
## 计谋败露句子 (88句)

**1. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能灰溜溜地逃走。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only flee in disgrace.

**2. 他的计谋被识破,他被困在了自己的谎言之中。**

His scheme was exposed, and he was trapped in his own lies.

**3. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他再也无法隐藏自己的真实面目。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he could no longer hide his true nature.

**4. 计谋败露,他所有的努力都化为了泡影。**

His scheme was exposed, and all his efforts were in vain.

**5. 他的诡计被识破了,他露出了破绽。**

His trick was exposed, and he showed his weakness.

**6. 他的计谋被识破,他的计划彻底泡汤。**

His scheme was exposed, and his plan was completely ruined.

**7. 他的计谋败露,他的脸红得像苹果一样。**

His scheme was exposed, and his face turned red as an apple.

**8. 他的计谋败露,他不得不面对公众的指责。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to face public accusations.

**9. 他的计谋败露,他的地位岌岌可危。**

His scheme was exposed, and his position was in jeopardy.

**10. 他的计谋败露,他成了众矢之的。**

His scheme was exposed, and he became a target of public criticism.

**11. 他的计谋败露,他的声誉毁于一旦。**

His scheme was exposed, and his reputation was ruined.

**12. 他的计谋败露,他陷入了困境。**

His scheme was exposed, and he was in a predicament.

**13. 他的计谋败露,他后悔莫及。**

His scheme was exposed, and he regretted it deeply.

**14. 他的计谋败露,他的计划彻底失败。**

His scheme was exposed, and his plan failed completely.

**15. 他的计谋败露,他被钉在了耻辱柱上。**

His scheme was exposed, and he was nailed to the pillar of shame.

**16. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他的统治岌岌可危。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and his reign was in jeopardy.

**17. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他成了过街老鼠。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he became a pariah.

**18. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他被赶下了台。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he was overthrown.

**19. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他最终得到了应有的惩罚。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he finally received his due punishment.

**20. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他再也无法翻身。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he could never recover.

**21. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能哑口无言。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only remain silent.

**22. 他的计谋被识破了,他的脸上写满了尴尬。**

His scheme was exposed, and his face was full of embarrassment.

**23. 他的计谋被识破了,他的眼神闪烁不定。**

His scheme was exposed, and his eyes flickered nervously.

**24. 他的计谋被识破了,他试图用狡辩来掩盖自己的罪行。**

His scheme was exposed, and he tried to use sophistry to cover up his crimes.

**25. 他的计谋被识破了,他露出了狐狸尾巴。**

His scheme was exposed, and he showed his true colors.

**26. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能自食其果。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to face the consequences.

**27. 他的计谋被识破了,他成了笑柄。**

His scheme was exposed, and he became a laughingstock.

**28. 他的计谋被识破了,他失去了所有信任。**

His scheme was exposed, and he lost all trust.

**29. 他的计谋被识破了,他成了过街老鼠人人喊打。**

His scheme was exposed, and he became a pariah, everyone shouting at him.

**30. 他的计谋败露,他的计划彻底破产。**

His scheme was exposed, and his plan completely collapsed.

**31. 他的计谋败露,他被人们唾弃。**

His scheme was exposed, and he was despised by people.

**32. 他的计谋败露,他成了众叛亲离的孤家寡人。**

His scheme was exposed, and he became a lonely outcast, abandoned by everyone.

**33. 他的计谋败露,他不得不承担一切责任。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to bear all the responsibility.

**34. 他的计谋败露,他被抓捕归案。**

His scheme was exposed, and he was arrested.

**35. 他的计谋败露,他被送进了监狱。**

His scheme was exposed, and he was sent to prison.

**36. 他的计谋败露,他永远失去了自由。**

His scheme was exposed, and he lost his freedom forever.

**37. 他的计谋败露,他付出了惨痛的代价。**

His scheme was exposed, and he paid a heavy price.

**38. 他的计谋败露,他的生活从此跌入了谷底。**

His scheme was exposed, and his life went downhill from there.

**39. 他的计谋败露,他成为了失败者。**

His scheme was exposed, and he became a loser.

**40. 他的计谋败露,他的梦想破灭了。**

His scheme was exposed, and his dream was shattered.

**41. 他的计谋败露,他再也不能重回巅峰。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could never return to his former glory.

**42. 他的计谋败露,他成了一个彻头彻尾的失败者。**

His scheme was exposed, and he became a complete failure.

**43. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的努力付诸东流。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his efforts went down the drain.

**44. 他的计谋被识破了,他不得不面对自己的失败。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to face his failure.

**45. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能接受现实的残酷。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to accept the harsh reality.

**46. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能承认自己的错误。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to admit his mistake.

**47. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能向公众道歉。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to apologize to the public.

**48. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能接受惩罚。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to accept punishment.

**49. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能从头再来。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to start over.

**50. 他的计谋被识破了,他只能从失败中汲取教训。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to learn from his failure.

**51. 他的计谋败露,他再也无法回到过去。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could never go back to the past.

**52. 他的计谋败露,他不得不面对现实的真相。**

His scheme was exposed, and he had to face the reality of the situation.

**53. 他的计谋败露,他失去了朋友和家人。**

His scheme was exposed, and he lost his friends and family.

**54. 他的计谋败露,他失去了尊严和名誉。**

His scheme was exposed, and he lost his dignity and reputation.

**55. 他的计谋败露,他失去了所有的一切。**

His scheme was exposed, and he lost everything.

**56. 他的计谋败露,他永远无法弥补自己的过错。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could never make up for his mistakes.

**57. 他的计谋败露,他只能在后悔和绝望中度过余生。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only spend the rest of his life in regret and despair.

**58. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他的帝国轰然倒塌。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and his empire crumbled.

**59. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他的政权土崩瓦解。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and his regime collapsed.

**60. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他的梦想变成了泡影。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and his dreams became a bubble.

**61. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他成了历史的罪人。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he became a criminal in history.

**62. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他的名字将被永远铭记在耻辱柱上。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and his name will be forever engraved on the pillar of shame.

**63. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他的结局是悲惨的。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and his end was tragic.

**64. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他最终得到了报应。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he finally got his retribution.

**65. 他的阴谋被揭穿了,他再也不能逃避正义的审判。**

His conspiracy was exposed, and he could no longer escape the judgment of justice.

**66. 他的计谋被识破了,他的表情变得扭曲。**

His scheme was exposed, and his expression became distorted.

**67. 他的计谋被识破了,他的嘴唇开始颤抖。**

His scheme was exposed, and his lips began to tremble.

**68. 他的计谋被识破了,他的手心开始冒汗。**

His scheme was exposed, and his palms started to sweat.

**69. 他的计谋被识破了,他的心怦怦直跳。**

His scheme was exposed, and his heart pounded.

**70. 他的计谋被识破了,他的呼吸变得急促。**

His scheme was exposed, and his breathing became rapid.

**71. 他的计谋被识破了,他的声音变得颤抖。**

His scheme was exposed, and his voice became shaky.

**72. 他的计谋被识破了,他的眼神开始躲闪。**

His scheme was exposed, and his eyes began to dart around.

**73. 他的计谋被识破了,他的脸涨得通红。**

His scheme was exposed, and his face flushed red.

**74. 他的计谋被识破了,他开始感到恐慌。**

His scheme was exposed, and he began to feel panicked.

**75. 他的计谋被识破了,他开始感到绝望。**

His scheme was exposed, and he began to feel hopeless.

**76. 他的计谋被识破了,他开始感到后悔。**

His scheme was exposed, and he began to feel regretful.

**77. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的计划破灭。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his plan crumbled.

**78. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的努力付诸东流。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his efforts went down the drain.

**79. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的梦想破灭。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his dream shattered.

**80. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的声誉毁于一旦。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his reputation was ruined.

**81. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的未来变得黯淡。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his future became bleak.

**82. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的生活变得一团糟。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his life became a mess.

**83. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的世界崩溃。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his world collapsed.

**84. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的敌人露出胜利的笑容。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his enemies smiled in victory.

**85. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己被人们唾弃。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as he was despised by people.

**86. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己被历史所遗忘。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as he was forgotten by history.

**87. 他的计谋败露,他只能在痛苦和悔恨中度过余生。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only spend the rest of his life in pain and remorse.

**88. 他的计谋败露,他只能眼睁睁地看着自己的命运被决定。**

His scheme was exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as his fate was decided.

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