
## 咏物寓情句子 (54句)

1. **落花有意随流水,流水无情恋落花。** (The falling flowers are eager to follow the flowing water, but the water is indifferent to the flowers.)

The falling flowers are eager to follow the flowing water, but the water is indifferent to the flowers.

2. **孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。** (A lone sail fades into the blue sky, only the Yangtze River flows to the horizon.)

A lone sail fades into the blue sky, only the Yangtze River flows to the horizon.

3. **月色朦胧夜未央,清风徐来花飘香。** (The moonlight is hazy, the night is not yet over, a gentle breeze blows, and the flowers are fragrant.)

The moonlight is hazy, the night is not yet over, a gentle breeze blows, and the flowers are fragrant.

4. **秋风萧瑟落叶飞,满地金黄叶飘零。** (The autumn wind is bleak, leaves fall, the ground is covered with golden leaves fluttering.)

The autumn wind is bleak, leaves fall, the ground is covered with golden leaves fluttering.

5. **山河破碎风飘絮,身世飘零心似灰。** (The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind blows like fluff, life is drifting, the heart is like ashes.)

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind blows like fluff, life is drifting, the heart is like ashes.

6. **夕阳西下几时回,把酒临风思故乡。** (When will the setting sun return? I hold my cup and gaze at the wind, thinking of my hometown.)

When will the setting sun return? I hold my cup and gaze at the wind, thinking of my hometown.

7. **寒蝉凄切对长空,晚霞烧尽半边红。** (The cold cicada chirps sadly against the long sky, the sunset burns half the sky red.)

The cold cicada chirps sadly against the long sky, the sunset burns half the sky red.

8. **夜雨声烦人欲眠,梦中仿佛见故人。** (The sound of rain at night makes it hard to sleep, in my dream I seem to see an old friend.)

The sound of rain at night makes it hard to sleep, in my dream I seem to see an old friend.

9. **柳枝依依送别情,桃花灼灼春意浓。** (The willow branches sway gently, conveying farewell feelings, the peach blossoms bloom brightly, the spring atmosphere is thick.)

The willow branches sway gently, conveying farewell feelings, the peach blossoms bloom brightly, the spring atmosphere is thick.

10. **花开花落皆有时,总把新桃换旧符。** (Flowers bloom and fall, each in its own time, always replacing old charms with new peaches.)

Flowers bloom and fall, each in its own time, always replacing old charms with new peaches.

11. **一叶知秋落叶黄,满目萧瑟秋意浓。** (One leaf tells of autumn, leaves turn yellow, the whole view is bleak, autumn atmosphere is thick.)

One leaf tells of autumn, leaves turn yellow, the whole view is bleak, autumn atmosphere is thick.

12. **望断天涯路漫漫,故乡情结萦心间。** (Looking out to the horizon, the road is long, the feeling of hometown lingers in my heart.)

Looking out to the horizon, the road is long, the feeling of hometown lingers in my heart.

13. **海阔天空任鸟飞,心怀壮志志凌云。** (The sea is vast and the sky is wide, let the birds fly freely, the heart is filled with ambition and soars to the clouds.)

The sea is vast and the sky is wide, let the birds fly freely, the heart is filled with ambition and soars to the clouds.

14. **春风拂面绿如烟,万物复苏欣欣然。** (The spring breeze caresses the face, green like smoke, all things revive, joyfully.)

The spring breeze caresses the face, green like smoke, all things revive, joyfully.

15. **静观落花随流水,心中万千思绪涌。** (Quietly watching the falling flowers follow the flowing water, countless thoughts surge in my heart.)

Quietly watching the falling flowers follow the flowing water, countless thoughts surge in my heart.

16. **细雨蒙蒙轻抚面,心事重重愁难解。** (Fine rain gently caresses the face, heavy worries are difficult to resolve.)

Fine rain gently caresses the face, heavy worries are difficult to resolve.

17. **山高路远路崎岖,前途漫漫志不移。** (The mountains are high, the road is long and rugged, the road ahead is long, but the will does not waver.)

The mountains are high, the road is long and rugged, the road ahead is long, but the will does not waver.

18. **风吹柳枝摇曳舞,心中愁绪化云烟。** (The wind blows, the willow branches sway and dance, the worries in my heart dissipate like smoke and clouds.)

The wind blows, the willow branches sway and dance, the worries in my heart dissipate like smoke and clouds.

19. **夕阳余晖染山红,故乡情结心中涌。** (The setting sun's afterglow dyes the mountains red, the feeling of hometown surges in my heart.)

The setting sun's afterglow dyes the mountains red, the feeling of hometown surges in my heart.

20. **夜深人静思故乡,梦回故里情更浓。** (Deep into the night, the world is silent, I think of my hometown, I dream back to my hometown, the feeling is even stronger.)

Deep into the night, the world is silent, I think of my hometown, I dream back to my hometown, the feeling is even stronger.

21. **白云飘飘无定所,人生何处不相逢。** (White clouds drift aimlessly, where in life will we not meet again.)

White clouds drift aimlessly, where in life will we not meet again.

22. **江水悠悠流不停,人生苦短莫虚行。** (The river water flows endlessly, life is short, don't waste it.)

The river water flows endlessly, life is short, don't waste it.

23. **满目春光花似锦,心怀希望路漫漫。** (The spring scenery is everywhere, the flowers are like brocade, the heart is filled with hope, the road ahead is long.)

The spring scenery is everywhere, the flowers are like brocade, the heart is filled with hope, the road ahead is long.

24. **秋叶飘零落满地,心中哀愁无人知。** (Autumn leaves fall and cover the ground, the sadness in my heart is unknown to anyone.)

Autumn leaves fall and cover the ground, the sadness in my heart is unknown to anyone.

25. **寒冬腊月雪纷飞,心中温暖意绵绵。** (In the depths of winter, snow flies, but the heart is warm and full of affection.)

In the depths of winter, snow flies, but the heart is warm and full of affection.

26. **清风送来阵阵香,花开花落几度秋。** (The gentle breeze brings bursts of fragrance, how many autumns have passed since the flowers bloomed and fell.)

The gentle breeze brings bursts of fragrance, how many autumns have passed since the flowers bloomed and fell.

27. **山川秀丽景色佳,人生何处不留恋。** (The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is magnificent, where in life is there no lingering attachment.)

The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is magnificent, where in life is there no lingering attachment.

28. **红豆生南国,春来发几枝。** (Red beans grow in the south, how many branches will sprout in spring.)

Red beans grow in the south, how many branches will sprout in spring.

29. **海上生明月,天涯共此时。** (The moon rises from the sea, we share this moment under the same sky, though far apart.)

The moon rises from the sea, we share this moment under the same sky, though far apart.

30. **故乡远在天涯,心却永远留恋。** (Home is far away, but my heart will always yearn for it.)

Home is far away, but my heart will always yearn for it.

31. **千里孤坟无处话凄凉,纵使春风不度玉门关。** (A lonely grave a thousand miles away, there's nowhere to speak of my sadness, even if the spring wind never reaches the Jade Gate Pass.)

A lonely grave a thousand miles away, there's nowhere to speak of my sadness, even if the spring wind never reaches the Jade Gate Pass.

32. **浮云游子意,落日故人情。** (The drifting clouds reflect the wanderer's thoughts, the setting sun evokes the feelings for old friends.)

The drifting clouds reflect the wanderer's thoughts, the setting sun evokes the feelings for old friends.

33. **一枝红杏出墙来,春意盎然满园香。** (A branch of red apricot blossoms out of the wall, the spring atmosphere is abundant and fragrant fills the garden.)

A branch of red apricot blossoms out of the wall, the spring atmosphere is abundant and fragrant fills the garden.

34. **夜凉如水月如钩,思念故人泪难收。** (The night is cool like water, the moon is like a hook, missing an old friend, tears cannot be stopped.)

The night is cool like water, the moon is like a hook, missing an old friend, tears cannot be stopped.

35. **山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。** (The mountains are high and the waters are deep, it seems there is no way forward, but then the willows are green and the flowers are bright, there is another village.)

The mountains are high and the waters are deep, it seems there is no way forward, but then the willows are green and the flowers are bright, there is another village.

36. **寒风刺骨雪飘零,心中温暖情意浓。** (The cold wind pierces the bone, snow flutters, but the heart is warm with affection.)

The cold wind pierces the bone, snow flutters, but the heart is warm with affection.

37. **落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。** (Fallen petals are not heartless things, they turn into spring mud to nourish the flowers.)

Fallen petals are not heartless things, they turn into spring mud to nourish the flowers.

38. **天涯海角路漫漫,思念故人情无限。** (The road to the ends of the earth is long, the longing for an old friend is boundless.)

The road to the ends of the earth is long, the longing for an old friend is boundless.

39. **春雨滋润万物生,人间处处皆春色。** (Spring rain nourishes all things, spring colors are everywhere in the world.)

Spring rain nourishes all things, spring colors are everywhere in the world.

40. **秋风萧瑟叶飘零,满目苍凉心黯然。** (The autumn wind is bleak, leaves fall, the whole view is desolate, the heart is gloomy.)

The autumn wind is bleak, leaves fall, the whole view is desolate, the heart is gloomy.

41. **山河壮丽景色美,人生何处不留恋。** (The mountains and rivers are majestic and the scenery is beautiful, where in life is there no lingering attachment.)

The mountains and rivers are majestic and the scenery is beautiful, where in life is there no lingering attachment.

42. **风吹落叶满天飞,心中思绪如潮涌。** (The wind blows leaves all over the sky, thoughts surge in my heart.)

The wind blows leaves all over the sky, thoughts surge in my heart.

43. **夕阳西下染山红,心中愁绪难以解。** (The setting sun dyes the mountains red, the worries in my heart are difficult to resolve.)

The setting sun dyes the mountains red, the worries in my heart are difficult to resolve.

44. **望断天涯路漫漫,人生何处不离别。** (Looking out to the horizon, the road is long, where in life is there no separation.)

Looking out to the horizon, the road is long, where in life is there no separation.

45. **春风拂面花香浓,心中喜悦溢满怀。** (The spring breeze caresses the face, the flowers are fragrant, the heart is filled with joy.)

The spring breeze caresses the face, the flowers are fragrant, the heart is filled with joy.

46. **夜雨淅沥声声响,梦中仿佛见故人。** (The sound of rain at night is continuous, in my dream I seem to see an old friend.)

The sound of rain at night is continuous, in my dream I seem to see an old friend.

47. **人生如梦亦如烟,转眼百年成过往。** (Life is like a dream, also like smoke, in the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed.)

Life is like a dream, also like smoke, in the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed.

48. **寒冬腊月雪飘零,心中温暖情谊长。** (In the depths of winter, snow flutters, but the warmth and affection in my heart remain long.)

In the depths of winter, snow flutters, but the warmth and affection in my heart remain long.

49. **水流湍急浪拍岸,人生不如意事常。** (The water flows fast and the waves crash against the shore, often things in life are not as we wish.)

The water flows fast and the waves crash against the shore, often things in life are not as we wish.

50. **春风送暖万物苏,心中希望永不灭。** (The spring breeze brings warmth and all things revive, hope in my heart will never die.)

The spring breeze brings warmth and all things revive, hope in my heart will never die.

51. **秋叶飘零落满地,心中哀愁无人解。** (Autumn leaves fall and cover the ground, the sadness in my heart is unknown to anyone.)

Autumn leaves fall and cover the ground, the sadness in my heart is unknown to anyone.

52. **夕阳西下染山红,心中愁绪如潮涌。** (The setting sun dyes the mountains red, worries surge in my heart like a tide.)

The setting sun dyes the mountains red, worries surge in my heart like a tide.

53. **山河壮丽景色佳,心中感慨无人知。** (The mountains and rivers are majestic and the scenery is beautiful, the feelings in my heart are unknown to anyone.)

The mountains and rivers are majestic and the scenery is beautiful, the feelings in my heart are unknown to anyone.

54. **寒冬腊月雪飘零,心中温暖情意长。** (In the depths of winter, snow flutters, but the warmth and affection in my heart remain long.)

In the depths of winter, snow flutters, but the warmth and affection in my heart remain long.

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