
## 画船听雨眠类似的句子,90句

1. 卧听松涛枕碧流

Wo ting song tao zhen bi liu

Lying down, listening to the sound of pines and waves, with the green river as my pillow.

2. 凭栏望月思故乡

Ping lan wang yue si gu xiang

Leaning against the railing, gazing at the moon, longing for my hometown.

3. 竹影婆娑夜色凉

Zhu ying po suo ye se liang

Bamboo shadows dance, the night air is cool.

4. 细雨蒙蒙润心田

Xi yu meng meng run xin tian

Fine drizzle, gently moisturizing the heart.

5. 落花流水春意浓

Luo hua liu shui chun yi nong

Falling flowers, flowing water, the spring air is thick.

6. 夕阳西下染山红

Xi yang xi xia ran shan hong

The setting sun paints the mountains red.

7. 孤灯夜读伴书香

Gu deng ye du ban shu xiang

A lonely lamp, reading at night, accompanied by the fragrance of books.

8. 清风拂柳柳成荫

Qing feng fu liu liu cheng yin

The gentle breeze caresses the willows, creating a canopy of shade.

9. 远山含黛云雾绕

Yuan shan han dai yun wu rao

Distant mountains are tinged with blue, shrouded in mist.

10. 月色朦胧醉人间

Yue se meng long zui ren jian

The hazy moonlight intoxicates the world.

11. 古道西风瘦马行

Gu dao xi feng shou ma xing

An old road, a west wind, a lean horse walks.

12. 寒窗苦读梦飞扬

Han chuang ku du meng fei yang

Studying hard in a cold window, dreams take flight.

13. 春风拂面暖心房

Chun feng fu mian nuan xin fang

The spring breeze caresses the face, warming the heart.

14. 白雪皑皑银装素裹

Bai xue ai ai yin zhuang su guo

The snow is white and pure, covering everything in silver.

15. 秋风瑟瑟叶飘零

Qiu feng se se ye piao ling

The autumn wind is rustling, leaves are falling.

16. 鸟语花香春光好

Niao yu hua xiang chun guang hao

The sounds of birds, the fragrance of flowers, beautiful spring scenery.

17. 暮色苍茫夕阳红

Mu se cang mang xi yang hong

Twilight descends, the setting sun is red.

18. 晓风残月夜已深

Xiao feng can yue ye yi shen

The dawn wind, a crescent moon, the night is deep.

19. 孤帆远影碧空尽

Gu fan yuan ying bi kong jin

A lonely sail, a distant shadow, disappears into the blue sky.

20. 江山如画美如诗

Jiang shan ru hua mei ru shi

The mountains and rivers are like a painting, beautiful like a poem.

21. 渔歌晚唱月明空

Yu ge wan chang yue ming kong

Fisherman's songs at dusk, the moon shines brightly in the empty sky.

22. 闲庭信步赏花开

Xian ting xin bu shang hua kai

Strolling leisurely in the courtyard, admiring the blooming flowers.

23. 浓墨重彩绘华章

Nong mo zhong cai hui hua zhang

With bold strokes and vibrant colors, paint a magnificent chapter.

24. 细雨如丝润万物

Xi yu ru si run wan wu

Fine rain like silk, moisturizing all things.

25. 满目金黄秋意浓

Man mu jin huang qiu yi nong

The eyes are filled with golden yellow, the autumn air is thick.

26. 炊烟袅袅夕阳斜

Chui yan niao niao xi yang xie

Smoke curls from the chimneys, the setting sun is slanting.

27. 碧水清波映蓝天

Bi shui qing bo ying lan tian

Clear blue water and ripples reflect the blue sky.

28. 柳枝轻拂风轻柔

Liu zhi qing fu feng qing rou

Willow branches gently sway in the soft breeze.

29. 清歌妙舞醉人心

Qing ge miao wu zui ren xin

Beautiful songs and dances captivate the heart.

30. 月落乌啼霜满天

Yue luo wu ti shuang man tian

The moon sets, crows caw, frost fills the sky.

31. 繁花似锦春光烂漫

Fan hua si jin chun guang lan man

Flowers bloom in profusion, spring is in full glory.

32. 细雨敲窗夜已深

Xi yu qiao chuang ye yi shen

Fine rain taps on the window, the night is deep.

33. 山河壮阔气吞山河

Shan he zhuang kuo qi tun shan he

The mountains and rivers are vast, a powerful spirit that engulfs all.

34. 云淡风轻任逍遥

Yun dan feng qing ren xiao yao

Light clouds, gentle wind, free and carefree.

35. 策马扬鞭奔四方

Ce ma yang bian ben si fang

Riding a horse, whipping the reins, heading to all four corners of the world.

36. 琴声悠扬夜阑珊

Qin sheng you yang ye lan shan

The sound of the qin is melodious, the night is waning.

37. 闲云野鹤任天涯

Xian yun ye he ren tian ya

A carefree cloud, a wild crane, roaming the ends of the earth.

38. 醉卧沙场君莫笑

Zui wo sha chang jun mo xiao

Don't laugh if I fall asleep drunk on the battlefield.

39. 秋叶飘零满地黄

Qiu ye piao ling man di huang

Autumn leaves fall, covering the ground in yellow.

40. 静观云卷云舒

Jing guan yun juan yun shu

Quietly observing the clouds gathering and dispersing.

41. 闲情逸致写诗篇

Xian qing yi zhi xie shi pian

In a leisurely mood, composing poems.

42. 孤舟蓑笠钓寒江

Gu zhou suo li diao han jiang

A solitary boat, a straw raincoat, fishing on the cold river.

43. 远眺山河心旷神怡

Yuan tiao shan he xin kuang shen yi

Gazing at the distant mountains and rivers, feeling refreshed and invigorated.

44. 细雨绵绵润心扉

Xi yu mian mian run xin fei

Gentle rain, moisturizing the heart.

45. 晓雾轻笼山色迷蒙

Xiao wu qing long shan se mi meng

Dawn mist lightly shrouds the mountains, creating a hazy scene.

46. 幽幽古道古树森

You you gu dao gu shu sen

An ancient path, trees stand tall and dense.

47. 清风明月寄相思

Qing feng ming yue ji xiang si

Gentle breeze, bright moon, conveying longing.

48. 孤影独行路漫漫

Gu ying du xing lu man man

A lonely figure walks alone, the road is long.

49. 闲看落花流水

Xian kan luo hua liu shui

Leisurely watching falling flowers and flowing water.

50. 听风吟唱看星河

Ting feng yin chang kan xing he

Listening to the wind sing, gazing at the Milky Way.

51. 山间小路曲折幽

Shan jian xiao lu qu zhe you

A winding and secluded path in the mountains.

52. 凭栏远眺思故人

Ping lan yuan tiao si gu ren

Leaning against the railing, looking into the distance, thinking of old friends.

53. 夕阳西下染山红

Xi yang xi xia ran shan hong

The setting sun paints the mountains red.

54. 晓风残月夜已深

Xiao feng can yue ye yi shen

The dawn wind, a crescent moon, the night is deep.

55. 孤帆远影碧空尽

Gu fan yuan ying bi kong jin

A lonely sail, a distant shadow, disappears into the blue sky.

56. 江山如画美如诗

Jiang shan ru hua mei ru shi

The mountains and rivers are like a painting, beautiful like a poem.

57. 渔歌晚唱月明空

Yu ge wan chang yue ming kong

Fisherman's songs at dusk, the moon shines brightly in the empty sky.

58. 闲庭信步赏花开

Xian ting xin bu shang hua kai

Strolling leisurely in the courtyard, admiring the blooming flowers.

59. 浓墨重彩绘华章

Nong mo zhong cai hui hua zhang

With bold strokes and vibrant colors, paint a magnificent chapter.

60. 细雨如丝润万物

Xi yu ru si run wan wu

Fine rain like silk, moisturizing all things.

61. 满目金黄秋意浓

Man mu jin huang qiu yi nong

The eyes are filled with golden yellow, the autumn air is thick.

62. 炊烟袅袅夕阳斜

Chui yan niao niao xi yang xie

Smoke curls from the chimneys, the setting sun is slanting.

63. 碧水清波映蓝天

Bi shui qing bo ying lan tian

Clear blue water and ripples reflect the blue sky.

64. 柳枝轻拂风轻柔

Liu zhi qing fu feng qing rou

Willow branches gently sway in the soft breeze.

65. 清歌妙舞醉人心

Qing ge miao wu zui ren xin

Beautiful songs and dances captivate the heart.

66. 月落乌啼霜满天

Yue luo wu ti shuang man tian

The moon sets, crows caw, frost fills the sky.

67. 繁花似锦春光烂漫

Fan hua si jin chun guang lan man

Flowers bloom in profusion, spring is in full glory.

68. 细雨敲窗夜已深

Xi yu qiao chuang ye yi shen

Fine rain taps on the window, the night is deep.

69. 山河壮阔气吞山河

Shan he zhuang kuo qi tun shan he

The mountains and rivers are vast, a powerful spirit that engulfs all.

70. 云淡风轻任逍遥

Yun dan feng qing ren xiao yao

Light clouds, gentle wind, free and carefree.

71. 策马扬鞭奔四方

Ce ma yang bian ben si fang

Riding a horse, whipping the reins, heading to all four corners of the world.

72. 琴声悠扬夜阑珊

Qin sheng you yang ye lan shan

The sound of the qin is melodious, the night is waning.

73. 闲云野鹤任天涯

Xian yun ye he ren tian ya

A carefree cloud, a wild crane, roaming the ends of the earth.

74. 醉卧沙场君莫笑

Zui wo sha chang jun mo xiao

Don't laugh if I fall asleep drunk on the battlefield.

75. 秋叶飘零满地黄

Qiu ye piao ling man di huang

Autumn leaves fall, covering the ground in yellow.

76. 静观云卷云舒

Jing guan yun juan yun shu

Quietly observing the clouds gathering and dispersing.

77. 闲情逸致写诗篇

Xian qing yi zhi xie shi pian

In a leisurely mood, composing poems.

78. 孤舟蓑笠钓寒江

Gu zhou suo li diao han jiang

A solitary boat, a straw raincoat, fishing on the cold river.

79. 远眺山河心旷神怡

Yuan tiao shan he xin kuang shen yi

Gazing at the distant mountains and rivers, feeling refreshed and invigorated.

80. 细雨绵绵润心扉

Xi yu mian mian run xin fei

Gentle rain, moisturizing the heart.

81. 晓雾轻笼山色迷蒙

Xiao wu qing long shan se mi meng

Dawn mist lightly shrouds the mountains, creating a hazy scene.

82. 幽幽古道古树森

You you gu dao gu shu sen

An ancient path, trees stand tall and dense.

83. 清风明月寄相思

Qing feng ming yue ji xiang si

Gentle breeze, bright moon, conveying longing.

84. 孤影独行路漫漫

Gu ying du xing lu man man

A lonely figure walks alone, the road is long.

85. 闲看落花流水

Xian kan luo hua liu shui

Leisurely watching falling flowers and flowing water.

86. 听风吟唱看星河

Ting feng yin chang kan xing he

Listening to the wind sing, gazing at the Milky Way.

87. 山间小路曲折幽

Shan jian xiao lu qu zhe you

A winding and secluded path in the mountains.

88. 凭栏远眺思故人

Ping lan yuan tiao si gu ren

Leaning against the railing, looking into the distance, thinking of old friends.

89. 夕阳西下染山红

Xi yang xi xia ran shan hong

The setting sun paints the mountains red.

90. 晓风残月夜已深

Xiao feng can yue ye yi shen

The dawn wind, a crescent moon, the night is deep.

以上就是关于画船听雨眠类似的句子90句(画船听雨眠类似的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
