
## 形容多事的句子,54句

**1. 她总是爱管闲事,真是个多事的女人。**

She always likes to poke her nose into other people's business. She's such a busybody.

**2. 他喜欢八卦,喜欢到处传播别人家的私事,真是个多事的人。**

He loves to gossip and spread rumors about other people's private lives. He's such a busybody.

**3. 这件事本来很小,却被她添油加醋,越说越夸张,真是多事。**

The matter was originally small, but she exaggerated it and made it bigger and bigger. She's really a busybody.

**4. 他总是喜欢插嘴,别人说话还没说完,他就急着发表自己的意见,真是多事。**

He always likes to interrupt, and he's always eager to express his own opinion before others have finished speaking. He's such a busybody.

**5. 别人家的事,她总是爱打听,真是多事。**

She always likes to pry into other people's affairs. She's such a busybody.

**6. 他的事情还没办完,他又接了新的任务,真是多事。**

He hasn't finished his own work yet, but he's taken on new tasks. He's such a busybody.

**7. 这种事情本来可以避免,可是他却非要多事,结果把事情搞得更复杂了。**

This kind of thing could have been avoided, but he insisted on being a busybody, and it ended up making things more complicated.

**8. 他总是爱管别人的闲事,真是多事。**

He always likes to interfere in other people's business. He's such a busybody.

**9. 他总是喜欢没事找事,真是多事。**

He always likes to make trouble. He's such a busybody.

**10. 她总是爱给别人提意见,真是多事。**

She always likes to give other people advice. She's such a busybody.

**11. 他总是喜欢自作主张,真是多事。**

He always likes to take the initiative. He's such a busybody.

**12. 他的话总是多,真是多事。**

He's always talking too much. He's such a busybody.

**13. 她总是喜欢吹毛求疵,真是多事。**

She always likes to nitpick. She's such a busybody.

**14. 他总是喜欢挑毛病,真是多事。**

He always likes to find fault. He's such a busybody.

**15. 她的事情总是很多,真是多事。**

She's always got a lot of things going on. She's such a busybody.

**16. 他总是喜欢到处乱跑,真是多事。**

He always likes to run around. He's such a busybody.

**17. 她总是喜欢到处打听消息,真是多事。**

She always likes to gather information. She's such a busybody.

**18. 他总是喜欢到处惹事,真是多事。**

He always likes to start trouble. He's such a busybody.

**19. 她总是喜欢跟别人吵架,真是多事。**

She always likes to argue with people. She's such a busybody.

**20. 他总是喜欢跟别人攀比,真是多事。**

He always likes to compare himself to others. He's such a busybody.

**21. 他的生活总是乱七八糟,真是多事。**

His life is always a mess. He's such a busybody.

**22. 她的想法总是天马行空,真是多事。**

Her thoughts are always out there. She's such a busybody.

**23. 他的脾气总是很暴躁,真是多事。**

He always has a bad temper. He's such a busybody.

**24. 她的性格总是很古怪,真是多事。**

She always has a strange personality. She's such a busybody.

**25. 他的行为总是很奇怪,真是多事。**

He always acts strangely. He's such a busybody.

**26. 她的爱好总是很独特,真是多事。**

She always has unique hobbies. She's such a busybody.

**27. 他的兴趣总是很广泛,真是多事。**

He always has a wide range of interests. He's such a busybody.

**28. 她的思想总是很活跃,真是多事。**

She always has an active mind. She's such a busybody.

**29. 他的学习总是很刻苦,真是多事。**

He always studies hard. He's such a busybody.

**30. 她的工作总是很努力,真是多事。**

She always works hard. She's such a busybody.

**31. 他的生活总是很忙碌,真是多事。**

He always has a busy life. He's such a busybody.

**32. 她的感情总是很丰富,真是多事。**

She always has a lot of emotions. She's such a busybody.

**33. 他的精神总是很乐观,真是多事。**

He always has a positive attitude. He's such a busybody.

**34. 她的性格总是很开朗,真是多事。**

She always has a cheerful personality. She's such a busybody.

**35. 他总是喜欢惹麻烦,真是多事。**

He always likes to cause trouble. He's such a busybody.

**36. 她总是喜欢给自己找麻烦,真是多事。**

She always likes to make things difficult for herself. She's such a busybody.

**37. 他总是喜欢跟别人争吵,真是多事。**

He always likes to argue with people. He's such a busybody.

**38. 她总是喜欢到处吹嘘自己,真是多事。**

She always likes to brag about herself. She's such a busybody.

**39. 他总是喜欢到处炫耀自己,真是多事。**

He always likes to show off. He's such a busybody.

**40. 她总是喜欢到处攀比,真是多事。**

She always likes to compare herself to others. She's such a busybody.

**41. 他总是喜欢跟别人抢东西,真是多事。**

He always likes to snatch things from others. He's such a busybody.

**42. 她总是喜欢跟别人抢功劳,真是多事。**

She always likes to take credit for other people's work. She's such a busybody.

**43. 他总是喜欢跟别人抢风头,真是多事。**

He always likes to steal the show. He's such a busybody.

**44. 她总是喜欢跟别人抢位置,真是多事。**

She always likes to get ahead of others. She's such a busybody.

**45. 他总是喜欢跟别人抢资源,真是多事。**

He always likes to hoard resources. He's such a busybody.

**46. 她总是喜欢跟别人抢时间,真是多事。**

She always likes to rush things. She's such a busybody.

**47. 他总是喜欢跟别人抢机会,真是多事。**

He always likes to seize opportunities. He's such a busybody.

**48. 她总是喜欢跟别人抢话语权,真是多事。**

She always likes to dominate the conversation. She's such a busybody.

**49. 他总是喜欢跟别人抢风头,真是多事。**

He always likes to be the center of attention. He's such a busybody.

**50. 她总是喜欢跟别人抢功劳,真是多事。**

She always likes to take credit for other people's work. She's such a busybody.

**51. 他总是喜欢跟别人抢资源,真是多事。**

He always likes to hoard resources. He's such a busybody.

**52. 她总是喜欢跟别人抢时间,真是多事。**

She always likes to rush things. She's such a busybody.

**53. 他总是喜欢跟别人抢机会,真是多事。**

He always likes to seize opportunities. He's such a busybody.

**54. 她总是喜欢跟别人抢话语权,真是多事。**

She always likes to dominate the conversation. She's such a busybody.

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