
## 躲躲藏藏的句子,82句

1. 他像个幽灵,在黑暗中悄无声息地游走。

He moved like a ghost, silently gliding through the darkness.

2. 她躲在角落里,试图让自己消失在人群中。

She hid in the corner, trying to disappear into the crowd.

3. 他偷偷摸摸地溜进房间,生怕被发现。

He sneaked into the room, afraid of being caught.

4. 她把日记藏在床底下,害怕被别人看到。

She hid her diary under the bed, afraid of someone seeing it.

5. 他眼神闪烁不定,像是在掩饰什么秘密。

His eyes darted nervously, as if hiding some secret.

6. 她说话吞吞吐吐,似乎在隐瞒真相。

She spoke hesitantly, as if concealing the truth.

7. 他东躲西藏,试图逃脱追捕。

He ran and hid, trying to escape the chase.

8. 她躲在树丛中,观察着周围的动静。

She hid in the bushes, watching the surroundings.

9. 他把信件藏在抽屉的最深处,深怕被发现。

He hid the letter in the deepest drawer, afraid of being discovered.

10. 她低着头走路,不想与任何人对视。

She walked with her head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

11. 他总是戴着帽子,遮住自己的脸,让人看不清他的样貌。

He always wore a hat to cover his face, making it impossible to see his features.

12. 她穿着宽大的外套,试图掩盖自己的身形。

She wore a large coat, trying to hide her figure.

13. 他在人群中左顾右盼,像是在寻找什么。

He looked around the crowd, as if searching for something.

14. 她躲在阴影中,观察着他们的行动。

She hid in the shadows, watching their movements.

15. 他偷偷摸摸地从窗户里溜走,消失在夜色中。

He snuck out the window and disappeared into the night.

16. 她躲在衣柜里,瑟瑟发抖,害怕得快要崩溃了。

She hid in the closet, trembling with fear, close to breaking down.

17. 他用一张报纸遮住脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

He covered his face with a newspaper, trying to avoid others' gazes.

18. 她躲在房间的角落,用被子把自己裹起来。

She hid in the corner of the room, wrapping herself in a blanket.

19. 他像一只老鼠一样,在黑暗中穿梭。

He scurried like a rat through the darkness.

20. 她躲在树林里,希望能逃脱追捕。

She hid in the woods, hoping to escape the pursuit.

21. 他用假名登记,试图隐藏自己的身份。

He registered under a false name, trying to hide his identity.

22. 她换了一身衣服,试图改变自己的容貌。

She changed her clothes, trying to alter her appearance.

23. 他用沙哑的声音说话,试图掩盖自己的身份。

He spoke in a raspy voice, trying to disguise his identity.

24. 她躲在人群中,希望不被任何人注意到。

She hid in the crowd, hoping to remain unnoticed.

25. 他用墨镜遮住自己的眼睛,避免与任何人对视。

He wore sunglasses to cover his eyes, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

26. 她用假发和化妆来改变自己的样貌。

She used a wig and makeup to change her appearance.

27. 他在房间里踱步,焦虑不安,不知道该怎么办。

He paced the room, anxious and unsure what to do.

28. 她躲在房间的角落里,看着窗外,思绪万千。

She hid in the corner of the room, looking out the window, lost in thought.

29. 他躲在黑暗中,观察着周围的动静,等待时机。

He hid in the darkness, watching the surroundings, waiting for the right moment.

30. 她躲在角落里,偷偷摸摸地观察着周围的人。

She hid in the corner, discreetly watching the people around her.

31. 他躲在房间里,用书来遮挡自己的身体,试图掩盖自己的踪迹。

He hid in the room, using books to shield his body, trying to conceal his presence.

32. 她躲在床底下,瑟瑟发抖,不敢发出任何声音。

She hid under the bed, trembling and afraid to make any sound.

33. 他用围巾遮住自己的脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

He covered his face with a scarf, trying to avoid others' gazes.

34. 她躲在房间里,用门板抵住门,生怕有人进来。

She hid in the room, blocking the door with a panel, afraid of someone entering.

35. 他躲在树丛中,观察着周围的动静,寻找逃生的机会。

He hid in the bushes, watching the surroundings, searching for an escape route.

36. 她躲在人群中,试图让自己消失在人海中。

She hid in the crowd, trying to disappear into the sea of people.

37. 他躲在房间的角落里,用一张报纸遮住脸,假装在阅读。

He hid in the corner of the room, covering his face with a newspaper, pretending to read.

38. 她躲在房间里,用衣服把自己裹起来,试图让自己看起来更小。

She hid in the room, wrapping herself in clothes, trying to make herself look smaller.

39. 他躲在房间里,用柜子挡住自己,害怕被发现。

He hid in the room, using a cabinet to hide himself, afraid of being discovered.

40. 她躲在树林里,用树枝和树叶掩盖自己的身形。

She hid in the woods, using branches and leaves to camouflage her figure.

41. 他躲在房间里,用音乐声来掩盖自己的行动。

He hid in the room, using music to cover his actions.

42. 她躲在角落里,用手机来打发时间,害怕被别人发现。

She hid in the corner, using her phone to pass the time, afraid of being discovered.

43. 他躲在房间里,用窗帘遮住窗户,生怕有人从外面窥视。

He hid in the room, using curtains to cover the window, afraid of someone peering in from outside.

44. 她躲在房间里,用书桌挡住自己的身体,试图让自己看起来更安全。

She hid in the room, using a desk to shield her body, trying to make herself look safer.

45. 他躲在黑暗中,用双手捂住自己的嘴巴,害怕发出任何声音。

He hid in the darkness, covering his mouth with his hands, afraid of making any sound.

46. 她躲在房间里,用枕头捂住自己的耳朵,试图屏蔽外面的声音。

She hid in the room, covering her ears with a pillow, trying to block out the outside noise.

47. 他躲在房间里,用衣服遮住自己的脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

He hid in the room, covering his face with clothes, trying to avoid others' gazes.

48. 她躲在房间里,用镜子观察周围的动静,生怕有人进来。

She hid in the room, using a mirror to observe the surroundings, afraid of someone entering.

49. 他躲在房间里,用门板抵住门,生怕有人进来。

He hid in the room, blocking the door with a panel, afraid of someone entering.

50. 她躲在房间里,用被子把自己裹起来,试图让自己看起来更安全。

She hid in the room, wrapping herself in a blanket, trying to make herself look safer.

51. 他躲在房间里,用书桌挡住自己,试图让自己看起来更安全。

He hid in the room, using a desk to shield his body, trying to make himself look safer.

52. 她躲在房间里,用窗帘遮住窗户,生怕有人从外面窥视。

She hid in the room, using curtains to cover the window, afraid of someone peering in from outside.

53. 他躲在房间里,用枕头捂住自己的耳朵,试图屏蔽外面的声音。

He hid in the room, covering his ears with a pillow, trying to block out the outside noise.

54. 她躲在房间里,用衣服遮住自己的脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

She hid in the room, covering her face with clothes, trying to avoid others' gazes.

55. 他躲在房间里,用镜子观察周围的动静,生怕有人进来。

He hid in the room, using a mirror to observe the surroundings, afraid of someone entering.

56. 她躲在房间里,用被子把自己裹起来,试图让自己看起来更安全。

She hid in the room, wrapping herself in a blanket, trying to make herself look safer.

57. 他躲在房间里,用书桌挡住自己,试图让自己看起来更安全。

He hid in the room, using a desk to shield his body, trying to make himself look safer.

58. 她躲在房间里,用窗帘遮住窗户,生怕有人从外面窥视。

She hid in the room, using curtains to cover the window, afraid of someone peering in from outside.

59. 他躲在房间里,用枕头捂住自己的耳朵,试图屏蔽外面的声音。

He hid in the room, covering his ears with a pillow, trying to block out the outside noise.

60. 她躲在房间里,用衣服遮住自己的脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

She hid in the room, covering her face with clothes, trying to avoid others' gazes.

61. 他躲在房间里,用镜子观察周围的动静,生怕有人进来。

He hid in the room, using a mirror to observe the surroundings, afraid of someone entering.

62. 她躲在房间里,用被子把自己裹起来,试图让自己看起来更安全。

She hid in the room, wrapping herself in a blanket, trying to make herself look safer.

63. 他躲在房间里,用书桌挡住自己,试图让自己看起来更安全。

He hid in the room, using a desk to shield his body, trying to make himself look safer.

64. 她躲在房间里,用窗帘遮住窗户,生怕有人从外面窥视。

She hid in the room, using curtains to cover the window, afraid of someone peering in from outside.

65. 他躲在房间里,用枕头捂住自己的耳朵,试图屏蔽外面的声音。

He hid in the room, covering his ears with a pillow, trying to block out the outside noise.

66. 她躲在房间里,用衣服遮住自己的脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

She hid in the room, covering her face with clothes, trying to avoid others' gazes.

67. 他躲在房间里,用镜子观察周围的动静,生怕有人进来。

He hid in the room, using a mirror to observe the surroundings, afraid of someone entering.

68. 她躲在房间里,用被子把自己裹起来,试图让自己看起来更安全。

She hid in the room, wrapping herself in a blanket, trying to make herself look safer.

69. 他躲在房间里,用书桌挡住自己,试图让自己看起来更安全。

He hid in the room, using a desk to shield his body, trying to make himself look safer.

70. 她躲在房间里,用窗帘遮住窗户,生怕有人从外面窥视。

She hid in the room, using curtains to cover the window, afraid of someone peering in from outside.

71. 他躲在房间里,用枕头捂住自己的耳朵,试图屏蔽外面的声音。

He hid in the room, covering his ears with a pillow, trying to block out the outside noise.

72. 她躲在房间里,用衣服遮住自己的脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

She hid in the room, covering her face with clothes, trying to avoid others' gazes.

73. 他躲在房间里,用镜子观察周围的动静,生怕有人进来。

He hid in the room, using a mirror to observe the surroundings, afraid of someone entering.

74. 她躲在房间里,用被子把自己裹起来,试图让自己看起来更安全。

She hid in the room, wrapping herself in a blanket, trying to make herself look safer.

75. 他躲在房间里,用书桌挡住自己,试图让自己看起来更安全。

He hid in the room, using a desk to shield his body, trying to make himself look safer.

76. 她躲在房间里,用窗帘遮住窗户,生怕有人从外面窥视。

She hid in the room, using curtains to cover the window, afraid of someone peering in from outside.

77. 他躲在房间里,用枕头捂住自己的耳朵,试图屏蔽外面的声音。

He hid in the room, covering his ears with a pillow, trying to block out the outside noise.

78. 她躲在房间里,用衣服遮住自己的脸,试图躲避别人的视线。

She hid in the room, covering her face with clothes, trying to avoid others' gazes.

79. 他躲在房间里,用镜子观察周围的动静,生怕有人进来。

He hid in the room, using a mirror to observe the surroundings, afraid of someone entering.

80. 她躲在房间里,用被子把自己裹起来,试图让自己看起来更安全。

She hid in the room, wrapping herself in a blanket, trying to make herself look safer.

81. 他躲在房间里,用书桌挡住自己,试图让自己看起来更安全。

He hid in the room, using a desk to shield his body, trying to make himself look safer.

82. 她躲在房间里,用窗帘遮住窗户,生怕有人从外面窥视。

She hid in the room, using curtains to cover the window, afraid of someone peering in from outside.

以上就是关于躲躲藏藏的句子82句(躲躲藏藏的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
