
## 擦肩而过的唯美句子,83句

**1. 人潮拥挤,你却是我眼中唯一的风景。**

The crowd was bustling, but you were the only scenery in my eyes.

**2. 你走过我的身旁,留下一缕清香,却不知我已将你深深记在心房。**

You walked past me, leaving a scent of fragrance, unaware that I had already deeply engraved you in my heart.

**3. 我们擦肩而过,却像一场相遇,留下了许多美好的回忆。**

We brushed past each other, yet it felt like a meeting, leaving behind many beautiful memories.

**4. 命运的齿轮,让我们相遇,却又匆匆分离。**

The wheels of fate brought us together, only to separate us in a hurry.

**5. 或许,我们只是彼此生命中的过客,但你的出现,却让我的世界变得更加精彩。**

Perhaps we are just passersby in each other's lives, but your presence has made my world more vibrant.

**6. 你转身离去,背影消失在人群中,只留下我一个人在原地,默默地注视着你远去的方向。**

You turned and left, your back disappearing into the crowd, leaving me alone, silently watching the direction you went.

**7. 我以为我们会相遇,却没想到,我们只是擦肩而过。**

I thought we would meet, but unexpectedly, we only brushed past each other.

**8. 错过,也许是人生常态,但每一次擦肩而过,都让我更加珍惜相遇的缘分。**

Missing each other may be a common occurrence in life, but every time we brush past, I cherish the fate of our encounters even more.

**9. 你是我生命中的匆匆过客,却在我的记忆里留下了永恒的印记。**

You were a fleeting visitor in my life, yet you left an eternal mark in my memory.

**10. 相遇是美丽的意外,擦肩则是另一种永恒。**

Meeting is a beautiful accident, brushing past each other is another kind of eternity.

**11. 我们之间的距离,或许只差一步,却永远无法跨越。**

The distance between us may be just one step, yet it is a distance we can never bridge.

**12. 我抬头望向天空,仿佛看到你微笑的脸庞,却又瞬间消失不见。**

I looked up at the sky, as if I saw your smiling face, yet it vanished in an instant.

**13. 你就像是一道流光,在我眼前划过,留下淡淡的余香,却无法触及。**

You are like a streak of light, passing by me, leaving a faint fragrance, but unattainable.

**14. 我曾在梦中与你相遇,醒来却发现只是一场虚幻。**

I once met you in a dream, but waking up I realized it was just an illusion.

**15. 我们之间的距离,如同天涯海角,却又仿佛近在咫尺。**

The distance between us is like the ends of the earth, yet it feels as if we are right next to each other.

**16. 我以为我们会像两颗星星,永远闪耀在彼此的夜空,却没想到,我们只是短暂的交汇,然后就各自奔向远方。**

I thought we would be like two stars, forever shining in each other's night sky, but I didn't realize that we were just a brief intersection, then we each ran towards our own distant horizon.

**17. 我们擦肩而过,却留下了一份难以言喻的默契。**

We brushed past each other, but we left behind an unspoken understanding.

**18. 你就像是一首未完的歌曲,在我耳边萦绕,却永远无法唱完。**

You are like an unfinished song, lingering in my ears, but I can never finish singing it.

**19. 我曾无数次幻想与你相遇,却没想到,我们之间的距离,永远无法缩短。**

I have fantasized about meeting you countless times, but I didn't realize that the distance between us would always remain unbridgeable.

**20. 你是我生命中的一个节点,让我在茫茫人海中,看到了希望的光芒。**

You are a node in my life, allowing me to see a ray of hope in the vast sea of humanity.

**21. 擦肩而过,或许是另一种形式的相遇,让我们在彼此的记忆中,留下永恒的印记。**

Brushing past each other may be another form of encounter, allowing us to leave an eternal mark in each other's memories.

**22. 命运的安排,让我们相遇,却又让我们匆匆分离,只留下淡淡的遗憾。**

Fate's arrangement brought us together, yet it also made us separate in a hurry, leaving only a faint regret.

**23. 你就像是一道彩虹,出现在我的生命中,为我带来短暂的快乐,却也注定要消失不见。**

You are like a rainbow, appearing in my life, bringing me short-lived happiness, but destined to disappear.

**24. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法触碰到你的真实。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to touch your reality.

**25. 我们之间的距离,如同一道无法跨越的鸿沟,却又仿佛近在咫尺。**

The distance between us is like a chasm that cannot be crossed, yet it feels as if we are right next to each other.

**26. 你就像是一颗流星,划过我的天空,留下短暂的亮光,却注定要消失不见。**

You are like a meteor, streaking across my sky, leaving behind a brief flash of light, but destined to disappear.

**27. 我曾无数次在人群中寻找你的身影,却始终无法找到你的踪迹。**

I have searched for your figure in the crowd countless times, but I have never been able to find your trace.

**28. 你就像是一阵风,吹过我的身旁,留下淡淡的清香,却无法留住你的脚步。**

You are like a gust of wind, blowing past me, leaving behind a faint fragrance, but unable to hold back your steps.

**29. 我以为你会是我生命中的主角,却没想到,你只是匆匆路过的配角。**

I thought you would be the protagonist of my life, but I didn't realize you were just a passing supporting character.

**30. 你就像是一场梦,醒来后,只留下淡淡的思念,却无法触碰你的真实。**

You are like a dream, after waking up, only a faint longing remains, but you cannot touch your reality.

**31. 我曾无数次在夜空中寻找你的星星,却始终无法找到你的位置。**

I have searched for your star in the night sky countless times, but I have never been able to find your position.

**32. 你就像是一片云,飘过我的天空,留下短暂的阴凉,却无法阻挡阳光的照射。**

You are like a cloud, drifting across my sky, leaving behind a brief shade, but unable to block the sun's rays.

**33. 我以为我们会像两条河流,汇聚在一起,却没想到,我们只是彼此平行,永远无法交汇。**

I thought we would be like two rivers, merging together, but I didn't realize that we were just parallel to each other, forever unable to converge.

**34. 你就像是一朵花,在我眼前盛开,散发着迷人的芬芳,却无法永远留在我身边。**

You are like a flower, blooming before me, exuding a captivating fragrance, but unable to stay by my side forever.

**35. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法抓住你的身影。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to catch your figure.

**36. 你就像是一首诗,在我心中吟唱,却无法用语言表达出来。**

You are like a poem, singing in my heart, but I cannot express it with words.

**37. 我以为我们会像两颗树,彼此依偎,却没想到,我们只是在不同的土壤中生长,永远无法相拥。**

I thought we would be like two trees, nestled together, but I didn't realize that we were just growing in different soils, forever unable to embrace each other.

**38. 你就像是一道闪电,划过我的眼前,留下短暂的亮光,却无法照亮我的世界。**

You are like a bolt of lightning, flashing before my eyes, leaving behind a brief flash of light, but unable to illuminate my world.

**39. 我曾无数次在人群中寻找你的声音,却始终无法听到你的回应。**

I have searched for your voice in the crowd countless times, but I have never been able to hear your response.

**40. 你就像是一滴水,滴落在我的心湖,泛起阵阵涟漪,却无法长久留存。**

You are like a drop of water, falling into my heart lake, causing ripples, but unable to last long.

**41. 我以为我们会像两条路,彼此交汇,却没想到,我们只是短暂的重叠,然后就各自走向远方。**

I thought we would be like two roads, intersecting each other, but I didn't realize that we were just briefly overlapping, then we each headed towards our distant horizons.

**42. 你就像是一只蝴蝶,在我眼前飞舞,留下美丽的翅膀,却无法永远停留。**

You are like a butterfly, fluttering before me, leaving behind beautiful wings, but unable to stay forever.

**43. 我曾无数次在夜空中寻找你的月亮,却始终无法找到你的光芒。**

I have searched for your moon in the night sky countless times, but I have never been able to find your glow.

**44. 你就像是一首歌曲,在我耳边回响,却无法唱出你的旋律。**

You are like a song, echoing in my ears, but I cannot sing your melody.

**45. 我以为我们会像两颗树,彼此相依,却没想到,我们只是在不同的季节里生长,永远无法相守。**

I thought we would be like two trees, leaning on each other, but I didn't realize that we were just growing in different seasons, forever unable to stay together.

**46. 你就像是一道风景,在我的记忆中闪耀,却无法再次出现。**

You are like a scenery, shining in my memory, but unable to reappear.

**47. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法触摸到你的温度。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to touch your warmth.

**48. 你就像是一颗种子,埋藏在我的心中,等待着有一天发芽,却无法控制它的生长。**

You are like a seed, buried in my heart, waiting to sprout one day, but I cannot control its growth.

**49. 我以为我们会像两条路,彼此相通,却没想到,我们只是在不同的方向延伸,永远无法走到一起。**

I thought we would be like two roads, connected to each other, but I didn't realize that we were just extending in different directions, forever unable to come together.

**50. 你就像是一缕阳光,照亮我的世界,却无法驱散我的孤独。**

You are like a ray of sunshine, illuminating my world, but unable to dispel my loneliness.

**51. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法听到你的声音。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to hear your voice.

**52. 你就像是一朵云,飘过我的天空,留下短暂的阴影,却无法遮蔽我的视线。**

You are like a cloud, drifting across my sky, leaving behind a brief shadow, but unable to block my view.

**53. 我以为我们会像两颗星,彼此照亮,却没想到,我们只是在不同的星系中闪耀,永远无法靠近。**

I thought we would be like two stars, illuminating each other, but I didn't realize that we were just shining in different galaxies, forever unable to approach each other.

**54. 你就像是一首诗,在我的脑海中回荡,却无法写出你的韵律。**

You are like a poem, echoing in my mind, but I cannot write your rhythm.

**55. 我以为我们会像两条河,彼此交汇,却没想到,我们只是在不同的方向流淌,永远无法汇聚。**

I thought we would be like two rivers, merging together, but I didn't realize that we were just flowing in different directions, forever unable to converge.

**56. 你就像是一颗珍珠,在我的记忆中闪耀,却无法再次拥有。**

You are like a pearl, shining in my memory, but I cannot possess it again.

**57. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法感受到你的心跳。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to feel your heartbeat.

**58. 你就像是一阵风,吹过我的脸庞,留下淡淡的清凉,却无法停留在我的身边。**

You are like a gust of wind, blowing across my face, leaving behind a faint coolness, but unable to stay by my side.

**59. 我以为我们会像两片叶子,彼此依偎,却没想到,我们只是在不同的枝头生长,永远无法相拥。**

I thought we would be like two leaves, nestled together, but I didn't realize that we were just growing on different branches, forever unable to embrace each other.

**60. 你就像是一首歌曲,在我的脑海中回荡,却无法唱出你的歌词。**

You are like a song, echoing in my mind, but I cannot sing your lyrics.

**61. 我以为我们会像两颗星,彼此相爱,却没想到,我们只是在不同的宇宙中闪耀,永远无法相遇。**

I thought we would be like two stars, loving each other, but I didn't realize that we were just shining in different universes, forever unable to meet.

**62. 你就像是一道彩虹,出现在我的生命中,为我带来短暂的美丽,却无法永远留住。**

You are like a rainbow, appearing in my life, bringing me short-lived beauty, but unable to stay forever.

**63. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法感受到你的温度。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to feel your warmth.

**64. 你就像是一颗流星,划过我的天空,留下短暂的亮光,却无法照亮我的世界。**

You are like a meteor, streaking across my sky, leaving behind a brief flash of light, but unable to illuminate my world.

**65. 我以为我们会像两片云,彼此相依,却没想到,我们只是在不同的天空飘荡,永远无法相守。**

I thought we would be like two clouds, leaning on each other, but I didn't realize that we were just drifting in different skies, forever unable to stay together.

**66. 你就像是一首诗,在我的脑海中回荡,却无法写出你的韵律。**

You are like a poem, echoing in my mind, but I cannot write your rhythm.

**67. 我以为我们会像两颗树,彼此相爱,却没想到,我们只是在不同的土壤中生长,永远无法相拥。**

I thought we would be like two trees, loving each other, but I didn't realize that we were just growing in different soils, forever unable to embrace each other.

**68. 你就像是一道闪电,划过我的眼前,留下短暂的亮光,却无法照亮我的世界。**

You are like a bolt of lightning, flashing before my eyes, leaving behind a brief flash of light, but unable to illuminate my world.

**69. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法感受到你的心跳。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to feel your heartbeat.

**70. 你就像是一阵风,吹过我的脸庞,留下淡淡的清凉,却无法停留在我的身边。**

You are like a gust of wind, blowing across my face, leaving behind a faint coolness, but unable to stay by my side.

**71. 我以为我们会像两片叶子,彼此依偎,却没想到,我们只是在不同的枝头生长,永远无法相拥。**

I thought we would be like two leaves, nestled together, but I didn't realize that we were just growing on different branches, forever unable to embrace each other.

**72. 你就像是一首歌曲,在我的脑海中回荡,却无法唱出你的歌词。**

You are like a song, echoing in my mind, but I cannot sing your lyrics.

**73. 我以为我们会像两颗星,彼此相爱,却没想到,我们只是在不同的宇宙中闪耀,永远无法相遇。**

I thought we would be like two stars, loving each other, but I didn't realize that we were just shining in different universes, forever unable to meet.

**74. 你就像是一道彩虹,出现在我的生命中,为我带来短暂的美丽,却无法永远留住。**

You are like a rainbow, appearing in my life, bringing me short-lived beauty, but unable to stay forever.

**75. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法感受到你的温度。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to feel your warmth.

**76. 你就像是一颗流星,划过我的天空,留下短暂的亮光,却无法照亮我的世界。**

You are like a meteor, streaking across my sky, leaving behind a brief flash of light, but unable to illuminate my world.

**77. 我以为我们会像两片云,彼此相依,却没想到,我们只是在不同的天空飘荡,永远无法相守。**

I thought we would be like two clouds, leaning on each other, but I didn't realize that we were just drifting in different skies, forever unable to stay together.

**78. 你就像是一首诗,在我的脑海中回荡,却无法写出你的韵律。**

You are like a poem, echoing in my mind, but I cannot write your rhythm.

**79. 我以为我们会像两颗树,彼此相爱,却没想到,我们只是在不同的土壤中生长,永远无法相拥。**

I thought we would be like two trees, loving each other, but I didn't realize that we were just growing in different soils, forever unable to embrace each other.

**80. 你就像是一道闪电,划过我的眼前,留下短暂的亮光,却无法照亮我的世界。**

You are like a bolt of lightning, flashing before my eyes, leaving behind a brief flash of light, but unable to illuminate my world.

**81. 我曾无数次在梦中与你相遇,却始终无法感受到你的心跳。**

I have met you countless times in my dreams, but I have never been able to feel your heartbeat.

**82. 你就像是一阵风,吹过我的脸庞,留下淡淡的清凉,却无法停留在我的身边。**

You are like a gust of wind, blowing across my face, leaving behind a faint coolness, but unable to stay by my side.

**83. 我以为我们会像两片叶子,彼此依偎,却没想到,我们只是在不同的枝头生长,永远无法相拥。**

I thought we would be like two leaves, nestled together, but I didn't realize that we were just growing on different branches, forever unable to embrace each other.

以上就是关于擦肩而过的唯美句子83句(擦肩而过的唯美句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
