
## 寒露朋友圈文案 (88句)


1. 秋风瑟瑟,落叶飘零,寒露时节,秋意渐浓。

The autumn wind whispers, leaves fall, the cold dew season, autumn is getting stronger.

2. 秋天是诗,是画,是收获的季节,也是思念的季节。

Autumn is poetry, painting, a season of harvest, and a season of missing.

3. 秋天像一杯清茶,回味无穷,令人沉醉。

Autumn is like a cup of tea, endless aftertaste, intoxicating.

4. 秋天是金色的,是温暖的,是充满希望的。

Autumn is golden, warm, and full of hope.

5. 秋天是收获的季节,也是收获快乐的季节。

Autumn is the season of harvest, and also the season of harvest happiness.

6. 秋天是收获的季节,也是收获梦想的季节。

Autumn is the season of harvest, and also the season of harvest dreams.

7. 秋天是收获的季节,也是收获友谊的季节。

Autumn is the season of harvest, and also the season of harvest friendship.

8. 秋天是收获的季节,也是收获爱情的季节。

Autumn is the season of harvest, and also the season of harvest love.

9. 秋天是收获的季节,也是收获成长的季节。

Autumn is the season of harvest, and also the season of harvest growth.

10. 秋天是收获的季节,也是收获希望的季节。

Autumn is the season of harvest, and also the season of harvest hope.


11. 寒露至,秋意浓,愿你一切安好,温暖如春。

Cold Dew arrives, autumn deepens, may you be well, warm as spring.

12. 寒露已至,愿你心中常怀暖阳,温暖如春。

Cold Dew has arrived, may you always have sunshine in your heart, warm as spring.

13. 寒露时节,天高云淡,愿你一切顺利,心想事成。

In the season of Cold Dew, the sky is high and the clouds are light, may everything go smoothly for you, and all your wishes come true.

14. 寒露已至,秋意渐浓,愿你拥有美好的秋色,幸福的秋季。

Cold Dew has arrived, autumn is getting stronger, may you have beautiful autumn colors, a happy autumn.

15. 寒露时节,注意保暖,愿你健康平安,一切顺利。

In the season of Cold Dew, pay attention to keeping warm, may you be healthy and safe, everything goes smoothly.

16. 寒露时节,愿你拥有一颗温暖的心,温暖如春。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a warm heart, warm as spring.

17. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的心情,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a happy mood, a happy autumn.

18. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的生活,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a good life, a happy autumn.

19. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的未来,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a bright future, a happy autumn.

20. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的爱情,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a wonderful love, a happy autumn.


21. 秋天,是收获的季节,也是思考的季节。

Autumn is a season of harvest, and also a season of reflection.

22. 秋天,是放慢脚步,静心沉淀的季节。

Autumn is a season to slow down, to settle down.

23. 秋天,是整理心情,迎接新开始的季节。

Autumn is a season to tidy up your mood and welcome new beginnings.

24. 秋天,是收获快乐,感受温暖的季节。

Autumn is a season to harvest happiness and feel warmth.

25. 秋天,是收获希望,展望未来的季节。

Autumn is a season to harvest hope and look forward to the future.

26. 秋天,是收获梦想,追逐成功的季节。

Autumn is a season to harvest dreams and pursue success.

27. 秋天,是收获友情,感受温暖的季节。

Autumn is a season to harvest friendship and feel warmth.

28. 秋天,是收获爱情,感受甜蜜的季节。

Autumn is a season to harvest love and feel sweetness.

29. 秋天,是收获成长,感受喜悦的季节。

Autumn is a season to harvest growth and feel joy.

30. 秋天,是收获希望,展望未来的季节。

Autumn is a season to harvest hope and look forward to the future.


31. 秋风送爽,食欲大开,寒露时节,适合吃点暖心的美食。

The autumn wind is refreshing, appetite is wide open, in the season of Cold Dew, it is suitable to eat some heartwarming food.

32. 寒露时节,来一杯热腾腾的茶,暖暖身子,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have a cup of steaming hot tea, warm your body, ward off the cold and keep warm.

33. 寒露时节,来一碗热乎乎的汤,暖暖胃,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have a bowl of hot soup, warm your stomach, ward off the cold and keep warm.

34. 寒露时节,来一份香喷喷的烤肉,暖暖心,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have a plate of fragrant grilled meat, warm your heart, ward off the cold and keep warm.

35. 寒露时节,来点滋补的粥,暖暖胃,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have some nourishing porridge, warm your stomach, ward off the cold and keep warm.

36. 寒露时节,来点香甜的水果,暖暖胃,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have some sweet fruits, warm your stomach, ward off the cold and keep warm.

37. 寒露时节,来点美味的糕点,暖暖心,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have some delicious pastries, warm your heart, ward off the cold and keep warm.

38. 寒露时节,来点暖心的甜品,暖暖胃,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have some heartwarming desserts, warm your stomach, ward off the cold and keep warm.

39. 寒露时节,来点营养丰富的汤,暖暖胃,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have some nutritious soup, warm your stomach, ward off the cold and keep warm.

40. 寒露时节,来点养生的茶,暖暖身子,驱寒保暖。

In the season of Cold Dew, have some health-preserving tea, warm your body, ward off the cold and keep warm.


41. 寒露时节,天高云淡,秋色宜人。

In the season of Cold Dew, the sky is high, the clouds are light, and the autumn scenery is pleasant.

42. 寒露时节,漫步在落叶堆积的小路,感受秋天的宁静。

In the season of Cold Dew, walk on the path covered with fallen leaves, feel the tranquility of autumn.

43. 寒露时节,站在山顶,俯瞰山河,感受秋天的壮丽。

In the season of Cold Dew, stand on the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains and rivers, feel the grandeur of autumn.

44. 寒露时节,去郊外踏秋,感受秋天的凉爽。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the suburbs to enjoy the autumn, feel the coolness of autumn.

45. 寒露时节,去公园赏秋,感受秋天的美丽。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the park to enjoy the autumn, feel the beauty of autumn.

46. 寒露时节,去田野感受丰收的喜悦,感受秋天的美好。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the fields to feel the joy of harvest, feel the beauty of autumn.

47. 寒露时节,去森林漫步,感受秋天的静谧。

In the season of Cold Dew, take a walk in the forest, feel the tranquility of autumn.

48. 寒露时节,去湖边散步,感受秋天的宁静。

In the season of Cold Dew, take a walk by the lake, feel the tranquility of autumn.

49. 寒露时节,去田野感受秋天的丰收,感受秋天的美好。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the fields to feel the autumn harvest, feel the beauty of autumn.

50. 寒露时节,去山里感受秋天的凉爽,感受秋天的静谧。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the mountains to feel the coolness of autumn, feel the tranquility of autumn.


51. 寒露时节,愿你拥有温暖的阳光,温暖的生活。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have warm sunshine, a warm life.

52. 寒露时节,愿你拥有温暖的家庭,温暖的生活。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a warm family, a warm life.

53. 寒露时节,愿你拥有温暖的朋友,温暖的生活。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have warm friends, a warm life.

54. 寒露时节,愿你拥有温暖的爱人,温暖的生活。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a warm lover, a warm life.

55. 寒露时节,愿你拥有温暖的内心,温暖的生活。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a warm heart, a warm life.

56. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的生活,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a beautiful life, a happy autumn.

57. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的心情,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a good mood, a happy autumn.

58. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的未来,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a bright future, a happy autumn.

59. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的爱情,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a wonderful love, a happy autumn.

60. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的回忆,幸福的秋季。

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have beautiful memories, a happy autumn.


61. 寒露时节,秋风送爽,落叶飘零,诗意盎然。

In the season of Cold Dew, the autumn wind is refreshing, leaves fall, poetic.

62. 寒露时节,天高云淡,秋色宜人,诗意满怀。

In the season of Cold Dew, the sky is high, the clouds are light, the autumn scenery is pleasant, full of poetry.

63. 寒露时节,静心沉淀,感受秋天的宁静,诗意浓浓。

In the season of Cold Dew, settle your heart, feel the tranquility of autumn, poetry is thick.

64. 寒露时节,漫步在落叶堆积的小路,感受秋天的宁静,诗意盎然。

In the season of Cold Dew, walk on the path covered with fallen leaves, feel the tranquility of autumn, poetic.

65. 寒露时节,站在山顶,俯瞰山河,感受秋天的壮丽,诗意满怀。

In the season of Cold Dew, stand on the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains and rivers, feel the grandeur of autumn, full of poetry.

66. 寒露时节,去郊外踏秋,感受秋天的凉爽,诗意盎然。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the suburbs to enjoy the autumn, feel the coolness of autumn, poetic.

67. 寒露时节,去公园赏秋,感受秋天的美丽,诗意满怀。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the park to enjoy the autumn, feel the beauty of autumn, full of poetry.

68. 寒露时节,去田野感受丰收的喜悦,感受秋天的美好,诗意浓浓。

In the season of Cold Dew, go to the fields to feel the joy of harvest, feel the beauty of autumn, poetry is thick.

69. 寒露时节,去森林漫步,感受秋天的静谧,诗意盎然。

In the season of Cold Dew, take a walk in the forest, feel the tranquility of autumn, poetic.

70. 寒露时节,去湖边散步,感受秋天的宁静,诗意满怀。

In the season of Cold Dew, take a walk by the lake, feel the tranquility of autumn, full of poetry.


71. 寒露时节,愿你一切安好,幸福快乐!

In the season of Cold Dew, may everything be well with you, happiness and joy!

72. 寒露时节,愿你身体健康,平安喜乐!

In the season of Cold Dew, may you be healthy, safe and happy!

73. 寒露时节,愿你工作顺利,心想事成!

In the season of Cold Dew, may your work go smoothly, and all your wishes come true!

74. 寒露时节,愿你爱情甜蜜,幸福美满!

In the season of Cold Dew, may your love be sweet, and happiness be complete!

75. 寒露时节,愿你生活美好,幸福安康!

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a good life, happiness and health!

76. 寒露时节,愿你一切顺利,心想事成!

In the season of Cold Dew, may everything go smoothly for you, and all your wishes come true!

77. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的生活,幸福的秋季!

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a beautiful life, a happy autumn!

78. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的心情,幸福的秋季!

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a good mood, a happy autumn!

79. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的未来,幸福的秋季!

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a bright future, a happy autumn!

80. 寒露时节,愿你拥有美好的爱情,幸福的秋季!

In the season of Cold Dew, may you have a wonderful love, a happy autumn!


81. 寒露已至,秋意渐浓,时间总是匆匆流逝。

Cold Dew has arrived, autumn is getting stronger, time always passes quickly.

82. 寒露时节,回首往事,感慨万千。

In the season of Cold Dew, looking back on the past, I have many thoughts.

83. 寒露时节,愿我们都能珍惜当下,活出精彩。

In the season of Cold Dew, may we all cherish the present and live a wonderful life.

84. 寒露时节,愿我们都能勇敢追梦,活出精彩。

In the season of Cold Dew, may we all bravely pursue our dreams and live a wonderful life.

85. 寒露时节,愿我们都能活出自己的精彩,不负韶华。

In the season of Cold Dew, may we all live our lives to the fullest, and not waste our youth.

86. 寒露时节,愿我们都能珍惜眼前人,活出精彩。

In the season of Cold Dew, may we all cherish the people in front of us and live a wonderful life.

87. 寒露时节,愿我们都能活出自己的精彩,不负韶华。

In the season of Cold Dew, may we all live our lives to the fullest, and not waste our youth.

88. 寒露时节,愿我们都能珍惜眼前人,活出精彩。

In the season of Cold Dew, may we all cherish the people in front of us and live a wonderful life.

以上就是关于寒露适合发朋友圈的句子88句(寒露适合发朋友圈的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
