
## 90句"连滚带爬" 的句子及英文翻译:

1. 他连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,脸上布满了灰尘。

He scrambled to his feet, his face covered in dust.

2. 孩子们在草地上连滚带爬地玩耍,欢声笑语不断。

The children rolled and tumbled on the grass, their laughter echoing in the air.

3. 他连滚带爬地冲出房间,仿佛身后有猛兽追赶。

He bolted out of the room, as if chased by a wild animal.

4. 暴风雨来临,人们连滚带爬地躲进屋内。

As the storm approached, people scrambled for shelter indoors.

5. 他连滚带爬地躲进树林,试图逃脱追捕。

He crawled into the woods, trying to escape his pursuers.

6. 她连滚带爬地从楼梯上滚下来,发出阵阵尖叫声。

She tumbled down the stairs, screaming in terror.

7. 他连滚带爬地跑过泥泞的道路,衣服上沾满了泥土。

He scrambled over the muddy path, his clothes caked in dirt.

8. 她连滚带爬地穿过人群,寻找走失的孩子。

She pushed her way through the crowd, searching for her lost child.

9. 他们连滚带爬地爬上山坡,终于到达山顶。

They scrambled up the hillside, finally reaching the summit.

10. 他连滚带爬地逃离火场,毫发无损。

He escaped the fire unscathed, scrambling to safety.

11. 他连滚带爬地从床上爬起来,去迎接新的一天。

He scrambled out of bed, ready to face the new day.

12. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes.

13. 他连滚带爬地冲进屋子,躲避着暴雨。

He rushed into the house, seeking shelter from the downpour.

14. 孩子们连滚带爬地在沙滩上玩耍,留下了一串串脚印。

The children rolled and tumbled on the beach, leaving behind a trail of footprints.

15. 他连滚带爬地穿过拥挤的街道,寻找着出口。

He pushed through the crowded streets, searching for an exit.

16. 她连滚带爬地从废墟中爬出来,劫后余生。

She emerged from the rubble, a survivor of the disaster.

17. 他连滚带爬地躲进山洞,寻找庇护。

He scrambled into the cave, seeking refuge.

18. 孩子们连滚带爬地追逐着风筝,脸上洋溢着快乐的笑容。

The children chased after the kite, rolling and tumbling with joy.

19. 他连滚带爬地穿过灌木丛,试图找到一条路。

He scrambled through the bushes, trying to find a way out.

20. 她连滚带爬地躲进地下室,躲避着地震的袭击。

She scrambled into the basement, seeking refuge from the earthquake.

21. 他连滚带爬地逃离了监狱,开始了新的生活。

He escaped from prison, embarking on a new life.

22. 她连滚带爬地穿过黑暗的森林,寻找着光明。

She stumbled through the dark forest, searching for light.

23. 他连滚带爬地爬上树,躲避着猛兽的攻击。

He scrambled up the tree, escaping the attack of a wild animal.

24. 孩子们连滚带爬地在雪地上玩耍,发出阵阵欢笑声。

The children rolled and tumbled on the snow, their laughter echoing in the air.

25. 他连滚带爬地跑过街道,试图逃脱追捕。

He sprinted through the streets, trying to evade his pursuers.

26. 她连滚带爬地从山坡上滑下来,衣服上沾满了泥土。

She tumbled down the hillside, her clothes covered in dirt.

27. 他连滚带爬地穿过人群,寻找着失散的家人。

He pushed through the crowd, searching for his lost family.

28. 孩子们连滚带爬地在公园里玩耍,尽情享受着童年的快乐。

The children rolled and tumbled in the park, embracing the joy of childhood.

29. 他连滚带爬地冲出火场,毫发无损地逃生。

He escaped from the fire unscathed, scrambling to safety.

30. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,掸掉身上的灰尘。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing off the dust from her clothes.

31. 他连滚带爬地躲进山洞,躲避着暴雨的袭击。

He scrambled into the cave, seeking shelter from the downpour.

32. 孩子们连滚带爬地在沙滩上玩耍,尽情享受着阳光和沙滩。

The children rolled and tumbled on the beach, reveling in the sun and sand.

33. 他连滚带爬地穿过拥挤的街道,寻找着出租车。

He pushed through the crowded streets, searching for a taxi.

34. 她连滚带爬地从废墟中爬出来,幸运地活了下来。

She emerged from the rubble, a fortunate survivor.

35. 他连滚带爬地躲进树林,试图找到一条安全的路径。

He scrambled into the woods, searching for a safe path.

36. 孩子们连滚带爬地在草地上玩耍,他们的 laughter 充满了整个草坪。

The children rolled and tumbled on the grass, their laughter filling the meadow.

37. 他连滚带爬地跑过田野,追赶着逃跑的兔子。

He scrambled across the field, chasing after the escaping rabbit.

38. 她连滚带爬地从楼梯上滚下来,幸好没有受伤。

She tumbled down the stairs, thankfully uninjured.

39. 他连滚带爬地穿过泥泞的道路,最终到达目的地。

He scrambled over the muddy path, finally reaching his destination.

40. 孩子们连滚带爬地在沙滩上堆城堡,他们的脸上洋溢着快乐的笑容。

The children rolled and tumbled on the beach, building sandcastles with smiles on their faces.

41. 他连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍了拍身上的灰尘。

He scrambled to his feet, brushing the dust off his clothes.

42. 她连滚带爬地躲进房间,试图躲避暴风雨的袭击。

She scrambled into the room, trying to escape the storm.

43. 他连滚带爬地冲出房间,去追赶跑出去的小狗。

He bolted out of the room, chasing after his escaped dog.

44. 孩子们连滚带爬地在操场上玩耍,尽情享受着阳光和运动。

The children rolled and tumbled on the playground, enjoying the sun and exercise.

45. 他连滚带爬地穿过人群,寻找着朋友的身影。

He pushed through the crowd, searching for his friend.

46. 她连滚带爬地从床上爬起来,去准备早餐。

She scrambled out of bed, getting ready for breakfast.

47. 他连滚带爬地躲进树丛,试图躲避敌人的追捕。

He scrambled into the bushes, trying to escape his enemies.

48. 孩子们连滚带爬地在山坡上玩耍,他们的欢笑声回荡在山谷里。

The children rolled and tumbled on the hillside, their laughter echoing through the valley.

49. 他连滚带爬地从山坡上滚下来,幸运地毫发无损。

He tumbled down the hillside, luckily unscathed.

50. 她连滚带爬地穿过黑暗的走廊,寻找着出口。

She stumbled through the dark hallway, searching for an exit.

51. 他连滚带爬地跑过街道,试图躲避警察的追捕。

He sprinted through the streets, trying to evade the police.

52. 孩子们连滚带爬地在草地上玩耍,他们的 laughter 充满了整个院子。

The children rolled and tumbled on the grass, their laughter filling the yard.

53. 他连滚带爬地从车上爬下来,跌跌撞撞地站稳。

He scrambled out of the car, stumbling to his feet.

54. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘,脸上带着一丝苦笑。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes, a wry smile on her face.

55. 他连滚带爬地躲进房间,关上了门,试图躲避外面的喧嚣。

He scrambled into the room, closing the door behind him, trying to escape the noise outside.

56. 孩子们连滚带爬地在公园里玩耍,他们的脸上洋溢着天真无邪的笑容。

The children rolled and tumbled in the park, their faces radiating innocent joy.

57. 他连滚带爬地冲出房间,去追赶正在逃跑的小偷。

He bolted out of the room, chasing after the fleeing thief.

58. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘,眼中充满了坚定的目光。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes, her eyes filled with determination.

59. 他连滚带爬地躲进灌木丛,试图躲避追捕者的视线。

He scrambled into the bushes, trying to hide from his pursuers.

60. 孩子们连滚带爬地在沙滩上玩耍,他们的 laughter 声响彻整个海滩。

The children rolled and tumbled on the beach, their laughter echoing across the shore.

61. 他连滚带爬地穿过人群,寻找着失散的恋人。

He pushed through the crowd, searching for his lost lover.

62. 她连滚带爬地从床上爬起来,去接听电话。

She scrambled out of bed, answering the phone.

63. 他连滚带爬地躲进山洞,试图躲避暴风雨的袭击。

He scrambled into the cave, seeking shelter from the storm.

64. 孩子们连滚带爬地在公园里玩耍,他们的 laughter 声充满了整个空气。

The children rolled and tumbled in the park, their laughter filling the air.

65. 他连滚带爬地跑过街道,试图逃脱敌人的追捕。

He sprinted through the streets, trying to evade his enemies.

66. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘,眼中充满了愤怒。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes, anger flashing in her eyes.

67. 他连滚带爬地躲进房间,试图躲避追捕者的视线。

He scrambled into the room, trying to avoid detection.

68. 孩子们连滚带爬地在草地上玩耍,他们的 laughter 声充满了整个下午。

The children rolled and tumbled on the grass, their laughter filling the afternoon.

69. 他连滚带爬地从车上爬下来,跌跌撞撞地跑进房间。

He scrambled out of the car, stumbling into the room.

70. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘,眼中充满了泪水。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes, tears welling in her eyes.

71. 他连滚带爬地躲进树林,试图躲避敌人追捕的视线。

He scrambled into the woods, trying to avoid detection by his pursuers.

72. 孩子们连滚带爬地在沙滩上玩耍,他们的 laughter 声充满了整个海边。

The children rolled and tumbled on the beach, their laughter filling the seaside.

73. 他连滚带爬地穿过人群,寻找着失散的亲人。

He pushed through the crowd, searching for his lost family members.

74. 她连滚带爬地从床上爬起来,去准备上班。

She scrambled out of bed, getting ready for work.

75. 他连滚带爬地躲进山洞,试图躲避追捕者的追捕。

He scrambled into the cave, trying to evade his pursuers.

76. 孩子们连滚带爬地在公园里玩耍,他们的 laughter 声充满了整个夜晚。

The children rolled and tumbled in the park, their laughter filling the night.

77. 他连滚带爬地跑过街道,试图逃脱敌人的追捕。

He sprinted through the streets, trying to evade his enemies.

78. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘,眼中充满了坚强。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes, her eyes filled with strength.

79. 他连滚带爬地躲进房间,关上了门,试图躲避外面的危险。

He scrambled into the room, closing the door behind him, trying to escape the dangers outside.

80. 孩子们连滚带爬地在草地上玩耍,他们的 laughter 声充满了整个早晨。

The children rolled and tumbled on the grass, their laughter filling the morning.

81. 他连滚带爬地从车上爬下来,跌跌撞撞地跑进屋子。

He scrambled out of the car, stumbling into the house.

82. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘,眼中充满了希望。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes, her eyes filled with hope.

83. 他连滚带爬地躲进树林,试图躲避追捕者的追捕。

He scrambled into the woods, trying to evade his pursuers.

84. 孩子们连滚带爬地在沙滩上玩耍,他们的 laughter 声充满了整个海岸线。

The children rolled and tumbled on the beach, their laughter filling the coastline.

85. 他连滚带爬地穿过人群,寻找着失散的亲人。

He pushed through the crowd, searching for his lost family members.

86. 她连滚带爬地从床上爬起来,去准备早餐。

She scrambled out of bed, getting ready for breakfast.

87. 他连滚带爬地躲进山洞,试图躲避追捕者的追捕。

He scrambled into the cave, trying to evade his pursuers.

88. 孩子们连滚带爬地在公园里玩耍,他们的 laughter 声充满了整个下午。

The children rolled and tumbled in the park, their laughter filling the afternoon.

89. 他连滚带爬地跑过街道,试图逃脱敌人的追捕。

He sprinted through the streets, trying to evade his enemies.

90. 她连滚带爬地从地上爬起来,拍打着身上的灰尘,眼中充满了坚强。

She scrambled to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes, her eyes filled with strength.

以上就是关于连滚带爬句子90句(连滚带爬句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。

