
## 鸡适合发朋友圈的句子,85句,带英文翻译


1. 今天又是元气满满的一天,鸡汤已备好,来喝鸡汤!

Today is another day full of energy, chicken soup is ready, come and have some!

2. 鸡肉,我的最爱!

Chicken, my favorite!

3. 鸡肉配什么都好吃!

Chicken goes well with everything!

4. 鸡肉,百搭食材,怎么吃都美味!

Chicken, a versatile ingredient, tastes delicious no matter how you cook it!

5. 今天心情不好,吃点鸡肉压压惊。

I'm in a bad mood today, I'll eat some chicken to calm down.

6. 听说吃鸡可以补充蛋白质,我决定多吃点鸡肉!

I heard that eating chicken can supplement protein, I decided to eat more chicken!

7. 鸡肉,营养丰富,美味健康!

Chicken, rich in nutrition, delicious and healthy!

8. 鸡肉,我的能量来源!

Chicken, my source of energy!

9. 鸡肉,吃多少都不会腻!

Chicken, I can never get tired of eating it!

10. 今天吃鸡,明天更精彩!

Eat chicken today, tomorrow will be even better!

11. 鸡肉,我的心头好!

Chicken, my favorite food!

12. 鸡肉,吃出健康,吃出美丽!

Chicken, eat for health, eat for beauty!

13. 鸡肉,美味与健康兼得!

Chicken, delicious and healthy!

14. 鸡肉,我的能量加油站!

Chicken, my energy station!

15. 鸡肉,我的能量补给!

Chicken, my energy supplement!

16. 鸡肉,吃货必备!

Chicken, a must-have for foodies!

17. 鸡肉,我的最爱,没有之一!

Chicken, my favorite, no exception!

18. 鸡肉,吃起来就是爽!

Chicken, it just feels good to eat!

19. 鸡肉,我的能量来源,我的幸福滋味!

Chicken, my source of energy, my taste of happiness!

20. 鸡肉,百吃不厌!

Chicken, I can never get enough of it!


21. 今天尝试了新菜:香菇鸡肉煲,味道一级棒!

Tried a new dish today: Chicken and mushroom casserole, it tastes amazing!

22. 家常菜:红烧鸡块,简单易做,美味至极!

Home-cooked dish: Braised chicken pieces, simple to make, incredibly delicious!

23. 今天来点不一样的,白斩鸡!

Let's try something different today, poached chicken!

24. 啤酒配鸡,完美!

Beer and chicken, perfect!

25. 鸡肉饭,我的最爱!

Chicken rice, my favorite!

26. 鸡肉串,香喷喷,好吃到停不下来!

Chicken skewers, fragrant and delicious, I can't stop eating them!

27. 鸡肉饺子,鲜美多汁!

Chicken dumplings, juicy and flavorful!

28. 鸡肉丸子,香气扑鼻,让人食欲大增!

Chicken meatballs, fragrant and delicious, make you crave them!

29. 鸡肉汤,暖胃又补身体!

Chicken soup, warms the stomach and nourishes the body!

30. 鸡肉,怎么吃都好吃!

Chicken, delicious no matter how you eat it!

31. 今天吃鸡,明天更精神!

Eat chicken today, be more energetic tomorrow!

32. 鸡肉,美味的能量补给!

Chicken, a delicious energy supplement!

33. 鸡肉,我的美食挚爱!

Chicken, my culinary love!

34. 鸡肉,我的美味能量来源!

Chicken, my delicious source of energy!

35. 鸡肉,我的幸福滋味!

Chicken, my taste of happiness!

36. 鸡肉,吃货们的最爱!

Chicken, a favorite of foodies!

37. 鸡肉,我的美味诱惑!

Chicken, my delicious temptation!

38. 鸡肉,我的能量补给站!

Chicken, my energy refueling station!

39. 鸡肉,我的味蕾享受!

Chicken, my taste bud enjoyment!

40. 鸡肉,我的美食天堂!

Chicken, my culinary paradise!


41. 今天天气真好,适合去郊外吃烧烤,鸡翅,鸡腿,鸡心...

The weather is great today, perfect for a barbecue outing, chicken wings, chicken legs, chicken hearts...

42. 今天和朋友一起吃鸡,真是太开心了!

Had chicken with friends today, it was so much fun!

43. 鸡肉,陪伴我度过无数个难忘的时刻。

Chicken, has accompanied me through countless memorable moments.

44. 鸡肉,记录着我的生活点滴。

Chicken, records the little bits and pieces of my life.

45. 鸡肉,我的美食回忆!

Chicken, my culinary memories!

46. 鸡肉,我的生活伴侣!

Chicken, my life partner!

47. 鸡肉,我的美食启蒙!

Chicken, my culinary enlightenment!

48. 鸡肉,我的味蕾记忆!

Chicken, my taste bud memory!

49. 鸡肉,我的生活乐趣!

Chicken, my life's pleasure!

50. 鸡肉,我的幸福密码!

Chicken, my code to happiness!


51. 我喜欢吃鸡,尤其是鸡翅!

I love eating chicken, especially chicken wings!

52. 鸡肉是世界上最美味的食物之一!

Chicken is one of the most delicious foods in the world!

53. 你最喜欢吃鸡的哪个部位?

What's your favorite part of the chicken to eat?

54. 我想吃鸡肉!

I want to eat chicken!

55. 今天我做了一道鸡肉新菜,超级好吃!

I made a new chicken dish today, it's super delicious!

56. 鸡肉,我的心头好!

Chicken, my favorite food!

57. 鸡肉,百搭食材,怎么吃都美味!

Chicken, a versatile ingredient, tastes delicious no matter how you cook it!

58. 鸡肉,营养丰富,美味健康!

Chicken, rich in nutrition, delicious and healthy!

59. 鸡肉,我的能量来源!

Chicken, my source of energy!

60. 鸡肉,吃多少都不会腻!

Chicken, I can never get tired of eating it!

61. 鸡肉,我的能量补给!

Chicken, my energy supplement!

62. 鸡肉,吃出健康,吃出美丽!

Chicken, eat for health, eat for beauty!

63. 鸡肉,美味与健康兼得!

Chicken, delicious and healthy!

64. 鸡肉,我的能量加油站!

Chicken, my energy station!

65. 鸡肉,我的美食挚爱!

Chicken, my culinary love!

66. 鸡肉,我的美味能量来源!

Chicken, my delicious source of energy!

67. 鸡肉,我的幸福滋味!

Chicken, my taste of happiness!

68. 鸡肉,吃货们的最爱!

Chicken, a favorite of foodies!

69. 鸡肉,我的美味诱惑!

Chicken, my delicious temptation!

70. 鸡肉,我的能量补给站!

Chicken, my energy refueling station!

71. 鸡肉,我的味蕾享受!

Chicken, my taste bud enjoyment!

72. 鸡肉,我的美食天堂!

Chicken, my culinary paradise!


73. 今天吃鸡,我决定做一只“鸡精”!

Eating chicken today, I've decided to become a"chicken essence"!

74. 听说吃鸡可以变鸡贼,我决定多吃点!

I heard that eating chicken can make you cunning, I've decided to eat more!

75. 鸡肉,我今天要把你吃得精光!

Chicken, I'm going to eat you up today!

76. 吃鸡,我吃的是一种态度!

Eating chicken, I'm eating with an attitude!

77. 我今天吃鸡,明天就准备“鸡飞狗跳”!

I'm eating chicken today, tomorrow I'm ready for"chaos"!

78. 吃鸡,就是这么任性!

Eating chicken, it's just that rebellious!

79. 吃鸡,是一种信仰!

Eating chicken, it's a faith!

80. 我爱吃鸡,鸡爱吃米,我们一起幸福!

I love eating chicken, chicken loves eating rice, we're happy together!

81. 鸡肉,我的精神食粮!

Chicken, my spiritual food!

82. 吃鸡,就是这么简单粗暴!

Eating chicken, it's just that simple and brutal!

83. 鸡肉,我的快乐源泉!

Chicken, my source of happiness!

84. 今天吃鸡,明天更强大!

Eat chicken today, be stronger tomorrow!

85. 鸡肉,我的能量之源,我的精神支柱!

Chicken, my source of energy, my mental pillar!

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