
## 笑破肚皮的笑话句子 (90句)


1. 为什么企鹅走路摇摇摆摆? 因为它穿了西服,没有裤子!
2. 为什么树木总是站在那里一动不动? 因为它太紧张了,怕被风吹走!
3. 为什么海豹爱吃鱼? 因为它想成为海中霸王!
4. 为什么蜗牛总是背着房子? 因为它怕房东上门收房租!
5. 为什么猴子喜欢吃香蕉? 因为它想变得像香蕉一样弯!
6. 为什么小狗喜欢咬鞋子? 因为它想穿鞋出门!
7. 为什么乌龟喜欢躲在壳里? 因为它怕别人看到它没有穿衣服!
8. 为什么兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜? 因为它想变得像胡萝卜一样红!
9. 为什么熊猫爱吃竹子? 因为它想变得像竹子一样高!
10. 为什么猪爱打呼噜? 因为它在梦里想吃东西!
11. 为什么鱼住在水里? 因为它不会开车!
12. 为什么猫爱抓老鼠? 因为它想练习抓捕技术!
13. 为什么鸡会下蛋? 因为它想当妈妈!
14. 为什么鸭子喜欢游泳? 因为它不会骑自行车!
15. 为什么鸟儿喜欢唱歌? 因为它想参加歌唱比赛!
16. 为什么蜜蜂会采蜜? 因为它想开糖果店!
17. 为什么蝴蝶会飞? 因为它想看世界!
18. 为什么蜘蛛会结网? 因为它想织毛衣!
19. 为什么蚊子喜欢吸人血? 因为它想减肥!
20. 为什么蟑螂那么难打? 因为它自带防弹衣!
21. 为什么蜗牛爬得那么慢? 因为它怕摔倒!
22. 为什么猪总是爱睡觉? 因为它太胖了,爬不起来!
23. 为什么鸭子走路总是歪歪扭扭? 因为它喝醉了!
24. 为什么兔子喜欢跳跃? 因为它想飞起来!
25. 为什么老鼠喜欢偷东西? 因为它想开超市!
26. 为什么猫爱舔毛? 因为它想做美容!
27. 为什么狗会摇尾巴? 因为它想表达快乐!
28. 为什么马爱奔跑? 因为它想参加马拉松!
29. 为什么牛爱吃草? 因为它想变成绿巨人!
30. 为什么羊爱吃草? 因为它想变成绵羊!
31. 为什么鸡爱啄米? 因为它想吃鸡米花!
32. 为什么鱼爱吐泡泡? 因为它想吹泡泡糖!
33. 为什么猫爱捉老鼠? 因为它想当捕鼠高手!
34. 为什么狗爱咬骨头? 因为它想当牙医!
35. 为什么乌龟爱晒太阳? 因为它想晒日光浴!
36. 为什么兔子爱吃胡萝卜? 因为它想变成红萝卜!
37. 为什么猴子爱吃香蕉? 因为它想变得像香蕉一样黄!
38. 为什么熊猫爱吃竹子? 因为它想变得像竹子一样青翠!
39. 为什么猪爱打呼噜? 因为它在梦里想吃猪肉!
40. 为什么鱼爱住在水里? 因为它想变成美人鱼!
41. 为什么猫爱舔毛? 因为它想梳头!
42. 为什么狗爱摇尾巴? 因为它想跳舞!
43. 为什么马爱奔跑? 因为它想参加奥运会!
44. 为什么牛爱吃草? 因为它想变成绿色牧场!
45. 为什么羊爱吃草? 因为它想变成白色羊群!
46. 为什么鸡爱啄米? 因为它想吃米饭!
47. 为什么鱼爱吐泡泡? 因为它想吹口哨!
48. 为什么猫爱捉老鼠? 因为它想当猫鼠游戏冠军!
49. 为什么狗爱咬骨头? 因为它想当厨师!
50. 为什么乌龟爱晒太阳? 因为它想做日光浴!
51. 为什么兔子爱吃胡萝卜? 因为它想变得像胡萝卜一样长!
52. 为什么猴子爱吃香蕉? 因为它想变得像香蕉一样香!
53. 为什么熊猫爱吃竹子? 因为它想变得像竹子一样坚强!
54. 为什么猪爱打呼噜? 因为它在梦里想吃猪蹄!
55. 为什么鱼爱住在水里? 因为它想变成水族馆的明星!
56. 为什么猫爱舔毛? 因为它想保持清洁!
57. 为什么狗爱摇尾巴? 因为它想表达友好!
58. 为什么马爱奔跑? 因为它想成为赛马冠军!
59. 为什么牛爱吃草? 因为它想变成草地上的国王!
60. 为什么羊爱吃草? 因为它想变成草原上的女王!
61. 为什么鸡爱啄米? 因为它想吃米饭和鸡肉!
62. 为什么鱼爱吐泡泡? 因为它想和朋友玩游戏!
63. 为什么猫爱捉老鼠? 因为它想挑战自己的能力!
64. 为什么狗爱咬骨头? 因为它想磨牙!
65. 为什么乌龟爱晒太阳? 因为它想放松身心!
66. 为什么兔子爱吃胡萝卜? 因为它想变得像胡萝卜一样健康!
67. 为什么猴子爱吃香蕉? 因为它想变得像香蕉一样甜!
68. 为什么熊猫爱吃竹子? 因为它想变得像竹子一样高大!
69. 为什么猪爱打呼噜? 因为它在梦里想吃美食!
70. 为什么鱼爱住在水里? 因为它想成为海洋的霸主!
71. 为什么猫爱舔毛? 因为它想保持美丽!
72. 为什么狗爱摇尾巴? 因为它想和主人玩耍!
73. 为什么马爱奔跑? 因为它想感受自由!
74. 为什么牛爱吃草? 因为它想吃得饱饱的!
75. 为什么羊爱吃草? 因为它想变得像草原一样广阔!
76. 为什么鸡爱啄米? 因为它想吃美味的食物!
77. 为什么鱼爱吐泡泡? 因为它想表达自己的心情!
78. 为什么猫爱捉老鼠? 因为它想锻炼身体!
79. 为什么狗爱咬骨头? 因为它想吃美味的骨头!
80. 为什么乌龟爱晒太阳? 因为它想享受阳光!
81. 为什么兔子爱吃胡萝卜? 因为它想变得像胡萝卜一样可爱!
82. 为什么猴子爱吃香蕉? 因为它想变得像香蕉一样快乐!
83. 为什么熊猫爱吃竹子? 因为它想变得像竹子一样友善!
84. 为什么猪爱打呼噜? 因为它在梦里想吃水果!
85. 为什么鱼爱住在水里? 因为它想和鱼儿一起游泳!
86. 为什么猫爱舔毛? 因为它想让自己更漂亮!
87. 为什么狗爱摇尾巴? 因为它想和主人交流!
88. 为什么马爱奔跑? 因为它想成为自由的象征!
89. 为什么牛爱吃草? 因为它想吃得更健康!
90. 为什么羊爱吃草? 因为它想变得像草原一样美丽!


1. Why do penguins waddle? Because they wear suits but no pants!

2. Why do trees always stand still? Because they're too nervous, afraid of being blown away by the wind!

3. Why do seals love to eat fish? Because they want to be the king of the sea!

4. Why does a snail always carry its house on its back? Because it's afraid of the landlord coming to collect rent!

5. Why do monkeys love to eat bananas? Because they want to be as bendy as a banana!

6. Why do puppies like to bite shoes? Because they want to wear shoes and go out!

7. Why do turtles like to hide in their shells? Because they're afraid of people seeing them without clothes!

8. Why do rabbits love to eat carrots? Because they want to be as red as a carrot!

9. Why do pandas love to eat bamboo? Because they want to be as tall as bamboo!

10. Why do pigs love to snore? Because they're dreaming of eating food!

11. Why do fish live in water? Because they can't drive!

12. Why do cats love to catch mice? Because they want to practice their hunting skills!

13. Why do chickens lay eggs? Because they want to be mothers!

14. Why do ducks love to swim? Because they can't ride bikes!

15. Why do birds love to sing? Because they want to participate in singing contests!

16. Why do bees collect honey? Because they want to open a candy store!

17. Why do butterflies fly? Because they want to see the world!

18. Why do spiders spin webs? Because they want to knit sweaters!

19. Why do mosquitoes love to suck blood? Because they want to lose weight!

20. Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? Because they have built-in bulletproof vests!

21. Why do snails crawl so slowly? Because they're afraid of falling!

22. Why do pigs always love to sleep? Because they're too fat to get up!

23. Why do ducks walk in a wobbly way? Because they're drunk!

24. Why do rabbits love to jump? Because they want to fly!

25. Why do mice love to steal things? Because they want to open a supermarket!

26. Why do cats love to lick their fur? Because they want to do beauty treatments!

27. Why do dogs wag their tails? Because they want to express happiness!

28. Why do horses love to run? Because they want to participate in a marathon!

29. Why do cows love to eat grass? Because they want to become the Hulk!

30. Why do sheep love to eat grass? Because they want to become sheep!

31. Why do chickens love to peck at rice? Because they want to eat chicken nuggets!

32. Why do fish love to blow bubbles? Because they want to blow bubble gum!

33. Why do cats love to catch mice? Because they want to be a mouse-catching expert!

34. Why do dogs love to bite bones? Because they want to be dentists!

35. Why do turtles love to bask in the sun? Because they want to sunbathe!

36. Why do rabbits love to eat carrots? Because they want to become a red carrot!

37. Why do monkeys love to eat bananas? Because they want to be as yellow as a banana!

38. Why do pandas love to eat bamboo? Because they want to be as green as bamboo!

39. Why do pigs love to snore? Because they're dreaming of eating pork!

40. Why do fish love to live in water? Because they want to become a mermaid!

41. Why do cats love to lick their fur? Because they want to comb their hair!

42. Why do dogs wag their tails? Because they want to dance!

43. Why do horses love to run? Because they want to participate in the Olympics!

44. Why do cows love to eat grass? Because they want to become a green meadow!

45. Why do sheep love to eat grass? Because they want to become a white flock!

46. Why do chickens love to peck at rice? Because they want to eat rice!

47. Why do fish love to blow bubbles? Because they want to whistle!

48. Why do cats love to catch mice? Because they want to be the champion of cat-and-mouse games!

49. Why do dogs love to bite bones? Because they want to be chefs!

50. Why do turtles love to bask in the sun? Because they want to do sunbathing!

51. Why do rabbits love to eat carrots? Because they want to be as long as a carrot!

52. Why do monkeys love to eat bananas? Because they want to be as fragrant as a banana!

53. Why do pandas love to eat bamboo? Because they want to be as strong as bamboo!

54. Why do pigs love to snore? Because they're dreaming of eating pig trotters!

55. Why do fish love to live in water? Because they want to be a star in the aquarium!

56. Why do cats love to lick their fur? Because they want to stay clean!

57. Why do dogs wag their tails? Because they want to be friendly!

58. Why do horses love to run? Because they want to be a champion racehorse!

59. Why do cows love to eat grass? Because they want to be the king of the meadow!

60. Why do sheep love to eat grass? Because they want to be the queen of the grassland!

61. Why do chickens love to peck at rice? Because they want to eat rice and chicken!

62. Why do fish love to blow bubbles? Because they want to play games with friends!

63. Why do cats love to catch mice? Because they want to challenge their own abilities!

64. Why do dogs love to bite bones? Because they want to grind their teeth!

65. Why do turtles love to bask in the sun? Because they want to relax!

66. Why do rabbits love to eat carrots? Because they want to be as healthy as a carrot!

67. Why do monkeys love to eat bananas? Because they want to be as sweet as a banana!

68. Why do pandas love to eat bamboo? Because they want to be as tall and strong as bamboo!

69. Why do pigs love to snore? Because they're dreaming of eating delicious food!

70. Why do fish love to live in water? Because they want to be the ruler of the ocean!

71. Why do cats love to lick their fur? Because they want to stay beautiful!

72. Why do dogs wag their tails? Because they want to play with their owner!

73. Why do horses love to run? Because they want to feel free!

74. Why do cows love to eat grass? Because they want to eat their fill!

75. Why do sheep love to eat grass? Because they want to be as vast as the grassland!

76. Why do chickens love to peck at rice? Because they want to eat delicious food!

77. Why do fish love to blow bubbles? Because they want to express their feelings!

78. Why do cats love to catch mice? Because they want to exercise!

79. Why do dogs love to bite bones? Because they want to eat delicious bones!

80. Why do turtles love to bask in the sun? Because they want to enjoy the sun!

81. Why do rabbits love to eat carrots? Because they want to be as cute as a carrot!

82. Why do monkeys love to eat bananas? Because they want to be as happy as a banana!

83. Why do pandas love to eat bamboo? Because they want to be as friendly as bamboo!

84. Why do pigs love to snore? Because they're dreaming of eating fruit!

85. Why do fish love to live in water? Because they want to swim with other fish!

86. Why do cats love to lick their fur? Because they want to make themselves more beautiful!

87. Why do dogs wag their tails? Because they want to communicate with their owner!

88. Why do horses love to run? Because they want to be a symbol of freedom!

89. Why do cows love to eat grass? Because they want to eat healthier!

90. Why do sheep love to eat grass? Because they want to be as beautiful as the grassland!

以上就是关于笑破肚皮的笑话句子90句(笑破肚皮的笑话句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
