
## 担惊受怕的句子 (69句)

1. 他战战兢兢地走着,生怕一不小心就会踩到地雷。
> He walked cautiously, afraid that he might accidentally step on a landmine.

He walked cautiously, afraid that he might accidentally step on a landmine.

2. 她紧紧地握着手中的信,忐忑不安地等待着命运的裁决。
> She held the letter in her hand tightly, anxiously awaiting the fate's verdict.

She held the letter in her hand tightly, anxiously awaiting the fate's verdict.

3. 一阵风吹过,树叶沙沙作响,他心惊胆战地躲在角落里。
> A gust of wind blew, the leaves rustled, and he trembled in fear, hiding in the corner.

A gust of wind blew, the leaves rustled, and he trembled in fear, hiding in the corner.

4. 房间里静悄悄的,只有他忐忑不安的呼吸声。
> The room was silent, only his anxious breathing could be heard.

The room was silent, only his anxious breathing could be heard.

5. 他总是担心自己的工作会被别人抢走,整日提心吊胆。
> He was always afraid that his job would be taken away by others, and he was always worried.

He was always afraid that his job would be taken away by others, and he was always worried.

6. 他的心怦怦直跳,像是要从胸腔里跳出来。
> His heart was pounding like it was going to jump out of his chest.

His heart was pounding like it was going to jump out of his chest.

7. 他总是疑神疑鬼,生怕别人在背后算计他。
> He was always suspicious, afraid that others were plotting against him.

He was always suspicious, afraid that others were plotting against him.

8. 她握着他的手,眼中充满了恐惧,生怕他突然离开。
> She held his hand, her eyes filled with fear, afraid that he would suddenly leave.

She held his hand, her eyes filled with fear, afraid that he would suddenly leave.

9. 他小心翼翼地避开人群,生怕被认出来。
> He carefully avoided the crowd, afraid of being recognized.

He carefully avoided the crowd, afraid of being recognized.

10. 她总是担心自己会被抛弃,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of being abandoned, and therefore became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of being abandoned, and therefore became anxious and insecure.

11. 他战战兢兢地打开信封,生怕看到不好的消息。
> He opened the envelope tremblingly, afraid of seeing bad news.

He opened the envelope tremblingly, afraid of seeing bad news.

12. 他总是担心自己会犯错误,因此不敢轻易尝试新事物。
> He was always afraid of making mistakes, so he didn't dare to try new things easily.

He was always afraid of making mistakes, so he didn't dare to try new things easily.

13. 她总是担心自己的秘密会被别人发现,因此变得沉默寡言。
> She was always afraid that her secret would be discovered, so she became silent and reserved.

She was always afraid that her secret would be discovered, so she became silent and reserved.

14. 他总是担心自己会失去所有,因此变得贪得无厌。
> He was always afraid of losing everything, so he became greedy.

He was always afraid of losing everything, so he became greedy.

15. 她总是担心自己会失去爱人的爱,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her lover's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her lover's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

16. 他总是担心自己会受到伤害,因此变得胆小懦弱。
> He was always afraid of being hurt, so he became timid and cowardly.

He was always afraid of being hurt, so he became timid and cowardly.

17. 她总是担心自己的孩子会出事,因此变得过度保护。
> She was always worried about her child's safety, so she became overprotective.

She was always worried about her child's safety, so she became overprotective.

18. 他总是担心自己会被人嘲笑,因此变得自卑。
> He was always afraid of being ridiculed, so he became inferior.

He was always afraid of being ridiculed, so he became inferior.

19. 她总是担心自己的感情会被伤害,因此变得封闭内心。
> She was always afraid of being hurt emotionally, so she closed her heart.

She was always afraid of being hurt emotionally, so she closed her heart.

20. 他总是担心自己会失败,因此不敢轻易尝试新的挑战。
> He was always afraid of failure, so he didn't dare to easily try new challenges.

He was always afraid of failure, so he didn't dare to easily try new challenges.

21. 她总是担心自己的计划会失败,因此变得焦虑不安。
> She was always afraid that her plan would fail, so she became anxious and restless.

She was always afraid that her plan would fail, so she became anxious and restless.

22. 他总是担心自己会失去朋友,因此变得小心翼翼。
> He was always afraid of losing his friends, so he became cautious.

He was always afraid of losing his friends, so he became cautious.

23. 她总是担心自己会失去家人,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her family, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her family, so she became anxious and insecure.

24. 他总是担心自己会被人排斥,因此变得孤僻。
> He was always afraid of being rejected, so he became withdrawn.

He was always afraid of being rejected, so he became withdrawn.

25. 她总是担心自己会犯错,因此变得谨小慎微。
> She was always afraid of making mistakes, so she became cautious and careful.

She was always afraid of making mistakes, so she became cautious and careful.

26. 他总是担心自己的秘密会被别人发现,因此变得沉默寡言。
> He was always afraid that his secret would be discovered, so he became silent and reserved.

He was always afraid that his secret would be discovered, so he became silent and reserved.

27. 她总是担心自己会失去工作,因此变得焦虑不安。
> She was always afraid of losing her job, so she became anxious and restless.

She was always afraid of losing her job, so she became anxious and restless.

28. 他总是担心自己的健康状况,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of his health condition, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of his health condition, so he became anxious and insecure.

29. 她总是担心自己的容貌,因此变得自卑。
> She was always afraid of her appearance, so she became inferior.

She was always afraid of her appearance, so she became inferior.

30. 他总是担心自己的未来,因此变得迷茫。
> He was always afraid of his future, so he became confused.

He was always afraid of his future, so he became confused.

31. 她总是担心自己的能力不足,因此变得缺乏自信。
> She was always afraid of her lack of ability, so she became lacking in confidence.

She was always afraid of her lack of ability, so she became lacking in confidence.

32. 他总是担心自己会被人误解,因此变得小心翼翼。
> He was always afraid of being misunderstood, so he became cautious.

He was always afraid of being misunderstood, so he became cautious.

33. 她总是担心自己的行为会造成不良影响,因此变得犹豫不决。
> She was always afraid that her actions would have a negative impact, so she became indecisive.

She was always afraid that her actions would have a negative impact, so she became indecisive.

34. 他总是担心自己会失去尊严,因此变得敏感脆弱。
> He was always afraid of losing his dignity, so he became sensitive and vulnerable.

He was always afraid of losing his dignity, so he became sensitive and vulnerable.

35. 她总是担心自己会失去朋友的信任,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her friends' trust, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her friends' trust, so she became anxious and insecure.

36. 他总是担心自己的言行会惹恼别人,因此变得小心翼翼。
> He was always afraid that his words and actions would annoy others, so he became cautious.

He was always afraid that his words and actions would annoy others, so he became cautious.

37. 她总是担心自己的努力付之东流,因此变得焦虑不安。
> She was always afraid that her efforts would be in vain, so she became anxious and restless.

She was always afraid that her efforts would be in vain, so she became anxious and restless.

38. 他总是担心自己会受到批评,因此变得谨小慎微。
> He was always afraid of being criticized, so he became cautious and careful.

He was always afraid of being criticized, so he became cautious and careful.

39. 她总是担心自己会失去家人的爱,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her family's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her family's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

40. 他总是担心自己会被人欺骗,因此变得疑神疑鬼。
> He was always afraid of being deceived, so he became suspicious.

He was always afraid of being deceived, so he became suspicious.

41. 她总是担心自己会失去爱人的爱,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her lover's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her lover's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

42. 他总是担心自己会失去朋友的友情,因此变得小心翼翼。
> He was always afraid of losing his friends' friendship, so he became cautious.

He was always afraid of losing his friends' friendship, so he became cautious.

43. 她总是担心自己会失去家人的陪伴,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her family's company, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her family's company, so she became anxious and insecure.

44. 他总是担心自己会失去工作的保障,因此变得焦虑不安。
> He was always afraid of losing his job security, so he became anxious and restless.

He was always afraid of losing his job security, so he became anxious and restless.

45. 她总是担心自己会失去家人的理解,因此变得敏感脆弱。
> She was always afraid of losing her family's understanding, so she became sensitive and vulnerable.

She was always afraid of losing her family's understanding, so she became sensitive and vulnerable.

46. 他总是担心自己会失去朋友的帮助,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his friends' help, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his friends' help, so he became anxious and insecure.

47. 她总是担心自己会失去爱人的支持,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her lover's support, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her lover's support, so she became anxious and insecure.

48. 他总是担心自己会失去家人的支持,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his family's support, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his family's support, so he became anxious and insecure.

49. 她总是担心自己会失去朋友的陪伴,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her friends' company, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her friends' company, so she became anxious and insecure.

50. 他总是担心自己会失去爱人的陪伴,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his lover's company, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his lover's company, so he became anxious and insecure.

51. 她总是担心自己会失去家人的关爱,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her family's love and care, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her family's love and care, so she became anxious and insecure.

52. 他总是担心自己会失去朋友的关心,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his friends' concern, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his friends' concern, so he became anxious and insecure.

53. 她总是担心自己会失去爱人的关心,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her lover's concern, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her lover's concern, so she became anxious and insecure.

54. 他总是担心自己会失去家人的理解,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his family's understanding, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his family's understanding, so he became anxious and insecure.

55. 她总是担心自己会失去朋友的理解,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her friends' understanding, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her friends' understanding, so she became anxious and insecure.

56. 他总是担心自己会失去爱人的理解,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his lover's understanding, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his lover's understanding, so he became anxious and insecure.

57. 她总是担心自己会失去家人的支持,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her family's support, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her family's support, so she became anxious and insecure.

58. 他总是担心自己会失去朋友的支持,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his friends' support, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his friends' support, so he became anxious and insecure.

59. 她总是担心自己会失去爱人的支持,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her lover's support, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her lover's support, so she became anxious and insecure.

60. 他总是担心自己会失去家人的信任,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his family's trust, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his family's trust, so he became anxious and insecure.

61. 她总是担心自己会失去朋友的信任,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her friends' trust, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her friends' trust, so she became anxious and insecure.

62. 他总是担心自己会失去爱人的信任,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his lover's trust, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his lover's trust, so he became anxious and insecure.

63. 她总是担心自己会失去家人的认可,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her family's recognition, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her family's recognition, so she became anxious and insecure.

64. 他总是担心自己会失去朋友的认可,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his friends' recognition, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his friends' recognition, so he became anxious and insecure.

65. 她总是担心自己会失去爱人的认可,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her lover's recognition, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her lover's recognition, so she became anxious and insecure.

66. 他总是担心自己会失去家人的赞赏,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his family's appreciation, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his family's appreciation, so he became anxious and insecure.

67. 她总是担心自己会失去朋友的赞赏,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her friends' appreciation, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her friends' appreciation, so she became anxious and insecure.

68. 他总是担心自己会失去爱人的赞赏,因此变得患得患失。
> He was always afraid of losing his lover's appreciation, so he became anxious and insecure.

He was always afraid of losing his lover's appreciation, so he became anxious and insecure.

69. 她总是担心自己会失去家人的爱,因此变得患得患失。
> She was always afraid of losing her family's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

She was always afraid of losing her family's love, so she became anxious and insecure.

以上就是关于担惊受怕的句子69句(担惊受怕的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
