
## 归隐田园的句子 (68句)

**1. 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。**

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, I see the southern mountain with a sense of tranquility.

**2. 远离尘嚣,回归自然,享受田园之乐。**

Far from the hustle and bustle, returning to nature, enjoying the pleasures of the countryside.

**3. 朝霞映山,夕阳染水,田园风光无限好。**

Sunrise glows on the mountain, sunset paints the water, the scenery of the countryside is endless.

**4. 耕田种地,自给自足,过着简单而充实的生活。**

Tilling the fields and planting crops, self-sufficient, living a simple yet fulfilling life.

**5. 远离城市的喧嚣,在田园中寻找内心的宁静。**

Far away from the noise of the city, finding inner peace in the countryside.

**6. 闲云野鹤,无拘无束,逍遥自在。**

Like a wild crane, unfettered, carefree and at ease.

**7. 听鸟语花香,看夕阳西下,享受田园的静谧。**

Listening to the birdsong and the fragrance of flowers, watching the sun set in the west, enjoying the tranquility of the countryside.

**8. 远离名利,追求心灵的自由,在田园中寻找生命的真谛。**

Staying away from fame and fortune, pursuing freedom of the soul, finding the meaning of life in the countryside.

**9. 山清水秀,鸟语花香,田园景色令人心醉。**

Mountains with clear water and beautiful scenery, birds singing and flowers blooming, the scenery of the countryside is intoxicating.

**10. 晨起观日出,暮落赏星河,田园生活充满诗情画意。**

Watch the sunrise in the morning, admire the stars at dusk, life in the countryside is full of poetry and painting.

**11. 远离都市的繁华,在田园中寻找简单和快乐。**

Far away from the prosperity of the city, seeking simplicity and happiness in the countryside.

**12. 耕种劳作,收获喜悦,感受自然的恩赐。**

Tilling and working, reaping joy, feeling the gift of nature.

**13. 在田园中,感受生命的真谛,体会生命的意义。**

In the countryside, feel the true meaning of life, experience the meaning of life.

**14. 远离尘世的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的归宿。**

Far from the hustle and bustle of the world, finding a home for the soul in the countryside.

**15. 闲看庭前花开花落,漫随天外云卷云舒。**

Casually watching flowers bloom and wither in the courtyard, leisurely following the rolling clouds in the sky.

**16. 在田园中,感受生命的宁静,体会心灵的平和。**

In the countryside, feel the tranquility of life, experience the peace of mind.

**17. 远离世俗的烦恼,在田园中寻找心灵的慰藉。**

Far from worldly troubles, finding solace for the soul in the countryside.

**18. 诗情画意,田园生活令人神往。**

Poetic and picturesque, life in the countryside is something to yearn for.

**19. 返璞归真,回归自然,感受田园的魅力。**

Returning to simplicity and genuineness, returning to nature, feeling the charm of the countryside.

**20. 田园生活,简单而快乐,幸福而满足。**

Life in the countryside, simple and happy, happy and content.

**21. 远离城市,回归田园,感受自然的呼吸。**

Far away from the city, returning to the countryside, feeling the breath of nature.

**22. 在田园中,感受生命的活力,体会生活的真谛。**

In the countryside, feel the vitality of life, experience the true meaning of life.

**23. 远离城市的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的港湾。**

Far from the noise of the city, finding a haven for the soul in the countryside.

**24. 山野之间,田园之中,寻找生命的宁静。**

Among the mountains and fields, in the countryside, finding the tranquility of life.

**25. 远离尘世,回归自然,感受田园的清新。**

Far from the world, returning to nature, feeling the freshness of the countryside.

**26. 在田园中,感受生命的节奏,体会生活的韵律。**

In the countryside, feel the rhythm of life, experience the rhythm of life.

**27. 远离城市的束缚,在田园中寻找心灵的自由。**

Far from the constraints of the city, finding freedom of the soul in the countryside.

**28. 田园风光,美不胜收,令人心旷神怡。**

The scenery of the countryside is beautiful and breathtaking, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

**29. 远离世俗的纷争,在田园中寻找心灵的平静。**

Far from the disputes of the world, finding peace of mind in the countryside.

**30. 闲情逸致,在田园中享受生活的美好。**

Leisurely and carefree, enjoying the beauty of life in the countryside.

**31. 远离城市的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的归属。**

Far from the noise of the city, finding a sense of belonging for the soul in the countryside.

**32. 耕种劳作,收获喜悦,体会生命的意义。**

Tilling and working, reaping joy, experiencing the meaning of life.

**33. 远离世俗的欲望,在田园中寻找心灵的净土。**

Far from worldly desires, finding a spiritual sanctuary in the countryside.

**34. 在田园中,感受生命的真谛,体会生命的价值。**

In the countryside, feel the true meaning of life, experience the value of life.

**35. 远离尘世的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的慰藉。**

Far from the hustle and bustle of the world, finding solace for the soul in the countryside.

**36. 远离城市的压力,在田园中寻找心灵的放松。**

Far from the pressure of the city, finding relaxation for the soul in the countryside.

**37. 闲情逸致,在田园中享受生命的乐趣。**

Leisurely and carefree, enjoying the pleasures of life in the countryside.

**38. 在田园中,感受生命的宁静,体会心灵的平和。**

In the countryside, feel the tranquility of life, experience the peace of mind.

**39. 远离城市的束缚,在田园中寻找心灵的自由。**

Far from the constraints of the city, finding freedom of the soul in the countryside.

**40. 远离世俗的纷争,在田园中寻找心灵的平静。**

Far from the disputes of the world, finding peace of mind in the countryside.

**41. 远离城市的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的归属。**

Far from the noise of the city, finding a sense of belonging for the soul in the countryside.

**42. 远离尘世的烦恼,在田园中寻找心灵的慰藉。**

Far from worldly troubles, finding solace for the soul in the countryside.

**43. 诗情画意,田园生活令人神往。**

Poetic and picturesque, life in the countryside is something to yearn for.

**44. 返璞归真,回归自然,感受田园的魅力。**

Returning to simplicity and genuineness, returning to nature, feeling the charm of the countryside.

**45. 田园生活,简单而快乐,幸福而满足。**

Life in the countryside, simple and happy, happy and content.

**46. 远离城市,回归田园,感受自然的呼吸。**

Far away from the city, returning to the countryside, feeling the breath of nature.

**47. 在田园中,感受生命的活力,体会生活的真谛。**

In the countryside, feel the vitality of life, experience the true meaning of life.

**48. 远离城市的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的港湾。**

Far from the noise of the city, finding a haven for the soul in the countryside.

**49. 山野之间,田园之中,寻找生命的宁静。**

Among the mountains and fields, in the countryside, finding the tranquility of life.

**50. 远离尘世,回归自然,感受田园的清新。**

Far from the world, returning to nature, feeling the freshness of the countryside.

**51. 在田园中,感受生命的节奏,体会生活的韵律。**

In the countryside, feel the rhythm of life, experience the rhythm of life.

**52. 远离城市的束缚,在田园中寻找心灵的自由。**

Far from the constraints of the city, finding freedom of the soul in the countryside.

**53. 田园风光,美不胜收,令人心旷神怡。**

The scenery of the countryside is beautiful and breathtaking, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

**54. 远离世俗的纷争,在田园中寻找心灵的平静。**

Far from the disputes of the world, finding peace of mind in the countryside.

**55. 闲情逸致,在田园中享受生活的美好。**

Leisurely and carefree, enjoying the beauty of life in the countryside.

**56. 远离城市的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的归属。**

Far from the noise of the city, finding a sense of belonging for the soul in the countryside.

**57. 耕种劳作,收获喜悦,体会生命的意义。**

Tilling and working, reaping joy, experiencing the meaning of life.

**58. 远离世俗的欲望,在田园中寻找心灵的净土。**

Far from worldly desires, finding a spiritual sanctuary in the countryside.

**59. 在田园中,感受生命的真谛,体会生命的价值。**

In the countryside, feel the true meaning of life, experience the value of life.

**60. 远离尘世的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的慰藉。**

Far from the hustle and bustle of the world, finding solace for the soul in the countryside.

**61. 远离城市的压力,在田园中寻找心灵的放松。**

Far from the pressure of the city, finding relaxation for the soul in the countryside.

**62. 闲情逸致,在田园中享受生命的乐趣。**

Leisurely and carefree, enjoying the pleasures of life in the countryside.

**63. 在田园中,感受生命的宁静,体会心灵的平和。**

In the countryside, feel the tranquility of life, experience the peace of mind.

**64. 远离城市的束缚,在田园中寻找心灵的自由。**

Far from the constraints of the city, finding freedom of the soul in the countryside.

**65. 远离世俗的纷争,在田园中寻找心灵的平静。**

Far from the disputes of the world, finding peace of mind in the countryside.

**66. 远离城市的喧嚣,在田园中寻找心灵的归属。**

Far from the noise of the city, finding a sense of belonging for the soul in the countryside.

**67. 远离尘世的烦恼,在田园中寻找心灵的慰藉。**

Far from worldly troubles, finding solace for the soul in the countryside.

**68. 诗情画意,田园生活令人神往。**

Poetic and picturesque, life in the countryside is something to yearn for.

以上就是关于归隐田园的句子68句(归隐田园的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
