
## 连年有鱼句子 (94 句)


1. 年年有余,岁岁平安。

May you have abundance every year and peace every year.

2. 鱼跃龙门,步步高升。

May you soar to greater heights like a fish leaping over the Dragon Gate.

3. 金玉满堂,财源广进。

May your home be filled with gold and jade, and your wealth flow abundantly.

4. 年年有鱼,心想事成。

May you have abundance every year, and all your wishes come true.

5. 吉祥如意,幸福美满。

May you be blessed with good fortune and happiness.

6. 万事顺利,心想事成。

May all go smoothly for you, and all your wishes come true.

7. 福如东海,寿比南山。

May you have blessings as vast as the Eastern Sea and longevity as high as the Southern Mountain.

8. 财源滚滚,福禄寿喜。

May wealth flow in abundance, and you be blessed with fortune, honor, longevity, and joy.

9. 平安喜乐,万事胜意。

May you have peace, joy, and success in all things.

10. 身体健康,家庭和睦。

May you be healthy and your family harmonious.


11. 新年快乐,恭喜发财!

Happy New Year! Congratulations on making a fortune!

12. 祝您新春吉祥,万事如意!

Wishing you a prosperous and happy New Year!

13. 祝您新年新气象,事业更上一层楼!

Wishing you a fresh start in the New Year, and even greater success in your career!

14. 祝您新年好运连连,心想事成!

Wishing you good luck all year round in the New Year, and all your wishes come true!

15. 祝您新年阖家欢乐,幸福美满!

Wishing you a happy and harmonious New Year with your family!

16. 祝您新年身体健康,万事顺意!

Wishing you good health and smooth sailing in the New Year!

17. 祝您新年财源广进,生意兴隆!

Wishing you a prosperous New Year with abundant wealth and booming business!

18. 祝您新年喜气洋洋,红红火火!

Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year!

19. 祝您新年一切顺利,心想事成!

Wishing you a smooth and successful New Year, and all your wishes come true!

20. 祝您新年万事大吉,步步高升!

Wishing you good fortune in everything and continuous advancement in the New Year!


21. 中秋节快乐,月圆人团圆!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, may the moon be full and families reunited!

22. 元宵节快乐,阖家幸福!

Happy Lantern Festival, may your family be happy and blessed!

23. 端午节快乐,粽香飘万里!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival, may the aroma of rice dumplings fill the air!

24. 重阳节快乐,登高望远!

Happy Double Ninth Festival, may you enjoy climbing high and seeing far!

25. 除夕夜快乐,万事如意!

Happy New Year's Eve, may all be well with you!


26. 祝您工作顺利,升职加薪!

Wishing you success in your work, promotion, and salary increase!

27. 祝您学习进步,学业有成!

Wishing you academic progress and success in your studies!

28. 祝您爱情甜蜜,幸福美满!

Wishing you sweet love and lasting happiness!

29. 祝您朋友相伴,一生平安!

Wishing you lifelong companionship with your friends and a peaceful life!

30. 祝您心想事成,万事如意!

Wishing you all your wishes come true and everything goes well!


31. 祝您年年有余,生活富足!

Wishing you abundance every year and a prosperous life!

32. 祝您年年有余,幸福美满!

Wishing you abundance every year and a happy and fulfilling life!

33. 祝您年年有余,健康长寿!

Wishing you abundance every year and good health and longevity!

34. 祝您年年有余,万事顺利!

Wishing you abundance every year and smooth sailing in all things!

35. 祝您年年有余,财运亨通!

Wishing you abundance every year and great fortune!

36. 祝您年年有余,心想事成!

Wishing you abundance every year and all your wishes come true!

37. 祝您年年有余,吉星高照!

Wishing you abundance every year and good fortune shining upon you!

38. 祝您年年有余,步步高升!

Wishing you abundance every year and continuous advancement!

39. 祝您年年有余,阖家欢乐!

Wishing you abundance every year and happiness for your whole family!

40. 祝您年年有余,幸福美满!

Wishing you abundance every year and a happy and fulfilling life!


41. 年年有余,岁岁平安。

Year after year, abundance; year after year, peace.

42. 鱼跃龙门,步步高升。

The fish leaps over the Dragon Gate, each step leading to higher heights.

43. 鲤鱼跃龙门,金榜题名时。

The carp leaps over the Dragon Gate, at the time of achieving fame on the imperial examination list.

44. 万事胜意,鱼跃龙门。

All things are successful, the fish leaps over the Dragon Gate.

45. 吉祥如意,年年有鱼。

Good fortune and happiness, abundance every year.

46. 福如东海,寿比南山,年年有余。

Blessings as vast as the Eastern Sea, longevity as high as the Southern Mountain, abundance every year.

47. 财源广进,年年有余。

Wealth flows in abundance, abundance every year.

48. 年年有余,福禄寿喜。

Abundance every year, blessed with fortune, honor, longevity, and joy.

49. 平安喜乐,年年有余。

Peace and joy, abundance every year.

50. 身体健康,家庭和睦,年年有余。

Good health, harmonious family, abundance every year.


51. 鱼儿离不开水,人儿离不开情。

Fish can't live without water, and people can't live without love.

52. 鱼目混珠,不可取。

Don't try to fool people with fakes.

53. 钓到大鱼,不能忘本。

Don't forget your roots even when you succeed.

54. 鱼和熊掌不可兼得。

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

55. 宁为鱼目,不为燕雀。

Better to be a fish eye than a sparrow.

56. 人无远虑,必有近忧,鱼无定所,必遭捕获。

He who lacks foresight will face immediate worries. A fish without a fixed dwelling will be caught.

57. 识时务者为俊杰,守株待兔,望鱼而渴。

He who understands the times is a hero. Waiting by the tree for the rabbit, yearning for fish while thirsty.

58. 孤掌难鸣,一鱼难成宴。

One hand cannot clap; one fish cannot make a feast.

59. 鱼目混珠,最终难逃法眼。

Trying to fool people with fakes will ultimately be exposed.

60. 识时务者为俊杰,如鱼得水,如虎添翼。

He who understands the times is a hero. Like a fish in water, like a tiger gaining wings.


61. 鱼目混珠

To pass off a fake as genuine; to deceive with a trick.

62. 鱼龙混杂

A mixed crowd of good and bad people; a confused and chaotic situation.

63. 鱼贯而入

To enter one after another, like fish swimming in a row.

64. 如鱼得水

To be perfectly suited for a situation; to be in one's element.

65. 釜底抽薪

To take away the means of support; to cut off the source of a problem.

66. 杀鸡儆猴

To make an example of someone to deter others.

67. 唇亡齿寒

If one's neighbors are destroyed, one's own safety is endangered.

68. 螳臂当车

To resist something overwhelming with inadequate means; to try to stop an unstoppable force.

69. 画蛇添足

To spoil something by adding something unnecessary or inappropriate.

70. 塞翁失马,焉知非福

An apparent misfortune may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


71. 鱼儿在水中自由游动,姿态优美。

The fish swim freely in the water, graceful in their movements.

72. 鱼儿跃出水面,溅起一串水花。

The fish leaps out of the water, splashing a trail of water droplets.

73. 鱼儿在水草间穿梭,躲避着捕食者的追捕。

The fish weave between the water plants, avoiding the chase of predators.

74. 鱼儿在水底觅食,寻找着美味的食物。

The fish forage for food at the bottom of the water, seeking delicious morsels.

75. 鱼儿在阳光下闪耀着鳞片,五彩斑斓。

The fish shimmer under the sunlight, their scales a kaleidoscope of colors.

76. 鱼儿在清澈的溪流中嬉戏,快乐无比。

The fish frolic in the clear stream, utterly joyous.

77. 鱼儿在深不见底的海洋中游荡,寻找着未知的领域。

The fish roam in the bottomless ocean, exploring uncharted territories.

78. 鱼儿在冰冷的湖泊中沉睡,等待着春天的到来。

The fish slumber in the cold lake, waiting for the arrival of spring.

79. 鱼儿在广阔的天空下跃动,仿佛在梦中飞行。

The fish leap in the vast sky, as if flying in a dream.

80. 鱼儿在水中的世界里,充满了神奇与奥秘。

The world of fish in water is full of wonders and mysteries.


81. 鱼之乐,人不知。

The joy of fish is unknown to humans.

82. 宁为鱼目,不为燕雀。

Better to be a fish eye than a sparrow.

83. 鱼不可脱水,人不可无情。

Fish cannot live out of water, and people cannot live without love.

84. 鱼龙混杂,不可不察。

Among a mixed crowd of good and bad people, one must be discerning.

85. 鱼目混珠,终难逃脱。

Trying to fool people with fakes will ultimately be exposed.

86. 塞翁失马,焉知非福,鱼之乐,人不知。

An apparent misfortune may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The joy of fish is unknown to humans.

87. 识时务者为俊杰,如鱼得水,如虎添翼。

He who understands the times is a hero. Like a fish in water, like a tiger gaining wings.

88. 鱼之乐,人不知,人亦有乐,鱼不知。

The joy of fish is unknown to humans, and humans also have joys that fish are unaware of.

89. 鱼儿离不开水,人儿离不开情,鱼之乐,人不知,人亦有乐,鱼不知。

Fish can't live without water, and people can't live without love. The joy of fish is unknown to humans, and humans also have joys that fish are unaware of.

90. 钓鱼要有耐心,做事要有恒心,鱼之乐,人不知,人亦有乐,鱼不知。

Fishing requires patience, doing things requires perseverance. The joy of fish is unknown to humans, and humans also have joys that fish are unaware of.

91. 鱼儿在水中自由游动,姿态优美,鱼之乐,人不知,人亦有乐,鱼不知。

The fish swim freely in the water, graceful in their movements. The joy of fish is unknown to humans, and humans also have joys that fish are unaware of.

92. 鱼儿在阳光下闪耀着鳞片,五彩斑斓,鱼之乐,人不知,人亦有乐,鱼不知。

The fish shimmer under the sunlight, their scales a kaleidoscope of colors. The joy of fish is unknown to humans, and humans also have joys that fish are unaware of.

93. 鱼儿在广阔的天空下跃动,仿佛在梦中飞行,鱼之乐,人不知,人亦有乐,鱼不知。

The fish leap in the vast sky, as if flying in a dream. The joy of fish is unknown to humans, and humans also have joys that fish are unaware of.

94. 鱼儿在水中的世界里,充满了神奇与奥秘,鱼之乐,人不知,人亦有乐,鱼不知。

The world of fish in water is full of wonders and mysteries. The joy of fish is unknown to humans, and humans also have joys that fish are unaware of.

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