
## 手臂肌肉句子 (78句)

**1. 二头肌是手臂前侧的主要肌肉,负责弯曲肘关节。**

The biceps brachii is the main muscle on the front of the arm, responsible for bending the elbow joint.

**2. 三头肌位于手臂后侧,负责伸直肘关节。**

The triceps brachii is located on the back of the arm, responsible for straightening the elbow joint.

**3. 肱桡肌位于手臂前侧,辅助弯曲肘关节并旋转前臂。**

The brachioradialis is located on the front of the arm, assisting in bending the elbow joint and rotating the forearm.

**4. 肱二头肌的短头起点位于肩胛骨的喙突,长头起点位于肩胛骨的关节盂上。**

The short head of the biceps brachii originates from the coracoid process of the scapula, while the long head originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula.

**5. 肱二头肌的两个肌头在肘关节处汇合,并连接到桡骨的桡骨粗隆。**

The two heads of the biceps brachii converge at the elbow joint and connect to the radial tuberosity of the radius.

**6. 肱三头肌由三个肌头组成,分别是长头、外侧头和内侧头。**

The triceps brachii is composed of three heads: the long head, lateral head, and medial head.

**7. 肱三头肌的长头起点位于肩胛骨的关节盂下,外侧头和内侧头起点位于肱骨后侧。**

The long head of the triceps brachii originates from the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, while the lateral and medial heads originate from the posterior surface of the humerus.

**8. 肱三头肌的三个肌头在肘关节处汇合,并连接到尺骨的鹰嘴突。**

The three heads of the triceps brachii converge at the elbow joint and connect to the olecranon process of the ulna.

**9. 肱桡肌位于前臂的桡侧,起点位于肱骨外上髁,止点位于桡骨茎突。**

The brachioradialis is located on the radial side of the forearm, originating from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and inserting into the styloid process of the radius.

**10. 肱桡肌的作用是弯曲肘关节和旋转前臂,尤其在半屈位时发挥作用。**

The brachioradialis functions to bend the elbow joint and rotate the forearm, particularly when the arm is semi-flexed.

**11. 肱二头肌的收缩可以使手臂弯曲,并使前臂旋前。**

Contraction of the biceps brachii flexes the arm and supinates the forearm.

**12. 肱三头肌的收缩可以使手臂伸直,并使前臂旋后。**

Contraction of the triceps brachii extends the arm and pronates the forearm.

**13. 肱桡肌的收缩可以辅助弯曲肘关节,并使前臂旋后。**

Contraction of the brachioradialis assists in flexing the elbow joint and pronates the forearm.

**14. 手臂肌肉的强壮程度可以通过各种力量训练来提升。**

The strength of the arm muscles can be enhanced through various strength training exercises.

**15. 常见的臂力训练方法包括哑铃弯举、杠铃卧推和引体向上。**

Common arm strength training methods include dumbbell curls, barbell bench presses, and pull-ups.

**16. 手臂肌肉的训练可以增强力量、提高运动能力,并改善身体形态。**

Training the arm muscles can enhance strength, improve athletic performance, and improve body shape.

**17. 为了防止受伤,在进行手臂肌肉训练前进行热身非常重要。**

It is crucial to warm up before engaging in arm muscle training to prevent injuries.

**18. 训练后适当的拉伸可以帮助肌肉恢复,并减少肌肉酸痛。**

Appropriate stretching after training can help with muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness.

**19. 手臂肌肉的训练强度和次数应根据个人情况进行调整。**

The intensity and frequency of arm muscle training should be adjusted based on individual circumstances.

**20. 除了力量训练,一些其他运动,如游泳和网球,也能有效锻炼手臂肌肉。**

In addition to strength training, other activities like swimming and tennis can effectively train the arm muscles.

**21. 手臂肌肉的过度训练可能会导致肌肉损伤或过度劳损。**

Overtraining the arm muscles can lead to muscle injury or overuse.

**22. 手臂肌肉的训练应该循序渐进,避免过度负荷。**

Arm muscle training should be gradual and avoid excessive overload.

**23. 手臂肌肉的锻炼对于许多日常活动,例如提重物和进行体育运动,至关重要。**

Arm muscle training is essential for many daily activities, such as lifting heavy objects and playing sports.

**24. 手臂肌肉的训练可以增强手部灵活性,提高抓握力量。**

Training the arm muscles can enhance hand dexterity and improve grip strength.

**25. 手臂肌肉的训练可以改善姿势,减少肩颈疼痛。**

Training the arm muscles can improve posture and reduce shoulder and neck pain.

**26. 手臂肌肉的训练对于老年人保持身体机能,预防跌倒至关重要。**

Arm muscle training is crucial for older adults to maintain physical function and prevent falls.

**27. 手臂肌肉的训练可以增强身体自信心,提高生活质量。**

Arm muscle training can boost body confidence and improve quality of life.

**28. 二头肌是手臂前侧的主要肌肉,负责屈曲肘关节。**

The biceps brachii is the primary muscle on the front of the arm, responsible for flexing the elbow joint.

**29. 肱二头肌的两个肌头分别连接到肩胛骨的喙突和关节盂上。**

The two heads of the biceps brachii attach to the coracoid process and the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, respectively.

**30. 肱二头肌的肌腱在肘关节处连接到桡骨的桡骨粗隆。**

The tendon of the biceps brachii connects to the radial tuberosity of the radius at the elbow joint.

**31. 肱二头肌的收缩可以使手臂屈曲,并使前臂旋前。**

Contraction of the biceps brachii flexes the arm and supinates the forearm.

**32. 肱二头肌的锻炼可以增强臂力,提高抓握力量。**

Training the biceps brachii can enhance arm strength and improve grip strength.

**33. 肱三头肌是手臂后侧的主要肌肉,负责伸直肘关节。**

The triceps brachii is the primary muscle on the back of the arm, responsible for extending the elbow joint.

**34. 肱三头肌由三个肌头组成,分别为长头、外侧头和内侧头。**

The triceps brachii is composed of three heads: the long head, lateral head, and medial head.

**35. 肱三头肌的长头连接到肩胛骨的关节盂下,外侧头和内侧头连接到肱骨后侧。**

The long head of the triceps brachii attaches to the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, while the lateral and medial heads attach to the posterior surface of the humerus.

**36. 肱三头肌的肌腱在肘关节处连接到尺骨的鹰嘴突。**

The tendon of the triceps brachii connects to the olecranon process of the ulna at the elbow joint.

**37. 肱三头肌的收缩可以使手臂伸直,并使前臂旋后。**

Contraction of the triceps brachii extends the arm and pronates the forearm.

**38. 肱三头肌的锻炼可以增强臂力,提高投掷力量。**

Training the triceps brachii can enhance arm strength and improve throwing power.

**39. 肱桡肌是手臂前侧的一块辅助肌肉,负责屈曲肘关节。**

The brachioradialis is an accessory muscle on the front of the arm, responsible for flexing the elbow joint.

**40. 肱桡肌连接到肱骨外上髁和桡骨茎突。**

The brachioradialis attaches to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the styloid process of the radius.

**41. 肱桡肌的收缩可以辅助屈曲肘关节,并使前臂旋后。**

Contraction of the brachioradialis assists in flexing the elbow joint and pronates the forearm.

**42. 肱桡肌的锻炼可以增强前臂力量,提高手腕灵活性。**

Training the brachioradialis can enhance forearm strength and improve wrist flexibility.

**43. 肱肌是手臂前侧的一块深层肌肉,负责屈曲肘关节。**

The brachialis is a deep muscle on the front of the arm, responsible for flexing the elbow joint.

**44. 肱肌连接到肱骨前侧和尺骨冠状突。**

The brachialis attaches to the anterior surface of the humerus and the coronoid process of the ulna.

**45. 肱肌的收缩可以使手臂屈曲,并辅助前臂旋后。**

Contraction of the brachialis flexes the arm and assists in pronating the forearm.

**46. 肱肌的锻炼可以增强手臂力量,提高抓握力量。**

Training the brachialis can enhance arm strength and improve grip strength.

**47. 旋前圆肌是前臂内侧的一块肌肉,负责旋前前臂。**

The pronator teres is a muscle on the medial side of the forearm, responsible for pronating the forearm.

**48. 旋前圆肌连接到肱骨内上髁和桡骨。**

The pronator teres attaches to the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the radius.

**49. 旋前圆肌的收缩可以使前臂旋前。**

Contraction of the pronator teres pronates the forearm.

**50. 旋前圆肌的锻炼可以增强前臂力量,提高旋前能力。**

Training the pronator teres can enhance forearm strength and improve pronation ability.

**51. 旋后肌是前臂外侧的一块肌肉,负责旋后前臂。**

The supinator is a muscle on the lateral side of the forearm, responsible for supinating the forearm.

**52. 旋后肌连接到肱骨外上髁和桡骨。**

The supinator attaches to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the radius.

**53. 旋后肌的收缩可以使前臂旋后。**

Contraction of the supinator supinates the forearm.

**54. 旋后肌的锻炼可以增强前臂力量,提高旋后能力。**

Training the supinator can enhance forearm strength and improve supination ability.

**55. 桡侧腕屈肌是前臂内侧的一块肌肉,负责屈曲手腕和桡偏手腕。**

The flexor carpi radialis is a muscle on the medial side of the forearm, responsible for flexing the wrist and radially deviating the wrist.

**56. 桡侧腕屈肌连接到肱骨内上髁和第二掌骨。**

The flexor carpi radialis attaches to the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the second metacarpal bone.

**57. 桡侧腕屈肌的收缩可以使手腕屈曲和桡偏。**

Contraction of the flexor carpi radialis flexes and radially deviates the wrist.

**58. 桡侧腕屈肌的锻炼可以增强前臂力量,提高手腕灵活性。**

Training the flexor carpi radialis can enhance forearm strength and improve wrist flexibility.

**59. 尺侧腕屈肌是前臂内侧的一块肌肉,负责屈曲手腕和尺偏手腕。**

The flexor carpi ulnaris is a muscle on the medial side of the forearm, responsible for flexing the wrist and ulnarly deviating the wrist.

**60. 尺侧腕屈肌连接到肱骨内上髁和第五掌骨。**

The flexor carpi ulnaris attaches to the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the fifth metacarpal bone.

**61. 尺侧腕屈肌的收缩可以使手腕屈曲和尺偏。**

Contraction of the flexor carpi ulnaris flexes and ulnarly deviates the wrist.

**62. 尺侧腕屈肌的锻炼可以增强前臂力量,提高手腕灵活性。**

Training the flexor carpi ulnaris can enhance forearm strength and improve wrist flexibility.

**63. 掌长肌是前臂内侧的一块细长肌肉,负责屈曲手腕。**

The palmaris longus is a slender muscle on the medial side of the forearm, responsible for flexing the wrist.

**64. 掌长肌连接到肱骨内上髁和掌腱膜。**

The palmaris longus attaches to the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the palmar aponeurosis.

**65. 掌长肌的收缩可以使手腕屈曲。**

Contraction of the palmaris longus flexes the wrist.

**66. 掌长肌的锻炼可以增强前臂力量,提高手腕灵活性。**

Training the palmaris longus can enhance forearm strength and improve wrist flexibility.

**67. 指深屈肌是前臂内侧的一块深层肌肉,负责屈曲手指。**

The flexor digitorum profundus is a deep muscle on the medial side of the forearm, responsible for flexing the fingers.

**68. 指深屈肌连接到尺骨和第二到第五指的远节指骨。**

The flexor digitorum profundus attaches to the ulna and the distal phalanges of the second to fifth fingers.

**69. 指深屈肌的收缩可以使手指屈曲。**

Contraction of the flexor digitorum profundus flexes the fingers.

**70. 指深屈肌的锻炼可以增强手指力量,提高抓握能力。**

Training the flexor digitorum profundus can enhance finger strength and improve grip ability.

**71. 指浅屈肌是前臂内侧的一块浅层肌肉,负责屈曲手指。**

The flexor digitorum superficialis is a superficial muscle on the medial side of the forearm, responsible for flexing the fingers.

**72. 指浅屈肌连接到肱骨内上髁和第二到第五指的中间节指骨。**

The flexor digitorum superficialis attaches to the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the middle phalanges of the second to fifth fingers.

**73. 指浅屈肌的收缩可以使手指屈曲。**

Contraction of the flexor digitorum superficialis flexes the fingers.

**74. 指浅屈肌的锻炼可以增强手指力量,提高抓握能力。**

Training the flexor digitorum superficialis can enhance finger strength and improve grip ability.

**75. 拇长屈肌是前臂内侧的一块肌肉,负责屈曲拇指。**

The flexor pollicis longus is a muscle on the medial side of the forearm, responsible for flexing the thumb.

**76. 拇长屈肌连接到桡骨和拇指的远节指骨。**

The flexor pollicis longus attaches to the radius and the distal phalanx of the thumb.

**77. 拇长屈肌的收缩可以使拇指屈曲。**

Contraction of the flexor pollicis longus flexes the thumb.

**78. 拇长屈肌的锻炼可以增强拇指力量,提高抓握能力。**

Training the flexor pollicis longus can enhance thumb strength and improve grip ability.

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