
## 熵增定律句子 (62句)

1. 熵增定律指出,一个孤立系统的总熵永远不会减少,只会保持不变或增加。

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system never decreases over time, and is constant if and only if all processes are reversible.

2. 熵是衡量一个系统混乱程度的指标。

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system.

3. 熵增意味着系统会变得越来越混乱,越来越无序。

Entropy increase implies that a system will become increasingly disordered and chaotic.

4. 热力学第二定律也称为熵增定律。

The second law of thermodynamics is also known as the entropy law.

5. 熵增定律是自然界最基本的法则之一。

The entropy law is one of the most fundamental laws of nature.

6. 熵增定律适用于所有物质系统,包括生物系统。

The entropy law applies to all material systems, including biological systems.

7. 熵增定律表明,宇宙的最终命运将是热寂。

The entropy law suggests that the ultimate fate of the universe is heat death.

8. 熵增定律解释了为什么时间是不可逆的。

The entropy law explains why time is irreversible.

9. 熵增意味着能量会从有序状态转化为无序状态。

Entropy increase means that energy will be transformed from an ordered state to a disordered state.

10. 熵增是自然界的一种趋势,无法阻止。

Entropy increase is a natural trend that cannot be stopped.

11. 熵增定律告诉我们,任何事物都会逐渐走向衰败,最终走向灭亡。

The entropy law tells us that everything will gradually decay and eventually perish.

12. 熵增定律提醒我们,宇宙中的一切都在不断变化,没有永恒的事物。

The entropy law reminds us that everything in the universe is constantly changing, and there is no eternal thing.

13. 熵增是自然界的一种趋势,也是生命的一种必然。

Entropy increase is a natural trend, and also a necessity for life.

14. 熵增定律表明,生命的存在是一个违反热力学定律的奇迹。

The entropy law shows that the existence of life is a miracle that violates the laws of thermodynamics.

15. 生命通过不断地从环境中获取能量,并将其转化为有序状态来对抗熵增。

Life fights entropy by constantly obtaining energy from the environment and transforming it into an ordered state.

16. 熵增定律也为我们提供了对生命意义的思考。

The entropy law also provides us with insights into the meaning of life.

17. 熵增定律告诉我们,生命是短暂的,但也是宝贵的。

The entropy law tells us that life is fleeting, but also precious.

18. 熵增定律提醒我们珍惜当下,享受生命的每一个瞬间。

The entropy law reminds us to cherish the present and enjoy every moment of life.

19. 熵增定律告诉我们,生命是充满挑战的,但也是充满希望的。

The entropy law tells us that life is challenging, but also full of hope.

20. 熵增定律让我们明白,生命是一种不断进化的过程,没有终点。

The entropy law makes us understand that life is a continuous evolutionary process that has no endpoint.

21. 熵增定律也与信息传递密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to information transmission.

22. 信息的传递会增加系统的熵,因为信息会带来更多的混乱和不确定性。

The transmission of information increases the entropy of a system, because information brings more chaos and uncertainty.

23. 熵增定律解释了为什么信息会随着时间推移而逐渐丢失。

The entropy law explains why information is gradually lost over time.

24. 熵增定律也与技术的发展密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to technological development.

25. 技术的发展会增加系统的熵,因为技术会带来更多的复杂性和混乱。

Technological development increases the entropy of a system, because technology brings more complexity and chaos.

26. 熵增定律提醒我们,技术进步也伴随着风险。

The entropy law reminds us that technological progress also comes with risks.

27. 熵增定律告诉我们,任何事物都会逐渐走向衰败,最终走向灭亡,包括技术。

The entropy law tells us that everything will gradually decay and eventually perish, including technology.

28. 熵增定律提醒我们,技术发展需要与自然和谐共处,不能过度依赖技术。

The entropy law reminds us that technological development needs to coexist with nature, and we cannot over-rely on technology.

29. 熵增定律也与人类社会的演化密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to the evolution of human society.

30. 人类社会的演化会增加系统的熵,因为社会会变得更加复杂和混乱。

The evolution of human society increases the entropy of a system, because society becomes more complex and chaotic.

31. 熵增定律解释了为什么历史总是充满着战争、灾难和动荡。

The entropy law explains why history is always full of wars, disasters and turmoil.

32. 熵增定律也为我们提供了对人类社会发展方向的思考。

The entropy law also provides us with insights into the direction of human social development.

33. 熵增定律告诉我们,人类社会需要不断地进化和发展,才能适应不断变化的环境。

The entropy law tells us that human society needs to constantly evolve and develop to adapt to the changing environment.

34. 熵增定律提醒我们,人类社会需要团结合作,才能克服各种挑战,实现共同的目标。

The entropy law reminds us that human society needs to work together to overcome various challenges and achieve common goals.

35. 熵增定律也与经济发展密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to economic development.

36. 经济发展会增加系统的熵,因为经济会带来更多的资源消耗和环境污染。

Economic development increases the entropy of a system, because the economy brings more resource consumption and environmental pollution.

37. 熵增定律提醒我们,经济发展需要可持续发展,不能以牺牲环境为代价。

The entropy law reminds us that economic development needs to be sustainable and cannot be at the expense of the environment.

38. 熵增定律告诉我们,经济发展需要注重资源的合理利用和环境的保护。

The entropy law tells us that economic development needs to focus on the rational utilization of resources and environmental protection.

39. 熵增定律也与个人生活息息相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to personal life.

40. 随着时间的推移,我们的身体会逐渐衰老,我们的思维会逐渐变得迟钝。

As time goes by, our bodies will gradually age, and our minds will gradually become dull.

41. 熵增定律提醒我们,生命是短暂的,我们应该珍惜时间,活出精彩的人生。

The entropy law reminds us that life is fleeting and we should cherish time and live a wonderful life.

42. 熵增定律也告诉我们,每个人都需要不断地学习和成长,才能适应不断变化的世界。

The entropy law also tells us that everyone needs to constantly learn and grow to adapt to a changing world.

43. 熵增定律提醒我们,我们应该不断地挑战自己,突破自我,才能实现人生的价值。

The entropy law reminds us that we should constantly challenge ourselves, break through our limits, and realize our life's value.

44. 熵增定律让我们明白,人生没有捷径,只有不断地努力和奋斗才能创造出美好的未来。

The entropy law makes us understand that there are no shortcuts in life, only constant efforts and struggles can create a beautiful future.

45. 熵增定律也与艺术创作密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to artistic creation.

46. 艺术创作是一种对抗熵增的过程,艺术家通过创造新的事物来抵抗混乱和无序。

Artistic creation is a process of fighting entropy, artists resist chaos and disorder by creating new things.

47. 熵增定律解释了为什么艺术作品会随着时间的推移而逐渐失去价值。

The entropy law explains why works of art gradually lose their value over time.

48. 熵增定律也提醒我们,艺术创作需要不断地创新和突破,才能保持活力和生命力。

The entropy law reminds us that artistic creation needs to constantly innovate and break through to maintain vitality and vitality.

49. 熵增定律告诉我们,艺术创作需要与时代精神相融合,才能获得更大的意义和价值。

The entropy law tells us that artistic creation needs to be integrated with the spirit of the times to gain greater significance and value.

50. 熵增定律也与科学研究密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to scientific research.

51. 科学研究是一种对抗熵增的过程,科学家通过探索未知领域来抵抗混乱和无序。

Scientific research is a process of fighting entropy, scientists resist chaos and disorder by exploring unknown areas.

52. 熵增定律解释了为什么科学理论会随着时间的推移而逐渐被新的理论所取代。

The entropy law explains why scientific theories are gradually replaced by new theories over time.

53. 熵增定律也提醒我们,科学研究需要不断地探索和创新,才能取得更大的突破。

The entropy law reminds us that scientific research needs to constantly explore and innovate to make greater breakthroughs.

54. 熵增定律告诉我们,科学研究需要与社会需求相结合,才能获得更大的价值和意义。

The entropy law tells us that scientific research needs to be combined with social needs to gain greater value and significance.

55. 熵增定律也与道德伦理密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to ethics and morality.

56. 道德伦理是一种对抗熵增的过程,人们通过遵循道德规范来抵抗混乱和无序。

Ethics and morality are a process of fighting entropy, people resist chaos and disorder by following ethical norms.

57. 熵增定律解释了为什么道德观念会随着时间的推移而逐渐发生改变。

The entropy law explains why moral concepts gradually change over time.

58. 熵增定律也提醒我们,道德伦理需要不断地反思和发展,才能适应不断变化的社会。

The entropy law reminds us that ethics and morality need to constantly reflect and develop to adapt to a changing society.

59. 熵增定律告诉我们,道德伦理需要与社会发展相适应,才能获得更大的认同和价值。

The entropy law tells us that ethics and morality need to adapt to social development to gain greater recognition and value.

60. 熵增定律也与宇宙的命运密切相关。

Entropy increase is also closely related to the fate of the universe.

61. 熵增定律表明,宇宙最终将走向热寂,一切物质都将达到热平衡状态,不再有能量流动。

The entropy law shows that the universe will eventually reach heat death, all matter will reach thermal equilibrium, and there will be no more energy flow.

62. 熵增定律让我们思考,人类在宇宙中扮演着怎样的角色,我们如何才能在这个充满熵增的宇宙中找到自己的意义和价值。

The entropy law makes us think about what role humans play in the universe, and how we can find our meaning and value in this entropy-filled universe.

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