日找到心仪的另一半,携手共度余生。

May Buddha bless me to find my soulmate soon and spend the rest of my life with them.

12. 祈求佛祖加持,让我爱情顺利,收获美满的婚姻。

I pray to Buddha for blessings for a smooth and successful love life, leading to a happy marriage.

13. 愿佛光普照,照亮我的爱情之路,遇见我的真命天子。

May Buddha's light shine upon my path of love, guiding me to meet my soulmate.

14. 祈求佛祖慈悲,赐予我美好的爱情,幸福的婚姻。

I pray to Buddha for compassion and the gift of beautiful love and a happy marriage.

15. 愿佛陀指引,让我在爱情道路上找到真爱,收获幸福。

May Buddha guide me on my path of love, leading me to find true love and happiness.


16. 愿佛祖保佑,我家人朋友平安健康,幸福快乐。

May Buddha bless my family and friends with health, happiness and well-being.

17. 祈求佛祖加持,让我家人朋友心想事成,万事如意。

I pray to Buddha for blessings for my family and friends to achieve their wishes and have everything go their way.

18. 愿佛光普照,照亮我家人朋友的人生之路,充满希望。

May Buddha's light shine upon the paths of my family and friends, filling their lives with hope.

19. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我家人朋友远离灾祸,平安喜乐。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to protect my family and friends from harm and ensure their peace and happiness.

20. 愿佛陀指引,让我家人朋友在人生道路上充满幸福和快乐。

May Buddha guide my family and friends on their paths, leading them to a life full of happiness and joy.


21. 愿佛祖保佑,消灾解厄,化险为夷。

May Buddha bless me to eliminate misfortune, resolve difficulties and turn danger into safety.

22. 祈求佛祖加持,让我远离灾祸,平安顺利。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to keep me safe from harm and ensure a smooth and successful life.

23. 愿佛光普照,驱散我身上的阴霾,带来光明和希望。

May Buddha's light shine upon me, dispelling the darkness and bringing light and hope.

24. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我化解一切危机,平安度过难关。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to protect me from all dangers, allowing me to overcome difficulties safely.

25. 愿佛陀指引,让我在逆境中找到希望,战胜一切困难。

May Buddha guide me to find hope in adversity and overcome all challenges.


26. 愿佛祖保佑,我心想事成,万事如意。

May Buddha bless me to achieve my wishes and have everything go my way.

27. 祈求佛祖加持,让我梦想成真,心想事成。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to make my dreams come true and achieve my heart's desires.

28. 愿佛光普照,照亮我前进的道路,助我实现梦想。

May Buddha's light shine upon my path, guiding me to achieve my dreams.

29. 祈求佛祖慈悲,赐予我智慧和力量,战胜一切困难,实现梦想。

I pray to Buddha for compassion, wisdom and strength to overcome all challenges and achieve my dreams.

30. 愿佛陀指引,让我在人生道路上心想事成,收获成功。

May Buddha guide me on my path, leading me to achieve my wishes and attain success.


31. 愿佛祖保佑,我福报深厚,一生平安喜乐。

May Buddha bless me with great fortune, ensuring a peaceful and joyful life.

32. 祈求佛祖加持,让我福慧双增,功德无量。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to increase my wisdom and blessings, accumulating immeasurable merit.

33. 愿佛光普照,照耀我的人生,带来无尽的福报。

May Buddha's light shine upon my life, bringing me endless blessings.

34. 祈求佛祖慈悲,赐予我福报和智慧,让我的人生充满光明。

I pray to Buddha for compassion and the gift of blessings and wisdom, filling my life with light.

35. 愿佛陀指引,让我在人生道路上福报连连,功德圆满。

May Buddha guide me on my path, leading me to continuous blessings and the fulfillment of my merit.


36. 愿佛祖保佑,我早日解脱烦恼,获得自在。

May Buddha bless me to free myself from troubles and attain liberation.

37. 祈求佛祖加持,让我放下执着,心生智慧,获得解脱。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to let go of attachments, develop wisdom, and achieve liberation.

38. 愿佛光普照,照亮我的心灵,驱散我心中的黑暗,获得解脱。

May Buddha's light shine upon my mind, dispelling the darkness within and leading me to liberation.

39. 祈求佛祖慈悲,指引我解脱之道,让我远离痛苦,获得快乐。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to guide me towards liberation, freeing me from suffering and leading me to happiness.

40. 愿佛陀指引,让我在人生道路上找到解脱之路,获得真正的自由。

May Buddha guide me on my path, leading me to liberation and true freedom.


41. 愿佛祖慈悲,超度亡者,往生净土。

May Buddha be merciful and guide the departed to the Pure Land.

42. 祈求佛祖加持,让亡者离苦得乐,早登极乐。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to relieve the departed from suffering and lead them to the Pure Land soon.

43. 愿佛光普照,照亮亡者的灵魂,让他们安息。

May Buddha's light shine upon the departed soul, granting them peace.

44. 祈求佛祖慈悲,超度亡者,让他们不再受苦,获得解脱。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to guide the departed to liberation, freeing them from suffering.

45. 愿佛陀指引,让亡者早日脱离轮回,获得永恒的安宁。

May Buddha guide the departed to escape the cycle of rebirth and achieve eternal peace.


46. 愿佛祖保佑,我生活顺利,事事顺心。

May Buddha bless me with a smooth life and everything going my way.

47. 祈求佛祖加持,让我遇到贵人,得到帮助。

I pray to Buddha for blessings to encounter helpful people and receive assistance.

48. 愿佛光普照,照亮我的人生道路,充满光明和希望。

May Buddha's light shine upon my path, filling my life with light and hope.

49. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我一切顺利,心想事成。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to ensure my success and fulfill my wishes.

50. 愿佛陀指引,让我在人生道路上充满智慧和勇气,战胜一切困难。

May Buddha guide me on my path, granting me wisdom and courage to overcome all challenges.

51. 祈求佛祖保佑,我身体健康,精神饱满。

May Buddha bless me with good health and a positive spirit.

52. 愿佛光普照,照耀我的内心,让我心怀慈悲,充满爱意。

May Buddha's light shine upon my heart, filling me with compassion and love.

53. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我家庭和睦,亲人平安。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to ensure harmony in my family and the well-being of my loved ones.

54. 愿佛陀指引,让我在人生道路上充满智慧和善意,为他人带来帮助。

May Buddha guide me on my path, granting me wisdom and kindness to help others.

55. 祈求佛祖保佑,我旅行顺利,平安归来。

May Buddha bless me with a safe and successful journey, returning home safely.

56. 愿佛光普照,照亮我的旅途,让我一路平安。

May Buddha's light shine upon my travels, ensuring my safety along the way.

57. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我旅途顺利,旅途愉快。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.

58. 愿佛陀指引,让我在旅途中收获美好回忆,留下难忘的经历。

May Buddha guide me to create beautiful memories and have unforgettable experiences during my travels.

59. 祈求佛祖保佑,我工作顺利,财源广进。

May Buddha bless me with success in my work and abundance in my finances.

60. 愿佛光普照,照耀我的事业,让我事业蒸蒸日上。

May Buddha's light shine upon my career, leading to continuous success.

61. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我财运亨通,生活富足。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to ensure good fortune in my finances and a prosperous life.

62. 愿佛陀指引,让我在事业道路上获得成功,收获财富。

May Buddha guide me on my path, leading me to success in my career and wealth.

63. 祈求佛祖保佑,我孩子健康快乐,平安成长。

May Buddha bless my child with health, happiness and a safe upbringing.

64. 愿佛光普照,照耀我的孩子,让他们充满智慧和爱心。

May Buddha's light shine upon my child, filling them with wisdom and love.

65. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我的孩子健康成长,学业有成。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to ensure my child's healthy growth and academic achievements.

66. 愿佛陀指引,让我孩子在人生道路上充满希望和快乐,实现梦想。

May Buddha guide my child on their path, leading them to a life full of hope and happiness, achieving their dreams.

67. 祈求佛祖保佑,我身体健康,心情愉悦。

May Buddha bless me with good health and a joyful heart.

68. 愿佛光普照,照亮我的生活,让我充满希望和力量。

May Buddha's light shine upon my life, filling me with hope and strength.

69. 祈求佛祖慈悲,保佑我一切顺利,事事如意。

I pray to Buddha for compassion to ensure my success and fulfill my wishes.

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