
## 形容人表面一套背后一套的句子 (92句)

**1. 口蜜腹剑**

kǒu mì fù jiàn

lit. honeyed words and a sword in the belly; fig. sweet-tongued and treacherous

**2. 表里不一**

biǎo lǐ bù yī

lit. not the same on the surface and inside; fig. insincere, hypocritical

**3. 两面三刀**

liǎng miàn sān dāo

lit. two faces and three knives; fig. double-faced, deceitful

**4. 口是心非**

kǒu shì xīn fēi

lit. words are yes, heart is no; fig. say one thing and mean another

**5. 笑里藏刀**

xiào lǐ cáng dāo

lit. hide a knife in a smile; fig. to be deceptively friendly

**6. 阳奉阴违**

yáng fèng yīn wéi

lit. obey on the surface but disobey in secret; fig. to pay lip service while acting differently

**7. 言不由衷**

yán bù yóu zhōng

lit. words not from the heart; fig. insincere, not genuine

**8. 虚情假意**

xū qíng jiǎ yì

lit. false feelings and pretended intentions; fig. insincere, hypocritical

**9. 假仁假义**

jiǎ rén jiǎ yì

lit. fake benevolence and righteousness; fig. to feign virtue

**10. 画虎不成反类犬**

huà hǔ bù chéng fǎn lèi quǎn

lit. attempting to paint a tiger but ending up resembling a dog; fig. trying to be something you're not and failing miserably

**11. 口蜜腹剑,笑里藏刀**

kǒu mì fù jiàn, xiào lǐ cáng dāo

lit. honeyed words and a sword in the belly, hiding a knife in a smile; fig. to be both sweet-tongued and treacherous

**12. 表里如一**

biǎo lǐ rú yī

lit. the surface and the inside are the same; fig. sincere, honest

**13. 心口如一**

xīn kǒu rú yī

lit. heart and mouth are the same; fig. sincere, honest

**14. 言行一致**

yán xíng yī zhì

lit. words and actions are consistent; fig. sincere, honest

**15. 真心实意**

zhēn xīn shí yì

lit. true heart and sincere intentions; fig. genuine, heartfelt

**16. 忠心耿耿**

zhōng xīn gěng gěng

lit. loyal heart, shining like a mirror; fig. utterly loyal

**17. 一肚子坏水**

yī dù zi huài shuǐ

lit. a belly full of dirty water; fig. full of evil intentions

**18. 心狠手辣**

xīn hěn shǒu là

lit. cruel heart and ruthless hands; fig. merciless, cruel

**19. 狼子野心**

láng zǐ yě xīn

lit. wolf's son's wild ambition; fig. harboring evil intentions

**20. 蛇蝎心肠**

shé xié xīn cháng

lit. heart of a snake and scorpion; fig. cruel and ruthless

**21. 心机深沉**

xīn jī shēn chén

lit. deep scheming; fig. to be cunning and manipulative

**22. 城府很深**

chéng fǔ hěn shēn

lit. deep city walls and moats; fig. to be very secretive and scheming

**23. 别有用心**

bié yǒu yòng xīn

lit. having a different intention; fig. having ulterior motives

**24. 居心叵测**

jū xīn pǒ cè

lit. intentions are unfathomable; fig. having sinister intentions

**25. 阴险狡诈**

yīn xiǎn jiǎo zhà

lit. sinister and cunning; fig. sly and deceitful

**26. 暗箭伤人**

àn jiàn shāng rén

lit. to shoot someone with a hidden arrow; fig. to attack someone secretly

**27. 背后说人坏话**

bèi hòu shuō rén huài huà

lit. to speak ill of someone behind their back; fig. to gossip

**28. 搬弄是非**

bān nòng shì fēi

lit. to stir up trouble; fig. to spread rumors and create discord

**29. 挑拨离间**

tiǎo bō lí jiàn

lit. to provoke and separate; fig. to sow discord among people

**30. 落井下石**

luò jǐng xià shí

lit. to throw stones at someone who has fallen into a well; fig. to take advantage of someone's misfortune

**31. 见风使舵**

jiàn fēng shǐ duò

lit. to change direction with the wind; fig. to be opportunistic and change one's position according to the situation

**32. 墙头草,随风倒**

qiáng tóu cǎo, suí fēng dǎo

lit. a weed on the wall, it bends with the wind; fig. to be fickle and change one's allegiance easily

**33. 两面讨好**

liǎng miàn tǎo hǎo

lit. to please both sides; fig. to be insincere and try to please everyone

**34. 左右逢源**

zuǒ yòu féng yuán

lit. to find a source of water on both sides; fig. to be able to adapt to any situation and gain advantage from it

**35. 假惺惺**

jiǎ xīng xīng

lit. feigning concern; fig. to pretend to be concerned or sympathetic

**36. 装腔作势**

zhuāng qiāng zuò shì

lit. to put on a false front; fig. to act superior or important

**37. 虚张声势**

xū zhāng shēng shì

lit. to make a big show of oneself; fig. to bluff or intimidate

**38. 欺上瞒下**

qī shàng mán xià

lit. to deceive superiors and conceal from inferiors; fig. to act deceitfully in both directions

**39. 巧舌如簧**

qiǎo shé rú huáng

lit. tongue is as smooth as a bamboo tube; fig. to be very eloquent and persuasive

**40. 能说会道**

néng shuō huì dào

lit. able to speak and reason; fig. to be eloquent and persuasive

**41. 花言巧语**

huā yán qiǎo yǔ

lit. flowery words and clever phrases; fig. to speak insincerely

**42. 甜言蜜语**

tián yán mì yǔ

lit. sweet words and honeyed phrases; fig. to speak insincerely

**43. 油嘴滑舌**

yóu zuǐ huá shé

lit. oily mouth and slippery tongue; fig. to be glib and insincere

**44. 伶牙俐齿**

líng yá lì chǐ

lit. sharp teeth and clever tongue; fig. to be quick-witted and eloquent

**45. 口齿伶俐**

kǒu chǐ líng lì

lit. clever tongue; fig. to be quick-witted and eloquent

**46. 满嘴跑火车**

mǎn zuǐ pǎo huǒ chē

lit. mouth full of train tracks; fig. to talk nonsense

**47. 信口开河**

xìn kǒu kāi hé

lit. to open one's mouth and speak without thinking; fig. to talk nonsense

**48. 胡说八道**

hú shuō bā dào

lit. to talk nonsense; fig. to talk nonsense

**49. 满嘴谎言**

mǎn zuǐ huǎng yán

lit. mouth full of lies; fig. to lie habitually

**50. 口是心非**

kǒu shì xīn fēi

lit. words are yes, heart is no; fig. to say one thing and mean another

**51. 言行不一**

yán xíng bù yī

lit. words and actions are not consistent; fig. to be insincere

**52. 说一套做一套**

shuō yī tào zuò yī tào

lit. to say one thing and do another; fig. to be hypocritical

**53. 口头承诺,实际不办**

kǒu tóu chéng nuò, shí jì bù bàn

lit. to promise verbally but not actually do it; fig. to be insincere

**54. 说一套做一套**

shuō yī tào zuò yī tào

lit. to say one thing and do another; fig. to be hypocritical

**55. 嘴上说得好听,实际上什么也不做**

zuǐ shàng shuō de hǎo tīng, shí jì shàng shén me yě bù zuò

lit. to speak nicely but actually do nothing; fig. to be insincere

**56. 打着旗帜,做着坏事**

dǎ zhe qí zhì, zuò zhe huài shì

lit. to fly a flag while doing evil deeds; fig. to be hypocritical

**57. 披着羊皮的狼**

pī zhe yáng pí de láng

lit. a wolf wearing sheep's clothing; fig. to be deceptive

**58. 戴着面具的人**

dài zhe miàn jù de rén

lit. a person wearing a mask; fig. to be insincere

**59. 伪君子**

wěi jūn zǐ

lit. a fake gentleman; fig. a hypocritical person

**60. 道貌岸然**

dào mào àn rán

lit. to have a dignified appearance but no inner substance; fig. to be hypocritical

**61. 虚伪**

xū wěi

lit. false, insincere; fig. hypocritical

**62. 假冒伪劣**

jiǎ mào wěi liè

lit. counterfeit and inferior; fig. to be fake and of poor quality

**63. 欺骗**

qī piàn

lit. to deceive; fig. to be dishonest

**64. 蒙骗**

méng piàn

lit. to deceive; fig. to be dishonest

**65. 耍花招**

shuǎ huā zhāo

lit. to play tricks; fig. to be deceitful

**66. 玩弄手段**

wán nòng shǒu duàn

lit. to play tricks; fig. to be deceitful

**67. 心怀鬼胎**

xīn huái guǐ tāi

lit. to have a devil in one's heart; fig. to be deceitful

**68. 鬼鬼祟祟**

guǐ guǐ suì suì

lit. to be sneaky and suspicious; fig. to be secretive and deceitful

**69. 偷偷摸摸**

tōu tōu mō mō

lit. to act stealthily; fig. to be secretive and deceitful

**70. 打着幌子**

dǎ zhe huǎng zi

lit. to use a pretense; fig. to be deceptive

**71. 假装**

jiǎ zhuāng

lit. to pretend; fig. to be deceptive

**72. 装糊涂**

zhuāng hú tu

lit. to pretend to be confused; fig. to avoid responsibility

**73. 装聋作哑**

zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ

lit. to pretend to be deaf and mute; fig. to avoid responsibility

**74. 装出一副可怜的样子**

zhuāng chū yī fù kělián de yàng zi

lit. to act pitiful; fig. to be deceptive

**75. 装出一副无辜的样子**

zhuāng chū yī fù wú gū de yàng zi

lit. to act innocent; fig. to be deceptive

**76. 装模作样**

zhuāng mó zuò yàng

lit. to put on a show; fig. to be hypocritical

**77. 装腔作势**

zhuāng qiāng zuò shì

lit. to put on a false front; fig. to be hypocritical

**78. 装蒜**

zhuāng suàn

lit. to pretend to be stupid; fig. to be deceptive

**79. 装傻**

zhuāng shǎ

lit. to pretend to be stupid; fig. to be deceptive

**80. 假装不在乎**

jiǎ zhuāng bù zài hu

lit. to pretend not to care; fig. to be deceptive

**81. 嘴硬心软**

zuǐ yìng xīn ruǎn

lit. tough mouth, soft heart; fig. to be tough in words but soft in heart

**82. 嘴上说一套,心里想一套**

zuǐ shàng shuō yī tào, xīn lǐ xiǎng yī tào

lit. to say one thing with one's mouth but think another in one's heart; fig. to be hypocritical

**83. 心里跟明镜似的**

xīn lǐ gēn míng jìng shì de

lit. one's heart is like a clear mirror; fig. to be clear-sighted and aware of the truth

**84. 明知故犯**

míng zhī gù fàn

lit. to knowingly commit an offense; fig. to be willful and rebellious

**85. 明哲保身**

míng zhē bǎo shēn

lit. to preserve oneself by being wise; fig. to avoid taking sides in a conflict

**86. 两面派**

liǎng miàn pài

lit. a two-faced person; fig. a person who is hypocritical

**87. 投机取巧**

tóu jī qǔ qiǎo

lit. to seek advantage by taking shortcuts; fig. to be opportunistic

**88. 见利忘义**

jiàn lì wàng yì

lit. to forget righteousness when seeing profit; fig. to be greedy and opportunistic

**89. 唯利是图**

wéi lì shì tú

lit. to seek only profit; fig. to be greedy and opportunistic

**90. 自私自利**

zì sī zì lì

lit. selfish and self-interested; fig. to be greedy and opportunistic

**91. 利令智昏**

lì lìng zhì hūn

lit. profit makes one lose one's wisdom; fig. to be blinded by greed

**92. 人不为己,天诛地灭**

rén bù wéi jǐ, tiān zhū dì miè

lit. if one doesn't act in one's own interest, heaven will punish and earth will destroy; fig. a selfish and opportunistic justification

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