
## 订金一万句子 (66 句)


1. 为了表示诚意,我愿意支付一万块的订金。
2. 为了确保这笔交易,我愿意支付一万块的订金。
3. 我想预定这个产品,愿意支付一万块的订金。
4. 我对这件商品非常满意,愿意支付一万块的订金。
5. 我非常希望能得到这件商品,愿意支付一万块的订金。
6. 为了确保我能买到这件商品,我愿意支付一万块的订金。
7. 我已经决定购买这个商品,愿意支付一万块的订金。
8. 我已经做好了购买这件商品的准备,愿意支付一万块的订金。


9. 您这边需要支付多少订金呢?
10. 支付订金需要多少钱?
11. 预定这个商品需要支付多少订金?
12. 订金是多少?
13. 您这边接受支付订金吗?
14. 我想订购这个商品,需要支付订金吗?
15. 我想预定这个商品,需要支付多少订金?
16. 预定这个商品需要支付多少款项?


17. 我已经支付了一万块的订金。
18. 我已经支付了订金。
19. 订金已经支付。
20. 我已经确认支付了订金。
21. 订金已经确认支付。
22. 我已经确认支付了一万块的订金。


23. 订金支付之后,可以退款吗?
24. 订金支付之后,什么时候可以退订?
25. 订金支付之后,如果我不需要了,怎么办?
26. 订金支付之后,还能修改订单吗?
27. 支付订金之后,还可以选择其他商品吗?
28. 订金支付之后,可以更换其他型号吗?
29. 支付订金之后,需要什么时候付尾款?
30. 订金支付之后,多久可以收到商品?


31. 请您帮我确认一下订金已经支付。
32. 请您给我开一张订金收据。
33. 请您帮我登记一下订金信息。
34. 请您帮我保留这件商品,我已经支付了订金。
35. 请您帮我确认一下订金已经到账。
36. 请您帮我确认一下订金已经收到。


37. 我担心订金支付之后,商品会出现问题。
38. 我担心订金支付之后,商品无法如期收到。
39. 我担心订金支付之后,无法退货。
40. 我担心订金支付之后,会造成损失。
41. 我担心订金支付之后,会发生意外情况。


42. 我对您提供的商品很满意,愿意支付订金。
43. 我对您的服务很满意,愿意支付订金。
44. 我对您的产品和服务都很满意,愿意支付订金。
45. 我相信您的产品,愿意支付订金。
46. 我对您的品牌很信任,愿意支付订金。


47. 我承诺会按时支付尾款。
48. 我承诺一定会购买这件商品。
49. 我承诺会按照约定时间来取货。
50. 我承诺会按照您的要求付款。


51. 我想咨询一下关于订金的政策。
52. 我想了解一下订金的具体用途。
53. 我想了解一下订金的退还流程。
54. 我想了解一下订金的支付方式。
55. 我想了解一下订金的支付期限。
56. 我想了解一下订金的具体金额。
57. 我想咨询一下订金相关的注意事项。
58. 我想咨询一下关于订金的常见问题。


1. To show my sincerity, I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

2. To ensure this transaction, I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

3. I would like to pre-order this product and I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

4. I'm very satisfied with this item and I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

5. I really hope to get this item and I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

6. To ensure I can buy this item, I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

7. I have decided to purchase this item and I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

8. I'm ready to purchase this item and I'm willing to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

9. How much deposit do you require?

10. How much is the deposit?

11. How much deposit is required to pre-order this product?

12. What's the deposit amount?

13. Do you accept deposit payments?

14. I would like to order this product, is a deposit required?

15. I would like to pre-order this product, how much deposit is required?

16. How much money is required to pre-order this product?

17. I have already paid a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

18. I have already paid the deposit.

19. The deposit has been paid.

20. I have confirmed the payment of the deposit.

21. The deposit payment has been confirmed.

22. I have confirmed the payment of a 10,000 yuan deposit.

23. After paying the deposit, can I get a refund?

24. After paying the deposit, when can I cancel the order?

25. After paying the deposit, what if I don't need it anymore?

26. After paying the deposit, can I still modify the order?

27. After paying the deposit, can I choose other products?

28. After paying the deposit, can I change to another model?

29. After paying the deposit, when do I need to pay the balance?

30. After paying the deposit, how long will it take to receive the product?

31. Please confirm that the deposit has been paid.

32. Please give me a deposit receipt.

33. Please record my deposit information.

34. Please reserve this product for me, I have paid the deposit.

35. Please confirm that the deposit has been credited.

36. Please confirm that the deposit has been received.

37. I'm worried that there might be problems with the product after paying the deposit.

38. I'm worried that I won't receive the product on time after paying the deposit.

39. I'm worried that I can't return the product after paying the deposit.

40. I'm worried that I might lose money after paying the deposit.

41. I'm worried that something unexpected might happen after paying the deposit.

42. I'm very satisfied with the product you offered and I'm willing to pay the deposit.

43. I'm very satisfied with your service and I'm willing to pay the deposit.

44. I'm very satisfied with your product and service and I'm willing to pay the deposit.

45. I believe in your product and I'm willing to pay the deposit.

46. I trust your brand and I'm willing to pay the deposit.

47. I promise to pay the balance on time.

48. I promise to definitely purchase this product.

49. I promise to pick up the product on the agreed date.

50. I promise to pay according to your requirements.

51. I would like to inquire about your deposit policy.

52. I would like to know the specific purpose of the deposit.

53. I would like to know the refund process for the deposit.

54. I would like to know the payment methods for the deposit.

55. I would like to know the payment deadline for the deposit.

56. I would like to know the specific amount of the deposit.

57. I would like to inquire about the precautions regarding the deposit.

58. I would like to inquire about common questions regarding the deposit.


* 以上句子仅供参考,实际使用时请根据具体情况进行修改。
* 语言表达应简洁明了,避免出现歧义。
* 使用礼貌的语言,体现尊重和专业性。
* 支付订金前,请仔细阅读相关条款,了解相关权利和义务。

以上就是关于订金一万句子66句(订金一万句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
