
## 90句"等我长大了"句子,附英文翻译

1. 等我长大了,我要环游世界,去看看那些美丽的风景。

When I grow up, I will travel the world and see all the beautiful scenery.

2. 等我长大了,我要成为一名宇航员,探索宇宙的奥秘。

When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut and explore the mysteries of the universe.

3. 等我长大了,我要当一名医生,帮助更多的人。

When I grow up, I want to be a doctor and help more people.

4. 等我长大了,我要开一家属于自己的公司,实现自己的梦想。

When I grow up, I want to start my own company and achieve my dreams.

5. 等我长大了,我要写一本小说,让更多的人看到我的故事。

When I grow up, I want to write a novel and let more people see my story.

6. 等我长大了,我要学会弹钢琴,演奏出动人的音乐。

When I grow up, I want to learn to play the piano and play moving music.

7. 等我长大了,我要学会画画,把我的想象力变成现实。

When I grow up, I want to learn to draw and turn my imagination into reality.

8. 等我长大了,我要学会跳舞,用舞蹈表达我的情感。

When I grow up, I want to learn to dance and express my emotions through dance.

9. 等我长大了,我要学会做饭,做出一桌美味的佳肴。

When I grow up, I want to learn to cook and make a table of delicious food.

10. 等我长大了,我要学会照顾自己,成为一个独立的人。

When I grow up, I want to learn to take care of myself and become an independent person.

11. 等我长大了,我要成为一个勇敢的人,克服一切困难。

When I grow up, I want to be a brave person and overcome all difficulties.

12. 等我长大了,我要成为一个善良的人,帮助那些需要帮助的人。

When I grow up, I want to be a kind person and help those in need.

13. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有责任感的人,为社会做出贡献。

When I grow up, I want to be a responsible person and contribute to society.

14. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有爱心的人,关爱家人朋友。

When I grow up, I want to be a loving person and care for my family and friends.

15. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有耐心的人,静待花开。

When I grow up, I want to be a patient person and wait for the flowers to bloom.

16. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有毅力的人,坚持不懈地追求梦想。

When I grow up, I want to be a determined person and relentlessly pursue my dreams.

17. 等我长大了,我要成为一个乐观的人,用积极的态度面对生活。

When I grow up, I want to be an optimistic person and face life with a positive attitude.

18. 等我长大了,我要成为一个自信的人,相信自己可以做到。

When I grow up, I want to be a confident person and believe in myself.

19. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有智慧的人,懂得思考和学习。

When I grow up, I want to be a wise person and know how to think and learn.

20. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有涵养的人,懂得礼貌和尊重。

When I grow up, I want to be a cultured person, knowing how to be polite and respectful.

21. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有修养的人,懂得欣赏美和善。

When I grow up, I want to be a cultivated person, knowing how to appreciate beauty and goodness.

22. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有品味的人,懂得选择和鉴赏。

When I grow up, I want to be a person of taste, knowing how to choose and appreciate.

23. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有魅力的人,吸引更多的人。

When I grow up, I want to be a charming person and attract more people.

24. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有影响力的人,为世界做出贡献。

When I grow up, I want to be an influential person and contribute to the world.

25. 等我长大了,我要成为一个有故事的人,让我的故事流传下去。

When I grow up, I want to be a person with a story and let my story pass down.

26. 等我长大了,我要成为一个自由的人,做自己想做的事情。

When I grow up, I want to be a free person and do what I want to do.

27. 等我长大了,我要成为一个幸福的人,享受人生的快乐。

When I grow up, I want to be a happy person and enjoy the happiness of life.

28. 等我长大了,我要成为一个健康的人,拥有强壮的身体。

When I grow up, I want to be a healthy person and have a strong body.

29. 等我长大了,我要成为一个富有的人,拥有更多的财富。

When I grow up, I want to be a wealthy person and have more wealth.

30. 等我长大了,我要成为一个成功的人,实现自己的目标。

When I grow up, I want to be a successful person and achieve my goals.

31. 等我长大了,我要去探索未知的世界,体验不同的文化。

When I grow up, I want to explore the unknown world and experience different cultures.

32. 等我长大了,我要去学习新的知识,提升自己的能力。

When I grow up, I want to learn new knowledge and improve my abilities.

33. 等我长大了,我要去帮助更多的人,让世界变得更美好。

When I grow up, I want to help more people and make the world a better place.

34. 等我长大了,我要去追寻我的梦想,实现我的价值。

When I grow up, I want to chase my dreams and realize my value.

35. 等我长大了,我要去创造属于我的精彩,留下我的印记。

When I grow up, I want to create my own splendor and leave my mark.

36. 等我长大了,我要去挑战自我,突破自己的极限。

When I grow up, I want to challenge myself and break my limits.

37. 等我长大了,我要去寻找我的真爱,享受爱情的甜蜜。

When I grow up, I want to find my true love and enjoy the sweetness of love.

38. 等我长大了,我要去组建一个幸福的家庭,享受家庭的温暖。

When I grow up, I want to build a happy family and enjoy the warmth of family.

39. 等我长大了,我要去创造美好的未来,为下一代做出贡献。

When I grow up, I want to create a bright future and contribute to the next generation.

40. 等我长大了,我要去享受生活,体验人生的各种滋味。

When I grow up, I want to enjoy life and experience all the flavors of life.

41. 等我长大了,我要学会独立思考,拥有自己的见解。

When I grow up, I want to learn to think independently and have my own insights.

42. 等我长大了,我要学会宽容待人,理解他人的感受。

When I grow up, I want to learn to be tolerant of others and understand their feelings.

43. 等我长大了,我要学会包容差异,尊重他人的选择。

When I grow up, I want to learn to embrace differences and respect other people's choices.

44. 等我长大了,我要学会坚持原则,不做违心的事情。

When I grow up, I want to learn to stick to principles and not do things that go against my heart.

45. 等我长大了,我要学会勇于担当,承担起自己的责任。

When I grow up, I want to learn to be courageous and take on my responsibilities.

46. 等我长大了,我要学会尊重他人,不随意评判他人。

When I grow up, I want to learn to respect others and not judge them arbitrarily.

47. 等我长大了,我要学会感恩生活,珍惜我所拥有的。

When I grow up, I want to learn to be grateful for life and cherish what I have.

48. 等我长大了,我要学会乐于助人,帮助那些需要帮助的人。

When I grow up, I want to learn to be helpful and help those in need.

49. 等我长大了,我要学会爱护环境,保护地球家园。

When I grow up, I want to learn to protect the environment and protect our home planet.

50. 等我长大了,我要学会珍惜时间,用有限的时间做更多的事情。

When I grow up, I want to learn to cherish time and use my limited time to do more things.

51. 等我长大了,我要学会勇敢面对困难,克服一切阻碍。

When I grow up, I want to learn to face difficulties bravely and overcome all obstacles.

52. 等我长大了,我要学会珍惜朋友,用心维护友谊。

When I grow up, I want to learn to cherish friends and maintain friendships with my heart.

53. 等我长大了,我要学会孝敬父母,报答父母的养育之恩。

When I grow up, I want to learn to respect my parents and repay their kindness in raising me.

54. 等我长大了,我要学会关爱家人,为家人带来幸福。

When I grow up, I want to learn to care for my family and bring happiness to my family.

55. 等我长大了,我要学会做个好人,用善意对待世界。

When I grow up, I want to learn to be a good person and treat the world with kindness.

56. 等我长大了,我要学会勇敢追梦,不畏惧任何挑战。

When I grow up, I want to learn to be brave in chasing my dreams and not be afraid of any challenges.

57. 等我长大了,我要学会独立生活,拥有自己的精彩人生。

When I grow up, I want to learn to live independently and have my own wonderful life.

58. 等我长大了,我要学会照顾自己,拥有健康的身体和快乐的心情。

When I grow up, I want to learn to take care of myself, have a healthy body and a happy mood.

59. 等我长大了,我要学会不断学习,充实自己的人生。

When I grow up, I want to learn to continue learning and enrich my life.

60. 等我长大了,我要学会珍惜每一份感情,用心呵护每一个朋友。

When I grow up, I want to learn to cherish every relationship and carefully nurture every friend.

61. 等我长大了,我要学会善待自己,不为外界的压力所困扰。

When I grow up, I want to learn to treat myself well and not be troubled by external pressures.

62. 等我长大了,我要学会用积极乐观的态度面对生活,充满希望和斗志。

When I grow up, I want to learn to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude, full of hope and fighting spirit.

63. 等我长大了,我要学会用真诚和善良对待每一个人,收获更多友谊和爱。

When I grow up, I want to learn to treat everyone with sincerity and kindness, and gain more friendship and love.

64. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的力量去改变世界,让世界变得更美好。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my own strength to change the world and make the world a better place.

65. 等我长大了,我要学会用智慧和勇气去战胜困难,实现自己的梦想。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use wisdom and courage to overcome difficulties and achieve my dreams.

66. 等我长大了,我要学会用真诚和热情去拥抱生活,感受人生的无限精彩。

When I grow up, I want to learn to embrace life with sincerity and enthusiasm and experience the infinite wonders of life.

67. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去影响身边的人,让世界充满爱和正能量。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to influence those around me and make the world full of love and positive energy.

68. 等我长大了,我要学会用坚定的信念去追逐梦想,永不放弃,永不言败。

When I grow up, I want to learn to pursue my dreams with unwavering belief, never give up, never give in.

69. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的知识和能力去帮助他人,让世界充满温暖和希望。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my knowledge and abilities to help others and make the world full of warmth and hope.

70. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去创造幸福,享受人生的快乐和满足。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to create happiness and enjoy the joy and satisfaction of life.

71. 等我长大了,我要学会用爱和包容去对待这个世界,让世界充满和谐和美好。

When I grow up, I want to learn to treat the world with love and acceptance, and make the world full of harmony and beauty.

72. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去改变世界,让世界充满希望和梦想。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to change the world and make the world full of hope and dreams.

73. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的热情去感染周围的人,让世界充满活力和生机。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my enthusiasm to infect those around me and make the world full of vitality and life.

74. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去创造未来,让世界充满光明和希望。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to create the future and make the world full of light and hope.

75. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的智慧去探索世界,发现更多未知的奥秘。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my wisdom to explore the world and discover more unknown mysteries.

76. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的勇气去挑战自我,突破自己的极限,实现更大的梦想。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my courage to challenge myself, break my limits and achieve greater dreams.

77. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去回馈社会,为社会的发展贡献自己的力量。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to give back to society and contribute my strength to the development of society.

78. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的爱心去关爱他人,让世界充满温暖和关怀。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my love to care for others and make the world full of warmth and care.

79. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去保护环境,让世界充满绿色和希望。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to protect the environment and make the world full of green and hope.

80. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的智慧和能力去创造美好生活,让世界充满幸福和快乐。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my wisdom and abilities to create a better life, and make the world full of happiness and joy.

81. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去影响世界,让世界充满正能量和爱。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to influence the world and make the world full of positive energy and love.

82. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的智慧和能力去解决问题,让世界充满和谐和美好。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my wisdom and abilities to solve problems and make the world full of harmony and beauty.

83. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去创造未来,让世界充满希望和梦想。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to create the future and make the world full of hope and dreams.

84. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的热情去感染周围的人,让世界充满活力和生机。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my enthusiasm to infect those around me and make the world full of vitality and life.

85. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去影响世界,让世界充满爱和正能量。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to influence the world and make the world full of love and positive energy.

86. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去创造幸福,享受人生的快乐和满足。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to create happiness and enjoy the joy and satisfaction of life.

87. 等我长大了,我要学会用爱和包容去对待这个世界,让世界充满和谐和美好。

When I grow up, I want to learn to treat the world with love and acceptance, and make the world full of harmony and beauty.

88. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去改变世界,让世界充满希望和梦想。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to change the world and make the world full of hope and dreams.

89. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的热情去感染周围的人,让世界充满活力和生机。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my enthusiasm to infect those around me and make the world full of vitality and life.

90. 等我长大了,我要学会用自己的行动去创造未来,让世界充满光明和希望。

When I grow up, I want to learn to use my actions to create the future and make the world full of light and hope.

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