
## 收工打卡句子 (66句)


1. 终于下班啦!今天的工作圆满完成,明天继续加油!

Finally off work! Today's work is done, let's keep working hard tomorrow!

2. 今天的工作量有点多,还好都完成了,可以安心下班了。

The workload was a bit heavy today, but thankfully I finished everything, I can relax and go home now.

3. 收工!明天见!

Signing off! See you tomorrow!

4. 今天过的真快,一眨眼就下班了。

Time flew by today, it's already time to clock out.

5. 又是一个工作日结束,明天又是新的开始。

Another workday has come to an end, tomorrow is a new start.


6. 终于可以离开这个“快乐”的牢笼了!

Finally I can leave this"happy" cage!

7. 我今天可是拼了老命才完成任务的,下班!

I've given it my all today to finish the task, time to clock out!

8. 终于可以跟我的床和被子亲密接触了!

Finally I can get close to my bed and blankets!

9. 今天的工作量真的像“过山车”一样,跌宕起伏。

The workload today was like a"rollercoaster," up and down.

10. 收工!回家吃鸡!

Clocking out! Going home to play chicken!


11. 今天收获满满,明天继续努力!

Full of accomplishments today, let's keep working hard tomorrow!

12. 虽然辛苦,但收获颇丰,值得庆贺!

Although it was hard work, it was rewarding, worth celebrating!

13. 坚持就是胜利,明天继续冲锋!

Persistence is victory, let's charge forward tomorrow!

14. 收工不放松,学习永不止步!

Don't relax after work, learning never stops!

15. 今天的努力,是为了更好的明天!

Today's hard work is for a better tomorrow!


16. 感谢今天的努力,明天会更好!

Thank you for today's hard work, tomorrow will be better!

17. 祝大家下班愉快,放松心情!

Wishing everyone a happy evening, relax and enjoy!

18. 辛苦了,大家晚安!

Good work everyone, good night!

19. 谢谢同事们,今天辛苦了!

Thank you colleagues, hard work today!

20. 收工了,祝大家一切顺利!

Clocking out, wishing everyone all the best!


21. 今天的工作真的让我筋疲力尽。

Today's work has really exhausted me.

22. 好想睡个懒觉,明天再努力吧。

I really want to sleep in, let's work hard tomorrow.

23. 工作了一天,终于可以放松一下了。

After a day of work, I can finally relax.

24. 今天的工作效率有点低,明天要加油!

My work efficiency was a bit low today, let's work harder tomorrow!

25. 感觉今天过得特别漫长,终于下班了。

Today felt especially long, finally off work.


26. 打卡下班,回家做饭,今天就吃大餐!

Clocking out, going home to cook, I'm having a feast tonight!

27. 收工!明天我还要去[地名]出差!

Clocking out! I have a business trip to [place name] tomorrow!

28. 今天完成了[项目名称],终于可以休息一下了。

I finished [project name] today, finally I can rest.

29. 下班!今晚我要去[活动]!

Clocking out! I'm going to [activity] tonight!

30. 收工!我要去[餐厅]吃我最爱的[菜名]!

Clocking out! I'm going to [restaurant] to eat my favorite [dish name]!


31. 终于可以跟我的“键盘”说再见了!

Finally I can say goodbye to my"keyboard"!

32. 今天的工作量有点“爆炸”,还好我成功“活下来了”!

The workload today was a bit"explosive," thankfully I survived!

33. 下班!我要去“充电”了!

Clocking out! I'm going to"recharge"!

34. 我今天的工作效率可以用“龟速”来形容。

My work efficiency today can be described as"turtle speed."

35. 终于可以脱离“水深火热”的工作了!

Finally I can escape the"heat" of work!


36. 今天的工作让我学到了很多,受益匪浅。

I learned a lot from today's work, it was very rewarding.

37. 今天的工作让我感受到团队的力量,感谢大家!

Today's work made me feel the power of the team, thank you everyone!

38. 今天的工作有点不顺心,但依然要保持积极的心态。

Today's work was a bit frustrating, but I'll still maintain a positive attitude.

39. 收工后要及时反思,不断提升自己。

After work, it's important to reflect and constantly improve yourself.

40. 今天的工作让我更加了解自己,也更加明确未来的方向。

Today's work helped me understand myself better and clarify my future direction.


41. 夕阳西下,工作结束,愿生活如诗,充满希望!

The sun sets, work is done, may life be like poetry, full of hope!

42. 一天忙碌,终于可以放飞自我,去追寻梦想!

A busy day, finally I can free myself and pursue my dreams!

43. 告别办公室的喧嚣,回归宁静的自我,享受生活!

Farewell to the hustle and bustle of the office, return to the quiet self, enjoy life!

44. 愿所有努力都有所回报,未来可期!

May all efforts be rewarded, the future is bright!

45. 收工!愿明天一切安好!

Clocking out! May tomorrow be all good!


46. 收工!给自己一个赞,为今天的努力鼓掌!

Clocking out! Give yourself a thumbs up, applaud for today's efforts!

47. 今天虽然辛苦,但依然充满着快乐,明天继续努力!

It was hard work today, but I still feel happy, let's keep working hard tomorrow!

48. 坚持梦想,永不放弃,加油!

Stick to your dreams, never give up, keep going!

49. 收工!继续努力,创造更美好的明天!

Clocking out! Keep working hard, create a better tomorrow!

50. 相信自己,你一定可以!

Believe in yourself, you can do it!


51. 今天的工作感觉真“充实”!

Today's work feels really"fulfilling"!

52. 终于可以“解放”了!

Finally I can be"freed"!

53. 收工!我要去[地方]放松一下!

Clocking out! I'm going to [place] to relax!

54. 收工!我要去[地方]约会了!

Clocking out! I have a date at [place]!

55. 收工!我要去[地方]见朋友了!

Clocking out! I'm going to meet my friends at [place]!

56. 收工!我要去[地方]看电影了!

Clocking out! I'm going to see a movie at [place]!

57. 收工!我要去[地方]逛街了!

Clocking out! I'm going to shop at [place]!

58. 收工!我要去[地方]吃饭了!

Clocking out! I'm going to eat at [place]!

59. 收工!我要去[地方]玩了!

Clocking out! I'm going to have fun at [place]!

60. 收工!我要去[地方]学习了!

Clocking out! I'm going to study at [place]!

61. 收工!我要去[地方]运动了!

Clocking out! I'm going to exercise at [place]!

62. 收工!我要去[地方]旅行了!

Clocking out! I'm going to travel to [place]!

63. 收工!我要去[地方]参加活动了!

Clocking out! I'm going to an event at [place]!

64. 收工!我要去[地方]做志愿者了!

Clocking out! I'm going to volunteer at [place]!

65. 收工!我要去[地方]做兼职了!

Clocking out! I'm going to do a part-time job at [place]!

66. 收工!我要去[地方]处理私事了!

Clocking out! I'm going to [place] to take care of some personal matters!

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