
## 畏惧权贵的句子 (86句)

**1. 权势如毒蛇,越美丽越致命。**

Power is like a viper, the more beautiful it is, the more deadly it is.

**2. 权贵眼中,百姓如草芥,任其践踏。**

In the eyes of the powerful, the people are like weeds, trampled underfoot.

**3. 权高者,莫不以民为刍狗,玩弄于掌中。**

Those in high positions often treat the people as straw dogs, playing with them in their hands.

**4. 权贵之威,如泰山压顶,令人窒息。**

The authority of the powerful is like Mount Tai pressing down, making people suffocate.

**5. 权贵面前,人人如蝼蚁,渺小无助。**

Before the powerful, everyone is like an ant, small and helpless.

**6. 权贵之势,如狂风暴雨,摧枯拉朽。**

The power of the powerful is like a raging storm, destroying everything in its path.

**7. 权贵之贪,如无底深渊,永不满足。**

The greed of the powerful is like a bottomless pit, never satisfied.

**8. 权贵之淫,如毒酒美酒,令人沉醉迷失。**

The lust of the powerful is like poisonous wine, intoxicating and leading people astray.

**9. 权贵之狠,如刀锋般锐利,令人不寒而栗。**

The cruelty of the powerful is like a sharp blade, making people tremble with fear.

**10. 权贵之私,如黑洞般吞噬,令人绝望。**

The selfishness of the powerful is like a black hole, swallowing everything and leaving people in despair.

**11. 权贵之腐,如朽木般腐烂,令人作呕。**

The corruption of the powerful is like rotten wood, making people disgusted.

**12. 权贵之恶,如毒瘤般蔓延,令人深恶痛绝。**

The evil of the powerful is like a malignant tumor, spreading and causing deep hatred.

**13. 权贵之骄,如高山般巍峨,令人望而生畏。**

The arrogance of the powerful is like a towering mountain, making people afraid to approach.

**14. 权贵之傲,如烈火般燃烧,令人心寒。**

The pride of the powerful is like a burning fire, chilling people to the bone.

**15. 权贵之虚,如泡沫般易碎,令人可笑。**

The vanity of the powerful is like a bubble, easily shattered and making people laugh.

**16. 权贵之假,如面具般虚伪,令人厌恶。**

The hypocrisy of the powerful is like a mask, making people disgusted.

**17. 权贵之伪,如画皮般虚假,令人作呕。**

The hypocrisy of the powerful is like a painted skin, making people nauseous.

**18. 权贵之冷,如冰霜般刺骨,令人绝望。**

The coldness of the powerful is like frost, piercing to the bone and leaving people in despair.

**19. 权贵之残,如野兽般凶狠,令人不寒而栗。**

The cruelty of the powerful is like a wild beast, making people tremble with fear.

**20. 权贵之暴,如雷鸣般震耳欲聋,令人心惊胆战。**

The tyranny of the powerful is like thunder, deafening and frightening people.

**21. 权贵之虐,如地狱般残酷,令人毛骨悚然。**

The cruelty of the powerful is like hell, making people's hair stand on end.

**22. 权贵之欺,如谎言般虚假,令人深恶痛绝。**

The deception of the powerful is like a lie, making people deeply hate it.

**23. 权贵之压,如大山般沉重,令人喘不过气。**

The oppression of the powerful is like a heavy mountain, making people suffocate.

**24. 权贵之势,如滔滔江水,一发不可收拾。**

The power of the powerful is like the raging river, unstoppable.

**25. 权贵之欲,如深渊般无底,令人胆寒。**

The desires of the powerful are like a bottomless abyss, making people afraid.

**26. 权贵之毒,如毒药般致命,令人防不胜防。**

The poison of the powerful is like a deadly poison, impossible to guard against.

**27. 权贵之险,如悬崖般陡峭,令人心惊胆战。**

The danger of the powerful is like a steep cliff, making people tremble with fear.

**28. 权贵之深,如深海般不可测,令人敬而远之。**

The depth of the powerful is like the deep sea, unfathomable and making people respect them from afar.

**29. 权贵之暗,如黑夜般阴沉,令人不寒而栗。**

The darkness of the powerful is like the night, gloomy and making people tremble with fear.

**30. 权贵之影,如鬼魅般可怕,令人心惊胆战。**

The shadow of the powerful is like a ghost, frightening and making people tremble with fear.

**31. 权贵之威,如猛虎般凶猛,令人望而生畏。**

The power of the powerful is like a fierce tiger, making people afraid to approach.

**32. 权贵之势,如巨浪般汹涌,令人无力抵抗。**

The power of the powerful is like a giant wave, making people powerless to resist.

**33. 权贵之怒,如火山般爆发,令人不寒而栗。**

The anger of the powerful is like a volcano erupting, making people tremble with fear.

**34. 权贵之变,如风雨般无常,令人难以捉摸。**

The changes of the powerful are like wind and rain, unpredictable.

**35. 权贵之计,如深潭般难测,令人防不胜防。**

The plans of the powerful are like a deep pool, unfathomable and impossible to guard against.

**36. 权贵之谋,如棋局般复杂,令人难以理解。**

The schemes of the powerful are like a chess game, complex and difficult to understand.

**37. 权贵之心,如深渊般深不可测,令人望而生畏。**

The heart of the powerful is like an abyss, unfathomable and making people afraid to approach.

**38. 权贵之情,如沙漠般干涸,令人心寒。**

The feelings of the powerful are like a desert, dry and chilling.

**39. 权贵之言,如金玉良言,令人信以为真。**

The words of the powerful are like golden words, making people believe them.

**40. 权贵之行,如雷厉风行,令人望尘莫及。**

The actions of the powerful are like a whirlwind, leaving people far behind.

**41. 权贵之势,如日中天,令人叹为观止。**

The power of the powerful is like the sun at its zenith, amazing people.

**42. 权贵之恩,如过眼云烟,令人难以把握。**

The favors of the powerful are like passing clouds, difficult to grasp.

**43. 权贵之宠,如镜中花,水中月,令人可望而不可及。**

The favor of the powerful is like a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water, something that can be looked at but not touched.

**44. 权贵之败,如大厦将倾,令人不寒而栗。**

The downfall of the powerful is like a collapsing building, making people tremble with fear.

**45. 权贵之死,如风中残烛,令人唏嘘。**

The death of the powerful is like a candle flickering in the wind, making people sigh.

**46. 权贵之恨,如烈火般燃烧,令人心惊胆战。**

The hatred of the powerful is like a burning fire, making people tremble with fear.

**47. 权贵之怨,如毒蛇般噬咬,令人防不胜防。**

The resentment of the powerful is like a viper biting, impossible to guard against.

**48. 权贵之怒,如狂风暴雨,摧枯拉朽。**

The anger of the powerful is like a raging storm, destroying everything in its path.

**49. 权贵之欲,如深渊般无底,令人胆寒。**

The desires of the powerful are like a bottomless abyss, making people afraid.

**50. 权贵之贪,如无底洞,永不满足。**

The greed of the powerful is like a bottomless pit, never satisfied.

**51. 权贵之淫,如毒酒美酒,令人沉醉迷失。**

The lust of the powerful is like poisonous wine, intoxicating and leading people astray.

**52. 权贵之狠,如刀锋般锐利,令人不寒而栗。**

The cruelty of the powerful is like a sharp blade, making people tremble with fear.

**53. 权贵之私,如黑洞般吞噬,令人绝望。**

The selfishness of the powerful is like a black hole, swallowing everything and leaving people in despair.

**54. 权贵之腐,如朽木般腐烂,令人作呕。**

The corruption of the powerful is like rotten wood, making people disgusted.

**55. 权贵之恶,如毒瘤般蔓延,令人深恶痛绝。**

The evil of the powerful is like a malignant tumor, spreading and causing deep hatred.

**56. 权贵之骄,如高山般巍峨,令人望而生畏。**

The arrogance of the powerful is like a towering mountain, making people afraid to approach.

**57. 权贵之傲,如烈火般燃烧,令人心寒。**

The pride of the powerful is like a burning fire, chilling people to the bone.

**58. 权贵之虚,如泡沫般易碎,令人可笑。**

The vanity of the powerful is like a bubble, easily shattered and making people laugh.

**59. 权贵之假,如面具般虚伪,令人厌恶。**

The hypocrisy of the powerful is like a mask, making people disgusted.

**60. 权贵之伪,如画皮般虚假,令人作呕。**

The hypocrisy of the powerful is like a painted skin, making people nauseous.

**61. 权贵之冷,如冰霜般刺骨,令人绝望。**

The coldness of the powerful is like frost, piercing to the bone and leaving people in despair.

**62. 权贵之残,如野兽般凶狠,令人不寒而栗。**

The cruelty of the powerful is like a wild beast, making people tremble with fear.

**63. 权贵之暴,如雷鸣般震耳欲聋,令人心惊胆战。**

The tyranny of the powerful is like thunder, deafening and frightening people.

**64. 权贵之虐,如地狱般残酷,令人毛骨悚然。**

The cruelty of the powerful is like hell, making people's hair stand on end.

**65. 权贵之欺,如谎言般虚假,令人深恶痛绝。**

The deception of the powerful is like a lie, making people deeply hate it.

**66. 权贵之压,如大山般沉重,令人喘不过气。**

The oppression of the powerful is like a heavy mountain, making people suffocate.

**67. 权贵之势,如滔滔江水,一发不可收拾。**

The power of the powerful is like the raging river, unstoppable.

**68. 权贵之欲,如深渊般无底,令人胆寒。**

The desires of the powerful are like a bottomless abyss, making people afraid.

**69. 权贵之毒,如毒药般致命,令人防不胜防。**

The poison of the powerful is like a deadly poison, impossible to guard against.

**70. 权贵之险,如悬崖般陡峭,令人心惊胆战。**

The danger of the powerful is like a steep cliff, making people tremble with fear.

**71. 权贵之深,如深海般不可测,令人敬而远之。**

The depth of the powerful is like the deep sea, unfathomable and making people respect them from afar.

**72. 权贵之暗,如黑夜般阴沉,令人不寒而栗。**

The darkness of the powerful is like the night, gloomy and making people tremble with fear.

**73. 权贵之影,如鬼魅般可怕,令人心惊胆战。**

The shadow of the powerful is like a ghost, frightening and making people tremble with fear.

**74. 权贵之威,如猛虎般凶猛,令人望而生畏。**

The power of the powerful is like a fierce tiger, making people afraid to approach.

**75. 权贵之势,如巨浪般汹涌,令人无力抵抗。**

The power of the powerful is like a giant wave, making people powerless to resist.

**76. 权贵之怒,如火山般爆发,令人不寒而栗。**

The anger of the powerful is like a volcano erupting, making people tremble with fear.

**77. 权贵之变,如风雨般无常,令人难以捉摸。**

The changes of the powerful are like wind and rain, unpredictable.

**78. 权贵之计,如深潭般难测,令人防不胜防。**

The plans of the powerful are like a deep pool, unfathomable and impossible to guard against.

**79. 权贵之谋,如棋局般复杂,令人难以理解。**

The schemes of the powerful are like a chess game, complex and difficult to understand.

**80. 权贵之心,如深渊般深不可测,令人望而生畏。**

The heart of the powerful is like an abyss, unfathomable and making people afraid to approach.

**81. 权贵之情,如沙漠般干涸,令人心寒。**

The feelings of the powerful are like a desert, dry and chilling.

**82. 权贵之言,如金玉良言,令人信以为真。**

The words of the powerful are like golden words, making people believe them.

**83. 权贵之行,如雷厉风行,令人望尘莫及。**

The actions of the powerful are like a whirlwind, leaving people far behind.

**84. 权贵之势,如日中天,令人叹为观止。**

The power of the powerful is like the sun at its zenith, amazing people.

**85. 权贵之恩,如过眼云烟,令人难以把握。**

The favors of the powerful are like passing clouds, difficult to grasp.

**86. 权贵之宠,如镜中花,水中月,令人可望而不可及。**

The favor of the powerful is like a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water, something that can be looked at but not touched.

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