
## 熟知事物句子 (57句)

1. 他對這座城市了如指掌。

He knows this city like the back of his hand.

2. 她對音樂的理解非常深刻。

She has a deep understanding of music.

3. 他精通電腦科學。

He is proficient in computer science.

4. 她對這個問題非常了解。

She is very familiar with this issue.

5. 他對歷史很有研究。

He is well-versed in history.

6. 她對藝術有著敏銳的洞察力。

She has a keen eye for art.

7. 他對自然界有著濃厚的興趣。

He has a deep interest in nature.

8. 她對語言學充滿熱情。

She is passionate about linguistics.

9. 他對心理學有著廣泛的知識。

He has a wide range of knowledge in psychology.

10. 她對哲學有深入的思考。

She has deep thoughts about philosophy.

11. 他對經濟學有著獨特的見解。

He has a unique perspective on economics.

12. 她對社會學有著敏銳的觀察力。

She has a keen observation of sociology.

13. 他對政治有著深刻的了解。

He has a deep understanding of politics.

14. 她對法律有著精準的掌握。

She has a precise grasp of law.

15. 他對醫學有著豐富的經驗。

He has a wealth of experience in medicine.

16. 她對教育有著熱誠的投入。

She is enthusiastically involved in education.

17. 他對科學研究有著嚴謹的態度。

He has a rigorous approach to scientific research.

18. 她對工程學有著實務的操作能力。

She has practical operating skills in engineering.

19. 他對藝術創作有著天賦的才華。

He has a natural talent for artistic creation.

20. 她對音樂表演有著精湛的技藝。

She has masterful skills in music performance.

21. 他對舞蹈藝術有著靈活的肢體表現。

He has flexible physical expression in dance.

22. 她對戲劇表演有著豐富的舞台經驗。

She has rich stage experience in theatrical performance.

23. 他對電影製作有著專業的知識。

He has professional knowledge of film production.

24. 她對攝影藝術有著敏銳的審美觀。

She has a keen aesthetic sense in photography.

25. 他對文學作品有著深入的分析能力。

He has a deep analytical ability in literary works.

26. 她對詩歌創作有著獨特的風格。

She has a unique style in poetry writing.

27. 他對小說創作有著豐富的想像力。

He has a rich imagination in novel writing.

28. 她對散文創作有著精準的語言運用。

She has precise language use in prose writing.

29. 他對歷史事件有著深刻的理解。

He has a deep understanding of historical events.

30. 她對人物傳記有著生動的描述。

She has vivid descriptions of biographies.

31. 他對地理知識有著豐富的儲備。

He has a wealth of geographical knowledge.

32. 她對天文知識有著廣泛的了解。

She has a wide range of knowledge in astronomy.

33. 他對生物知識有著深刻的研究。

He has in-depth research on biological knowledge.

34. 她對化學知識有著豐富的經驗。

She has a wealth of experience in chemistry.

35. 他對物理知識有著嚴謹的學習態度。

He has a rigorous learning attitude towards physics.

36. 她對數學知識有著邏輯的思考能力。

She has logical thinking abilities in mathematics.

37. 他對程式設計有著熟練的技巧。

He has proficient skills in programming.

38. 她對數據分析有著專業的知識。

She has professional knowledge of data analysis.

39. 他對市場營銷有著敏銳的觀察力。

He has a keen observation of marketing.

40. 她對財務管理有著豐富的經驗。

She has a wealth of experience in financial management.

41. 他對投資策略有著精準的分析能力。

He has precise analytical abilities in investment strategies.

42. 她對商業談判有著熟練的技巧。

She has proficient skills in business negotiations.

43. 他對人際關係有著敏銳的洞察力。

He has a keen insight into interpersonal relationships.

44. 她對心理學有著深入的了解。

She has a deep understanding of psychology.

45. 他對社會現象有著深刻的反思。

He has profound reflections on social phenomena.

46. 她對文化差異有著敏銳的感知。

She has a keen perception of cultural differences.

47. 他對語言學習有著濃厚的興趣。

He has a deep interest in language learning.

48. 她對旅遊探險有著熱誠的投入。

She is enthusiastically involved in travel and exploration.

49. 他對美食文化有著獨特的見解。

He has a unique perspective on food culture.

50. 她對時尚潮流有著敏銳的嗅覺。

She has a keen sense of fashion trends.

51. 他對藝術欣賞有著豐富的經驗。

He has a wealth of experience in art appreciation.

52. 她對電影欣賞有著敏銳的審美觀。

She has a keen aesthetic sense in film appreciation.

53. 他對音樂欣賞有著精準的品味。

He has a precise taste in music appreciation.

54. 她對文學作品有著深入的理解。

She has a deep understanding of literary works.

55. 他對歷史人物有著深刻的了解。

He has a deep understanding of historical figures.

56. 她對社會事件有著敏銳的觀察力。

She has a keen observation of social events.

57. 他對人生哲學有著深刻的思考。

He has profound thoughts about the philosophy of life.

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