
## 欠的总是要还的 74 句


1. 欠下的债,总是要还的。
2. 亏欠的东西,总要弥补。
3. 你欠了别人什么,总有一天要还。
4. 欠债还钱,天经地义。
5. 你所做的一切,都会有相应的回报。
6. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,因果报应。
7. 善恶终有报,天道好轮回。
8. 一报还一报,迟早都要还。
9. 欠下的情债,更是要还。
10. 欠下的恩情,更要涌泉相报。
11. 欺骗的谎言,最终会被揭穿。
12. 伤害的痛苦,也会反噬自身。
13. 偷来的东西,最终还是要还回去。
14. 偷来的快乐,最终也会化为痛苦。
15. 失去的信任,很难再挽回。
16. 失去的爱,很难再得到。
17. 失去的机会,很难再拥有。
18. 失去的自由,很难再获得。
19. 欠下的承诺,一定要兑现。
20. 欠下的责任,一定要承担。
21. 欠下的情谊,一定要珍惜。
22. 欠下的教训,一定要铭记。
23. 做人要讲良心,不能欠债不还。
24. 做事要讲诚信,不能言而无信。
25. 做人要讲道理,不能理所当然。
26. 做事要讲原则,不能随心所欲。
27. 做人要讲道德,不能无情无义。
28. 做事要讲规矩,不能肆意妄为。
29. 做人要讲礼貌,不能不讲情面。
30. 做事要讲效率,不能拖泥带水。
31. 做人要讲担当,不能推卸责任。
32. 做事要讲技巧,不能一成不变。
33. 做人要讲智慧,不能愚昧无知。
34. 做事要讲经验,不能盲目行动。
35. 做人要讲修养,不能粗俗无礼。
36. 做事要讲创新,不能墨守成规。
37. 做人要讲目标,不能漫无目的。
38. 做事要讲计划,不能临时抱佛脚。
39. 做人要讲自律,不能放纵自己。
40. 做事要讲团队,不能独断专行。
41. 做人要讲感恩,不能忘恩负义。
42. 做事要讲奉献,不能斤斤计较。
43. 做人要讲爱,不能冷漠无情。
44. 做事要讲坚持,不能半途而废。
45. 做人要讲乐观,不能消极悲观。
46. 做事要讲自信,不能自卑怯懦。
47. 做人要讲包容,不能斤斤计较。
48. 做事要讲耐心,不能急功近利。
49. 做人要讲真诚,不能虚伪做作。
50. 做事要讲公平,不能偏袒一方。
51. 做人要讲正义,不能贪图私利。
52. 做事要讲效率,不能拖延时间。
53. 做人要讲勇气,不能畏惧困难。
54. 做事要讲智慧,不能鲁莽冲动。
55. 做人要讲仁爱,不能冷酷无情。
56. 做事要讲细致,不能粗心大意。
57. 做人要讲责任,不能推卸义务。
58. 做事要讲创新,不能墨守成规。
59. 做人要讲远见,不能目光短浅。
60. 做事要讲目标,不能漫无目的。
61. 做人要讲自律,不能放纵自己。
62. 做事要讲团结,不能分崩离析。
63. 做人要讲宽容,不能斤斤计较。
64. 做事要讲效率,不能拖泥带水。
65. 做人要讲奉献,不能自私自利。
66. 做事要讲创新,不能固步自封。
67. 做人要讲学习,不能固执己见。
68. 做事要讲策略,不能蛮干强攻。
69. 做人要讲诚信,不能言而无信。
70. 做事要讲效率,不能拖延时间。
71. 做人要讲感恩,不能忘恩负义。
72. 做事要讲责任,不能推卸责任。
73. 做人要讲担当,不能逃避责任。
74. 做事要讲效率,不能浪费时间。


1. What you owe, you must pay back.

2. What you lack, you must compensate for.

3. Whatever you owe others, you will have to pay back one day.

4. It is only right to repay debts.

5. Everything you do will have its corresponding reward.

6. As you sow, so shall you reap. Karma.

7. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Heaven has its own ways of settling accounts.

8. What goes around comes around. You will have to pay back sooner or later.

9. The debts of affection must be repaid even more.

10. The kindness you receive must be repaid with gratitude.

11. Lies of deception will eventually be exposed.

12. The pain of harm will also backfire on you.

13. Stolen goods will eventually be returned.

14. Stolen happiness will eventually turn into pain.

15. Lost trust is difficult to regain.

16. Lost love is hard to get back.

17. Lost opportunities are hard to possess again.

18. Lost freedom is hard to regain.

19. Broken promises must be kept.

20. Responsibilities owed must be taken.

21. The bonds of affection must be cherished.

22. Lessons learned must be remembered.

23. Be a person of conscience, and don't owe debts without paying them back.

24. Be a person of integrity, and don't break your promises.

25. Be a person of reason, and don't take things for granted.

26. Be a person of principle, and don't act as you please.

27. Be a person of morality, and don't be heartless or ruthless.

28. Be a person of rules, and don't act recklessly.

29. Be a person of manners, and don't be inconsiderate.

30. Be a person of efficiency, and don't drag your feet.

31. Be a person of responsibility, and don't shirk your responsibilities.

32. Be a person of skills, and don't be stagnant.

33. Be a person of wisdom, and don't be ignorant.

34. Be a person of experience, and don't act blindly.

35. Be a person of cultivation, and don't be vulgar.

36. Be a person of innovation, and don't stick to the old ways.

37. Be a person of goals, and don't be aimless.

38. Be a person of plans, and don't wait until the last minute.

39. Be a person of self-discipline, and don't indulge yourself.

40. Be a person of teamwork, and don't be domineering.

41. Be a person of gratitude, and don't be ungrateful.

42. Be a person of dedication, and don't be petty.

43. Be a person of love, and don't be cold and heartless.

44. Be a person of perseverance, and don't give up halfway.

45. Be a person of optimism, and don't be negative.

46. Be a person of confidence, and don't be insecure.

47. Be a person of tolerance, and don't be petty.

48. Be a person of patience, and don't be impatient.

49. Be a person of sincerity, and don't be hypocritical.

50. Be a person of fairness, and don't favor one side.

51. Be a person of justice, and don't be greedy.

52. Be a person of efficiency, and don't procrastinate.

53. Be a person of courage, and don't be afraid of difficulties.

54. Be a person of wisdom, and don't be reckless.

55. Be a person of benevolence, and don't be cruel.

56. Be a person of detail, and don't be careless.

57. Be a person of responsibility, and don't shirk your obligations.

58. Be a person of innovation, and don't stick to the old ways.

59. Be a person of foresight, and don't be shortsighted.

60. Be a person of goals, and don't be aimless.

61. Be a person of self-discipline, and don't indulge yourself.

62. Be a person of unity, and don't fall apart.

63. Be a person of forgiveness, and don't be petty.

64. Be a person of efficiency, and don't drag your feet.

65. Be a person of dedication, and don't be selfish.

66. Be a person of innovation, and don't be complacent.

67. Be a person of learning, and don't be stubborn.

68. Be a person of strategy, and don't be reckless.

69. Be a person of integrity, and don't break your promises.

70. Be a person of efficiency, and don't procrastinate.

71. Be a person of gratitude, and don't be ungrateful.

72. Be a person of responsibility, and don't shirk your responsibilities.

73. Be a person of responsibility, and don't escape responsibility.

74. Be a person of efficiency, and don't waste time.

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