
## 95句开口麻烦别人句子


1. 能帮我一下吗? / Could you help me with this?
2. 你方便帮我一下吗? / Would you mind lending a hand?
3. 我有个小忙想请你帮一下。 / I have a small favor to ask.
4. 麻烦你帮我看一下这个好吗? / Would you mind taking a look at this?
5. 你能不能帮我个忙? / Could you do me a favor?
6. 请您帮我参考一下这个吧。 / Would you mind giving me some feedback on this?
7. 我需要你的帮助才能完成这件事。 / I need your help to finish this.
8. 我有点儿卡住了,你能帮忙吗? / I'm stuck, could you help?
9. 你能帮我解释一下吗? / Could you explain this to me?
10. 我想请你帮我做一下这个。 / I'd like to ask you to do this for me.


11. 我能借用一下你的手机吗? / Can I borrow your phone?
12. 你介意我借用一下你的笔吗? / Would you mind if I borrowed your pen?
13. 我能借用一下你的书吗? / Could I borrow your book?
14. 我想借用一下你的电脑,可以吗? / I'd like to use your computer, is that okay?
15. 你能借我一些钱吗? / Could you lend me some money?


16. 你有什么建议吗? / Do you have any suggestions?
17. 你觉得我应该怎么做? / What do you think I should do?
18. 你能给我一些建议吗? / Could you give me some advice?
19. 你对这件事有什么看法? / What do you think about this?
20. 你有什么想法吗? / Do you have any ideas?


21. 你知道这件事吗? / Do you know about this?
22. 你能告诉我一下吗? / Could you tell me about this?
23. 你能帮我查一下吗? / Could you help me look this up?
24. 你知道哪里有…吗? / Do you know where I can find...?
25. 你能告诉我…在哪吗? / Could you tell me where…is?


26. 非常感谢你的帮助! / Thank you so much for your help!
27. 多谢你的帮忙。 / Thanks for your help.
28. 真感谢你! / I really appreciate it!
29. 非常感谢你的支持。 / Thank you so much for your support.
30. 我真的很感激你。 / I'm truly grateful.


31. 对不起,能麻烦你一下吗? / I'm sorry to bother you, but could you...?
32. 我很抱歉打扰你,但… / I apologize for interrupting, but...
33. 对不起,能再重复一遍吗? / I'm sorry, could you repeat that?
34. 对不起,我忘记了。 / I'm sorry, I forgot.
35. 对不起,我错了。 / I'm sorry, I was wrong.


36. 你还好吗? / How are you?
37. 今天怎么样? / How's it going today?
38. 你最近怎么样? / How have you been?
39. 你忙吗? / Are you busy?
40. 有什么事吗? / Is anything wrong?


41. 我同意你的观点。 / I agree with you.
42. 我觉得… / I think...
43. 我认为… / In my opinion...
44. 我不同意你的看法。 / I disagree with you.
45. 我不明白你的意思。 / I don't understand what you mean.


46. 我建议你… / I suggest you...
47. 我想你应该… / I think you should...
48. 为什么不…呢? / Why don't you...?
49. 你可以考虑… / You could consider...
50. 我认为…更好。 / I think...would be better.


51. 现在几点钟了? / What time is it now?
52. 你什么时候有空? / When are you free?
53. 你什么时候方便? / When are you available?
54. 你什么时候可以来? / When can you come?
55. 你什么时候能完成? / When can you finish?


56. 这儿是哪里? / Where are we?
57. 我该怎么去…? / How do I get to...?
58. 你知道…在哪里吗? / Do you know where…is?
59. 能告诉我…在哪里吗? / Could you tell me where…is?
60. 你能带我去…吗? / Could you take me to...?


61. 多少钱? / How much?
62. 这要多少钱? / How much does this cost?
63. 你能便宜一点吗? / Could you give me a discount?
64. 你接受…支付吗? / Do you accept…?
65. 你有…吗? / Do you have…?


66. 祝你好运! / Good luck!
67. 祝你一切顺利! / I wish you all the best!
68. 祝你玩得开心! / Have fun!
69. 祝你一切顺利! / Have a great time!
70. 祝你身体健康! / Take care!


71. 我很高兴见到你! / I'm so glad to see you!
72. 我想念你。 / I miss you.
73. 我爱你。 / I love you.
74. 我很抱歉。 / I'm sorry.
75. 我很高兴。 / I'm happy.


76. 我喜欢… / I like...
77. 我不喜欢… / I don't like...
78. 我觉得…很好。 / I think...is good.
79. 我觉得…不好。 / I think...is bad.
80. 我认为…很好看。 / I think...is beautiful.


81. 你觉得怎么样? / What do you think?
82. 你喜欢这个吗? / Do you like this?
83. 你觉得这个好看吗? / Do you think this looks good?
84. 你觉得我应该穿什么? / What do you think I should wear?
85. 你觉得我应该去哪里? / Where do you think I should go?


86. 请您稍等一下。 / Please wait a moment.
87. 请您再说一遍。 / Could you repeat that?
88. 请您不要… / Please don't...
89. 请您帮我拿一下… / Could you get me...?
90. 请您帮我打开一下… / Could you open…?


91. 你确定吗? / Are you sure?
92. 你确定你要…吗? / Are you sure you want to…?
93. 你真的要…吗? / Do you really want to…?
94. 你真的要这样做吗? / Are you really going to do that?
95. 你真的认为…吗? / Do you really think…?

## 英文翻译及HTML标签

**Asking for help**

1. Could you help me with this?

2. Would you mind lending a hand?

3. I have a small favor to ask.

4. Would you mind taking a look at this?

5. Could you do me a favor?

6. Would you mind giving me some feedback on this?

7. I need your help to finish this.

8. I'm stuck, could you help?

9. Could you explain this to me?

10. I'd like to ask you to do this for me.

**Borrowing items**

11. Can I borrow your phone?

12. Would you mind if I borrowed your pen?

13. Could I borrow your book?

14. I'd like to use your computer, is that okay?

15. Could you lend me some money?

**Seeking advice**

16. Do you have any suggestions?

17. What do you think I should do?

18. Could you give me some advice?

19. What do you think about this?

20. Do you have any ideas?

**Seeking information**

21. Do you know about this?

22. Could you tell me about this?

23. Could you help me look this up?

24. Do you know where I can find...?

25. Could you tell me where…is?

**Expressing gratitude**

26. Thank you so much for your help!

27. Thanks for your help.

28. I really appreciate it!

29. Thank you so much for your support.

30. I'm truly grateful.


31. I'm sorry to bother you, but could you...?

32. I apologize for interrupting, but...

33. I'm sorry, could you repeat that?

34. I'm sorry, I forgot.

35. I'm sorry, I was wrong.

**Inquiring about the situation**

36. How are you?

37. How's it going today?

38. How have you been?

39. Are you busy?

40. Is anything wrong?

**Expressing opinions**

41. I agree with you.

42. I think...

43. In my opinion...

44. I disagree with you.

45. I don't understand what you mean.

**Offering suggestions**

46. I suggest you...

47. I think you should...

48. Why don't you...?

49. You could consider...

50. I think...would be better.

**Inquiring about time**

51. What time is it now?

52. When are you free?

53. When are you available?

54. When can you come?

55. When can you finish?

**Inquiring about location**

56. Where are we?

57. How do I get to...?

58. Do you know where…is?

59. Could you tell me where…is?

60. Could you take me to...?

**Inquiring about price**

61. How much?

62. How much does this cost?

63. Could you give me a discount?

64. Do you accept…?

65. Do you have…?

**Expressing good wishes**

66. Good luck!

67. I wish you all the best!

68. Have fun!

69. Have a great time!

70. Take care!

**Expressing emotions**

71. I'm so glad to see you!

72. I miss you.

73. I love you.

74. I'm sorry.

75. I'm happy.

**Expressing opinions**

76. I like...

77. I don't like...

78. I think...is good.

79. I think...is bad.

80. I think...is beautiful.

**Inquiring about opinions**

81. What do you think?

82. Do you like this?

83. Do you think this looks good?

84. What do you think I should wear?

85. Where do you think I should go?

**Expressing requests**

86. Please wait a moment.

87. Could you repeat that?

88. Please don't...

89. Could you get me...?

90. Could you open…?

**Expressing doubts**

91. Are you sure?

92. Are you sure you want to…?

93. Do you really want to…?

94. Are you really going to do that?

95. Do you really think…?

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