
## 留点口德句子,59句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签


1. 良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。

2. 话不投机半句多。

3. 己所不欲,勿施于人。

4. 口是心非,说一套做一套。

5. 一言既出,驷马难追。

6. 祸从口出,言多必失。

7. 宁愿不说,也不要乱说。

8. 说话要留三分。

9. 说话要讲分寸,不要过火。

10. 沉默是金,多说无益。

11. 人贵有自知之明。

12. 不要以为自己很聪明,其实很愚蠢。

13. 不要以为自己很强大,其实很脆弱。

14. 不要以为自己很完美,其实有很多缺点。

15. 不要以为自己很自由,其实有很多束缚。

16. 不要以为自己很幸福,其实有很多烦恼。

17. 不要以为自己很安全,其实有很多危险。

18. 不要以为自己很成功,其实有很多失败。

19. 不要以为自己很伟大,其实很渺小。

20. 不要以为自己很聪明,其实很愚蠢。

21. 不要以为自己很强大,其实很脆弱。

22. 不要以为自己很完美,其实有很多缺点。

23. 不要以为自己很自由,其实有很多束缚。

24. 不要以为自己很幸福,其实有很多烦恼。

25. 不要以为自己很安全,其实有很多危险。

26. 不要以为自己很成功,其实有很多失败。

27. 不要以为自己很伟大,其实很渺小。

28. 说话要三思而后行。

29. 说话要讲艺术。

30. 说话要看场合。

31. 说话要看对象。

32. 说话要顾及别人的感受。

33. 说话要真诚。

34. 说话要简明扼要。

35. 说话要积极向上。

36. 说话要幽默风趣。

37. 说话要温文尔雅。

38. 说话要谦虚谨慎。

39. 说话要得体大方。

40. 说话要言简意赅。

41. 说话要切中要害。

42. 说话要发自内心。

43. 说话要正能量。

44. 说话要心平气和。

45. 说话要冷静客观。

46. 说话要理性思考。

47. 说话要换位思考。

48. 说话要尊重他人。

49. 说话要守住底线。

50. 说话要把握分寸。

51. 说话要懂得避讳。

52. 说话要避免歧义。

53. 说话要真诚坦率。

54. 说话要言简意赅。

55. 说话要切中要害。

56. 说话要发自内心。

57. 说话要正能量。

58. 说话要心平气和。

59. 说话要冷静客观。


1. Kind words warm you in winter, while harsh words can chill you in summer.

2. If words don't match, it's better to stop talking.

3. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

4. To be insincere, to say one thing and do another.

5. Once a word is spoken, it cannot be taken back, even with four horses.

6. Disaster comes from the mouth, and too much talk leads to mistakes.

7. Better to stay silent than to talk nonsense.

8. Leave a little room when speaking.

9. Speak with moderation, don't overdo it.

10. Silence is golden, too much talking is useless.

11. It is important to know yourself.

12. Don't think you're smart, you're actually foolish.

13. Don't think you're strong, you're actually fragile.

14. Don't think you're perfect, you have many flaws.

15. Don't think you're free, you have many restrictions.

16. Don't think you're happy, you have many worries.

17. Don't think you're safe, you have many dangers.

18. Don't think you're successful, you have many failures.

19. Don't think you're great, you're actually small.

20. Don't think you're smart, you're actually foolish.

21. Don't think you're strong, you're actually fragile.

22. Don't think you're perfect, you have many flaws.

23. Don't think you're free, you have many restrictions.

24. Don't think you're happy, you have many worries.

25. Don't think you're safe, you have many dangers.

26. Don't think you're successful, you have many failures.

27. Don't think you're great, you're actually small.

28. Think before you speak.

29. Speak with art.

30. Speak according to the occasion.

31. Speak according to the audience.

32. Speak considering others' feelings.

33. Speak sincerely.

34. Speak briefly and to the point.

35. Speak positively.

36. Speak with humor and wit.

37. Speak politely and gently.

38. Speak humbly and cautiously.

39. Speak appropriately and generously.

40. Speak concisely and to the point.

41. Speak to the point.

42. Speak from the heart.

43. Speak with positive energy.

44. Speak calmly and peacefully.

45. Speak calmly and objectively.

46. Speak with rational thinking.

47. Speak from another's perspective.

48. Speak with respect for others.

49. Speak within your boundaries.

50. Speak with moderation.

51. Speak with tact.

52. Speak clearly and avoid ambiguity.

53. Speak sincerely and frankly.

54. Speak concisely and to the point.

55. Speak to the point.

56. Speak from the heart.

57. Speak with positive energy.

58. Speak calmly and peacefully.

59. Speak calmly and objectively.

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