
## 橱柜保养句子 (86 句)


1. 定期清洁橱柜,保持表面清洁。

Clean your cabinets regularly to keep their surfaces clean.

2. 使用柔软的湿布擦拭橱柜表面,避免使用硬刷或磨砂材料。

Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the cabinet surfaces, avoiding harsh brushes or abrasive materials.

3. 清洁后,用干布擦干橱柜表面,避免水分残留。

After cleaning, dry the cabinet surfaces with a dry cloth to prevent moisture from remaining.

4. 避免使用强酸性或强碱性清洁剂清洁橱柜,以免损伤表面。

Avoid using strong acidic or alkaline cleaners to clean your cabinets, as they can damage the surface.

5. 使用专门的清洁剂清洁橱柜,例如木材清洁剂或油漆清洁剂。

Use specialized cleaners for your cabinets, such as wood cleaners or paint cleaners.

6. 避免使用漂白剂清洁橱柜,特别是对于实木橱柜,漂白剂会破坏木材的自然色泽。

Avoid using bleach to clean your cabinets, especially for solid wood cabinets, as bleach can damage the wood's natural color.

7. 清洁橱柜把手和拉手,可以使用湿布擦拭,并定期更换把手上的油漆。

Clean the cabinet handles and pulls with a damp cloth and repaint them regularly.

8. 避免在橱柜上放置过热或过冷的物品,以免造成热胀冷缩,导致橱柜变形。

Avoid placing hot or cold items on your cabinets to prevent thermal expansion and contraction, which can cause warping.

9. 定期检查橱柜的门板和抽屉是否松动,及时进行修复,避免损坏橱柜。

Regularly check the cabinet doors and drawers for looseness and repair them promptly to prevent damage to the cabinets.

10. 避免在橱柜表面放置尖锐物品,以免刮伤橱柜表面。

Avoid placing sharp objects on the cabinet surfaces to prevent scratches.

11. 避免将橱柜暴露在阳光直射下,以免橱柜褪色或变色。

Avoid exposing your cabinets to direct sunlight to prevent fading or discoloration.

12. 使用防潮垫保护橱柜,避免潮湿环境导致橱柜受损。

Use a moisture barrier to protect your cabinets from damp environments and prevent damage.

13. 定期检查橱柜的密封条是否完整,如有损坏及时更换,避免水分进入橱柜内部。

Regularly check the seals on your cabinets for integrity and replace them if damaged to prevent moisture from entering the cabinet interiors.

14. 避免在橱柜内部放置过重物品,以免造成橱柜变形或损坏。

Avoid placing excessively heavy items inside the cabinets to prevent deformation or damage.

15. 定期检查橱柜铰链是否松动,及时进行调整,避免橱柜门板晃动。

Regularly check the cabinet hinges for looseness and adjust them promptly to prevent the cabinet doors from swinging.

16. 定期检查橱柜抽屉轨道是否顺滑,如有问题及时进行维修,避免抽屉卡住。

Regularly check the cabinet drawer tracks for smoothness and repair any issues promptly to prevent the drawers from sticking.

17. 定期检查橱柜内部是否有虫蛀,如果有及时进行处理,避免橱柜被虫蛀。

Regularly check the inside of your cabinets for signs of insect infestation and treat any problems promptly to prevent further damage.

18. 使用防霉剂或除湿机防止橱柜发霉。

Use mildewcide or a dehumidifier to prevent your cabinets from becoming moldy.

19. 定期检查橱柜是否有油污,及时进行清理,避免油污积累导致橱柜表面变脏。

Regularly check your cabinets for grease and clean them promptly to prevent grease buildup from making the surfaces dirty.

20. 使用柔软的刷子清洁橱柜内部的缝隙和角落,避免灰尘堆积。

Use a soft brush to clean the crevices and corners inside your cabinets to prevent dust accumulation.

21. 避免在橱柜上放置过多的东西,保持橱柜整洁,避免物品堆积导致橱柜变形或损坏。

Avoid placing too many items on your cabinets, keeping them tidy to prevent items from piling up and causing deformation or damage.

22. 定期检查橱柜的排水孔是否畅通,避免积水导致橱柜发霉或腐烂。

Regularly check the drainage holes in your cabinets to ensure they are clear to prevent water accumulation and mold or rot.

23. 使用防水的封边条保护橱柜,避免水滴溅到橱柜表面。

Use waterproof edging strips to protect your cabinets and prevent water droplets from splashing onto the surfaces.

24. 清洁橱柜时,避免使用过量的清洁剂,避免清洁剂残留导致橱柜表面变色或变质。

When cleaning your cabinets, avoid using excessive cleaning agents to prevent residue from discoloring or damaging the surface.

25. 使用柔软的毛巾擦拭橱柜表面,避免使用粗糙的布料,以免刮伤橱柜表面。

Use a soft towel to wipe down the cabinet surfaces, avoiding rough fabrics that could scratch the surface.


26. 保持橱柜干燥,避免潮湿环境,避免橱柜发霉或腐烂。

Keep your cabinets dry and avoid damp environments to prevent mold or rot.

27. 定期检查橱柜的五金件是否松动或损坏,及时进行更换或修复。

Regularly check the hardware on your cabinets for looseness or damage and replace or repair them promptly.

28. 使用防潮板或防潮剂防止橱柜受潮。

Use moisture-proof boards or moisture absorbers to prevent your cabinets from becoming damp.

29. 在橱柜内部放置干燥剂,避免潮湿环境导致橱柜受损。

Place desiccant inside your cabinets to prevent moisture from damaging them.

30. 不要在橱柜内部放置过多的东西,避免橱柜超载,导致橱柜变形或损坏。

Do not place too many items inside your cabinets to prevent overloading and causing deformation or damage.

31. 定期检查橱柜门板和抽屉是否有划痕或凹陷,及时进行修复,避免橱柜表面损伤。

Regularly check the cabinet doors and drawers for scratches or dents and repair them promptly to prevent surface damage.

32. 避免使用过重的物品压在橱柜门板上,以免造成橱柜门板变形。

Avoid placing heavy items on the cabinet doors to prevent them from warping.

33. 避免将橱柜放在阳光直射的地方,以免橱柜褪色或变色。

Avoid placing your cabinets in direct sunlight to prevent fading or discoloration.

34. 定期检查橱柜内部是否通风良好,避免橱柜内部潮湿或发霉。

Regularly check the ventilation inside your cabinets to ensure proper airflow and prevent moisture or mold.

35. 使用防虫剂防止虫蛀,保护橱柜免受虫害。

Use insect repellent to prevent insect infestation and protect your cabinets from pests.

36. 定期清洁橱柜表面,避免油污或灰尘堆积,保持橱柜整洁。

Regularly clean the cabinet surfaces to prevent grease or dust buildup and keep them tidy.

37. 使用防滑垫防止物品滑落,避免物品掉落损坏橱柜。

Use non-slip mats to prevent items from slipping and falling, which could damage the cabinets.

38. 使用防潮垫保护橱柜底部,避免潮湿环境导致橱柜底部受损。

Use a moisture barrier to protect the bottom of your cabinets from damp environments and prevent damage.

39. 定期检查橱柜的五金件是否松动或损坏,及时进行更换或修复,避免橱柜使用过程中出现安全隐患。

Regularly check the hardware on your cabinets for looseness or damage and replace or repair them promptly to prevent safety hazards during use.

40. 避免在橱柜内部放置易燃易爆物品,避免发生安全事故。

Avoid placing flammable or explosive items inside your cabinets to prevent accidents.

41. 定期清洁橱柜的排水孔,避免排水孔堵塞,导致橱柜内部积水。

Regularly clean the drainage holes in your cabinets to prevent them from becoming clogged and causing water accumulation inside.

42. 使用防静电材料保护橱柜,避免静电导致橱柜表面出现划痕或损伤。

Use anti-static materials to protect your cabinets and prevent static electricity from causing scratches or damage to the surface.

43. 定期检查橱柜是否有漏水现象,及时进行维修,避免漏水导致橱柜腐烂。

Regularly check your cabinets for leaks and repair them promptly to prevent leaks from causing rot.

44. 使用防晒材料保护橱柜,避免阳光直射导致橱柜褪色或变色。

Use sun protection materials to protect your cabinets from direct sunlight and prevent fading or discoloration.

45. 定期检查橱柜是否有裂缝或破损,及时进行修复,避免裂缝或破损扩大,导致橱柜损坏。

Regularly check your cabinets for cracks or breaks and repair them promptly to prevent them from expanding and causing damage.

46. 使用软布清洁橱柜,避免使用硬刷或磨砂材料,以免损伤橱柜表面。

Use a soft cloth to clean your cabinets, avoiding harsh brushes or abrasive materials to prevent surface damage.

47. 避免在橱柜表面放置过重物品,以免造成橱柜变形或损坏。

Avoid placing heavy items on your cabinet surfaces to prevent deformation or damage.

48. 定期检查橱柜的五金件是否松动或损坏,及时进行更换或修复,避免橱柜使用过程中出现安全隐患。

Regularly check the hardware on your cabinets for looseness or damage and replace or repair them promptly to prevent safety hazards during use.

49. 保持橱柜干燥通风,避免潮湿环境,避免橱柜发霉或腐烂。

Keep your cabinets dry and well-ventilated, avoiding damp environments to prevent mold or rot.

50. 定期检查橱柜的排水孔是否畅通,避免积水导致橱柜发霉或腐烂。

Regularly check the drainage holes in your cabinets to ensure they are clear to prevent water accumulation and mold or rot.

51. 使用专门的清洁剂清洁橱柜,例如木材清洁剂或油漆清洁剂,避免使用强酸性或强碱性清洁剂。

Use specialized cleaners for your cabinets, such as wood cleaners or paint cleaners, and avoid using strong acidic or alkaline cleaners.

52. 定期检查橱柜的门板和抽屉是否有划痕或凹陷,及时进行修复,避免橱柜表面损伤。

Regularly check the cabinet doors and drawers for scratches or dents and repair them promptly to prevent surface damage.

53. 避免将橱柜放在阳光直射的地方,以免橱柜褪色或变色。

Avoid placing your cabinets in direct sunlight to prevent fading or discoloration.

54. 定期检查橱柜内部是否通风良好,避免橱柜内部潮湿或发霉。

Regularly check the ventilation inside your cabinets to ensure proper airflow and prevent moisture or mold.

55. 使用防虫剂防止虫蛀,保护橱柜免受虫害。

Use insect repellent to prevent insect infestation and protect your cabinets from pests.

56. 定期清洁橱柜表面,避免油污或灰尘堆积,保持橱柜整洁。

Regularly clean the cabinet surfaces to prevent grease or dust buildup and keep them tidy.

57. 使用防滑垫防止物品滑落,避免物品掉落损坏橱柜。

Use non-slip mats to prevent items from slipping and falling, which could damage the cabinets.

58. 使用防潮垫保护橱柜底部,避免潮湿环境导致橱柜底部受损。

Use a moisture barrier to protect the bottom of your cabinets from damp environments and prevent damage.

59. 定期检查橱柜的五金件是否松动或损坏,及时进行更换或修复,避免橱柜使用过程中出现安全隐患。

Regularly check the hardware on your cabinets for looseness or damage and replace or repair them promptly to prevent safety hazards during use.

60. 避免在橱柜内部放置易燃易爆物品,避免发生安全事故。

Avoid placing flammable or explosive items inside your cabinets to prevent accidents.

61. 定期清洁橱柜的排水孔,避免排水孔堵塞,导致橱柜内部积水。

Regularly clean the drainage holes in your cabinets to prevent them from becoming clogged and causing water accumulation inside.

62. 使用防静电材料保护橱柜,避免静电导致橱柜表面出现划痕或损伤。

Use anti-static materials to protect your cabinets and prevent static electricity from causing scratches or damage to the surface.

63. 定期检查橱柜是否有漏水现象,及时进行维修,避免漏水导致橱柜腐烂。

Regularly check your cabinets for leaks and repair them promptly to prevent leaks from causing rot.

64. 使用防晒材料保护橱柜,避免阳光直射导致橱柜褪色或变色。

Use sun protection materials to protect your cabinets from direct sunlight and prevent fading or discoloration.

65. 定期检查橱柜是否有裂缝或破损,及时进行修复,避免裂缝或破损扩大,导致橱柜损坏。

Regularly check your cabinets for cracks or breaks and repair them promptly to prevent them from expanding and causing damage.

66. 定期清洁橱柜把手,保持把手清洁,避免把手上的油漆脱落或变色。

Regularly clean the cabinet handles to keep them clean and prevent the paint from peeling or fading.

67. 定期检查橱柜内部是否通风良好,避免橱柜内部潮湿或发霉。

Regularly check the ventilation inside your cabinets to ensure proper airflow and prevent moisture or mold.

68. 使用专门的清洁剂清洁橱柜,避免使用强酸性或强碱性清洁剂,以免损伤橱柜表面。

Use specialized cleaners for your cabinets, such as wood cleaners or paint cleaners, and avoid using strong acidic or alkaline cleaners to prevent surface damage.

69. 避免在橱柜上放置过热或过冷的物品,以免造成热胀冷缩,导致橱柜变形。

Avoid placing hot or cold items on your cabinets to prevent thermal expansion and contraction, which can cause warping.

70. 定期检查橱柜的门板和抽屉是否松动,及时进行修复,避免损坏橱柜。

Regularly check the cabinet doors and drawers for looseness and repair them promptly to prevent damage to the cabinets.

71. 避免在橱柜表面放置尖锐物品,以免刮伤橱柜表面。

Avoid placing sharp objects on the cabinet surfaces to prevent scratches.

72. 定期检查橱柜的密封条是否完整,如有损坏及时更换,避免水分进入橱柜内部。

Regularly check the seals on your cabinets for integrity and replace them if damaged to prevent moisture from entering the cabinet interiors.

73. 使用防潮垫保护橱柜,避免潮湿环境导致橱柜受损。

Use a moisture barrier to protect your cabinets from damp environments and prevent damage.

74. 使用防霉剂或除湿机防止橱柜发霉。

Use mildewcide or a dehumidifier to prevent your cabinets from becoming moldy.

75. 定期检查橱柜是否有油污,及时进行清理,避免油污积累导致橱柜表面变脏。

Regularly check your cabinets for grease and clean them promptly to prevent grease buildup from making the surfaces dirty.

76. 使用柔软的刷子清洁橱柜内部的缝隙和角落,避免灰尘堆积。

Use a soft brush to clean the crevices and corners inside your cabinets to prevent dust accumulation.

77. 避免在橱柜上放置过多的东西,保持橱柜整洁,避免物品堆积导致橱柜变形或损坏。

Avoid placing too many items on your cabinets, keeping them tidy to prevent items from piling up and causing deformation or damage.

78. 定期检查橱柜的排水孔是否畅通,避免积水导致橱柜发霉或腐烂。

Regularly check the drainage holes in your cabinets to ensure they are clear to prevent water accumulation and mold or rot.

79. 使用防水的封边条保护橱柜,避免水滴溅到橱柜表面。

Use waterproof edging strips to protect your cabinets and prevent water droplets from splashing onto the surfaces.

80. 定期检查橱柜的五金件是否松动或损坏,及时进行更换或修复。

Regularly check the hardware on your cabinets for looseness or damage and replace or repair them promptly.

81. 使用防潮板或防潮剂防止橱柜受潮。

Use moisture-proof boards or moisture absorbers to prevent your cabinets from becoming damp.

82. 在橱柜内部放置干燥剂,避免潮湿环境导致橱柜受损。

Place desiccant inside your cabinets to prevent moisture from damaging them.

83. 不要在橱柜内部放置过多的东西,避免橱柜超载,导致橱柜变形或损坏。

Do not place too many items inside your cabinets to prevent overloading and causing deformation or damage.

84. 使用软布清洁橱柜,避免使用粗糙的布料,以免刮伤橱柜表面。

Use a soft towel to wipe down the cabinet surfaces, avoiding rough fabrics that could scratch the surface.

85. 避免使用过量的清洁剂,避免清洁剂残留导致橱柜表面变色或变质。

When cleaning your cabinets, avoid using excessive cleaning agents to prevent residue from discoloring or damaging the surface.

86. 定期检查橱柜的五金件是否松动或损坏,及时进行更换或修复,避免橱柜使用过程中出现安全隐患。

Regularly check the hardware on your cabinets for looseness or damage and replace or repair them promptly to prevent safety hazards during use.

以上就是关于橱柜保养句子86句(橱柜保养句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
