
## 建队节句子,98句,中英文对照

**1. 红领巾,飘扬在胸前,时刻提醒我们,要继承革命先辈的光荣传统。**

The red scarf, fluttering on our chests, constantly reminds us to inherit the glorious traditions of our revolutionary predecessors.

**2. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to our motherland.

**3. 鲜艳的红领巾,是我们心中永远的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路。**

The bright red scarf is an eternal flame in our hearts, illuminating the path ahead.

**4. 不忘初心,牢记使命,我们永远是党的好孩子!**

Staying true to our original aspirations and remembering our mission, we will always be good children of the Party!

**5. 在党的领导下,我们一定能创造更加美好的未来!**

Under the leadership of the Party, we will surely create a brighter future!

**6. 让我们一起为祖国的发展贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬!**

Let's work together to contribute to our country's development and keep the red flag flying high forever!

**7. 建队节是少先队员们展现风采的舞台,也是我们心中永远的节日。**

Party Founding Day is a stage for young pioneers to showcase their talents, and it will always be a special day in our hearts.

**8. 让我们以实际行动,向党和人民交一份满意的答卷!**

Let us deliver a satisfactory report to the Party and the people with our concrete actions!

**9. 红领巾,是少年儿童的象征,也是我们心中永远的梦想。**

The red scarf symbolizes childhood and represents our eternal dreams.

**10. 在党的关怀下,我们茁壮成长,成为祖国的未来。**

Under the Party's care, we grow strong and become the future of our motherland.

**11. 继承革命精神,弘扬时代精神,我们责无旁贷。**

We have a responsibility to inherit the revolutionary spirit and promote the spirit of the times.

**12. 建队节是我们的节日,也是我们成长的见证。**

Party Founding Day is our holiday and a testament to our growth.

**13. 让我们牢记党的教诲,做新时代的优秀少年。**

Let us remember the Party's teachings and become outstanding young people in this new era.

**14. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction.

**15. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远保持一颗赤诚的爱国之心。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always keep a sincere patriotic heart.

**16. 我们一定要努力学习,长大后为祖国贡献力量。**

We must strive to study hard and contribute to our country when we grow up.

**17. 让我们以实际行动,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let us contribute to the prosperity and development of our country with our concrete actions.

**18. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党员的责任。**

On Party Founding Day, let us revisit our oath and remember the responsibilities of a party member.

**19. 红领巾,是我们的骄傲,也是我们心中的信念。**

The red scarf is our pride and the belief in our hearts.

**20. 在党的领导下,我们一定能战胜一切困难,取得胜利。**

Under the leadership of the Party, we will surely overcome all difficulties and achieve victory.

**21. 建队节,让我们一起回顾历史,展望未来,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

On Party Founding Day, let us together review history, look to the future, and contribute to the development of our country.

**22. 红领巾,是我们的象征,也是我们心中的精神支柱。**

The red scarf is our symbol and the pillar of our spirit.

**23. 让我们永远铭记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员。**

Let us always remember the Party's teachings and become qualified young pioneers.

**24. 在党的关怀下,我们一定能成长为对社会有用的人才。**

Under the Party's care, we will surely grow into talents who are useful to society.

**25. 建队节快乐!让我们一起努力,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! Let us work together and contribute to the future of our country.

**26. 红领巾,是我们心中的向往,也是我们前进的动力。**

The red scarf is our aspiration and the driving force for our progress.

**27. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country.

**28. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲。**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath and remember the Party's teachings.

**29. 红领巾,是我们前进的道路上的灯塔,指引我们走向光明。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse on our path forward, guiding us towards the light.

**30. 让我们永远牢记党的教诲,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let us forever remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the prosperity and development of our country.

**31. 建队节,让我们一起庆祝这个重要的节日,并以此为契机,更加努力学习,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

On Party Founding Day, let's celebrate this important holiday and use it as an opportunity to study harder and contribute to the future of our country.

**32. 红领巾,是我们心中的骄傲,也是我们前进的动力。**

The red scarf is our pride and the driving force behind our progress.

**33. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**34. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**35. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**36. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**37. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**38. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**39. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**40. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**41. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**42. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**43. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**44. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**45. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**46. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**47. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**48. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**49. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**50. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**51. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**52. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**53. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**54. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**55. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**56. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**57. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**58. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**59. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**60. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**61. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**62. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**63. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**64. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**65. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**66. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**67. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**68. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**69. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**70. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**71. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**72. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**73. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**74. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**75. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**76. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**77. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**78. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**79. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**80. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**81. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**82. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**83. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**84. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**85. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**86. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**87. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**88. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**89. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**90. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**91. 红领巾,是我们心中的火焰,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a flame in our hearts, illuminating our path forward. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**92. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的发展贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the development of our country.

**93. 让我们一起努力,成为祖国的栋梁之材,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量。**

Let's work together and become pillars of our country, contributing to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

**94. 建队节,让我们一起重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

**95. 红领巾,是我们心中的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们永远保持一颗爱国之心。**

The red scarf is a lighthouse in our hearts, guiding us in the right direction. Let us always keep a patriotic heart.

**96. 建队节快乐!愿我们永远铭记党的教诲,为祖国的未来贡献力量。**

Happy Party Founding Day! May we always remember the Party's teachings and contribute to the future of our country.

**97. 让我们一起努力,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献力量,让红旗永远飘扬在祖国的天空!**

Let's work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of our country, and let the red flag fly forever in the sky of our motherland!

**98. 建队节,让我们重温入队誓言,牢记党的教诲,做一名合格的少先队员!**

On Party Founding Day, let's revisit our oath, remember the Party's teachings, and become qualified young pioneers!

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