
## 开学朋友圈搞笑句子 (89句)

**Part 1:开学焦虑**

1. 开学第一天,我已经想念假期了,请问有谁愿意和我一起逃课吗?

It's the first day of school, and I'm already missing the holidays. Does anyone want to skip class with me?

2. 终于开学了,我终于可以摆脱父母的唠叨了...等一下,好像还有老师的唠叨...

Finally, school starts, and I can finally get away from my parents' nagging... Wait, there's also teachers' nagging...

3. 听说开学后大家都会变瘦,因为每天背着书包,感觉像在进行负重训练。

I heard that everyone will lose weight after school starts because they carry their backpacks every day, which feels like weight training.

4. 开学第一天,我的睡衣都还没洗,我的假期作业还没写,我的人生已经充满了绝望...

On the first day of school, my pajamas haven't even been washed, my holiday homework isn't done, and my life is already filled with despair...

5. 开学第一天,感觉自己像一个刚被放出笼子的鸟,自由是如此的美好...等等,我好像忘记了,我是一只被囚禁在课本里的鸟。

On the first day of school, I felt like a bird released from a cage. Freedom is so beautiful... Wait, I seem to have forgotten that I am a bird imprisoned in textbooks.

6. 开学了,我的床想我了,我的被子想我了,我的空调想我了...但我更想念我的假期!

School starts, my bed misses me, my quilt misses me, my air conditioner misses me... but I miss my vacation more!

7. 开学第一天,我唯一想做的事情就是回到床上,继续我的美梦。

On the first day of school, the only thing I want to do is go back to bed and continue my beautiful dream.

8. 开学第一天,我的表情包已经准备好了,准备迎接各种考试、作业和老师的“爱的教育”。

On the first day of school, my emoji pack is ready to welcome all kinds of exams, homework, and teachers'"love education".

9. 开学了,我的手机终于可以从充电宝里解放出来了,可以自由地玩耍了...等等,我好像还有作业要写...

School starts, my phone can finally be freed from the power bank and play freely... Wait, I seem to have homework to do...

10. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被强迫参加运动会的运动员,充满了无奈和抗拒...

On the first day of school, I feel like an athlete forced to participate in a sports competition, full of helplessness and resistance...

**Part 2:开学兴奋**

11. 开学了!终于可以见到我的朋友们了,我要把我的暑假趣事全部告诉他们!

School starts! I can finally see my friends. I'm going to tell them all about my summer fun!

12. 开学了!我要开始新学期的新目标,我要学习更多知识,我要变得更优秀!

School starts! I'm going to set new goals for the new semester. I want to learn more and become better!

13. 开学第一天,我满怀期待,新学期,新的开始,新的挑战!我要努力学习,实现我的梦想!

On the first day of school, I am full of expectations. New semester, new beginning, new challenges! I will study hard and achieve my dreams!

14. 开学了!我的课本们,我回来了!我要开始新的一轮学习之旅了!

School starts! My textbooks, I'm back! I'm going to start a new round of learning journey!

15. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个充满能量的超人,我要用我所有的热情和努力,迎接新学期的挑战!

On the first day of school, I feel like a superhero full of energy. I will use all my enthusiasm and efforts to meet the challenges of the new semester!

16. 开学了!我终于可以摆脱无聊的暑假生活了,我要开始我的精彩校园生活了!

School starts! I can finally get rid of the boring summer life. I'm going to start my wonderful campus life!

17. 开学第一天,我的心情像阳光一样明媚,新学期,新希望,我要用我的努力和汗水,创造一个更加美好的未来!

On the first day of school, my mood is as bright as sunshine. New semester, new hope, I will use my efforts and sweat to create a brighter future!

18. 开学了!我要开始我的学习之旅了,我要探索更多未知的知识领域,我要成为一名优秀的学生!

School starts! I'm going to start my learning journey. I want to explore more unknown knowledge areas and become an excellent student!

19. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被赋予了新生命的机器人,我要用我所有的知识和技能,迎接新学期的挑战!

On the first day of school, I feel like a robot given a new life. I will use all my knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the new semester!

20. 开学了!我要用我的努力和汗水,谱写一首属于我的校园青春之歌!

School starts! I will use my efforts and sweat to compose a campus youth song that belongs to me!

**Part 3:开学日常**

21. 开学第一天,我已经成功的迷路了,请问哪位同学知道教室在哪?

On the first day of school, I have successfully gotten lost. Does anyone know where the classroom is?

22. 开学第一天,我发现我的书包比我还重,我的胳膊已经快断了...

On the first day of school, I found out that my backpack is heavier than I am. My arm is about to break...

23. 开学第一天,老师说要认真听讲,可是我却在想...中午吃什么?

On the first day of school, the teacher said to listen carefully, but I was thinking... what to eat for lunch?

24. 开学第一天,我发现我的同桌已经换人了,我有点不习惯,但我也很期待新同桌的到来。

On the first day of school, I found out that my deskmate has changed. I'm a little uncomfortable, but I'm also looking forward to the arrival of my new deskmate.

25. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被重新格式化的电脑,充满了期待和未知。

On the first day of school, I feel like a computer that has been reformatted, full of expectations and unknowns.

26. 开学第一天,我发现我的手机已经变得很陌生,因为我已经被作业和考试支配了...

On the first day of school, I found that my phone has become very unfamiliar because I have been dominated by homework and exams...

27. 开学第一天,我终于可以见到我的老师们了,我要努力学习,不让他们失望!

On the first day of school, I can finally see my teachers. I will study hard and not let them down!

28. 开学第一天,我发现我的课本比我还多,我感觉自己已经变成了一个书架...

On the first day of school, I found that I have more textbooks than I do. I feel like I've become a bookshelf...

29. 开学第一天,我发现我的时间表已经排满了,我感觉自己已经变成了一个时间管理大师...等等,我好像忘记了,我还需要睡觉。

On the first day of school, I found that my schedule is full. I feel like I've become a time management master... Wait, I seem to have forgotten that I still need to sleep.

30. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个刚出生的婴儿,对这个世界充满了好奇和探索的欲望。

On the first day of school, I feel like a newborn baby, full of curiosity and desire to explore the world.

**Part 4:开学吐槽**

31. 开学第一天,我发现我的假期作业还没写完,我的内心已经崩溃了...

On the first day of school, I found that my holiday homework is not finished. My heart is already broken...

32. 开学第一天,我已经开始怀念假期了,因为我的床实在太舒服了...

On the first day of school, I've already started missing the holidays because my bed is just too comfortable...

33. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被强行拉回现实的梦游者,充满了迷茫和失落...

On the first day of school, I feel like a sleepwalker who has been forcibly pulled back to reality, full of confusion and loss...

34. 开学第一天,我的脑袋已经开始放空了,因为我还没从假期的放松状态中缓过来...

On the first day of school, my head has already started to go blank because I haven't recovered from the relaxed state of the holidays...

35. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被强制加班的社畜,充满了疲惫和无力...

On the first day of school, I feel like a salaried worker who has been forced to work overtime, full of fatigue and powerlessness...

36. 开学第一天,我的手机已经变成了我的闹钟,我的闹钟已经变成了我的噩梦...

On the first day of school, my phone has become my alarm clock, and my alarm clock has become my nightmare...

37. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被困在时间牢笼里的囚犯,渴望自由...

On the first day of school, I feel like a prisoner trapped in a time cage, longing for freedom...

38. 开学第一天,我的内心已经开始抗拒学习了,因为我的假期还没有结束...

On the first day of school, my heart has already started to resist learning because my vacation is not over...

39. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被强行拉去上班的员工,充满了怨念...

On the first day of school, I feel like an employee who has been forcibly pulled to work, full of resentment...

40. 开学第一天,我的精神状态已经处于崩溃边缘,因为我还没有从假期的快乐中走出来...

On the first day of school, my mental state is already on the verge of collapse because I haven't come out of the joy of the holidays yet...

**Part 5:开学友情**

41. 开学了,终于可以见到我的老朋友们了,我要把我的暑假趣事全部告诉他们,一起回忆美好的时光!

School starts, I can finally see my old friends. I'm going to tell them all about my summer fun and reminisce about the good times together!

42. 开学了,我要和我的朋友们一起努力学习,一起完成目标,一起创造美好的回忆!

School starts, I'm going to study hard with my friends, achieve our goals together, and create beautiful memories together!

43. 开学第一天,我发现我的朋友们都比我瘦了,我感觉自己已经变成了一个胖子...我要努力减肥了!

On the first day of school, I found that my friends are all thinner than me. I feel like I've become a fat person... I need to lose weight!

44. 开学第一天,我和我的朋友们一起分享了假期的趣事,我们一起欢笑,一起回忆,一起期待新学期!

On the first day of school, I shared my summer fun with my friends. We laughed together, reminisced together, and looked forward to the new semester together!

45. 开学第一天,我发现我的朋友们已经开始聊起学习了,而我还在沉浸在假期的美好回忆中...

On the first day of school, I found that my friends have already started talking about studying, while I'm still immersed in the good memories of the holidays...

46. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被朋友们抛弃的流浪汉,因为他们已经开始学习了,而我还在玩手机...

On the first day of school, I feel like a homeless person abandoned by my friends because they have already started studying, while I'm still playing on my phone...

47. 开学第一天,我和我的朋友们一起制定了新学期的目标,我们要一起努力,一起进步,一起迎接新的挑战!

On the first day of school, I made new semester goals with my friends. We are going to work hard together, make progress together, and face new challenges together!

48. 开学第一天,我和我的朋友们一起逛校园,一起寻找新的美食,一起感受校园的活力!

On the first day of school, I walked around campus with my friends, found new food together, and felt the vitality of the campus together!

49. 开学第一天,我发现我的朋友们已经开始组队学习了,而我还在寻找我的学习伙伴...

On the first day of school, I found that my friends have already started studying in groups, while I'm still looking for my study partner...

50. 开学第一天,我和我的朋友们一起回忆了过去的点点滴滴,我们一起欢笑,一起感动,一起期待美好的未来!

On the first day of school, I reminisced about the past with my friends. We laughed together, were moved together, and looked forward to a beautiful future together!

**Part 6:开学爱情**

51. 开学第一天,我发现我的暗恋对象也开学了,我要勇敢地向他表白!

On the first day of school, I found that the object of my crush is also back in school. I'm going to be brave and confess to him!

52. 开学第一天,我已经开始期待在校园里偶遇我的心仪对象了,我要努力学习,让我的形象更加完美!

On the first day of school, I've already started looking forward to running into my crush on campus. I'm going to study hard and make my image even more perfect!

53. 开学第一天,我的心跳已经开始加速了,因为我即将见到我的心上人了...

On the first day of school, my heart has already started to race because I'm about to see my sweetheart...

54. 开学第一天,我已经开始幻想我的爱情故事了,我要用我的努力和真诚,打动我的心仪对象!

On the first day of school, I've already started fantasizing about my love story. I'm going to use my efforts and sincerity to win over my crush!

55. 开学第一天,我发现我的心仪对象已经有了新对象...我的内心已经开始崩溃了...

On the first day of school, I found out that my crush already has a new partner... My heart is already broken...

56. 开学第一天,我的爱情之路充满了荆棘,我要勇敢地克服所有困难,最终赢得我的爱情!

On the first day of school, my path to love is full of thorns. I will bravely overcome all difficulties and eventually win my love!

57. 开学第一天,我已经开始期待在校园里谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱了,我要用我的热情和魅力,征服我的心仪对象!

On the first day of school, I've already started looking forward to having a whirlwind romance on campus. I'm going to use my enthusiasm and charm to conquer my crush!

58. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被爱情冲昏头脑的傻子,我要用我的智慧和冷静,理智地追求我的爱情!

On the first day of school, I feel like a fool who has been blinded by love. I will use my wisdom and composure to rationally pursue my love!

59. 开学第一天,我发现我的心仪对象就在我的隔壁班,我要努力学习,让我的成绩更加优异,吸引他的注意!

On the first day of school, I found that my crush is in the class next door. I'm going to study hard and make my grades even better to attract his attention!

60. 开学第一天,我的爱情之路充满了未知,我要勇敢地探索,寻找我的真爱!

On the first day of school, my path to love is full of unknowns. I will bravely explore and find my true love!

**Part 7:开学计划**

61. 开学了,我要制定一个完美的学习计划,我要合理安排时间,提高学习效率!

School starts, I'm going to make a perfect study plan. I'm going to schedule my time wisely and improve my learning efficiency!

62. 开学第一天,我已经开始学习新课程了,我要认真听讲,努力学习,掌握更多的知识!

On the first day of school, I've already started learning new courses. I'm going to listen carefully, study hard, and learn more knowledge!

63. 开学了,我要参加各种社团活动,丰富我的课余生活,结交更多朋友!

School starts, I'm going to participate in various club activities to enrich my extracurricular life and make more friends!

64. 开学第一天,我发现我的课本比我还多,我要制定一个合理的学习计划,才能完成所有的课程!

On the first day of school, I found that I have more textbooks than I do. I need to make a reasonable study plan to complete all the courses!

65. 开学了,我要利用好一切时间,努力学习,提高我的成绩,为我的未来打下坚实的基础!

School starts, I'm going to make the most of every moment, study hard, improve my grades, and lay a solid foundation for my future!

66. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个被赋予了新任务的士兵,我要用我所有的力量,完成我的学习目标!

On the first day of school, I feel like a soldier given a new mission. I'm going to use all my strength to achieve my learning goals!

67. 开学了,我要开始我的新学期新挑战,我要用我的努力和汗水,创造一个更加美好的未来!

School starts, I'm going to start my new semester, new challenges. I'm going to use my efforts and sweat to create a brighter future!

68. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个站在人生十字路口的旅行者,我要选择一条通往成功的道路,并为之奋斗终生!

On the first day of school, I feel like a traveler standing at a crossroads in life. I'm going to choose a path to success and fight for it all my life!

69. 开学了,我要用我的热情和活力,迎接新学期的挑战,我要努力学习,成为一名优秀的学生!

School starts, I'm going to use my enthusiasm and vitality to meet the challenges of the new semester. I'm going to study hard and become an excellent student!

70. 开学第一天,我感觉自己像一个站在起跑线上的运动员,我要全力以赴,冲向成功的终点!

On the first day of school, I feel like an athlete standing at the starting line. I'm going to go all out and rush to the finish line of success!

**Part 8:开学感悟**

71. 开学了,我的内心充满了复杂的情感,有对假期的怀念,也有对新学期的期待,还有对未来的憧憬...

School starts, my heart is filled with complex emotions. There is nostalgia for the holidays, anticipation for the new semester, and dreams for the future...

72. 开学第一天,我发现时间过得真快,一眨眼,暑假就结束了,新的学期又开始了...

On the first day of school, I found that time flies by. In the blink of an eye, summer vacation is over, and a new semester has begun...

73. 开学了,我感觉自己又回到了熟悉的校园,回到了熟悉的课堂,回到了熟悉的学习生活...

School starts, I feel like I'm back in the familiar campus, back in the familiar classroom, back in the familiar learning life...

74. 开学第一天,我发现我的心已经开始变得平静,因为我明白,学习是人生中不可或缺的一部分...

On the first day of school, I found that my heart has already begun to calm down, because I understand that learning is an indispensable part of life...

75. 开学了,我要用我的努力和汗水,谱写一首属于我的青春之歌,我要让我的青春充满活力,充满意义!

School starts, I'm going to use my efforts and sweat to compose a youth song that belongs to me. I'm going to make my youth full of vitality and meaning!

76. 开学第一天,我发现我的心已经开始变得充满希望,因为我明白,未来充满了无限可能...

On the first day of school, I found that my heart has already begun to fill with hope because I understand that the future is full of infinite possibilities...

77. 开学了,我要用我的智慧和勇气,去迎接新学期的挑战,我要不断学习,不断进步,不断成长!

School starts, I'm going to use my wisdom and courage to meet the challenges of the new semester. I'm going to keep learning, keep improving, keep growing!

78. 开学第一天,我发现我的内心已经开始变得充满力量,因为我明白,我要为我的未来奋斗终生!

On the first day of school, I found that my heart has already begun to fill with strength because I understand that I am going to fight for my future all my life!

79. 开学了,我要用我的热情和努力,创造一个更加美好的未来,我要让我的青春充满光彩,充满意义!

School starts, I'm going to use my enthusiasm and efforts to create a brighter future. I'm going to make my youth shine with brilliance and meaning!

80. 开学第一天,我发现我的心已经开始变得充满期待,因为我明白,新学期充满了无限可能...

On the first day of school, I found that my heart has already begun to fill with anticipation because I understand that the new semester is full of infinite possibilities...

**Part 9:开学奇葩**

81. 开学第一天,我发现我的书包里竟然藏着一只蜗牛...请问它是怎么进去的?

On the first day of school, I found a snail hiding in my backpack... How did it get in there?

82. 开学第一天,我发现我的老师竟然和我的偶像长得一模一样...请问他是穿越过来的吗?

On the first day of school, I found that my teacher looks exactly like my idol... Did he travel through time?

83. 开学第一天,我发现我的同桌竟然会读心术...请问他是外星人吗?

On the first day of school, I found out that my deskmate can read minds... Is he an alien?

84. 开学第一天,我发现我的教室竟然变成了游乐场...请问这是梦吗?

On the first day of school, I found that my classroom has turned into an amusement park... Is this a dream?

85. 开学第一天,我发现我的课本竟然会说话...请问这是魔法吗?

On the first day of school, I found that my textbooks can talk... Is this magic?

86. 开学第一天,我发现我的学校竟然被外星人入侵了...请问我应该怎么办?

On the first day of school, I found that my school was invaded by aliens... What should I do?

87. 开学第一天,我发现我的老师竟然会变身...请问他是超级英雄吗?

On the first day of school, I found that my teacher can transform... Is he a superhero?

88. 开学第一天,我发现我的教室里竟然出现了一只猫...请问它是怎么进来的?

On the first day of school, I found a cat in my classroom... How did it get in there?

89. 开学第一天,我发现我的同桌竟然会唱rap...请问他是地下rapper吗?

On the first day of school, I found out that my deskmate can rap... Is he an underground rapper?

以上就是关于开学的朋友圈搞笑句子89句(开学的朋友圈搞笑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
