
## 开工聚餐句子 (71句)


1. 开工大吉,鸿运当头!
2. 祝大家在新的一年里,工作顺利,财源广进!
3. 让我们一起干杯,为新的一年,为新的目标,共同努力!
4. 愿新的一年,我们都能心想事成,万事胜意!
5. 让我们一起举杯,庆祝新的一年,也为彼此加油鼓劲!
6. 开工快乐,祝大家在新的一年里,收获满满!
7. 新的一年,新的开始,让我们一起努力,创造辉煌!
8. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有更美好的未来!
9. 祝大家身体健康,工作顺利,阖家幸福!
10. 新的一年,新的希望,让我们一起携手共进!
11. 开工吉祥,好运连连!
12. 祝大家在工作中取得更大的成就!
13. 让我们一起为新的一年,干杯!
14. 新的一年,新的目标,让我们一起努力奋斗!
15. 开工大吉,万事如意!
16. 愿新的一年,我们都能实现自己的梦想!
17. 祝大家工作顺利,生活美满!
18. 让我们一起迎接新一年的挑战,共创辉煌!
19. 愿新的一年,我们都能收获幸福和快乐!
20. 让我们一起举杯,为新的一年,为彼此祝福!


21. 祝领导身体健康,工作顺利,万事胜意!
22. 祝同事们在新的一年里,心想事成,步步高升!
23. 祝大家在新的一年里,财源滚滚,福气满满!
24. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有幸福美满的生活!
25. 祝大家在新的一年里,爱情甜蜜,家庭和睦!
26. 祝领导在新的一年里,事业蒸蒸日上!
27. 祝同事们在新的一年里,身体健康,家庭幸福!
28. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有健康的身体和美好的心情!
29. 祝大家在新的一年里,工作顺利,生活如意!
30. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有更多的快乐和幸福!


31. 今天开工,红包拿来!
32. 愿新的一年,我们都能吃饱喝足,开开心心!
33. 让我们一起吃喝玩乐,庆祝开工!
34. 新的一年,新的开始,让我们一起努力,不要再犯懒了!
35. 开工啦!快来一起喝两杯,庆祝一下!
36. 愿新的一年,我们都能找到心仪的另一半!
37. 开工了,让我们一起加油干!
38. 今天开工,大家一定要多吃点,补充能量!
39. 新的一年,新的希望,让我们一起努力,创造奇迹!
40. 愿新的一年,我们都能找到一份好工作,赚大钱!


41. 新的一年,让我们一起努力,实现自己的梦想!
42. 让我们一起加油,创造属于我们的精彩!
43. 愿新的一年,我们都能取得更大的进步!
44. 让我们一起努力,让未来更加美好!
45. 愿新的一年,我们都能成为更好的自己!
46. 让我们一起携手,共创美好未来!
47. 愿新的一年,我们都能实现自己的目标!
48. 让我们一起努力,创造更大的价值!
49. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有更美好的生活!
50. 让我们一起加油,迎接新的挑战!


51. 感谢大家在过去一年的辛苦付出!
52. 感谢大家对我的支持和帮助!
53. 愿新的一年,我们能继续携手共进!
54. 感谢大家一起努力,创造了辉煌的业绩!
55. 让我们一起举杯,感谢彼此!
56. 感谢大家在过去一年里的辛勤付出,也祝愿大家在新的一年里,工作顺利,生活美满!
57. 感谢大家一直以来的支持和陪伴!
58. 愿新的一年,我们能继续一起努力,创造更大的辉煌!
59. 感谢大家在过去一年里的努力付出,也祝愿大家在新的一年里,一切顺利!
60. 让我们一起举杯,感谢大家的辛勤付出!


61. 开工第一天,让我们一起努力,创造美好的未来!
62. 让我们一起为新的一年,加油鼓劲!
63. 开工啦!让我们一起迎接新的挑战!
64. 新的一年,新的气象,让我们一起努力,再创佳绩!
65. 愿新的一年,我们都能收获更多快乐和幸福!
66. 开工聚餐,让我们一起放松心情,迎接新的一年!
67. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有更美好的生活!
68. 开工了,让我们一起努力,创造更大的辉煌!
69. 让我们一起举杯,祝大家新的一年,万事顺利!
70. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有更美好的未来!
71. 让我们一起加油,共创美好未来!

## 英文翻译


1. Good start to the new year, good fortune ahead!

2. Wishing you all a smooth year ahead, with prosperity and wealth!

3. Let's raise a toast together, for the new year, for new goals, let's work hard together!

4. May the new year bring us all what we wish for and bring us success!

5. Let's raise a glass together, to celebrate the new year, and to cheer each other on!

6. Happy start to the new year, wishing you a fruitful year ahead!

7. A new year, a new beginning, let's work together and create brilliance!

8. May the new year bring us all a brighter future!

9. Wishing you all good health, smooth work, and happiness for your family!

10. A new year, new hopes, let's join hands and move forward together!

11. Auspicious start to the new year, good luck abounds!

12. Wishing you all greater achievements in your work!

13. Let's raise a toast together for the new year!

14. A new year, new goals, let's work hard together!

15. Good start to the new year, may everything go smoothly!

16. May the new year bring us all our dreams!

17. Wishing you smooth work and a happy life!

18. Let's embrace the challenges of the new year together and create brilliance!

19. May the new year bring us all happiness and joy!

20. Let's raise a glass together and wish each other well in the new year!


21. Wishing the leader good health, smooth work, and success in all endeavors!

22. Wishing all colleagues a fulfilling new year, with everything going their way and steady promotion!

23. Wishing you all a year of rolling wealth and abundant fortune!

24. May the new year bring us all happy and fulfilling lives!

25. Wishing you all sweetness in love and harmony in your family in the new year!

26. Wishing the leader a year of booming business!

27. Wishing all colleagues good health and family happiness in the new year!

28. May the new year bring us all healthy bodies and good moods!

29. Wishing you all a smooth year ahead and everything going smoothly in your life!

30. May the new year bring us all more joy and happiness!


31. Starting work today, red envelopes are a must!

32. May the new year bring us all enough to eat and drink, and happiness!

33. Let's eat, drink, and have fun to celebrate starting work!

34. A new year, a new beginning, let's work hard and stop being lazy!

35. We're starting work! Come on, let's have a couple of drinks to celebrate!

36. May the new year bring us all the significant others we're looking for!

37. We're starting work, let's all work hard together!

38. It's the first day of work, everyone must eat more, recharge your energy!

39. A new year, new hope, let's work hard together and create miracles!

40. May the new year bring us all a good job and big money!


41. In the new year, let's work hard together and realize our dreams!

42. Let's all cheer each other on and create our own brilliance!

43. May the new year bring us all greater progress!

44. Let's work hard together and make the future more beautiful!

45. May the new year bring us all the best versions of ourselves!

46. Let's join hands together and create a bright future!

47. May the new year bring us all the realization of our goals!

48. Let's work hard together and create greater value!

49. May the new year bring us all a better life!

50. Let's all cheer each other on and welcome new challenges!


51. Thank you all for your hard work over the past year!

52. Thank you all for your support and help!

53. May the new year bring us continued collaboration and progress!

54. Thank you all for working hard together and creating brilliant achievements!

55. Let's raise a glass together and thank each other!

56. Thank you all for your hard work over the past year, and I wish you all a smooth year ahead and a happy life!

57. Thank you all for your support and companionship!

58. May the new year bring us continued efforts together and even greater brilliance!

59. Thank you all for your hard work over the past year, and I wish you all a smooth year ahead!

60. Let's raise a glass together and thank you all for your hard work!


61. On the first day of work, let's work hard together and create a bright future!

62. Let's all cheer each other on for the new year!

63. We're starting work! Let's all welcome new challenges!

64. A new year, a new atmosphere, let's work hard together and achieve new heights!

65. May the new year bring us all more joy and happiness!

66. Let's relax and celebrate the new year together at the opening dinner!

67. May the new year bring us all a better life!

68. We're starting work, let's work hard together and create even greater brilliance!

69. Let's raise a glass together and wish you all a smooth year ahead!

70. May the new year bring us all a brighter future!

71. Let's all cheer each other on and create a bright future!

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