
## 开国少将去世句子 (56句)

**1. 沉痛悼念开国少将**

英文: We mourn the passing of a founding major general.

**2. 革命先辈,功勋卓著**

英文: Revolutionary forefather, with outstanding achievements.

**3. 为人民解放事业贡献一生**

英文: Dedicated a lifetime to the cause of people's liberation.

**4. 光辉事迹永垂青史**

英文: His brilliant deeds will be forever etched in history.

**5. 革命精神代代传承**

英文: His revolutionary spirit will be passed down from generation to generation.

**6. 英雄永垂不朽**

英文: The hero will be immortal.

**7. 开国功勋,功不可没**

英文: His contributions to the founding of the nation are immeasurable.

**8. 革命精神永存人间**

英文: His revolutionary spirit will live on in the world.

**9. 缅怀革命先烈的丰功伟绩**

英文: We commemorate the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs.

**10. 他们的精神将激励我们不断前进**

英文: Their spirit will inspire us to move forward.

**11. 革命先辈,我们永远怀念您**

英文: We will forever cherish the memory of our revolutionary forefather.

**12. 英雄的离去是人民的损失**

英文: The loss of a hero is a loss to the people.

**13. 您的精神将永远激励着我们**

英文: Your spirit will forever inspire us.

**14. 您的光辉事迹将永远铭记**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will be forever remembered.

**15. 您为人民解放事业做出了巨大贡献**

英文: You made a great contribution to the cause of people's liberation.

**16. 您的名字将永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上**

英文: Your name will be forever engraved on the monument of history.

**17. 您的英勇事迹将永远激励后人**

英文: Your heroic deeds will forever inspire future generations.

**18. 您是人民的英雄,我们永远不会忘记您**

英文: You are the people's hero, we will never forget you.

**19. 您的精神将永垂不朽**

英文: Your spirit will be immortal.

**20. 您的光辉事迹将永远流传**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will be passed down through the ages.

**21. 您是时代的楷模,我们永远学习您的精神**

英文: You are a role model of the times, we will forever learn from your spirit.

**22. 您的英名将永远铭刻在我们的心中**

英文: Your name will be forever etched in our hearts.

**23. 您为人民解放事业贡献了一生,您的精神将永远激励后人**

英文: You dedicated your life to the cause of people's liberation, your spirit will forever inspire future generations.

**24. 您的光辉事迹将永远照耀着我们前进的道路**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will forever illuminate our path forward.

**25. 您是革命的先驱,您的精神将永远激励着我们**

英文: You are a pioneer of the revolution, your spirit will forever inspire us.

**26. 您的英勇事迹将永远被人们传颂**

英文: Your heroic deeds will be forever sung by the people.

**27. 您的名字将永远铭刻在历史的史册上**

英文: Your name will be forever inscribed in the annals of history.

**28. 您的光辉事迹将永远激励我们奋勇前进**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will forever inspire us to forge ahead.

**29. 您的精神将永远激励着我们战胜一切困难**

英文: Your spirit will forever inspire us to overcome all difficulties.

**30. 您的离去是历史的损失,但您的精神将永远与我们同在**

英文: Your departure is a loss to history, but your spirit will forever be with us.

**31. 您为人民解放事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献**

英文: You made an indelible contribution to the cause of people's liberation.

**32. 您的精神将永远照耀着我们前进的方向**

英文: Your spirit will forever illuminate our direction forward.

**33. 您是伟大的革命者,我们永远怀念您**

英文: You are a great revolutionary, we will forever cherish your memory.

**34. 您的名字将永远被人们铭记**

英文: Your name will be forever remembered by the people.

**35. 您的事迹将永远激励我们为人民幸福而奋斗**

英文: Your deeds will forever inspire us to fight for the happiness of the people.

**36. 您是时代英雄,我们永远学习您的精神**

英文: You are a hero of the times, we will forever learn from your spirit.

**37. 您的精神将永远激励着我们**

英文: Your spirit will forever inspire us.

**38. 您的光辉事迹将永远被后人传颂**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will be forever sung by future generations.

**39. 您的名字将永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上**

英文: Your name will be forever engraved on the monument of history.

**40. 您的英勇事迹将永远激励着我们**

英文: Your heroic deeds will forever inspire us.

**41. 您的离去是人民的损失,但您的精神将永远与我们同在**

英文: Your departure is a loss to the people, but your spirit will forever be with us.

**42. 您为人民解放事业做出了巨大贡献**

英文: You made a great contribution to the cause of people's liberation.

**43. 您的精神将永远激励我们不断前进**

英文: Your spirit will forever inspire us to move forward.

**44. 您是时代的楷模,我们永远学习您的精神**

英文: You are a role model of the times, we will forever learn from your spirit.

**45. 您的光辉事迹将永远照耀着我们前进的道路**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will forever illuminate our path forward.

**46. 您是革命的先驱,您的精神将永远激励着我们**

英文: You are a pioneer of the revolution, your spirit will forever inspire us.

**47. 您的英勇事迹将永远被人们传颂**

英文: Your heroic deeds will be forever sung by the people.

**48. 您的名字将永远铭刻在历史的史册上**

英文: Your name will be forever inscribed in the annals of history.

**49. 您的光辉事迹将永远激励我们奋勇前进**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will forever inspire us to forge ahead.

**50. 您的精神将永远激励着我们战胜一切困难**

英文: Your spirit will forever inspire us to overcome all difficulties.

**51. 您的英名将永远铭刻在我们的心中**

英文: Your name will be forever etched in our hearts.

**52. 您为人民解放事业贡献了一生,您的精神将永远激励后人**

英文: You dedicated your life to the cause of people's liberation, your spirit will forever inspire future generations.

**53. 您的精神将永垂不朽**

英文: Your spirit will be immortal.

**54. 您的光辉事迹将永远流传**

英文: Your brilliant deeds will be passed down through the ages.

**55. 您的事迹将永远激励我们为人民幸福而奋斗**

英文: Your deeds will forever inspire us to fight for the happiness of the people.

**56. 您是时代的英雄,我们永远学习您的精神**

英文: You are a hero of the times, we will forever learn from your spirit.

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