
## 寒食节重要句子 (62句)


1. 寒食节,源于春秋时期晋文公为纪念介子推而设立的节日。

The Cold Food Festival originated in the Spring and Autumn Period when Duke Wen of Jin established it to commemorate Jie Zhitui.

2. 介子推,晋文公的臣子,忠心耿耿,舍身相救。

Jie Zhitui, a loyal minister of Duke Wen of Jin, sacrificed himself to save the Duke.

3. 寒食节,是纪念介子推忠义精神的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day to honor Jie Zhitui's loyalty and righteousness.

4. 寒食节,禁火三日,以示哀悼。

During the Cold Food Festival, fires are forbidden for three days to mourn.

5. 寒食节,也称“禁火节”,是中华民族传统的清明节前夕的重要节日。

The Cold Food Festival, also known as the"No Fire Festival", is an important traditional Chinese festival preceding the Qingming Festival.

6. 寒食节,是中华文化的重要组成部分,承载着丰富的历史文化内涵。

The Cold Food Festival is an important part of Chinese culture, carrying rich historical and cultural significance.


7. 寒食节,人们以冷食为主,如吃凉糕、野菜、面条等。

During the Cold Food Festival, people mainly eat cold food, such as cold cakes, wild vegetables, and noodles.

8. 寒食节,人们会去祭拜祖先,扫墓祭奠。

On the Cold Food Festival, people visit their ancestors' graves and perform memorial rituals.

9. 寒食节,人们会踏青郊游,感受春天的气息。

During the Cold Food Festival, people go for outings in the countryside to enjoy the spring breeze.

10. 寒食节,人们还会放风筝,感受春天的活力。

On the Cold Food Festival, people fly kites to feel the vitality of spring.

11. 寒食节,是祭扫坟墓,慎终追远的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day for sweeping graves, remembering ancestors and honoring their memory.

12. 寒食节,是踏青赏景,享受春光的好时机。

The Cold Food Festival is a good time to go for outings, enjoy the scenery and bask in the spring sunshine.


13. 唐代诗人杜甫的《清明》诗中,写道:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”

In his poem"Qingming", Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu wrote:"A drizzle falls on the Qingming Day, as if the souls of travelers are lost in the rain."

14. 宋代诗人苏轼的《寒食》诗中,写道:“寒食东风御柳斜,清明佳节雨丝斜。”

In his poem"Hán Shí", Song Dynasty poet Su Shi wrote:"On the Cold Food Day, the east wind blows, willows sway in the rain, on the Qingming Festival, raindrops fall slantingly."

15. 诗歌中,寒食节常与清明节相联系,成为诗人抒发情感的重要题材。

In poetry, the Cold Food Festival is often linked to the Qingming Festival, becoming a significant theme for poets to express their emotions.

16. 寒食节,是诗人笔下寄托思乡之情,怀念故人的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day for poets to express their longing for home and to remember their loved ones.

17. 寒食节,是诗人感怀人生,吟诵自然的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day for poets to reflect on life and to sing about nature.


18. 寒食节,提醒人们要铭记历史,传承美德。

The Cold Food Festival reminds us to remember history and carry on our virtues.

19. 寒食节,教导人们要感恩奉献,忠诚正直。

The Cold Food Festival teaches us to be grateful, dedicated, loyal and honest.

20. 寒食节,表达了中华民族对忠义之士的敬仰和怀念。

The Cold Food Festival expresses the Chinese people's admiration and remembrance of loyal and righteous individuals.

21. 寒食节,体现了中华民族尊老敬贤,慎终追远的传统美德。

The Cold Food Festival reflects the traditional Chinese virtues of respecting the elderly and honoring ancestors.

22. 寒食节,是中华文化中重要的节日之一,承载着丰富的历史文化内涵。

The Cold Food Festival is one of the important festivals in Chinese culture, carrying rich historical and cultural significance.


23. 寒食节,民间有“吃寒食”的习俗,以冷食为主。

The Cold Food Festival is associated with the folk custom of"eating cold food", mainly consisting of cold dishes.

24. 寒食节,人们会去郊外踏青,欣赏春光。

On the Cold Food Festival, people go for outings in the countryside to appreciate the spring scenery.

25. 寒食节,孩子们会放风筝,享受春天的快乐。

On the Cold Food Festival, children fly kites and enjoy the joy of spring.

26. 寒食节,人们还会举办各种节庆活动,增添节日气氛。

On the Cold Food Festival, people also hold various celebratory events to enhance the festive atmosphere.

27. 寒食节,是一个充满生机和活力的节日,表达了人们对春天和新生活的期盼。

The Cold Food Festival is a vibrant and energetic festival that expresses people's anticipation for spring and a new life.


28. 寒食节,是纪念先贤,缅怀历史的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day to remember the ancestors and reflect on history.

29. 寒食节,是感恩自然,珍惜生命的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day to appreciate nature and cherish life.

30. 寒食节,是倡导孝道,传承文化的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day to advocate filial piety and carry on our culture.

31. 寒食节,是倡导环保,保护生态的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day to promote environmental protection and ecological preservation.

32. 寒食节,是现代人回归传统,感受文化魅力的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a day for modern people to return to tradition and experience the charm of our culture.


33. “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。” (唐·杜甫《清明》)

"A drizzle falls on the Qingming Day, as if the souls of travelers are lost in the rain." (Tang Dynasty - Du Fu,"Qingming")

34. “寒食东风御柳斜,清明佳节雨丝斜。” (宋·苏轼《寒食》)

"On the Cold Food Day, the east wind blows, willows sway in the rain, on the Qingming Festival, raindrops fall slantingly." (Song Dynasty - Su Shi,"Hán Shí")

35. “清明一雨葬花时,布谷声中夏令至。” (宋·陆游《沈园》)

"On the Qingming Day, rain falls to bury the flowers, and the cuckoo's song announces the arrival of summer." (Song Dynasty - Lu You,"Shenyuan")

36. “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。” (唐·杜牧《清明》)

"A drizzle falls on the Qingming Day, as if the souls of travelers are lost in the rain." (Tang Dynasty - Du Mu,"Qingming")

37. “寒食节,禁火三日,以示哀悼。” (《通典·岁时》)

"On the Cold Food Festival, fires are forbidden for three days to mourn." (From"Tong Dian: Yearly Customs")

38. “寒食清明,禁火三日。” (《东京梦华录·卷八·节令》)

"On the Cold Food Festival and Qingming Festival, fires are forbidden for three days." (From"Meng Hua Lu of Dongjing: Volume 8 - Yearly Customs")

39. “清明节,慎终追远。” (《礼记·祭义》)

"On the Qingming Festival, we remember our ancestors and honor their memory." (From"The Book of Rites: Rituals of Sacrifice")

40. “寒食节,踏青赏景,感受春天的气息。” (民俗谚语)

"On the Cold Food Festival, go for outings, enjoy the scenery and feel the breath of spring." (Folk proverb)

41. “寒食节,放风筝,感受春天的活力。” (民俗谚语)

"On the Cold Food Festival, fly kites and feel the vitality of spring." (Folk proverb)

42. “寒食节,吃冷食,以示哀悼。” (民俗谚语)

"On the Cold Food Festival, eat cold food to mourn." (Folk proverb)

43. “寒食节,祭拜祖先,扫墓祭奠。” (民俗谚语)

"On the Cold Food Festival, visit ancestors' graves and perform memorial rituals." (Folk proverb)


44. 寒食节,是中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分,承载着丰富的历史文化内涵。

The Cold Food Festival is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, carrying rich historical and cultural significance.

45. 寒食节,是中华民族慎终追远,孝敬祖先的传统节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a traditional Chinese festival for remembering ancestors and honoring their memory.

46. 寒食节,是中华民族感恩自然,珍惜生命的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a Chinese festival for appreciating nature and cherishing life.

47. 寒食节,是中华民族传承美德,弘扬正气的节日。

The Cold Food Festival is a Chinese festival for carrying on our virtues and promoting righteousness.

48. 寒食节,是中华民族文化宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠,值得我们传承和弘扬。

The Cold Food Festival is a shining gem in the treasure trove of Chinese culture, worth our inheritance and promotion.


49. 寒食节,让我更加珍惜生命,铭记历史。

The Cold Food Festival makes me cherish life even more and remember history.

50. 寒食节,让我更加感恩自然,敬畏生命。

The Cold Food Festival makes me more grateful for nature and respectful of life.

51. 寒食节,让我更加懂得孝道,传承美德。

The Cold Food Festival makes me understand filial piety and carrying on our virtues better.

52. 寒食节,让我更加感受到中华文化的博大精深,传承精神的伟大力量。

The Cold Food Festival makes me feel the profound depth of Chinese culture and the great power of our inherited spirit.


53. 寒食节,让我们传承先贤的忠义精神,为社会做出更大的贡献。

On the Cold Food Festival, let us inherit the spirit of loyalty and righteousness from our ancestors and contribute more to society.

54. 寒食节,让我们更加珍惜生命,热爱生活,为创造美好未来而努力。

On the Cold Food Festival, let us cherish life even more, love our lives, and work towards a better future.

55. 寒食节,让我们传承中华文化,弘扬中华精神,为中华民族的伟大复兴而努力。

On the Cold Food Festival, let us carry on Chinese culture, promote the Chinese spirit, and work towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


56. 寒食节快乐!愿你幸福安康!

Happy Cold Food Festival! May you be happy and healthy!

57. 寒食节,祝你一切顺利,万事如意!

On the Cold Food Festival, I wish you all the best and smooth sailing in everything!

58. 寒食节,祝你身体健康,心情愉快!

On the Cold Food Festival, I wish you good health and a happy mood!

59. 寒食节,愿你与家人朋友共度美好时光!

On the Cold Food Festival, may you spend happy moments with your family and friends!

60. 寒食节,愿你拥有美好的一天,充满希望和喜悦!

On the Cold Food Festival, may you have a wonderful day filled with hope and joy!

61. 寒食节,愿你一切顺利,心想事成!

On the Cold Food Festival, I wish you all the best and that all your dreams come true!

62. 寒食节,祝你平安健康,快乐幸福!

On the Cold Food Festival, I wish you peace, health, happiness and joy!

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