A true man, born under"/>


## 燕王重要句子 (70句) 及英文翻译


1. **"大丈夫生于天地之间,岂能郁郁久居人下!"**
> A true man, born under heaven, how can he be content with being under others!

2. **"大丈夫当立功立业,建功立业者,非燕王莫属!"**
> A true man should establish merit and build a career. Among those who achieve this, none is more worthy than the King of Yan!

3. **"我燕王,志在天下,岂能屈居一隅?"**
> I, the King of Yan, have aspirations for the whole world, how can I be content with a corner?

4. **"我燕王,生来就注定要干一番大事!"**
> I, the King of Yan, was born to achieve great things!

5. **"我燕王,有雄心壮志,岂能甘于平庸?"**
> I, the King of Yan, have great ambitions and cannot be satisfied with mediocrity.

6. **"我燕王,要建功立业,要名垂青史!"**
> I, the King of Yan, want to establish merit and build a career, to leave my name in history!

7. **"我燕王,不甘平庸,我要雄霸天下!"**
> I, the King of Yan, am not content with mediocrity. I will dominate the world!

8. **"我燕王,志在天下,必将一统天下!"**
> I, the King of Yan, have aspirations for the world. I will surely unify the world!

9. **"我燕王,有百万雄师,必将横扫天下!"**
> I, the King of Yan, have a million strong warriors. I will sweep across the world!

10. **"我燕王,有百万雄师,天下谁与争锋?"**
> I, the King of Yan, have a million strong warriors. Who in the world can compete with me?


11. **"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。"**
> A warrior dies for his friend, a woman adorns herself for the man she loves.

12. **"忠义之士,宁死不屈!"**
> A man of loyalty and righteousness would rather die than submit!

13. **"大丈夫一言既出驷马难追!"**
> A true man's word is as firm as a mountain, impossible to retract.

14. **"我燕王,重情义,讲信义,绝不会背信弃义!"**
> I, the King of Yan, value loyalty and integrity. I will never betray my trust.

15. **"我燕王,对兄弟朋友,两肋插刀,肝脑涂地!"**
> I, the King of Yan, would sacrifice my life for my brothers and friends.

16. **"我燕王,对忠义之士,必当重用,决不辜负!"**
> I, the King of Yan, will reward those who are loyal and righteous. I will never let them down.

17. **"我燕王,视兄弟朋友如手足,肝胆相照!"**
> I, the King of Yan, treat my brothers and friends like my own limbs, we are inseparable.

18. **"我燕王,对敌人,绝不心慈手软!"**
> I, the King of Yan, will show no mercy to my enemies.

19. **"我燕王,对背叛者,必将严惩不贷!"**
> I, the King of Yan, will punish those who betray me severely.

20. **"我燕王,对背叛者,必将杀无赦!"**
> I, the King of Yan, will kill without mercy those who betray me.


21. **"兵者,诡道也。"**
> War is about deception.

22. **"知己知彼,百战不殆。"**
> Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles.

23. **"胜可求而不可恃,败可防而不可避。"**
> Victory can be sought but not relied upon, defeat can be prevented but not avoided.

24. **"攻其不备,出其不意。"**
> Attack when they are unprepared, strike when they least expect it.

25. **"以逸待劳,以静制动。"**
> Rest while your enemy is weary, stay calm while they are agitated.

26. **"善战者,求之于势。"**
> A skilled warrior seeks advantage in the situation.

27. **"兵贵神速。"**
> The most important thing in warfare is speed.

28. **"兵无常势,水无常形。"**
> Warfare has no fixed pattern, water has no fixed shape.

29. **"兵不厌诈。"**
> In war, there is no such thing as too much deception.

30. **"兵贵精,不贵多。"**
> In war, quality is more important than quantity.


31. **"人生在世,当有所为,有所不为。"**
> Living in the world, one should have things to do and things not to do.

32. **"大丈夫当以天下为己任,以苍生为己念!"**
> A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people.

33. **"大丈夫志存高远,岂能为蝇头小利所动?"**
> A true man with great ambitions will not be swayed by petty gains.

34. **"大丈夫宁为玉碎,不为瓦全!"**
> A true man would rather die honorably than live in disgrace.

35. **"大丈夫当以天下为己任,以苍生为己念!"**
> A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people.

36. **"大丈夫当心胸宽广,容人容事!"**
> A true man should be broad-minded and tolerant of others and their actions.

37. **"大丈夫当以德服人,以诚待人!"**
> A true man should win people over with virtue and treat them with sincerity.

38. **"大丈夫当以天下为己任,以苍生为己念!"**
> A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people.

39. **"大丈夫当有担当,有责任,有勇气!"**
> A true man should be responsible, have a sense of duty, and be courageous.

40. **"大丈夫当以天下为己任,以苍生为己念!"**
> A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people.


41. **"历史的车轮滚滚向前,谁也无法阻挡。"**
> The wheel of history rolls forward, no one can stop it.

42. **"历史是一面镜子,可以照见过去,也可以预见未来。"**
> History is a mirror, it can reflect the past and also foretell the future.

43. **"时代在变,人也在变,唯有不变的是人心。"**
> Times change, people change, but the human heart remains the same.

44. **"乱世出英雄,英雄造时势。"**
> In times of chaos, heroes emerge, and heroes create the times.

45. **"天时地利人和,缺一不可。"**
> Heaven's will, the advantage of the terrain, and the unity of the people, all are essential.

46. **"成败乃兵家常事,胜败乃兵家常事。"**
> Success and failure are common in warfare. Victory and defeat are commonplace in warfare.

47. **"功成名就,不过过眼云烟。"**
> Achievement and fame are but passing clouds.

48. **"历史的最终裁决,是由后人来书写的。"**
> The final judgment of history is written by posterity.

49. **"历史的进程,总是充满着机遇和挑战。"**
> The course of history is always full of opportunities and challenges.

50. **"历史的潮流,滚滚向前,谁也无法阻挡。"**
> The tide of history rolls forward, no one can stop it.


51. **"人生得一知己足矣,斯世当以同怀视之。"**
> To have one true friend in life is enough, such people should be cherished as one's own heart.

52. **"爱人者,人恒爱之,敬人者,人恒敬之。"**
> Those who love others will be loved in return, those who respect others will be respected in return.

53. **"家和万事兴,家破人亡。"**
> A harmonious family brings prosperity, a broken family brings ruin.

54. **"父母之恩,重于泰山。"**
> The love of parents is heavier than Mount Tai.

55. **"兄弟之情,同舟共济。"**
> The love of brothers is like being in the same boat, they help each other through thick and thin.

56. **"夫妻恩爱,白头偕老。"**
> Husband and wife love each other deeply, they will grow old together.

57. **"儿女之情,血浓于水。"**
> The love between parents and children is thicker than water.

58. **"情义无价,胜过千金。"**
> Love and loyalty are priceless, more valuable than gold.

59. **"情深意重,难舍难分。"**
> Deep love and sincere feelings are hard to let go of, hard to separate.

60. **"人生得一知己足矣,斯世当以同怀视之。"**
> To have one true friend in life is enough, such people should be cherished as one's own heart.


61. **"天命不可违。"**
> Fate cannot be defied.

62. **"塞翁失马,焉知非福?"**
> An old man lost his horse, who knows it wasn't a blessing in disguise?

63. **"祸福相依,生死有命。"**
> Fortune and misfortune are intertwined, life and death are destined.

64. **"人生苦短,及时行乐。"**
> Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

65. **"莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。"**
> Don't say that the sunset is late, for the clouds are still full of light.

66. **"人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。"**
> Since ancient times, who has not died? Let us leave behind our loyal hearts to shine in history.

67. **"人生如梦,梦醒时分,一切皆空。"**
> Life is like a dream, when you wake up, everything is empty.

68. **"人生在世,总要留下点什么。"**
> Living in the world, one should leave something behind.

69. **"人生无常,珍惜眼前。"**
> Life is unpredictable, cherish what you have now.

70. **"人生苦短,及时行乐。"**
> Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

## 英文翻译

**Part 1: The King of Yan's Powerful Declarations**

1."A true man, born under heaven, how can he be content with being under others!"

2."A true man should establish merit and build a career. Among those who achieve this, none is more worthy than the King of Yan!"

3."I, the King of Yan, have aspirations for the whole world, how can I be content with a corner?"

4."I, the King of Yan, was born to achieve great things!"

5."I, the King of Yan, have great ambitions and cannot be satisfied with mediocrity."

6."I, the King of Yan, want to establish merit and build a career, to leave my name in history!"

7."I, the King of Yan, am not content with mediocrity. I will dominate the world!"

8."I, the King of Yan, have aspirations for the world. I will surely unify the world!"

9."I, the King of Yan, have a million strong warriors. I will sweep across the world!"

10."I, the King of Yan, have a million strong warriors. Who in the world can compete with me?"

**Part 2: The King of Yan Emphasizes Loyalty and Integrity**

11."A warrior dies for his friend, a woman adorns herself for the man she loves."

12."A man of loyalty and righteousness would rather die than submit!"

13."A true man's word is as firm as a mountain, impossible to retract."

14."I, the King of Yan, value loyalty and integrity. I will never betray my trust."

15."I, the King of Yan, would sacrifice my life for my brothers and friends."

16."I, the King of Yan, will reward those who are loyal and righteous. I will never let them down."

17."I, the King of Yan, treat my brothers and friends like my own limbs, we are inseparable."

18."I, the King of Yan, will show no mercy to my enemies."

19."I, the King of Yan, will punish those who betray me severely."

20."I, the King of Yan, will kill without mercy those who betray me."

**Part 3: The King of Yan's Thoughts on Warfare and Strategy**

21."War is about deception."

22."Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles."

23."Victory can be sought but not relied upon, defeat can be prevented but not avoided."

24."Attack when they are unprepared, strike when they least expect it."

25."Rest while your enemy is weary, stay calm while they are agitated."

26."A skilled warrior seeks advantage in the situation."

27."The most important thing in warfare is speed."

28."Warfare has no fixed pattern, water has no fixed shape."

29."In war, there is no such thing as too much deception."

30."In war, quality is more important than quantity."

**Part 4: The King of Yan's Reflections on Personal Cultivation and Life Attitude**

31."Living in the world, one should have things to do and things not to do."

32."A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people."

33."A true man with great ambitions will not be swayed by petty gains."

34."A true man would rather die honorably than live in disgrace."

35."A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people."

36."A true man should be broad-minded and tolerant of others and their actions."

37."A true man should win people over with virtue and treat them with sincerity."

38."A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people."

39."A true man should be responsible, have a sense of duty, and be courageous."

40."A true man should take upon himself the responsibility for the world and care for the people."

**Part 5: The King of Yan's Thoughts on History and the Times**

41."The wheel of history rolls forward, no one can stop it."

42."History is a mirror, it can reflect the past and also foretell the future."

43."Times change, people change, but the human heart remains the same."

44."In times of chaos, heroes emerge, and heroes create the times."

45."Heaven's will, the advantage of the terrain, and the unity of the people, all are essential."

46."Success and failure are common in warfare. Victory and defeat are commonplace in warfare."

47."Achievement and fame are but passing clouds."

48."The final judgment of history is written by posterity."

49."The course of history is always full of opportunities and challenges."

50."The tide of history rolls forward, no one can stop it."

**Part 6: The King of Yan Expresses Love and Family**

51."To have one true friend in life is enough, such people should be cherished as one's own heart."

52."Those who love others will be loved in return, those who respect others will be respected in return."

53."A harmonious family brings prosperity, a broken family brings ruin."

54."The love of parents is heavier than Mount Tai."

55."The love of brothers is like being in the same boat, they help each other through thick and thin."

56."Husband and wife love each other deeply, they will grow old together."

57."The love between parents and children is thicker than water."

58."Love and loyalty are priceless, more valuable than gold."

59."Deep love and sincere feelings are hard to let go of, hard to separate."

60."To have one true friend in life is enough, such people should be cherished as one's own heart."

**Part 7: The King of Yan's Thoughts on Fate and Life**

61."Fate cannot be defied."

62."An old man lost his horse, who knows it wasn't a blessing in disguise?"

63."Fortune and misfortune are intertwined, life and death are destined."

64."Life is short, enjoy it while you can."

65."Don't say that the sunset is late, for the clouds are still full of light."

66."Since ancient times, who has not died? Let us leave behind our loyal hearts to shine in history."

67."Life is like a dream, when you wake up, everything is empty."

68."Living in the world, one should leave something behind."

69."Life is unpredictable, cherish what you have now."

70."Life is short, enjoy it while you can."

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