
## 形容人前一套背后一套的句子 (83句)


1. 表里如一
2. 言行一致
3. 心口如一
4. 坦诚相待
5. 襟怀坦荡
6. 光明磊落
7. 光明正大
8. 正直无私
9. 诚实守信
10. 忠诚可靠
11. 坦率真诚
12. 虚怀若谷
13. 海纳百川
14. 宽容大度
15. 襟怀坦白
16. 心地善良
17. 平易近人
18. 敦厚老实
19. 善良正直
20. 言出必行
21. 言行一致
22. 始终如一
23. 坚持原则
24. 刚正不阿
25. 大公无私
26. 毫不利己,专门利人
27. 两袖清风
28. 廉洁奉公
29. 勤政为民
30. 爱岗敬业
31. 尽职尽责
32. 无私奉献
33. 舍己为人
34. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已
35. 功成身退
36. 淡泊名利
37. 不慕荣利
38. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全
39. 宁死不屈
40. 大义凛然
41. 舍生取义
42. 视死如归
43. 忠肝义胆
44. 气吞山河
45. 顶天立地
46. 浩然正气
47. 正气凛然
48. 威风凛凛
49. 凛然正气
50. 英姿飒爽


51. 口是心非
52. 两面三刀
53. 表里不一
54. 阳奉阴违
55. 背地里说人坏话
56. 当面一套,背后一套
57. 虚情假意
58. 虚伪做作
59. 伪善
60. 奸诈狡猾
61. 阴险毒辣
62. 欺骗狡诈
63. 欺世盗名
64. 口蜜腹剑
65. 笑里藏刀
66. 阴险狡诈
67. 心狠手辣
68. 凶狠毒辣
69. 凶神恶煞
70. 阴险狠毒
71. 阴谋诡计
72. 阴暗狡诈
73. 阴险歹毒
74. 虚情假意
75. 伪善
76. 虚伪
77. 虚假
78. 虚荣
79. 虚夸
80. 虚张声势
81. 欺世盗名
82. 欺骗
83. 欺诈

## 英文翻译


1. Consistent in words and deeds

2. Consistent in words and deeds

3. Honest and straightforward

4. Open and honest

5. Open-minded and generous

6. Honest and upright

7. Honest and upright

8. Honest and selfless

9. Honest and trustworthy

10. Loyal and reliable

11. Frank and sincere

12. Humble and receptive

13. Broad-minded and tolerant

14. Forgiving and generous

15. Open and honest

16. Kind-hearted

17. Easygoing and approachable

18. Honest and reliable

19. Kind and honest

20. True to one's word

21. Consistent in words and deeds

22. Consistent and unwavering

23. Upholding principles

24. Just and impartial

25. Selfless and impartial

26. Selfless and dedicated to helping others

27. Upright and incorruptible

28. Honest and dedicated to public service

29. Diligent and serving the people

30. Devoted to one's work

31. Dedicated and responsible

32. Selfless and dedicated

33. Selfless and altruistic

34. Dedicated to one's duty until death

35. Retiring after achieving success

36. Unconcerned with fame and fortune

37. Not seeking fame or wealth

38. Would rather die with honor than live in shame

39. Unwavering in the face of death

40. Righteous and courageous

41. Sacrificing oneself for justice

42. Facing death with calmness

43. Loyal and courageous

44. Ambitious and powerful

45. Upright and steadfast

46. Righteousness and integrity

47. Upright and dignified

48. Majestic and impressive

49. Upright and dignified

50. Strong and elegant


51. Saying one thing and doing another

52. Two-faced

53. Inconsistent in words and deeds

54. Saying yes but doing no

55. Speaking ill of others behind their backs

56. Saying one thing to your face and another behind your back

57. Insincere and hypocritical

58. Insincere and artificial

59. Hypocritical

60. Cunning and deceitful

61. Wicked and cruel

62. Deceptive and cunning

63. Deceiving others and seeking fame

64. Sweet-tongued but treacherous

65. Hiding a knife behind a smile

66. Cunning and deceitful

67. Ruthless and cruel

68. Cruel and vicious

69. Evil and menacing

70. Wicked and vicious

71. Scheming and cunning

72. Dark and deceitful

73. Wicked and malicious

74. Insincere and hypocritical

75. Hypocritical

76. False and insincere

77. Fake and unreal

78. Vain and pretentious

79. Boastful and exaggerated

80. Making a show of strength

81. Deceiving others and seeking fame

82. Deceitful

83. Fraudulent

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