
## 咏雪重点句子,71句,翻译及段落

**1. “新年新气象,瑞雪兆丰年。”**

**English:** A new year, a fresh start. A snowy day promises a bountiful harvest.

A new year, a fresh start. A snowy day promises a bountiful harvest.

**2. “银装素裹,分外妖娆。”**

**English:** Clothed in silver, the world is exquisitely beautiful.

Clothed in silver, the world is exquisitely beautiful.

**3. “忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。”**

**English:** Suddenly, like a spring breeze, snow transforms thousands of trees into blooming pear blossoms.

Suddenly, like a spring breeze, snow transforms thousands of trees into blooming pear blossoms.

**4. “白雪皑皑,银光闪耀。”**

**English:** The snow is white and vast, with silver light sparkling.

The snow is white and vast, with silver light sparkling.

**5. “漫天飞雪,如银针般闪烁。”**

**English:** Snow falls from the sky, sparkling like silver needles.

Snow falls from the sky, sparkling like silver needles.

**6. “雪落无声,却能掩盖世间万物。”**

**English:** Snow falls silently, yet it covers all things in the world.

Snow falls silently, yet it covers all things in the world.

**7. “雪后初晴,天空湛蓝。”**

**English:** The sky is a brilliant blue after the snow has stopped.

The sky is a brilliant blue after the snow has stopped.

**8. “雪地上留下了深深的脚印。”**

**English:** Deep footprints are left in the snow.

Deep footprints are left in the snow.

**9. “孩子们在雪地里玩耍,欢声笑语。”**

**English:** Children play in the snow, filled with joy and laughter.

Children play in the snow, filled with joy and laughter.

**10. “雪花飘落,像一只只白色的蝴蝶。”**

**English:** The snowflakes fall like white butterflies.

The snowflakes fall like white butterflies.

**11. “雪景如画,令人心旷神怡。”**

**English:** The snow scenery is like a painting, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

The snow scenery is like a painting, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

**12. “雪后天晴,万物披上银装。”**

**English:** After the snow stops, everything is covered in silver.

After the snow stops, everything is covered in silver.

**13. “雪地里留下了晶莹的雪粒。”**

**English:** Sparkling snow grains are left behind in the snow.

Sparkling snow grains are left behind in the snow.

**14. “雪像天鹅绒般柔软。”**

**English:** The snow is soft like velvet.

The snow is soft like velvet.

**15. “雪覆盖了山川河流,一片银白。”**

**English:** Snow covers the mountains and rivers, a vast expanse of white.

Snow covers the mountains and rivers, a vast expanse of white.

**16. “雪后初晴,空气清新。”**

**English:** The air is fresh after the snow has cleared.

The air is fresh after the snow has cleared.

**17. “雪落在树枝上,像一朵朵洁白的棉花。”**

**English:** The snow falls on the branches, like white cotton balls.

The snow falls on the branches, like white cotton balls.

**18. “雪像水晶般透明。”**

**English:** The snow is as transparent as crystal.

The snow is as transparent as crystal.

**19. “雪像玉一样洁白。”**

**English:** The snow is as white as jade.

The snow is as white as jade.

**20. “雪像珍珠般晶莹。”**

**English:** The snow is as sparkling as pearls.

The snow is as sparkling as pearls.

**21. “雪像鹅毛般轻盈。”**

**English:** The snow is as light as goose feathers.

The snow is as light as goose feathers.

**22. “雪像月光般柔和。”**

**English:** The snow is as gentle as moonlight.

The snow is as gentle as moonlight.

**23. “雪像云朵般洁白。”**

**English:** The snow is as white as clouds.

The snow is as white as clouds.

**24. “雪像浪花般洁白。”**

**English:** The snow is as white as waves.

The snow is as white as waves.

**25. “雪像霜花般晶莹。”**

**English:** The snow is as sparkling as frost flowers.

The snow is as sparkling as frost flowers.

**26. “雪像冰雕般晶莹剔透。”**

**English:** The snow is as clear and transparent as ice sculptures.

The snow is as clear and transparent as ice sculptures.

**27. “雪像银子般闪耀。”**

**English:** The snow sparkles like silver.

The snow sparkles like silver.

**28. “雪像镜子般光滑。”**

**English:** The snow is as smooth as a mirror.

The snow is as smooth as a mirror.

**29. “雪像粉末般细腻。”**

**English:** The snow is as fine as powder.

The snow is as fine as powder.

**30. “雪像羽毛般轻盈。”**

**English:** The snow is as light as feathers.

The snow is as light as feathers.

**31. “雪像雾气般飘渺。”**

**English:** The snow is as ethereal as mist.

The snow is as ethereal as mist.

**32. “雪像烟雾般迷蒙。”**

**English:** The snow is as hazy as smoke.

The snow is as hazy as smoke.

**33. “雪像云层般厚重。”**

**English:** The snow is as thick and heavy as clouds.

The snow is as thick and heavy as clouds.

**34. “雪像瀑布般倾泻。”**

**English:** The snow falls like a waterfall.

The snow falls like a waterfall.

**35. “雪像雨水般滋润。”**

**English:** The snow is as nourishing as rain.

The snow is as nourishing as rain.

**36. “雪像春风般温暖。”**

**English:** The snow is as warm as a spring breeze.

The snow is as warm as a spring breeze.

**37. “雪像冬日般寒冷。”**

**English:** The snow is as cold as winter.

The snow is as cold as winter.

**38. “雪像夜空般静谧。”**

**English:** The snow is as peaceful as the night sky.

The snow is as peaceful as the night sky.

**39. “雪像黎明般纯洁。”**

**English:** The snow is as pure as dawn.

The snow is as pure as dawn.

**40. “雪像生命般充满希望。”**

**English:** The snow is as hopeful as life.

The snow is as hopeful as life.

**41. “雪像诗歌般优美。”**

**English:** The snow is as beautiful as poetry.

The snow is as beautiful as poetry.

**42. “雪像画卷般壮丽。”**

**English:** The snow is as magnificent as a scroll.

The snow is as magnificent as a scroll.

**43. “雪像音乐般动听。”**

**English:** The snow is as melodious as music.

The snow is as melodious as music.

**44. “雪像舞蹈般轻盈。”**

**English:** The snow is as graceful as a dance.

The snow is as graceful as a dance.

**45. “雪像梦境般虚幻。”**

**English:** The snow is as illusory as a dream.

The snow is as illusory as a dream.

**46. “雪像童话般梦幻。”**

**English:** The snow is as magical as a fairy tale.

The snow is as magical as a fairy tale.

**47. “雪像时光般静止。”**

**English:** The snow is as still as time.

The snow is as still as time.

**48. “雪像永恒般存在。”**

**English:** The snow is as eternal as forever.

The snow is as eternal as forever.

**49. “雪像奇迹般降临。”**

**English:** The snow is a miracle that has arrived.

The snow is a miracle that has arrived.

**50. “雪像命运般不可预知。”**

**English:** The snow is as unpredictable as fate.

The snow is as unpredictable as fate.

**51. “雪像爱情般纯洁无暇。”**

**English:** The snow is as pure and innocent as love.

The snow is as pure and innocent as love.

**52. “雪像友谊般真诚无私。”**

**English:** The snow is as genuine and selfless as friendship.

The snow is as genuine and selfless as friendship.

**53. “雪像希望般充满光明。”**

**English:** The snow is as hopeful and bright as hope.

The snow is as hopeful and bright as hope.

**54. “雪像梦想般充满憧憬。”**

**English:** The snow is as dreamy and full of anticipation as a dream.

The snow is as dreamy and full of anticipation as a dream.

**55. “雪像祝福般充满美好。”**

**English:** The snow is as beautiful and full of blessings as a wish.

The snow is as beautiful and full of blessings as a wish.

**56. “雪像礼物般充满惊喜。”**

**English:** The snow is as surprising and delightful as a gift.

The snow is as surprising and delightful as a gift.

**57. “雪像挑战般充满刺激。”**

**English:** The snow is as exciting and challenging as a test.

The snow is as exciting and challenging as a test.

**58. “雪像考验般充满磨练。”**

**English:** The snow is as tough and demanding as a test.

The snow is as tough and demanding as a test.

**59. “雪像机遇般充满可能性。”**

**English:** The snow is as full of possibilities as an opportunity.

The snow is as full of possibilities as an opportunity.

**60. “雪像命运般充满变数。”**

**English:** The snow is as unpredictable and full of change as destiny.

The snow is as unpredictable and full of change as destiny.

**61. “雪像智慧般充满哲理。”**

**English:** The snow is as philosophical and insightful as wisdom.

The snow is as philosophical and insightful as wisdom.

**62. “雪像真理般充满力量。”**

**English:** The snow is as powerful and true as truth.

The snow is as powerful and true as truth.

**63. “雪像艺术般充满美感。”**

**English:** The snow is as aesthetically pleasing as art.

The snow is as aesthetically pleasing as art.

**64. “雪像文化般充满传承。”**

**English:** The snow is as traditional and enduring as culture.

The snow is as traditional and enduring as culture.

**65. “雪像历史般充满厚重。”**

**English:** The snow is as weighty and historical as history.

The snow is as weighty and historical as history.

**66. “雪像未来般充满希望。”**

**English:** The snow is as hopeful and promising as the future.

The snow is as hopeful and promising as the future.

**67. “雪像梦想般充满力量。”**

**English:** The snow is as powerful and inspiring as a dream.

The snow is as powerful and inspiring as a dream.

**68. “雪像爱情般充满浪漫。”**

**English:** The snow is as romantic and enchanting as love.

The snow is as romantic and enchanting as love.

**69. “雪像童话般充满美好。”**

**English:** The snow is as beautiful and wonderful as a fairy tale.

The snow is as beautiful and wonderful as a fairy tale.

**70. “雪像诗歌般充满意境。”**

**English:** The snow is as poetic and atmospheric as a poem.

The snow is as poetic and atmospheric as a poem.

**71. “雪像生命般充满意义。”**

**English:** The snow is as meaningful and significant as life.

The snow is as meaningful and significant as life.

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