
## 远离耍心机的姐妹句子 (74 句)


1. 真正的朋友,会互相鼓励,而不是互相攀比。
2. 姐妹情深,要的是真心,而不是虚情假意。
3. 你若真心待我,我必肝胆相照;你若玩弄心机,我必转身离去。
4. 姐妹之间,真诚可贵,虚伪可耻。
5. 别把姐妹当傻子,你的小心思,我看得清清楚楚。
6. 姐妹之间,坦诚相待,才是真情流露。
7. 与其费尽心机,不如真心相待。
8. 姐妹之间,最重要的,是互相理解,而不是互相猜忌。
9. 不要以为你玩弄心机,就能得到一切。
10. 姐妹之间,应该互相扶持,而不是互相伤害。
11. 真正的姐妹,不会为了利益而背叛。
12. 远离耍心机的姐妹,她们只会给你带来伤害。
13. 姐妹情深,不是建立在利益之上,而是建立在真心之上。
14. 姐妹之间,应该互相尊重,而不是互相贬低。
15. 不要把姐妹当工具,她们不是你实现目标的踏脚石。
16. 姐妹之间,应该互相支持,而不是互相拖累。
17. 真正的朋友,不会因为你的缺点而离开你。
18. 姐妹之间,应该互相帮助,而不是互相算计。
19. 不要以为你很聪明,你的心机,早已经被识破。
20. 姐妹之间,应该互相包容,而不是互相指责。
21. 真正的姐妹,不会在背后说你的坏话。
22. 姐妹之间,应该互相珍惜,而不是互相利用。
23. 远离那些爱玩心机的人,她们只会让你心寒。
24. 姐妹之间,应该互相信任,而不是互相怀疑。
25. 不要把你的真心,浪费在那些不值得的人身上。
26. 姐妹之间,应该互相理解,而不是互相误解。
27. 真正的姐妹,不会为了自己的利益而伤害你。
28. 姐妹之间,应该互相鼓励,而不是互相打击。
29. 远离那些爱背后捅刀子的人,她们只会让你受伤。
30. 姐妹之间,应该互相支持,而不是互相拆台。
31. 不要被那些虚情假意的人迷惑,她们的真心,不过是一场戏。
32. 姐妹之间,应该互相包容,而不是互相排斥。
33. 真正的姐妹,不会因为你的错误而放弃你。
34. 姐妹之间,应该互相帮助,而不是互相竞争。
35. 不要把你的秘密,告诉那些玩弄心机的人。
36. 姐妹之间,应该互相尊重,而不是互相轻视。
37. 远离那些爱挑拨离间的人,她们只会让你失去朋友。
38. 姐妹之间,应该互相扶持,而不是互相算计。
39. 不要把你的善良,浪费在那些不值得的人身上。
40. 姐妹之间,应该互相理解,而不是互相指责。
41. 真正的姐妹,不会因为你的身份而改变对你的态度。
42. 姐妹之间,应该互相鼓励,而不是互相贬低。
43. 远离那些爱背后说坏话的人,她们只会让你心寒。
44. 姐妹之间,应该互相支持,而不是互相拆台。
45. 不要把你的弱点,暴露在那些玩弄心机的人面前。
46. 姐妹之间,应该互相尊重,而不是互相利用。
47. 远离那些爱挑拨离间的人,她们只会让你失去朋友。
48. 姐妹之间,应该互相扶持,而不是互相算计。
49. 不要把你的信任,给那些玩弄心机的人。
50. 姐妹之间,应该互相珍惜,而不是互相伤害。
51. 远离那些爱背后捅刀子的人,她们只会让你受伤。
52. 姐妹之间,应该互相支持,而不是互相竞争。
53. 不要把你的秘密,告诉那些玩弄心机的人。
54. 姐妹之间,应该互相尊重,而不是互相轻视。
55. 远离那些爱挑拨离间的人,她们只会让你失去朋友。
56. 姐妹之间,应该互相扶持,而不是互相算计。
57. 不要把你的善良,浪费在那些不值得的人身上。
58. 姐妹之间,应该互相理解,而不是互相指责。
59. 真正的姐妹,不会因为你的错误而放弃你。
60. 姐妹之间,应该互相帮助,而不是互相竞争。
61. 不要把你的弱点,暴露在那些玩弄心机的人面前。
62. 姐妹之间,应该互相尊重,而不是互相利用。
63. 远离那些爱挑拨离间的人,她们只会让你失去朋友。
64. 姐妹之间,应该互相扶持,而不是互相算计。
65. 不要把你的信任,给那些玩弄心机的人。
66. 姐妹之间,应该互相珍惜,而不是互相伤害。
67. 远离那些爱背后捅刀子的人,她们只会让你受伤。
68. 姐妹之间,应该互相支持,而不是互相竞争。
69. 不要把你的秘密,告诉那些玩弄心机的人。
70. 姐妹之间,应该互相尊重,而不是互相轻视。
71. 远离那些爱挑拨离间的人,她们只会让你失去朋友。
72. 姐妹之间,应该互相扶持,而不是互相算计。
73. 不要把你的善良,浪费在那些不值得的人身上。
74. 姐妹之间,应该互相理解,而不是互相指责。


1. True friends encourage each other, not compete with each other.

2. Sisterhood is about genuine feelings, not pretense.

3. If you treat me with sincerity, I will be loyal to you; if you play games, I will walk away.

4. Between sisters, sincerity is precious, hypocrisy is shameful.

5. Don't treat your sister like a fool. I see your tricks clearly.

6. Between sisters, honesty and openness are the essence of genuine feelings.

7. Instead of scheming, be genuine.

8. The most important thing between sisters is mutual understanding, not suspicion.

9. Don't think you can get everything by scheming.

10. Sisters should support each other, not hurt each other.

11. True sisters won't betray each other for gain.

12. Stay away from manipulative sisters, they will only bring you harm.

13. Sisterhood is not built on benefits, but on genuine feelings.

14. Sisters should respect each other, not put each other down.

15. Don't treat your sisters as tools, they are not stepping stones for your goals.

16. Sisters should support each other, not drag each other down.

17. True friends won't leave you because of your flaws.

18. Sisters should help each other, not scheme against each other.

19. Don't think you are clever, your tricks have already been exposed.

20. Sisters should be tolerant of each other, not blame each other.

21. True sisters won't talk bad about you behind your back.

22. Sisters should cherish each other, not use each other.

23. Stay away from those who love to play mind games, they will only break your heart.

24. Sisters should trust each other, not doubt each other.

25. Don't waste your genuine feelings on those who are not worthy.

26. Sisters should understand each other, not misunderstand each other.

27. True sisters won't hurt you for their own benefit.

28. Sisters should encourage each other, not discourage each other.

29. Stay away from those who love to stab you in the back, they will only hurt you.

30. Sisters should support each other, not sabotage each other.

31. Don't be fooled by those who are insincere, their genuine feelings are just a show.

32. Sisters should be tolerant of each other, not exclude each other.

33. True sisters won't abandon you because of your mistakes.

34. Sisters should help each other, not compete with each other.

35. Don't tell your secrets to those who play mind games.

36. Sisters should respect each other, not look down on each other.

37. Stay away from those who love to stir up trouble, they will only make you lose friends.

38. Sisters should support each other, not scheme against each other.

39. Don't waste your kindness on those who are not worthy.

40. Sisters should understand each other, not blame each other.

41. True sisters won't change their attitude towards you because of your status.

42. Sisters should encourage each other, not put each other down.

43. Stay away from those who love to talk bad behind your back, they will only break your heart.

44. Sisters should support each other, not sabotage each other.

45. Don't expose your weaknesses to those who play mind games.

46. Sisters should respect each other, not use each other.

47. Stay away from those who love to stir up trouble, they will only make you lose friends.

48. Sisters should support each other, not scheme against each other.

49. Don't give your trust to those who play mind games.

50. Sisters should cherish each other, not hurt each other.

51. Stay away from those who love to stab you in the back, they will only hurt you.

52. Sisters should support each other, not compete with each other.

53. Don't tell your secrets to those who play mind games.

54. Sisters should respect each other, not look down on each other.

55. Stay away from those who love to stir up trouble, they will only make you lose friends.

56. Sisters should support each other, not scheme against each other.

57. Don't waste your kindness on those who are not worthy.

58. Sisters should understand each other, not blame each other.

59. True sisters won't abandon you because of your mistakes.

60. Sisters should help each other, not compete with each other.

61. Don't expose your weaknesses to those who play mind games.

62. Sisters should respect each other, not use each other.

63. Stay away from those who love to stir up trouble, they will only make you lose friends.

64. Sisters should support each other, not scheme against each other.

65. Don't give your trust to those who play mind games.

66. Sisters should cherish each other, not hurt each other.

67. Stay away from those who love to stab you in the back, they will only hurt you.

68. Sisters should support each other, not compete with each other.

69. Don't tell your secrets to those who play mind games.

70. Sisters should respect each other, not look down on each other.

71. Stay away from those who love to stir up trouble, they will only make you lose friends.

72. Sisters should support each other, not scheme against each other.

73. Don't waste your kindness on those who are not worthy.

74. Sisters should understand each other, not blame each other.

以上就是关于远离耍心机的姐妹句子74句(远离耍心机的姐妹句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
