
## 檀香刑经典句子及英文翻译



1. **他的脸,是那种经过风霜雨雪的洗礼,被岁月浸泡过,颜色黝黑,但轮廓还算清晰,特别是眉宇之间,还隐约流露出当年风采的影子。**
* His face, weathered and worn by the years, was a deep black, but his features were still defined, especially the hint of his former glory in his brows and eyes.
2. **他是一个典型的农民,朴实无华,勤劳善良,但骨子里却有着一股倔强,一种坚韧不拔的意志。**
* He was a typical peasant, simple and hardworking, kind and gentle, but with an underlying stubbornness, an unyielding will.
3. **她的眼睛,像两颗黑曜石般闪耀着光芒,充满了智慧和灵性。**
* Her eyes, like two black opals, sparkled with intelligence and spirit.
4. **她是一个坚强而独立的女性,充满了韧性和坚毅。**
* She was a strong and independent woman, full of resilience and determination.
5. **他的内心,充满了对生活的热爱,对爱情的渴望,对自由的追求。**
* His heart was filled with a love for life, a longing for love, and a yearning for freedom.
6. **他是一个复杂的人物,既有善良的一面,也有阴暗的一面。**
* He was a complex character, with both good and dark sides.
7. **他的笑容,就像冬日的暖阳,驱散了人们心中的寒冷。**
* His smile, like the warmth of the winter sun, dispelled the coldness in people's hearts.
8. **她是一个善良的女子,充满了同情心和爱心。**
* She was a kind woman, full of compassion and love.
9. **他是一个沉默寡言的人,却有着一颗火热的心。**
* He was a man of few words, but he had a burning heart.
10. **她是一个勇敢的女子,敢于挑战命运,敢于追求自己的幸福。**
* She was a brave woman, who dared to challenge fate and pursue her own happiness.


11. **夕阳西下,将天空染成一片金红,炊烟袅袅,村庄里一片祥和宁静。**
* As the sun set in the west, it painted the sky in hues of gold and red. Smoke curled from chimneys, and the village was bathed in a peaceful tranquility.
12. **月光如银,洒落在田野上,蟋蟀低吟,蛙声阵阵,夜色迷人。**
* The moonlight, silvery and soft, bathed the fields. Crickets chirped and frogs croaked, and the night was captivating.
13. **狂风呼啸,暴雨倾盆,树木摇曳,电闪雷鸣,景象十分可怕。**
* The wind howled, the rain poured down, trees swayed, and lightning flashed, thunder roared, creating a terrifying spectacle.
14. **寒风刺骨,雪花漫天飞舞,大地一片银装素裹,世界仿佛静止了一般。**
* The icy wind pierced through the skin, snowflakes danced in the air, and the earth was covered in a blanket of white. The world seemed to stand still.
15. **浓密的树林,遮天蔽日,阳光只能透过树叶间的缝隙,照射到地面上,形成斑驳的光影。**
* The dense forest, a canopy of leaves blocking the sun, allowed only patches of sunlight to filter through, creating dappled patterns on the ground.
16. **清澈的溪流,潺潺流淌,水声清脆,令人心旷神怡。**
* A clear stream flowed gently, its babbling a soothing sound that calmed the mind.
17. **雄伟的山脉,直插云霄,山峰上白雪皑皑,景色壮丽。**
* The majestic mountains, reaching for the sky, their peaks capped with snow, presented a magnificent sight.
18. **古色古香的街道,两旁店铺林立,人来人往,热闹非凡。**
* The ancient street, with its shops lining both sides, bustled with people coming and going, a lively scene.
19. **古老的寺庙,香火鼎盛,钟声悠扬,梵呗声声,充满了神秘的色彩。**
* The ancient temple, with its incense burning and bells tolling, reverberated with the chanting of sutras, an aura of mystery.
20. **昏暗的牢房,潮湿阴冷,墙壁上布满了青苔,空气中弥漫着一股难闻的霉味。**
* The dark and damp prison cell, with its moss-covered walls, reeked of mildew.


21. **他的心中充满了恐惧,他害怕死亡,害怕失去自由,害怕面对未知的命运。**
* Fear filled his heart. He feared death, he feared losing his freedom, he feared the unknown fate that awaited him.
22. **她内心充满了悲伤,她为失去亲人而感到难过,为自己的无助而感到绝望。**
* Grief filled her heart. She mourned the loss of her loved ones, and felt helpless and desperate in her own plight.
23. **他心中充满了愤怒,他憎恨那些残害百姓的恶人,憎恨那些不公正的制度。**
* Anger burned within him. He hated the evil men who tormented the people, and he hated the unjust system that allowed it.
24. **她内心充满了希望,她相信只要坚持下去,总会有希望的,总会有光明的一天。**
* Hope remained in her heart. She believed that if she persevered, there would be hope, there would be a brighter day.
25. **他的心中充满了矛盾,他想要报仇,想要复仇,但他也知道这样做可能会带来更大的灾难。**
* He was torn. He wanted revenge, he wanted to strike back, but he also knew that doing so might bring greater disaster.
26. **她内心充满了挣扎,她想反抗命运,想摆脱困境,但她也知道自己力量微薄,无能为力。**
* She wrestled with her inner turmoil. She wanted to defy fate, to break free, but she knew her own strength was limited and she was powerless.
27. **他心中充满了迷茫,他不知道自己该何去何从,不知道未来会发生什么,也不知道自己是否还有希望。**
* Confusion clouded his mind. He didn't know where to turn, he didn't know what the future held, and he didn't know if there was any hope left.
28. **她内心充满了思念,她思念自己的亲人,思念自己的家乡,思念那个曾经充满阳光和希望的世界。**
* Longing consumed her. She missed her family, she missed her home, she missed the world that had once been filled with sunshine and hope.
29. **他的心中充满了悔恨,他后悔自己曾经的错误,后悔自己没有珍惜身边的人,后悔自己没有勇敢地面对生活。**
* Regret gnawed at him. He regretted his past mistakes, he regretted not cherishing those around him, he regretted not facing life with courage.
30. **她内心充满了坚强,她知道自己必须坚强,必须为了自己,为了家人,为了自己的理想而活下去。**
* Strength welled up within her. She knew she had to be strong, she had to live for herself, for her family, for her dreams.


31. **他的眼神中充满了温柔,充满了爱意,充满了对她的怜惜。**
* His eyes were filled with tenderness, love, and a deep concern for her.
32. **她的脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容,她的眼中充满了喜悦,她的心中充满了对他的爱。**
* A happy smile lit up her face. Her eyes sparkled with joy, and her heart was filled with love for him.
33. **他深深地爱着她,爱她的善良,爱她的美丽,爱她的坚强。**
* He loved her deeply, loved her kindness, her beauty, her strength.
34. **她深深地爱着他,爱他的真诚,爱他的善良,爱他的勇敢。**
* She loved him deeply, loved his sincerity, his kindness, his courage.
35. **他为她的痛苦而感到心痛,为她的悲伤而感到难过,为她的命运而感到担忧。**
* He was heartbroken by her pain, saddened by her sorrow, and worried for her fate.
36. **她为他的遭遇而感到愤怒,为他的痛苦而感到心碎,为他的命运而感到绝望。**
* She was enraged by his plight, heartbroken by his suffering, and despaired for his fate.
37. **他们的爱情,像一朵盛开的鲜花,充满了芬芳和美丽。**
* Their love bloomed like a flower, fragrant and beautiful.
38. **他们的爱情,像一株青藤,紧紧地缠绕在一起,永不分离。**
* Their love, like a vine, entwined tightly, inseparable.
39. **他们的爱情,像一曲动人的旋律,充满了浪漫和甜蜜。**
* Their love, like a beautiful melody, was filled with romance and sweetness.
40. **他们的爱情,像一盏明灯,照亮了他们的人生道路。**
* Their love, like a beacon, illuminated the path of their lives.


41. **社会上充满了黑暗和罪恶,人们为了生存,为了利益,不择手段。**
* The society was rife with darkness and evil. People, driven by survival and greed, would stoop to any lengths.
42. **战争的阴影笼罩着整个国家,百姓生活在水深火热之中,到处充满着悲伤和绝望。**
* The shadow of war hung over the entire country, the people lived in misery, their lives filled with sadness and despair.
43. **官场腐败,贪污成风,百姓苦不堪言,民不聊生。**
* The government was corrupt, embezzlement was rampant, the people suffered greatly, and the land was in chaos.
44. **社会底层的人民,生活在贫困和绝望之中,他们被剥削,被压迫,他们的命运掌握在别人的手中。**
* The people at the bottom of society lived in poverty and despair. They were exploited, oppressed, their destinies controlled by others.
45. **封建制度的枷锁,束缚着人们的思想,人们没有自由,没有尊严,他们只能屈服于命运的安排。**
* The shackles of feudalism bound people's minds, they were without freedom, without dignity, forced to submit to the dictates of fate.
46. **时代变革的浪潮,席卷着整个国家,人们在新的时代面前,充满了希望和憧憬。**
* The waves of change swept across the country, people, facing a new era, were filled with hope and aspirations.
47. **科技的进步,改变了人们的生活方式,人们的生活变得更加便捷,更加丰富多彩。**
* The advancements in technology changed people's lifestyles, making their lives more convenient and colorful.
48. **经济的快速发展,带来了巨大的财富,但也造成了巨大的社会分化,人们之间的差距越来越大。**
* The rapid economic development brought great wealth, but it also led to a widening gap between the rich and poor.
49. **全球化的浪潮,席卷着整个世界,各国之间的联系越来越紧密,但也带来了新的挑战和机遇。**
* The wave of globalization swept across the world, increasing connections between countries, but also bringing new challenges and opportunities.
50. **社会发展,离不开科技的进步,离不开人们的努力,离不开时代的潮流。**
* Social development depends on technological progress, people's hard work, and the flow of time.


51. **春风拂面,万物复苏,大地披上了绿色的衣裳,充满了生机和活力。**
* The spring breeze caressed the face, bringing life back to the land. The earth donned a green coat, bursting with life and energy.
52. **夏日炎炎,阳光炙烤着大地,人们躲在树荫下,享受着难得的清凉。**
* Summer's heat blazed, the sun scorched the earth, people sought refuge in the shade, enjoying the rare coolness.
53. **秋高气爽,天高云淡,落叶飘飘,景色宜人,令人心旷神怡。**
* The autumn air was crisp and clear, the sky high and blue, leaves drifted down, the scenery was enchanting, soothing the mind.
54. **冬雪飘飘,银装素裹,世界一片宁静,充满了诗情画意。**
* The winter snow fell, blanketing the world in white, a serene landscape, filled with poetry and beauty.
55. **雷电交加,暴雨倾盆,天地一片混沌,仿佛世界末日来临。**
* Thunder roared, lightning flashed, torrential rain poured down, the world was enveloped in chaos, as if the end was nigh.
56. **狂风呼啸,树木摇曳,房屋倒塌,灾难降临,人们陷入恐慌。**
* The wind howled, trees swayed, houses collapsed, disaster struck, and people were plunged into fear.
57. **天空中飘着几朵白云,仿佛是几只洁白的鸟儿在自由地飞翔。**
* A few white clouds floated across the sky, like white birds soaring freely.
58. **夕阳西下,将天空染成一片金红,仿佛是天边燃起了一团熊熊烈火。**
* As the sun set in the west, it painted the sky in hues of gold and red, like a fire raging on the horizon.
59. **月光如银,洒落在田野上,仿佛给大地披上了一件银色的纱衣。**
* The moonlight, silvery and soft, bathed the fields, as if draping the earth in a silvery veil.
60. **星星闪烁,夜空深邃,仿佛是宇宙的眼睛,默默地注视着人间。**
* The stars twinkled, the night sky was deep, as if the eyes of the universe, silently watching over the world.


61. **人生苦短,要珍惜眼前的一切,不要等到失去才后悔。**
* Life is short, cherish all that you have, don't wait until it's gone to regret it.
62. **人生充满了挑战,要勇敢地面对,不要轻易放弃。**
* Life is full of challenges, face them bravely, don't give up easily.
63. **人生的道路上,总会有风雨,要学会坚强,学会乐观,学会坚持。**
* The path of life is filled with storms, learn to be strong, optimistic, and persistent.
64. **人生的意义在于奉献,在于追求,在于超越自我。**
* The meaning of life lies in giving, in striving, in transcending oneself.
65. **人生就像一场旅行,要带着一颗好奇的心,去感受世界的美好。**
* Life is like a journey, travel with a curious heart, and experience the beauty of the world.
66. **人生就像一场戏,要学会演好自己的角色,不要轻易被命运左右。**
* Life is like a play, learn to play your role well, don't be easily swayed by fate.
67. **人生充满了变数,要学会适应变化,要学会随机应变。**
* Life is full of uncertainties, learn to adapt to change, learn to improvise.
68. **人生的道路上,总会有挫折和失败,要学会从失败中汲取教训,要学会不断地成长。**
* On the path of life, there will always be setbacks and failures, learn from them, and grow.
69. **人生的意义在于体验,在于感受,在于创造。**
* The meaning of life lies in experiencing, in feeling, in creating.
70. **人生的真谛在于爱,在于理解,在于包容。**
* The essence of life lies in love, understanding, and tolerance.


71. **命运就像一个无情的玩偶师,操纵着人们的命运。**
* Fate is like a merciless puppeteer, manipulating people's destinies.
72. **时间就像一条河流,永远向前流淌,不回头。**
* Time is like a river, always flowing forward, never looking back.
73. **历史就像一面镜子,可以照亮我们前进的道路。**
* History is like a mirror, illuminating the path ahead.

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His face, weathered and worn by the years, was a deep black, but his features were still defined, especially the hint of his former glory in his brows and eyes.


He was a typical peasant, simple and hardworking, kind and gentle, but with an underlying stubbornness, an unyielding will.


Her eyes, like two black opals, sparkled with intelligence and spirit.


She was a strong and independent woman, full of resilience and determination.



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