
## 身边的好人好事句子 (54句)

**1. 邻居家的小孩不小心把球踢到我家院子,我帮他捡了回来,他开心地笑了,我也很开心。**

The neighbor's child accidentally kicked his ball into my yard. I helped him pick it up and he smiled happily. I was happy too.

**2. 在公交车上,我看到一位老人站着,我主动让座,老人很感激。**

On the bus, I saw an elderly person standing. I offered them my seat and they were very grateful.

**3. 我在路上看到有人跌倒了,我赶紧上前扶他起来,还帮他叫了救护车。**

I saw someone fall on the road. I rushed to help them up and called an ambulance for them.

**4. 看到路边有人卖报纸,我买了一份,虽然金额不多,但希望能帮到他们。**

I saw someone selling newspapers on the side of the road. I bought one, even though it wasn't much, I hope it could help them.

**5. 我在社区里义务帮忙整理图书,让更多的人可以阅读到好书。**

I volunteer in my community to help organize books, so that more people can read good books.

**6. 我在学校组织了爱心捐款活动,帮助贫困地区的儿童上学。**

I organized a charity donation event at school to help children in impoverished areas go to school.

**7. 我在公园捡到一个钱包,我仔细寻找了失主的信息,并把钱包送到了派出所。**

I found a wallet in the park. I carefully searched for the owner's information and handed the wallet to the police station.

**8. 我在街上看到一位盲人过马路,我主动上前搀扶他,确保他安全通过。**

I saw a blind person crossing the street. I offered to help them cross the street safely.

**9. 我看到有人在路边乱扔垃圾,我主动上前捡起来扔进垃圾桶,保持环境整洁。**

I saw someone littering on the side of the road. I picked it up and threw it in the trash can to keep the environment clean.

**10. 我在公交车上,看到一位孕妇站着,我主动让座,让她舒服一些。**

On the bus, I saw a pregnant woman standing. I offered her my seat to make her more comfortable.

**11. 我看到一位老人在路边等红绿灯,我主动上前询问是否需要帮助,老人很感动。**

I saw an elderly person waiting for the traffic light at the side of the road. I asked if they needed help, and they were very touched.

**12. 我在街上看到一位流浪汉在乞讨,我主动给他买了一份盒饭,希望他可以吃饱。**

I saw a homeless person begging on the street. I bought them a lunch box, hoping they could have a full meal.

**13. 我看到有人在路边摔倒了,我主动上前询问情况,并帮助他站起来。**

I saw someone fall on the road. I asked what happened and helped them get up.

**14. 我在社区里组织了一次植树活动,让大家一起参与,为环境贡献力量。**

I organized a tree planting event in my community, inviting everyone to participate and contribute to the environment.

**15. 我在学校里组织了志愿者服务活动,帮助学校进行清洁工作,让校园更加整洁美丽。**

I organized volunteer service activities at school to help with cleaning work, making the campus cleaner and more beautiful.

**16. 我看到一位老人在超市里找不到东西,我主动上前帮助他,并陪他一起找到需要的物品。**

I saw an elderly person looking for something in the supermarket. I offered to help them and accompanied them to find the items they needed.

**17. 我在街上看到一位老人在捡垃圾,我主动上前帮忙,一起捡垃圾,让街道更加干净。**

I saw an elderly person picking up trash on the street. I offered to help and we picked up trash together, making the street cleaner.

**18. 我在公园里看到有人在乱扔垃圾,我主动上前制止他们,并告诉他们应该爱护环境。**

I saw someone littering in the park. I stopped them and told them they should protect the environment.

**19. 我在学校里看到有人在欺负弱小,我主动上前制止他们,并告诉他们应该团结友爱。**

I saw someone bullying the weak at school. I intervened and told them they should be united and friendly.

**20. 我在社区里组织了义诊活动,邀请医生来社区为居民提供免费义诊,让更多的人得到健康保障。**

I organized a free medical consultation event in my community, inviting doctors to provide free medical consultation for residents, ensuring that more people have access to healthcare.

**21. 我在网上看到了有人需要帮助,我主动伸出援手,尽我所能帮助他们。**

I saw someone in need of help online. I reached out and helped them to the best of my ability.

**22. 我看到有人在路边向路人借钱,我主动上前询问情况,并帮助他找到解决办法。**

I saw someone borrowing money from passersby on the side of the road. I stepped forward to ask what happened and helped them find a solution.

**23. 我看到有人在路边卖东西,我主动上前买一些,支持他们的生意,让他们能够赚到钱。**

I saw someone selling things on the side of the road. I bought some to support their business and help them make money.

**24. 我在社区里组织了环保宣传活动,让大家一起参与,提高环保意识,共同保护环境。**

I organized an environmental protection campaign in my community, inviting everyone to participate, raise environmental awareness, and protect the environment together.

**25. 我在学校里组织了志愿者服务活动,帮助学校进行绿化工作,让校园更加美丽。**

I organized volunteer service activities at school to help with landscaping, making the campus more beautiful.

**26. 我看到有人在路边摔倒了,我主动上前扶他起来,并送他到医院检查。**

I saw someone fall on the side of the road. I rushed to help them up and took them to the hospital for a checkup.

**27. 我在社区里组织了捐赠活动,捐赠一些旧衣服和书籍给需要的人,让他们感受到温暖。**

I organized a donation event in my community, donating some old clothes and books to those in need, so they could feel warmth.

**28. 我看到有人在路边哭泣,我主动上前询问情况,并尽力安慰他,让他能够走出困境。**

I saw someone crying on the side of the road. I stepped forward to ask what happened and tried my best to comfort them, so they could overcome their difficulties.

**29. 我在学校里组织了爱心义卖活动,将义卖所得捐赠给需要帮助的人,传递爱心。**

I organized a charity sale event at school, donating the proceeds to those in need, spreading love.

**30. 我看到有人在路边迷路了,我主动上前询问情况,并帮助他找到回家的路。**

I saw someone lost on the side of the road. I stepped forward to ask what happened and helped them find their way home.

**31. 我在社区里组织了文艺演出活动,邀请居民一起参与,丰富社区文化生活。**

I organized an art performance event in my community, inviting residents to participate and enrich the community's cultural life.

**32. 我在网上看到有人在求助,我主动转发他们的求助信息,希望能够帮助他们找到帮助。**

I saw someone asking for help online. I forwarded their request for help, hoping they could find assistance.

**33. 我看到有人在路边做小生意,我主动上前买一些东西,支持他们的生意,让他们能够赚到钱。**

I saw someone doing a small business on the side of the road. I stepped forward to buy some things, supporting their business, so they could make money.

**34. 我在学校里组织了志愿者服务活动,帮助学校进行教学工作,让孩子们能够更好地学习。**

I organized volunteer service activities at school to help with teaching, so that children can learn better.

**35. 我在社区里组织了垃圾分类宣传活动,让大家一起参与,提高垃圾分类意识,共同保护环境。**

I organized a garbage sorting campaign in my community, inviting everyone to participate, raising awareness of garbage sorting, and protecting the environment together.

**36. 我看到有人在路边丢弃废纸,我主动上前捡起来扔进垃圾桶,保持环境整洁。**

I saw someone discarding waste paper on the side of the road. I picked it up and threw it in the trash can to keep the environment clean.

**37. 我在学校里组织了爱心捐款活动,帮助贫困地区的儿童购买学习用品,让他们能够更好地学习。**

I organized a charity donation event at school to help children in impoverished areas purchase learning materials, so they can learn better.

**38. 我在街上看到有人在卖水果,我主动上前买了一些,支持他们的生意,让他们能够赚到钱。**

I saw someone selling fruit on the street. I stepped forward to buy some, supporting their business, so they could make money.

**39. 我在社区里组织了义务劳动活动,让大家一起参与,为社区环境贡献力量。**

I organized a volunteer labor event in my community, inviting everyone to participate and contribute to the community environment.

**40. 我在学校里组织了演讲比赛活动,鼓励同学们积极参与,锻炼自己的表达能力。**

I organized a speech contest at school, encouraging students to actively participate and train their speaking skills.

**41. 我在网上看到有人在求助,我主动转发他们的求助信息,希望能够帮助他们找到帮助。**

I saw someone asking for help online. I forwarded their request for help, hoping they could find assistance.

**42. 我在社区里组织了文艺演出活动,邀请居民一起参与,丰富社区文化生活。**

I organized an art performance event in my community, inviting residents to participate and enrich the community's cultural life.

**43. 我看到有人在路边卖报纸,我主动上前买了一份,虽然金额不多,但希望能帮到他们。**

I saw someone selling newspapers on the side of the road. I bought one, even though it wasn't much, I hope it could help them.

**44. 我在学校里组织了志愿者服务活动,帮助学校进行绿化工作,让校园更加美丽。**

I organized volunteer service activities at school to help with landscaping, making the campus more beautiful.

**45. 我看到有人在路边摔倒了,我主动上前扶他起来,并送他到医院检查。**

I saw someone fall on the side of the road. I rushed to help them up and took them to the hospital for a checkup.

**46. 我在社区里组织了捐赠活动,捐赠一些旧衣服和书籍给需要的人,让他们感受到温暖。**

I organized a donation event in my community, donating some old clothes and books to those in need, so they could feel warmth.

**47. 我看到有人在路边哭泣,我主动上前询问情况,并尽力安慰他,让他能够走出困境。**

I saw someone crying on the side of the road. I stepped forward to ask what happened and tried my best to comfort them, so they could overcome their difficulties.

**48. 我在学校里组织了爱心义卖活动,将义卖所得捐赠给需要帮助的人,传递爱心。**

I organized a charity sale event at school, donating the proceeds to those in need, spreading love.

**49. 我看到有人在路边迷路了,我主动上前询问情况,并帮助他找到回家的路。**

I saw someone lost on the side of the road. I stepped forward to ask what happened and helped them find their way home.

**50. 我在社区里组织了文艺演出活动,邀请居民一起参与,丰富社区文化生活。**

I organized an art performance event in my community, inviting residents to participate and enrich the community's cultural life.

**51. 我在网上看到有人在求助,我主动转发他们的求助信息,希望能够帮助他们找到帮助。**

I saw someone asking for help online. I forwarded their request for help, hoping they could find assistance.

**52. 我看到有人在路边做小生意,我主动上前买一些东西,支持他们的生意,让他们能够赚到钱。**

I saw someone doing a small business on the side of the road. I stepped forward to buy some things, supporting their business, so they could make money.

**53. 我在学校里组织了志愿者服务活动,帮助学校进行教学工作,让孩子们能够更好地学习。**

I organized volunteer service activities at school to help with teaching, so that children can learn better.

**54. 我在社区里组织了垃圾分类宣传活动,让大家一起参与,提高垃圾分类意识,共同保护环境。**

I organized a garbage sorting campaign in my community, inviting everyone to participate, raising awareness of garbage sorting, and protecting the environment together.

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